Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。


        在上一篇中,学习了鞋底切片法来求轮廓,那个思路是比较简单的,其次还提到了法向量重建的方法,目前由于没有用法向量重建来做那个项目,所以还是有很大的疑问,后续会继续学习那个方法然后重新在做一次,和切片法做一个对比,今天来学一习Halcon 自带的例程 切平面检测物料,在上一阶中,留下来几个问题:

  1、project_object_model_3d 投影模型是如何来投影的,他的数学原理是什么,记得之前我手推过一个投影矩阵,但是现在也忘记了,只记得用了正交投影,相似三角形、左手坐标系等。

   2、三角化模型的原理,这个在PCL中大概看过一点,感觉看了一丁点皮毛,等有时间了系统的学一下这个知识点,从算子角度来说,三角化Halcon里面的时间有点长,就是鞋子的那个模型,三角化用了15s 的时间(Y9000),比我想象中的慢了很多,之前接触过一个做点云处理的国外同行,他说他们那边的三维重建可以控制到3s以内,当然这个和点云大小相关,但是人家有自信这么说肯定有过人之处。





如果有测量装置的几何信息,就可以计算出重建曲面的真实三维坐标。浏览所需几何图形的描述(即,标定)的信息,请参阅操作符set_sheet_of_light_param。如果没有这样的信息,测量的结果是一个视差图像(disparity image),其中每个像素保存着被测轮廓的亚像素精确位置的记录。






(ProfileRegion : : GenParamName, GenParamValue : SheetOfLightModelID)


值列表:’ uity_solving’, ‘calibration’, ‘method’, ‘min_gray’, ‘num_profiles’, ‘offset_x’, ‘offset_y’, ‘offset_z’, ‘scale’, ‘scale_x’, ‘scale_y’, ‘scale_z’, ‘score_type’

建议值:‘default’, ‘center_of_gravity’, ‘last’, ‘first’, 'bright ', ‘none’, ‘intensity’, ‘width’, ‘offset_scale’, 50,100,150,180




 2、measure_profile_sheet_of_light 将配置文件图像作为输入处理,并将由此产生的差异存储到光片模型中。

measure_profile_sheet_of_light(ProfileImage : : SheetOfLightModelID, MovementPose : )
Pose 描述在以前处理过的个人资料图像和当前配置文件图像之间测量的场景移动。
* Create the rectangular region in which the profiles are measured.
gen_rectangle1 (ProfileRegion, 120, 75, 195, 710)
* Create a model in order to measure profiles according to
* the sheet-of-light technique. Simultaneously set some
* parameters for the model.
create_sheet_of_light_model (ProfileRegion, ['min_gray','num_profiles',  'ambiguity_solving','score_type'], [70,290,'first','width'], SheetOfLightModelID)
* Measure the profile from successive images
for Index := 1 to 290 by 1
    read_image (ProfileImage, 'sheet_of_light/connection_rod_'+Index$'.3')
    dev_display (ProfileImage)
    dev_display (ProfileRegion)
    measure_profile_sheet_of_light (ProfileImage, SheetOfLightModelID, [])
* Get the resulting disparity and score images
get_sheet_of_light_result (Disparity, SheetOfLightModelID, 'disparity')
get_sheet_of_light_result (Score, SheetOfLightModelID, 'score')
* Close the sheet-of-light handle once the measurement
* has been performed
clear_sheet_of_light_model (SheetOfLightModelID)


Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料


Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料

 Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料


Halcon 3D 计算3D模型的3D表面法线_Σίσυφος1900的博客-CSDN博客_halcon 计算点云法线


Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料




Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料


get_sheet_of_light_result_object_model_3d (SheetOfLightModelID, Model3DFull)



* 表面法向量
surface_normals_object_model_3d (Model3D, 'mls', 'mls_force_inwards', 'true', ObjectModel3DNormals)
visualize_object_model_3d(WindowHandle,ObjectModel3DNormals,[], [], ['point_size','disp_normals'], [12,'true'], Message_1, [], [], PoseOut)

triangulate_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DNormals, 'greedy', 'greedy_remove_small_surfaces', 200, ObjectModel3DReference, Information)

 triangulate_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DNormals, 'greedy', 'greedy_remove_small_surfaces', 200, ObjectModel3DReference, Information)


Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料


 Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料


Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料


* Create a surface model for alignment
create_surface_model (ObjectModel3DReference, 0.03, 'model_invert_normals', 'true', SurfaceModelID)

Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料

 Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料


Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料


intersect_plane_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DReference, PoseIntersectionPlane3, ObjectModel3DIntersection3)

8、投影 :


Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料

* Determine the intersections and convert them into XLD contours
* The inverted intersection plane pose is our projection pose
pose_invert (PoseIntersectionPlane, PoseInvert)
* Make sure, the projection plane lies in front of the camera
* 得到交点模型的直径
get_object_model_3d_params (ObjectModel3DIntersection, 'diameter_axis_aligned_bounding_box', Diameter)
PoseInvert[2] := PoseInvert[2] + Diameter
* Use a parallel projection to achieve the desired scaling (default 1:1)
Scale := 1
gen_cam_par_area_scan_telecentric_division (1.0, 0, 1.0 / Scale, 1.0 / Scale, 0, 0, 512, 512, CamParam)
project_object_model_3d (Intersection, ObjectModel3DIntersection, CamParam, PoseInvert, 'data', 'lines')
return ()

8 、通过轮廓来判断物料是否有损伤,里面用到的全是二维的东西,这里就不说了

    * 分析产品是否有损伤
    analyze_intersection (Intersection1, FittedLines1, OrientationRef, OrientationTolerance, MinDistance1, MaxDistance1, Angle1)
    analyze_intersection (Intersection2, FittedLines2, OrientationRef, OrientationTolerance, MinDistance2, MaxDistance2, Angle2)
    analyze_intersection (Intersection3, FittedLines3, OrientationRef, OrientationTolerance, MinDistance3, MaxDistance3, Angle3)


Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料


* This example shows the inspection of planar intersections of
* 3D objects.  The intersections are derived by intersecting the
* reconstructed 3D object models with suitable planes, using the
* operator intersect_plane_object_model_3d.
* The objects, which are metal parts in this example, are
* scanned with an uncalibrated sheet of light setup that returns
* disparities for each scan line. The disparities are
* transformed into a 3D object model. In this example, the
* transformation is based on simple scalings of the three
* dimensions that were chosen such that the reconstructed 3D
* object model is given approximately in mm.
* The nominal dimensions and the tolerance limits are derived
* from a reference sample of the metal part. For this,
* intersections derived at predefined positions are analysed.
* Note that if the nominal dimension and tolerance limits should
* be specified numerically, the reconstruction must be done with
* a fully calibrated setup to ensure that the specified values
* are meaningfull with respect to the reconstructed 3D object
* model.
* For the inspection, 3D object models of the metal parts are
* reconstructed in the same way as described for the reference
* sample.  With the help of surface based matching, the
* intersection planes, which are defined with respect to the
* reference sample, are aligned with the parts to be inspected.
* The resulting intersections are then analysed to check whether
* the dimensions of the objects to be inspected are within the
* allowed tolerance limits.
* Part 1: Reconstruction of the reference sample and derivation
*         of nominal dimensions and tolerance limits
* Set up the sheet of light model
NumDisparityProfiles := 441
read_image (DisparityProfile, 'sheet_of_light/metal_part_1_disparity_line_000')
create_sheet_of_light_model (DisparityProfile, 'calibration', 'offset_scale', SheetOfLightModelID)
* Set the scaling factors for the calibration method 'offset_scale'
* such that the reconstructed 3D object model is given approximately
* in mm
ScaleX := 1
ScaleY := 4
ScaleZ := 0.5
set_sheet_of_light_param (SheetOfLightModelID, 'scale_x', ScaleX)
set_sheet_of_light_param (SheetOfLightModelID, 'scale_y', ScaleY)
set_sheet_of_light_param (SheetOfLightModelID, 'scale_z', ScaleZ)
* Define the z coordinate at which the object can be separated from
* the background
MinZ := 220
* Initialize display
dev_update_off ()
set_system ('clip_region', 'false')
dev_close_window ()
* 可以理解为视差图  DisparityProfile
get_image_size (DisparityProfile, DisparityProfileWidth, DisparityProfileHeight)
WindowEnlargement := 350
WindowWidth := DisparityProfileWidth + WindowEnlargement
WindowHeight := NumDisparityProfiles
dev_open_window (0, 0, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, 'black', WindowHandle)
dev_set_part (0, 0, WindowHeight - 1, WindowWidth - 1)
get_part (WindowHandle, PartRow1, PartColumn1, PartRow2, PartColumn2)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_set_draw ('fill')
* Define some visualization parameters
* 定义一个平面的大小
VisualizationPlaneSize := 150   
* 生产相机内参
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, 0, 6e-6, 6e-6, WindowWidth / 2, WindowHeight / 2, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, VisualizationCamParam)

create_pose (-1550, 680, 5390, 122, 1, 357, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', VisualizationPose)

VisualizationColors := ['magenta','blue','orange']
* Create the reference sample by collecting the measured
* disparity profiles in a sheet-of-light model and 
* transforming them to a 3D object model
gen_image_const (DisparityImageVis, 'uint2', DisparityProfileWidth, NumDisparityProfiles)
for Index := 0 to NumDisparityProfiles - 1 by 1
    * Add the next disparity profile to the sheet of light model
    read_image (ImageModel, 'sheet_of_light/metal_part_1_disparity_line_' + Index$'03d')
    set_profile_sheet_of_light (ImageModel, SheetOfLightModelID, [])
    * Accumulated profiles for visualization
    * 将光片堆起来并可视化
    get_grayval (ImageModel, gen_tuple_const(DisparityProfileWidth,0), [0:DisparityProfileWidth - 1], Disparities)
    set_grayval (DisparityImageVis, gen_tuple_const(DisparityProfileWidth,Index), [0:DisparityProfileWidth - 1], Disparities)
    if (Index % 5 == 4)
        dev_display (DisparityImageVis)
        Message := 'Disparity image of the reference sample'
        Message[1] := 'Adding disparity profile ' + (Index + 1) + '/' + NumDisparityProfiles
        disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')

* Display the disparity image of the reference sample
dev_display (DisparityImageVis)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Disparity image of the reference sample', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
* Get the 3D reconstruction of the reference sample and eliminate
* the background from the respective 3D object model
* 从光片模型生成一个3d模型
get_sheet_of_light_result_object_model_3d (SheetOfLightModelID, Model3DFull)

get_object_model_3d_params (Model3DFull, 'bounding_box1', BoundingBox1)
MaxZ := BoundingBox1[5]

select_points_object_model_3d (Model3DFull, 'point_coord_z', MinZ, MaxZ, Model3D)

disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* Prepare the 3D object model for the intersection with
* the planes and to allow the alignment of the intersection
* planes to the objects to be inspected
dev_clear_window ()
dev_set_part (PartRow1, PartColumn1, PartRow2, PartColumn2)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle, Model3D, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], PoseOut)
disp_object_model_3d (WindowHandle, Model3D, VisualizationCamParam, VisualizationPose, [], [])

Message := 'Prepare the reference model'
Message[1] := ' - triangulate 3D object model and'
Message[2] := ' - create surface model for alignment'
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
* Triangulate the 3D object model

* 表面法向量
surface_normals_object_model_3d (Model3D, 'mls', 'mls_force_inwards', 'true', ObjectModel3DNormals)
visualize_object_model_3d(WindowHandle,ObjectModel3DNormals,[], [], ['point_size','disp_normals'], [12,'true'], Message_1, [], [], PoseOut)

triangulate_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DNormals, 'greedy', 'greedy_remove_small_surfaces', 200, ObjectModel3DReference, Information)
* Create a surface model for alignment
create_surface_model (ObjectModel3DReference, 0.03, 'model_invert_normals', 'true', SurfaceModelID)
* Define the intersection planes relative to the reference sample,
* calculate the intersections and derive nominal dimensions and
* tolerance limits from these intersections
* Define the intersection planes
create_pose (300, 230, 250, -90, 0, 0, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', PoseIntersectionPlane1)
create_pose (300, 900, 250, -90, 0, 0, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', PoseIntersectionPlane2)
create_pose (300, 1570, 250, -90, 0, 0, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', PoseIntersectionPlane3)
gen_plane_object_model_3d (PoseIntersectionPlane1, [-1,-1,1,1] * VisualizationPlaneSize, [-1,1,1,-1] * VisualizationPlaneSize, IntersectionPlane1)
gen_plane_object_model_3d (PoseIntersectionPlane2, [-1,-1,1,1] * VisualizationPlaneSize, [-1,1,1,-1] * VisualizationPlaneSize, IntersectionPlane2)
gen_plane_object_model_3d (PoseIntersectionPlane3, [-1,-1,1,1] * VisualizationPlaneSize, [-1,1,1,-1] * VisualizationPlaneSize, IntersectionPlane3)
dev_clear_window ()
dev_set_part (PartRow1, PartColumn1, PartRow2, PartColumn2)
disp_object_model_3d (WindowHandle, [ObjectModel3DReference,IntersectionPlane1,IntersectionPlane2,IntersectionPlane3], VisualizationCamParam, VisualizationPose, ['color_1','color_2','color_3','alpha','alpha_0'], [VisualizationColors,0.75,1])
Message := 'Reference sample with predefined intersection planes'
MessageWrapped := regexp_replace(Message + ' ',['(.{0,25})\\s','replace_all'],'$1\n')
disp_message (WindowHandle, MessageWrapped, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
* Calculate the intersections of the reference sample with the above
* defined planes 求交集
intersect_plane_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DReference, PoseIntersectionPlane1, ObjectModel3DIntersection1)
intersect_plane_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DReference, PoseIntersectionPlane2, ObjectModel3DIntersection2)
intersect_plane_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DReference, PoseIntersectionPlane3, ObjectModel3DIntersection3)
* Determine the intersections and convert them into XLD contours
project_object_model_3d_lines_to_contour_xld (Intersection1, PoseIntersectionPlane1, ObjectModel3DIntersection1)
project_object_model_3d_lines_to_contour_xld (Intersection2, PoseIntersectionPlane2, ObjectModel3DIntersection2)
project_object_model_3d_lines_to_contour_xld (Intersection3, PoseIntersectionPlane3, ObjectModel3DIntersection3)
* Determine the nominal dimensions and the tolerance limits by
* analysing the measurements from the reference sample
OrientationRef := 20
OrientationTolerance := 20

analyze_intersection (Intersection1, FittedLines1, OrientationRef, OrientationTolerance, MinDistance1, MaxDistance1, Angle1)
analyze_intersection (Intersection2, FittedLines2, OrientationRef, OrientationTolerance, MinDistance2, MaxDistance2, Angle2)
analyze_intersection (Intersection3, FittedLines3, OrientationRef, OrientationTolerance, MinDistance3, MaxDistance3, Angle3)
* Visualize the object with the intersection planes and the respective
* intersections and measurement results
hom_mat2d_identity (HomMat2DIdentity)
* Display explanations
Message := 'Intersections with measurement lines'
MessageWrapped := regexp_replace(Message + ' ',['(.{0,20})\\s','replace_all'],'$1\n')
disp_message (WindowHandle, MessageWrapped, 'window', 12, 330, 'black', 'true')
Message := 'Measurement results'
MessageWrapped := regexp_replace(Message + ' ',['(.{0,20})\\s','replace_all'],'$1\n')
disp_message (WindowHandle, MessageWrapped, 'window', 12, 590, 'black', 'true')
* Display first intersection
hom_mat2d_translate (HomMat2DIdentity, 350, 390, HomMat2DTranslate1)
affine_trans_contour_xld (Intersection1, Intersection1Vis, HomMat2DTranslate1)
affine_trans_contour_xld (FittedLines1, FittedLines1Vis, HomMat2DTranslate1)
dev_set_color (VisualizationColors[0])
dev_set_line_width (5)
dev_display (Intersection1Vis)
dev_set_color ('white')
dev_set_line_width (1)
dev_display (FittedLines1Vis)
Message := 'Angle        = ' + Angle1$'.1f' + ' deg'
Message[1] := 'Min Distance = ' + MinDistance1$'.1f' + ' mm'
Message[2] := 'Max Distance = ' + MaxDistance1$'.1f' + ' mm'
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 310, 600, VisualizationColors[0], 'false')
* Display second intersection
hom_mat2d_translate (HomMat2DIdentity, 250, 410, HomMat2DTranslate2)
affine_trans_contour_xld (Intersection2, Intersection2Vis, HomMat2DTranslate2)
affine_trans_contour_xld (FittedLines2, FittedLines2Vis, HomMat2DTranslate2)
dev_set_color (VisualizationColors[1])
dev_set_line_width (5)
dev_display (Intersection2Vis)
dev_set_color ('white')
dev_set_line_width (1)
dev_display (FittedLines2Vis)
Message := 'Angle        = ' + Angle2$'.1f' + ' deg'
Message[1] := 'Min Distance = ' + MinDistance2$'.1f' + ' mm'
Message[2] := 'Max Distance = ' + MaxDistance2$'.1f' + ' mm'
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 210, 600, VisualizationColors[1], 'false')
* Display third intersection
hom_mat2d_translate (HomMat2DIdentity, 150, 430, HomMat2DTranslate3)
affine_trans_contour_xld (Intersection3, Intersection3Vis, HomMat2DTranslate3)
affine_trans_contour_xld (FittedLines3, FittedLines3Vis, HomMat2DTranslate3)
dev_set_color (VisualizationColors[2])
dev_set_line_width (5)
dev_display (Intersection3Vis)
dev_set_color ('white')
dev_set_line_width (1)
dev_display (FittedLines3Vis)
Message := 'Angle        = ' + Angle3$'.1f' + ' deg'
Message[1] := 'Min Distance = ' + MinDistance3$'.1f' + ' mm'
Message[2] := 'Max Distance = ' + MaxDistance3$'.1f' + ' mm'
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 110, 600, VisualizationColors[2], 'false')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* Define the nominal dimensions and the tolerance limits based
* on the measurements of the reference sample
AngleRef := mean([Angle1,Angle2,Angle3])
MaxAngleDev := 2
MinAngle := AngleRef - MaxAngleDev
MaxAngle := AngleRef + MaxAngleDev
MinDistance := 0.95 * mean([MinDistance1,MinDistance2,MinDistance3])
MaxDistance := 1.05 * mean([MaxDistance1,MaxDistance2,MaxDistance3])
* Display the nominal dimensions and the tolerance limits
dev_clear_window ()
Message := 'Tolerance limits for the angle and the distance of the mounting tabs, derived from the three measurements on the reference sample:'
MessageWrapped := regexp_replace(Message + ' ',['(.{0,75})\\s','replace_all'],'$1\n')
Message := MessageWrapped
Message[1] := ' '
Message[2] := 'Min Angle    = ' + MinAngle$'.1f' + ' deg'
Message[3] := 'Max Angle    = ' + MaxAngle$'.1f' + ' deg'
Message[4] := ' '
Message[5] := 'Min Distance = ' + MinDistance$'.1f' + ' mm'
Message[6] := 'Max Distance = ' + MaxDistance$'.1f' + ' mm'
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* Part 2: Reconstruction of test objects and
*            checking of the respective dimensions
* Inspection loop
NumScenes := 4
for SceneIndex := 1 to NumScenes by 1
    dev_clear_window ()
    dev_set_part (PartRow1, PartColumn1, PartRow2, PartColumn2)
    * Reset the dispartities in the sheet of light model; all other settings can be reused
    reset_sheet_of_light_model (SheetOfLightModelID)
    * Create the test object by collecting the measured
    * disparity profiles in a sheet-of-light model and
    * transforming them to a 3D object model
    gen_image_const (DisparityImageVis, 'uint2', DisparityProfileWidth, NumDisparityProfiles)
    for Index := 0 to NumDisparityProfiles - 1 by 1
        * Add the next disparity profile to the sheet of light model
        read_image (ImageSearch, 'sheet_of_light/metal_part_' + (SceneIndex + 1) + '_disparity_line_' + Index$'03d')
        set_profile_sheet_of_light (ImageSearch, SheetOfLightModelID, [])
        * Accumulated profiles for visualization
        get_grayval (ImageSearch, gen_tuple_const(DisparityProfileWidth,0), [0:DisparityProfileWidth - 1], Disparities)
        set_grayval (DisparityImageVis, gen_tuple_const(DisparityProfileWidth,Index), [0:DisparityProfileWidth - 1], Disparities)
        if (Index % 5 == 4 or Index == (NumDisparityProfiles - 1))
            dev_display (DisparityImageVis)
            Message := 'Disparity image of test object ' + SceneIndex
            Message[1] := 'Adding disparity profile ' + (Index + 1) + '/' + NumDisparityProfiles
            disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    * Get the 3D reconstruction of the test object and eliminate
    * the background from the respective 3D object model
    get_sheet_of_light_result_object_model_3d (SheetOfLightModelID, Scene3DFull)
    get_object_model_3d_params (Scene3DFull, 'bounding_box1', BoundingBox1)
    MaxZ := BoundingBox1[5]
    select_points_object_model_3d (Scene3DFull, 'point_coord_z', MinZ, MaxZ, Scene3D)
    * Align the intersection planes to the actual position and orientation
    * of the test object and prepare the test object for the intersection
    dev_clear_window ()
    dev_set_part (PartRow1, PartColumn1, PartRow2, PartColumn2)
    disp_object_model_3d (WindowHandle, Scene3D, VisualizationCamParam, VisualizationPose, [], [])
    Message := 'Prepare the 3D object model of the test object'
    Message[1] := ' - perform surface based matching for alignment'
    Message[2] := ' - triangulate 3D object model'
    disp_message (WindowHandle, Message[0], 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    * Match the test object with the reference sample.
    * Note that the RelSamplingDistance has been set fairly small.
    * This is necessary because the object has only little 3D variations
    * that can be used by the matching process.
    disp_message (WindowHandle, Message[0:1], 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    find_surface_model (SurfaceModelID, Scene3D, 0.005, 0.2, 0, 'false', [], [], Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResultID)
    * Align the intersection planes to the test object
    rigid_trans_object_model_3d (IntersectionPlane1, Pose, IntersectionPlane1Aligned)
    rigid_trans_object_model_3d (IntersectionPlane2, Pose, IntersectionPlane2Aligned)
    rigid_trans_object_model_3d (IntersectionPlane3, Pose, IntersectionPlane3Aligned)
    get_object_model_3d_params (IntersectionPlane1Aligned, 'primitive_parameter_pose', IntersectionPlane1AlignedPose)
    get_object_model_3d_params (IntersectionPlane2Aligned, 'primitive_parameter_pose', IntersectionPlane2AlignedPose)
    get_object_model_3d_params (IntersectionPlane3Aligned, 'primitive_parameter_pose', IntersectionPlane3AlignedPose)
    * Triangulate the 3D object model
    disp_message (WindowHandle, Message[0:2], 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    triangulate_object_model_3d (Scene3D, 'greedy', [], [], Scene3DTest, Information)
    dev_clear_window ()
    disp_object_model_3d (WindowHandle, [Scene3DTest,IntersectionPlane1Aligned,IntersectionPlane2Aligned,IntersectionPlane3Aligned], VisualizationCamParam, VisualizationPose, ['color_1','color_2','color_3','alpha','alpha_0'], [VisualizationColors,0.75,1])
    Message := 'Test object ' + SceneIndex + ' with aligned intersection planes'
    MessageWrapped := regexp_replace(Message + ' ',['(.{0,25})\\s','replace_all'],'$1\n')
    disp_message (WindowHandle, MessageWrapped, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    * Calculate the intersections of the test object with the respectively
    * aligned planes
    intersect_plane_object_model_3d (Scene3DTest, IntersectionPlane1AlignedPose, ObjectModel3DIntersection1)
    intersect_plane_object_model_3d (Scene3DTest, IntersectionPlane2AlignedPose, ObjectModel3DIntersection2)
    intersect_plane_object_model_3d (Scene3DTest, IntersectionPlane3AlignedPose, ObjectModel3DIntersection3)
    * Determine the intersections and convert them into XLD contours
    project_object_model_3d_lines_to_contour_xld (Intersection1, IntersectionPlane1AlignedPose, ObjectModel3DIntersection1)
    project_object_model_3d_lines_to_contour_xld (Intersection2, IntersectionPlane2AlignedPose, ObjectModel3DIntersection2)
    project_object_model_3d_lines_to_contour_xld (Intersection3, IntersectionPlane3AlignedPose, ObjectModel3DIntersection3)
    * Determine the actual dimensions by analysing the measurements
    * from the test object
    * 分析产品是否有损伤
    analyze_intersection (Intersection1, FittedLines1, OrientationRef, OrientationTolerance, MinDistance1, MaxDistance1, Angle1)
    analyze_intersection (Intersection2, FittedLines2, OrientationRef, OrientationTolerance, MinDistance2, MaxDistance2, Angle2)
    analyze_intersection (Intersection3, FittedLines3, OrientationRef, OrientationTolerance, MinDistance3, MaxDistance3, Angle3)
    * Visualize the object with the intersection planes and the respective
    * intersections and measurement results
    * Display headings
    OverallCheckPassed := true
    Message := 'Intersections with measurement lines'
    MessageWrapped := regexp_replace(Message + ' ',['(.{0,20})\\s','replace_all'],'$1\n')
    disp_message (WindowHandle, MessageWrapped, 'window', 12, 310, 'black', 'true')
    Message := 'Measurement results'
    MessageWrapped := regexp_replace(Message + ' ',['(.{0,20})\\s','replace_all'],'$1\n')
    disp_message (WindowHandle, MessageWrapped, 'window', 12, 590, 'black', 'true')
    * Display first intersection
    affine_trans_contour_xld (Intersection1, Intersection1Vis, HomMat2DTranslate1)
    affine_trans_contour_xld (FittedLines1, FittedLines1Vis, HomMat2DTranslate1)
    dev_set_color (VisualizationColors[0])
    dev_set_line_width (5)
    dev_display (Intersection1Vis)
    dev_set_color ('white')
    dev_set_line_width (1)
    dev_display (FittedLines1Vis)
    Message := 'Angle        = ' + Angle1$'.1f' + ' deg'
    Message[1] := 'Min Distance = ' + MinDistance1$'.1f' + ' mm'
    Message[2] := 'Max Distance = ' + MaxDistance1$'.1f' + ' mm'
    disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 310, 600, VisualizationColors[0], 'false')
    ErrorIndicator := gen_tuple_const(3,'OK')
    ErrorIndicatorColor := gen_tuple_const(3,'dim gray')
    if (Angle1 [<] MinAngle or Angle1 [>] MaxAngle)
        ErrorIndicator[0] := 'NOK'
        ErrorIndicatorColor[0] := 'red'
        OverallCheckPassed := false
    if (MinDistance1 [<] MinDistance)
        ErrorIndicator[1] := 'NOK'
        ErrorIndicatorColor[1] := 'red'
        OverallCheckPassed := false
    if (MaxDistance1 [>] MaxDistance)
        ErrorIndicator[2] := 'NOK'
        ErrorIndicatorColor[2] := 'red'
        OverallCheckPassed := false
    disp_message (WindowHandle, ErrorIndicator, 'window', 310, 880, ErrorIndicatorColor, 'false')
    * Display second intersection
    affine_trans_contour_xld (Intersection2, Intersection2Vis, HomMat2DTranslate2)
    affine_trans_contour_xld (FittedLines2, FittedLines2Vis, HomMat2DTranslate2)
    dev_set_color (VisualizationColors[1])
    dev_set_line_width (5)
    dev_display (Intersection2Vis)
    dev_set_color ('white')
    dev_set_line_width (1)
    dev_display (FittedLines2Vis)
    Message := 'Angle        = ' + Angle2$'.1f' + ' deg'
    Message[1] := 'Min Distance = ' + MinDistance2$'.1f' + ' mm'
    Message[2] := 'Max Distance = ' + MaxDistance2$'.1f' + ' mm'
    disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 210, 600, VisualizationColors[1], 'false')
    ErrorIndicator := gen_tuple_const(3,'OK')
    ErrorIndicatorColor := gen_tuple_const(3,'dim gray')
    if (Angle2 [<] MinAngle or Angle2 [>] MaxAngle)
        ErrorIndicator[0] := 'NOK'
        ErrorIndicatorColor[0] := 'red'
        OverallCheckPassed := false
    if (MinDistance2 [<] MinDistance)
        ErrorIndicator[1] := 'NOK'
        ErrorIndicatorColor[1] := 'red'
        OverallCheckPassed := false
    if (MaxDistance2 [>] MaxDistance)
        ErrorIndicator[2] := 'NOK'
        ErrorIndicatorColor[2] := 'red'
        OverallCheckPassed := false
    disp_message (WindowHandle, ErrorIndicator, 'window', 210, 880, ErrorIndicatorColor, 'false')
    * Display third intersection
    affine_trans_contour_xld (Intersection3, Intersection3Vis, HomMat2DTranslate3)
    affine_trans_contour_xld (FittedLines3, FittedLines3Vis, HomMat2DTranslate3)
    dev_set_color (VisualizationColors[2])
    dev_set_line_width (5)
    dev_display (Intersection3Vis)
    dev_set_color ('white')
    dev_set_line_width (1)
    dev_display (FittedLines3Vis)
    Message := 'Angle        = ' + Angle3$'.1f' + ' deg'
    Message[1] := 'Min Distance = ' + MinDistance3$'.1f' + ' mm'
    Message[2] := 'Max Distance = ' + MaxDistance3$'.1f' + ' mm'
    disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 110, 600, VisualizationColors[2], 'false')
    ErrorIndicator := gen_tuple_const(3,'OK')
    ErrorIndicatorColor := gen_tuple_const(3,'dim gray')
    if (Angle3 [<] MinAngle or Angle3 [>] MaxAngle)
        ErrorIndicator[0] := 'NOK'
        ErrorIndicatorColor[0] := 'red'
        OverallCheckPassed := false
    if (MinDistance3 [<] MinDistance)
        ErrorIndicator[1] := 'NOK'
        ErrorIndicatorColor[1] := 'red'
        OverallCheckPassed := false
    if (MaxDistance3 [>] MaxDistance)
        ErrorIndicator[2] := 'NOK'
        ErrorIndicatorColor[2] := 'red'
        OverallCheckPassed := false
    disp_message (WindowHandle, ErrorIndicator, 'window', 110, 880, ErrorIndicatorColor, 'false')
    * Display overall check result
    if (OverallCheckPassed)
        dev_set_color ('green')
        gen_rectangle1 (Rectangle, 0, WindowWidth - 120, 80, WindowWidth)
        dev_display (Rectangle)
        disp_message (WindowHandle, 'OK', 'window', 30, 900, 'black', 'false')
        dev_set_color ('red')
        gen_rectangle1 (Rectangle, 0, WindowWidth - 120, 80, WindowWidth)
        dev_display (Rectangle)
        disp_message (WindowHandle, 'NOK', 'window', 30, 900, 'white', 'false')
    if (SceneIndex < NumScenes)
        disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
        stop ()

到了这里,关于Halcon 3D 切片法检测物料的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!

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    📢博客主页:https://loewen.blog.csdn.net 📢欢迎点赞 👍 收藏 ⭐留言 📝 如有错误敬请指正! 📢本文由 丶布布 原创,首发于 CSDN, 转载注明出处 🙉 📢现在的付出,都会是一种沉淀,只为让你成为更好的人✨ 一. 前言 传统工业机器视觉中, 3D 视觉与 2D 视觉技术的最大区别在

  • Halcon 3D相关算子(二)

    (1) moments_object_model_3d( : : ObjectModel3D, MomentsToCalculate : Moments) 功能:计算3D对象模型的平均值或中心二阶矩。要计算3D物体模型点的平均值,在MomentsToCalculate中选择\\\'mean_points\\\';如果要计算二阶中心矩,则选择\\\'central_moment_2_points\\\',结果是x、y、z、x-y、x-z和y-z轴的方差;要计算3D物

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    Halcon 加载3D模型算子 read_object_model_3d 从文件加载点云模型,返回模型句柄 支持格式: “om3” halcon自定义格式 “dxf” ASCII 类型CAD文档 “off” Object格式 仅支持ASCII类型 不支持binary类型 “ply” 支持ASCII和binary格式 ‘obj’ 是一个ASCII格式 可存储点、轮廓、法向、纹理等 stl’,

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  • [Halcon&3D] 3D鞋点胶的点云边界提取

    📢博客主页:https://loewen.blog.csdn.net 📢欢迎点赞 👍 收藏 ⭐留言 📝 如有错误敬请指正! 📢本文由 丶布布 原创,首发于 CSDN, 转载注明出处 🙉 📢现在的付出,都会是一种沉淀,只为让你成为更好的人✨ 一. 边界提取的常规思路 3D鞋实物图如下所示: 鞋点胶的点云边界

  • [3D&Halcon] 3D鞋点胶的点云边界提取

    📢博客主页:https://loewen.blog.csdn.net 📢欢迎点赞 👍 收藏 ⭐留言 📝 如有错误敬请指正! 📢本文由 丶布布 原创,首发于 CSDN, 转载注明出处 🙉 📢现在的付出,都会是一种沉淀,只为让你成为更好的人✨ 一. 边界提取的常规思路 3D鞋实物图如下所示: 鞋点胶的点云边界

  • Halcon中的一些3D算子

    1.read_object_model_3d  从文件读取一个3d模型 如下图,读的一个ply文件出来是个3d点云模型  2.visualize_object_model_3d  交互式展示3d模型 即上个算子读出来后,通过这个算子可以把3d模型显示出来旋转、平移,缩放来观察操作 算子签名 visualize_object_model_3d( : : WindowHandle, ObjectModel3D,

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