tp6报错Driver [Think] not supported怎么解决?
解决方案: tp6 开始很多内容都独立了出来。例如: 模板引擎独 ,都需要 独立安装 composerrequiretopthink/think-view
Driver [Think] not supported.
使用 Thinkphp6.0 模板渲染的时候报错Driver [Think] not supported. 因为没有安装 模板引擎think-view composerrequiretopthink/think-view
Error: ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE: Client does not support authentication protocol 解决办法
1.启动数据库 net start mysql 2.登录数据库 mysql -u root -p 3.用数据库 eg:有 sys,name , age三个数据库你用哪个就需要执行命令,如下 mysql use name 4. alter user \\\'root\\\'@\\\'localhost\\\' identified with mysql_native_password by \\\'123456\\\'; //123456为数据库密
LEADTOOLS adds Python support
Python developers can now utilize LEADTOOLS technologies including Recognition, Multimedia and Imaging. July 18, 2023 - 16:40 New Version Features Added full Python support LEADTOOLS Python support includes advanced image processing capabilities, OCR, PDF, barcode recognition, and forms processing, all accessible via a full suite of tutorials and documentati
博主介绍: ✌全网粉丝5W+,全栈开发工程师,从事多年软件开发,在大厂呆过。持有软件中级、六级等证书。可提供微服务项目搭建与毕业项目实战,博主也曾写过优秀论文,查重率极低,在这方面有丰富的经验✌ 博主作品 :《Java项目案例》主要基于SpringBoot+MyBatis/MyBatis
博主介绍: ✌全网粉丝5W+,全栈开发工程师,从事多年软件开发,在大厂呆过。持有软件中级、六级等证书。可提供微服务项目搭建与毕业项目实战,博主也曾写过优秀论文,查重率极低,在这方面有丰富的经验✌ 博主作品: 《Java项目案例》主要基于SpringBoot+MyBatis/MyBatis
博主介绍: ✌全网粉丝5W+,全栈开发工程师,从事多年软件开发,在大厂呆过。持有软件中级、六级等证书。可提供微服务项目搭建与毕业项目实战,博主也曾写过优秀论文,查重率极低,在这方面有丰富的经验✌ 博主作品: 《Java项目案例》主要基于SpringBoot+MyBatis/MyBatis
博主介绍: ✌全网粉丝5W+,全栈开发工程师,从事多年软件开发,在大厂呆过。持有软件中级、六级等证书。可提供微服务项目搭建与毕业项目实战,博主也曾写过优秀论文,查重率极低,在这方面有丰富的经验✌ 博主作品: 《Java项目案例》主要基于SpringBoot+MyBatis/MyBatis
WASI support in Go
原文在这里。 由 Johan Brandhorst-Satzkorn, Julien Fabre, Damian Gryski, Evan Phoenix, and Achille Roussel 发布于 2023年9月13日 Go 1.21添加了一个新的端口,通过新的GOOS值wasip1来定位WASI预览1系统调用API。该端口建立在Go 1.11引入的现有WebAssembly端口的基础上。 WebAssembly(Wasm)是一种最初设计用于
Request method ‘PUT‘ not supported
在ssm整合时,用到了RESTful风格进行curd操作,但是出现如下错误 起初以为是我的请求方式写错了,但是排查多次后,发现问题并不在此。 搜索博客后,找到解决办法如下,类似的Request method \\\'PUT\\\'/ \\\'GET\\\'/ \\\'POST\\\'/ \\\'DELETE\\\' not supported:都能用该方法解决,原因是因为后端@RequestMapping注
“RecordCardCounting“ app Tech Support(URL)
A card recording software that can record cards that have not been played and cards that have already been played. Recording cards through single, pair, triple, and bomb methods is faster and more convenient. If you have any questions, you can either leave a message or send the questions to our email address. We will answer them for you in the first time.
“BloodTypeQuery“ app Tech Support(URL)
A software that searches for possible blood types of children based on genetic rules and parents\\\' blood types If you have any questions, you can either leave a message or send the questions to our email address. We will answer them for you in the first time. Address: uuyyttii@outlook.com thank you.
iOS App Tech Support(URL)
PhotoImageFilter is an application in a picture filter. He provides a variety of filters and shows the contrast between the filter effect and the original picture. You can see the difference between the two at a glance. It is a good application. If you have any questions, you can either leave a message or send the questions to our email address. We will answ
解决no supported authentication methods avaiable
在(小乌龟)向github远程推送文件的时候会报错 no supported authentication methods avaiable 原因:因为git(小乌龟)和Git的冲突我们需要把乌龟git设置改正。 解决方法:找到TortoiseGit--》Settings(设置)--》Network(网络) 其中的这个路径就是自己安装git的盘,我是将git安装到了D盘
Infragistics Adds Support for Angular 17
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