论文导读|Operations Research近期文章精选:零售业的未来何在?

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论文导读|Operations Research近期文章精选:零售业的未来何在?


作者:Evelyn Yao 清华大学本科在读


在“Operations Research近期论文精选”中,我们有主题、有针对性地选择了Operations Research中一些有趣的文章,不仅对文章的内容进行了概括与点评,而且也对文章的结构进行了梳理,旨在激发广大读者的阅读兴趣与探索热情。在本期“论文精选”中,我们以“零售业的未来”为主题,分别探究了自动驾驶的无人零售车配送时的路径规划问题、在线零售时的减缓延迟问题和易腐坏物品的库存管理问题,涉及排队系统、统计学、马尔可夫决策过程等诸多知识。



● 题目:Stall Economy: The Value of Mobility in Retail on Wheels


● 期刊:Operations Research


● 作者:Junyu Cao, Wei Qi

● 关键词:stall economy(摊位经济) • mobile retail(移动零售) • self-driving(自动驾驶) • rendezvous problem (汇合问题)• spatial queues(空间排队)

● 摘要

Urban open space emerges as a new territory to embrace retail innovations. Selling products in public spaces with wheeled stalls can potentially become ubiquitous in our future cities. Transition into such a “stall economy” paradigm is being spurred by the rapidly advancing self-driving technologies. Motivated by this transformation, this paper provides models, theory, and insights of spatial queueing systems, in which one server moves around to meet mobile customers/machines and in which the “last 100 meters” are expensive. Specifically, we study two service modes: (i) on-demand, first come, first served and (ii) spatially and temporally pooling customer demands. In each mode, we derive the dependence of customer waiting and stall repositioning on two key decisions: the service zone size and the walking distance imposed on customers to meet a stall. In particular, for the on-demand mode, we propose and solve a “rendezvous problem” to analytically characterize the spatial distribution of the stall-customer meeting locations. We also propose a stylized joint truck-stall routing model to capture the inventory replenishment operations. Our main finding is that the stall economy potentially profits more than stationary retail, not only because of the mobility of stalls for providing proximity to customers, but also because of its operational flexibilities that allow for avoiding the “last 100 meters” and pooling demands. In a broader sense, this work looks toward an expanded scope of future retail empowered by self-driving technologies.

城市开放空间正逐渐成为拥抱零售业创新的新领域。使用零售车在城市公共空间销售产品也很可能成为我们未来城市的普遍现象。迅速发展的自动驾驶技术推动着我们向“摊位经济”的过渡,而在这种转变的激励下,本文针对移动零售车的 "最后100米 "问题提供了空间排队系统的模型、理论和见解。具体来说,我们研究了两种服务模式:(i)按需服务,先到先得;(ii)空间和时间上的客户需求集合。在每一种模式中,我们都推导出了顾客等待时间和零售车重定位消耗对于服务区大小和顾客行走距离的依赖性。特别是对于按需服务模式,我们提出并解决了一个 "汇合问题",以分析零售车和顾客汇合地点的空间分布特征。我们还提出了一个库存车和零售车的联合模型,以捕捉库存补货操作。我们的主要发现是,摊位经济有可能比固定的零售业获得更多的利润,这不仅是因为摊位的流动性为顾客提供了近距离的服务,而且还因为其操作的灵活性,可以避免 "最后100米 "的昂贵花费。在更广泛的意义上,这项工作着眼于扩展由自动驾驶技术授权的未来零售业的范围。

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论文导读|Operations Research近期文章精选:零售业的未来何在?

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这篇文章研究无人零售车“最后一公里”配送时的路径规划问题,选题特别新颖。在文章的核心部分中,作者提出了一个十分漂亮的magnet rule,并利用它得到了一种特定的汇合点分布。在文章的section 5.1部分,也把magnet rule 和其他的规则进行了比较(比如straight-ahead rule和two-location clairvoyant等),综合考量得到它是一种十分有效率的规则。在小编与作者交流的过程中,作者提到,在他看来magnet rule的提出是整篇文章最具创造力的地方,不仅如此,作者也希望自己的文章能为大家带来一些启发和新的想法,一起应用理论提高效率,并通过对现实问题的探究反过来推动理论上的创新。



● 题目:Need for Speed: The Impact of In-Process Delays on Customer Behavior in Online Retail


● 期刊:Operations Research


● 作者:Santiago Gallino, Nil Karacaoglu, Antonio Moreno

● 关键词:in-process delays (过程中的延迟)• service operations(服务运营) • online retail(在线零售) • website speed(网站速度) • abandonment(弃权)

● 摘要

The impact of delays has been widely studied in various offline services. The focus of this study is online services, and we explore the impact of in-process delays—measured by website speed—on customer behavior. We leverage novel retail and website speed data to investigate how delays impact online sales and how customer sensitivity to in-process delays varies across the different stages of a customer’s shopping journey. We estimate sizable adverse effects of website slowdowns on online sales. Using threshold regression models, we show that customers exhibit diminishing sensitivity to increases in website slowdowns. Our results suggest that waiting times affect customer abandonment differently at different stages of the shopping journey. Customers are more sensitive to slowdowns at the checkout stage. Our findings have implications for website design decisions such as improving website speed at the checkout stage, selecting third-party content providers, and customizing the design of mobile and desktop channels. The paper’s results are especially relevant in the current regulatory environment with ongoing policy debates about net neutrality.


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论文导读|Operations Research近期文章精选:零售业的未来何在?

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● 题目:Inventory Sharing for Perishable Products: Application to Platelet Inventory Management in Hospital Blood Banks


● 期刊:Operations Research


● 作者:Can Zhang, Turgay Ayer, Chelsea C. White, Joy N. Bodeker, John D. Roback

● 关键词:blood banks(血库) • platelets(血小板) • perishable products (易腐烂产品)• transshipment (转运)• value of inventory sharing(库存共享的价值)

● 摘要

Platelets are critical blood products. The management of platelet inventory is particularly challenging because of its perishable nature with a short shelf life. Motivated by a platelet inventory management problem at a two-location hospital system, we study how the wastage of platelets and, more broadly, perishable products can be reduced through inventory sharing. In particular, we consider a system with two locations and a single product (e.g., a two-hospital system sharing blood products, such as platelets). Each location faces a stochastic demand, and products can be transshipped from one location to the other after demand realization. At each location, products are issued in a first-in, first-out manner. Although the state of such a complex system consists of the inventory levels of different product ages at both locations, interestingly, we show that the direction of transshipment can be determined by simply comparing the age of the oldest products at each location after meeting demand. Based on this and other structural results, we then prove that a myopic transshipment policy is optimal for a special case motivated by our case study and serves as a lower bound on the optimal transshipment quantity for more general settings. Our analysis also sheds light on how inventory sharing affects the optimal inventory levels for perishable products. Because of its competitive performance and simplicity, our proposed myopic transshipment policy has been implemented by our partner hospital system, which led to a reduction of approximately 20% in platelet outdates.


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论文导读|Operations Research近期文章精选:零售业的未来何在?

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