- 编码工具:Cursor+Sublime
- 框架技术:vite4+vue3+pinia+vue-router
- UI组件库:ve-plus (基于vue3自研ui组件库)
- 样式处理:sass^1.58.3
- 图表组件:echarts^5.4.2
- 国际化方案:vue-i18n^9.2.2
- 富文本编辑器组件:wangeditor^4.7.15
- markdown编辑器:md-editor-v3^2.11.0
- 数据模拟:mockjs^1.1.0
- 最新前端技术栈vite4、vue3、pinia、vue-router、vue-i18n、ve-plus。
- 支持中文/英文/繁体多语言模式切换。
- 支持表格单选/多选、边框/隔行换色、横向/纵向虚拟滚动条等功能。
- 搭配高颜值的vue3-plus组件库,风格更加统一。
- 内置多个模板布局样式
- 支持动态路由权限控制
- 支持tabs动态路由缓存
- 高效率开发,整个框架已经搭建完毕,只需定制化相应模块即可。
整体采用vue3 setup语法糖模式开发,搭配ve-plus轻量级组件库,使得界面清新且运行极速。
Vue3 UI VEPlus组件
npm install ve-plus -S cnpm install ve-plus -S yarn add ve-plus
<script setup> import { computed } from 'vue' import { appStore } from '@/store/modules/app' // 引入布局模板 import Classic from './layout/classic/index.vue' import Columns from './layout/columns/index.vue' import Vertical from './layout/vertical/index.vue' import Transverse from './layout/transverse/index.vue' const store = appStore() const config = computed(() => store.config) const LayoutConfig = { classic: Classic, columns: Columns, vertical: Vertical, transverse: Transverse } </script> <template> <div class="veadmin__container" :style="{'--themeSkin': store.config.skin}"> <component :is="LayoutConfig[config.layout]" /> </div> </template>
<!-- 主缓存模板 --> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' import { useRoutes } from '@/hooks/useRoutes' import { tabsStore } from '@/store/modules/tabs' import Permission from '@/components/Permission.vue' import Forbidden from '@/views/error/forbidden.vue' const { route } = useRoutes() const store = tabsStore() </script> <template> <Scrollbar autohide gap="2"> <div class="ve__layout-main__wrapper"> <!-- 路由鉴权 --> <Permission :roles="route?.meta?.roles"> <template #tips> <Forbidden /> </template> <!-- 路由缓存 --> <router-view v-slot="{ Component }"> <transition name="ve-slide-right" mode="out-in" appear> <KeepAlive :include="store.cacheViews"> <component v-if="store.reload" :is="Component" :key="route.path" /> </KeepAlive> </transition> </router-view> </Permission> </div> </Scrollbar> </template>
<RouteMenu :rootRouteEnable="false" /> <RouteMenu rootRouteEnable collapsed background="#292d3e" backgroundHover="#353b54" color="rgba(235,235,235,.7)" /> <RouteMenu mode="horizontal" background="#292d3e" backgroundHover="#353b54" color="rgba(235,235,235,.7)" />
<!-- 路由菜单 --> <script setup> import { ref, computed, h, watch, nextTick } from 'vue' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { Icon, useLink } from 've-plus' import { useRoutes } from '@/hooks/useRoutes' import { appStore } from '@/store/modules/app' // 引入路由集合 import mainRoutes from '@/router/modules/main.js' const props = defineProps({ // 菜单模式(vertical|horizontal) mode: { type: String, default: 'vertical' }, // 是否开启一级路由菜单 rootRouteEnable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, // 是否要收缩 collapsed: { type: Boolean, default: false }, // 菜单背景色 background: String, // 滑过背景色 backgroundHover: String, // 菜单文字颜色 color: String, // 菜单激活颜色 activeColor: String }) const { t } = useI18n() const { jumpTo } = useLink() const { route, getActiveRoute, getCurrentRootRoute, getTreeRoutes } = useRoutes() const store = appStore() const rootRoute = computed(() => getCurrentRootRoute(route)) const activeKey = ref(getActiveRoute(route)) const menuOptions = ref(getTreeRoutes(mainRoutes)) const menuFilterOptions = computed(() => { if(props.rootRouteEnable) { return menuOptions.value } // 过滤掉一级菜单 return menuOptions.value.find(item => item.path == rootRoute.value && item.children)?.children }) console.log('根路由地址::>>', rootRoute.value) console.log('过滤后路由地址::>>', menuFilterOptions.value) watch(() => route.path, () => { nextTick(() => { activeKey.value = getActiveRoute(route) }) }) // 批量渲染图标 const batchRenderIcon = (option) => { return h(Icon, {name: option?.meta?.icon}) } // 批量渲染标题 const batchRenderLabel = (option) => { return t(option?.meta?.title) } // 路由菜单更新 const handleUpdate = ({key}) => { jumpTo(key) } </script> <template> <Menu class="veadmin__menus" v-model="activeKey" :options="menuFilterOptions" :mode="mode" :collapsed="collapsed && store.config.collapse" iconSize="18" key-field="path" :renderIcon="batchRenderIcon" :renderLabel="batchRenderLabel" :background="background" :backgroundHover="backgroundHover" :color="color" :activeColor="activeColor" @change="handleUpdate" style="border: 0;" /> </template>
vite-admin支持中英文/繁体三种语言模式,使用 "vue-i18n": "^9.2.2" 组件。
/** * 国际化配置 * @author YXY */ import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { appStore } from '@/store/modules/app' // 引入语言配置 import enUS from './en-US' import zhCN from './zh-CN' import zhTW from './zh-TW' // 默认语言 export const langVal = 'zh-CN' export default async (app) => { const store = appStore() const lang = store.lang || langVal const i18n = createI18n({ legacy: false, locale: lang, messages: { 'en': enUS, 'zh-CN': zhCN, 'zh-TW': zhTW } }) app.use(i18n) }
<script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { appStore } from '@/store/modules/app' const { locale } = useI18n() const store = appStore() const langVal = ref(locale.value) const langOptions = ref([ {key: "zh-CN", label: "简体中文"}, {key: "zh-TW", label: "繁体字"}, {key: "en", label: "英文"}, ]) const changeLang = () => { // 设置locale语言 locale.value = langVal.value store.lang = locale.value // store.setLang(locale.value) } </script> <template> <Dropdown v-model="langVal" :options="langOptions" placement="bottom" @change="changeLang"> <div class="toolbar__item"><Icon name="ve-icon-lang" size="20" cursor /></div> <template #label="{item}"> <div> {{item.label}} <span style="color: #999; font-size: 12px;">{{item.key}}</span> </div> </template> </Dropdown> </template>
vite-admin支持动态图表,使用 "echarts": "^5.4.2" 组件。
/** * 动态图表Hooks * @author YXY */ import { onMounted, onBeforeUnmount, ref } from 'vue' import * as echarts from 'echarts' import { useResizeObserver } from 've-plus' export function useEcharts(node, options) { let chartNode let chartRef = ref(null) const resizeHandle = () => { chartNode && chartNode.resize() } onMounted(() => { if(node.value) { chartNode = echarts.init(node.value) chartNode.setOption(options) chartRef.value = chartNode } }) onBeforeUnmount(() => { chartNode.dispose() }) // 自适应图表 useResizeObserver(node, resizeHandle) return chartRef }
/** * 设置网站标题 * @author YXY */ import { watch, unref } from 'vue' import { useRouter } from 'vue-router' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' export function useTitle() { const { VITE_APP_TITLE } = import.meta.env const { currentRoute } = useRouter() const { t, locale } = useI18n() watch( () => [currentRoute.value.path, locale.value], () => { console.log('开始监听标题变化........') const route = unref(currentRoute) const title = route?.meta?.title ? `${t(route?.meta?.title)} - ${VITE_APP_TITLE}` : VITE_APP_TITLE console.log('监听标题', title) document.title = title }, {immediate: true} ) }
ve-admin支持keepalive路由缓存功能。使用 pinia 替代 vuex 状态管理,使用 pinia-plugin-persistedstate 持久化存储。
<script setup> import { ref, computed, watch, nextTick, h } from 'vue' import { useRouter, useRoute } from 'vue-router' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { appStore } from '@/store/modules/app' import { tabsStore } from '@/store/modules/tabs' const { t } = useI18n() const router = useRouter() const route = useRoute() const app = appStore() const store = tabsStore() const tabKey = ref(route.path) const tabOptions = computed(() => store.tabViews) // 滚动到当前路由 const scrollToActiveRoute = () => { nextTick(() => { const activeRef = scrollbarRef.value.scrollbarWrap.querySelector('.actived').offsetLeft scrollbarRef.value.scrollTo({left: activeRef, top: 0, behavior: 'smooth'}) }) } // 监听路由(增加标签/缓存) watch(() => route.path, () => { tabKey.value = route.path const params = { path: route.path, name: route.name, meta: { ...route.meta } } store.addTabs(params) scrollToActiveRoute() }, { immediate: true }) // 右键菜单 const scrollbarRef = ref() const selectedTab = ref({}) const contextmenuRef = ref() const contextmenuOptions = ref([ { key: 'refresh', icon: 've-icon-reload', label: 'tabview__contextmenu-refresh' }, { key: 'close', icon: 've-icon-close', label: 'tabview__contextmenu-close' }, { key: 'closeLeft', icon: 've-icon-logout', label: 'tabview__contextmenu-closeleft' }, { key: 'closeRight', icon: 've-icon-logout1', label: 'tabview__contextmenu-closeright' }, { key: 'closeOther', icon: 've-icon-retweet', label: 'tabview__contextmenu-closeother' }, { key: 'closeAll', icon: 've-icon-close-square', label: 'tabview__contextmenu-closeall' }, ]) const handleRenderLabel = (option) => { return t(option?.label) } // 是否第一个标签 const isFirstTab = () => { return selectedTab.value.path === store.tabViews[0].path || selectedTab.value.path === '/home/index' } // 是否最后一个标签 const isLastTab = () => { return selectedTab.value.path === store.tabViews[store.tabViews.length - 1].path } const openContextMenu = (tab, e) => { selectedTab.value = tab contextmenuOptions.value[1].disabled = tab.meta?.isAffix contextmenuOptions.value[2].disabled = isFirstTab() contextmenuOptions.value[3].disabled = isLastTab() // 设置坐标 contextmenuRef.value.setPos(e.clientX, e.clientY) contextmenuRef.value.show() } const changeContextMenu = (v) => { if(v.key == 'refresh') { if(tabKey.value !== selectedTab.value.path) { router.push(selectedTab.value.path) } store.reloadTabs() return }else if(v.key == 'close') { store.removeTabs(selectedTab.value) }else if(v.key == 'closeLeft') { store.removeLeftTabs(selectedTab.value) }else if(v.key == 'closeRight') { store.removeRightTabs(selectedTab.value) }else if(v.key == 'closeOther') { store.removeOtherTabs(selectedTab.value) }else if(v.key == 'closeAll') { store.clearTabs() } updateTabRoute() } // 跳转更新路由 const updateTabRoute = () => { const lastTab = store.tabViews.slice(-1)[0] if(lastTab && lastTab.path) { router.push(lastTab.path) }else { router.push('/') } } // 切换tab const changeTab = (tab) => { router.push(tab.path) } // 关闭tab const closeTab = (tab) => { store.removeTabs(tab) updateTabRoute() } </script> <template> <div v-if="app.config.tabsview" class="veadmin__tabsview"> <Scrollbar ref="scrollbarRef" mousewheel> <ul class="tabview__wrap"> <li v-for="(tab,index) in tabOptions" :key="index" :class="{'actived': tabKey == tab.path}" @click="changeTab(tab)" @contextmenu.prevent="openContextMenu(tab, $event)" > <Icon class="tab-icon" :name="tab.meta?.icon" /> <span class="tab-title">{{$t(tab.meta?.title)}}</span> <Icon v-if="!tab.meta?.isAffix" class="tab-close" name="ve-icon-close" @click.prevent.stop="closeTab(tab)" /> </li> </ul> </Scrollbar> </div> <!-- 右键菜单 --> <Dropdown ref="contextmenuRef" trigger="manual" :options="contextmenuOptions" fixed="true" :render-label="handleRenderLabel" @change="changeContextMenu" style="height: 0;" /> </template>
/** * 状态管理 Pinia */ import { createPinia } from 'pinia' // 引入pinia本地持久化存储 import piniaPluginPersistedstate from 'pinia-plugin-persistedstate' const pinia = createPinia() pinia.use(piniaPluginPersistedstate) export default pinia
/** * 标签栏缓存状态管理 * 在setup store中 * ref() 就是 state 属性 * computed() 就是 getters * function() 就是 actions * @author YXY * Q:282310962 WX:xy190310 */ import { ref, nextTick } from 'vue' import { useRoute } from 'vue-router' import { defineStore } from 'pinia' import { appStore } from '@/store/modules/app' export const tabsStore = defineStore('tabs', () => { const currentRoute = useRoute() const store = appStore() /*state*/ const tabViews = ref([]) // 标签栏列表 const cacheViews = ref([]) // 缓存列表 const reload = ref(true) // 刷新标识 // 判断tabViews某个路由是否存在 const tabIndex = (route) => { return tabViews.value.findIndex(item => item?.path === route?.path) } /*actions*/ // 新增标签 const addTabs = (route) => { const index = tabIndex(route) if(index > -1) { tabViews.value.map(item => { if(item.path == route.path) { // 当前路由缓存 return Object.assign(item, route) } }) }else { tabViews.value.push(route) } // 更新keep-alive缓存 updateCacheViews() } // 移除标签 const removeTabs = (route) => { const index = tabIndex(route) if(index > -1) { tabViews.value.splice(index, 1) } updateCacheViews() } // 移除左侧标签 const removeLeftTabs = (route) => { const index = tabIndex(route) if(index > -1) { tabViews.value = tabViews.value.filter((item, i) => item?.meta?.isAffix || i >= index) } updateCacheViews() } // 移除右侧标签 const removeRightTabs = (route) => { const index = tabIndex(route) if(index > -1) { tabViews.value = tabViews.value.filter((item, i) => item?.meta?.isAffix || i <= index) } updateCacheViews() } // 移除其它标签 const removeOtherTabs = (route) => { tabViews.value = tabViews.value.filter(item => item?.meta?.isAffix || item?.path === route?.path) updateCacheViews() } // 移除所有标签 const clearTabs = () => { tabViews.value = tabViews.value.filter(item => item?.meta?.isAffix) updateCacheViews() } // 更新keep-alive缓存 const updateCacheViews = () => { cacheViews.value = tabViews.value.filter(item => store.config.keepAlive || item?.meta?.isKeepAlive).map(item => item.name) console.log('cacheViews缓存路由>>:', cacheViews.value) } // 移除keep-alive缓存 const removeCacheViews = (route) => { cacheViews.value = cacheViews.value.filter(item => item !== route?.name) } // 刷新路由 const reloadTabs = () => { removeCacheViews(currentRoute) reload.value = false nextTick(() => { updateCacheViews() reload.value = true document.documentElement.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 0 }) }) } // 清空缓存 const clear = () => { tabViews.value = [] cacheViews.value = [] } return { tabViews, cacheViews, reload, addTabs, removeTabs, removeLeftTabs, removeRightTabs, removeOtherTabs, clearTabs, reloadTabs, clear } }, // 本地持久化存储(默认存储localStorage) { // persist: true persist: { storage: localStorage, paths: ['tabViews', 'cacheViews'] } } )
import { defineConfig, loadEnv } from 'vite' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' import { resolve } from 'path' import { wrapEnv } from './src/utils/env' // https://vitejs.dev/config/ export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => { const viteEnv = loadEnv(mode, process.cwd()) const env = wrapEnv(viteEnv) return { plugins: [vue()], // base: '/', // mode: 'development', // development|production /*构建选项*/ build: { // minify: 'esbuild', // 打包方式 esbuild(打包快)|terser // chunkSizeWarningLimit: 2000, // 打包大小警告 // rollupOptions: { // output: { // chunkFileNames: 'assets/js/[name]-[hash].js', // entryFileNames: 'assets/js/[name]-[hash].js', // assetFileNames: 'assets/[ext]/[name]-[hash].[ext]', // } // } }, esbuild: { // 打包去除 console.log 和 debugger drop: env.VITE_DROP_CONSOLE ? ['console', 'debugger'] : [] }, /*开发服务器选项*/ server: { // 端口 port: env.VITE_PORT, // 是否浏览器自动打开 open: env.VITE_OPEN, // 开启https https: env.VITE_HTTPS, // 代理配置 proxy: { // ... } }, resolve: { // 设置别名 alias: { '@': resolve(__dirname, 'src'), '@assets': resolve(__dirname, 'src/assets'), '@components': resolve(__dirname, 'src/components'), '@views': resolve(__dirname, 'src/views'), // 解决vue-i18n警告提示:You are running the esm-bundler build of vue-i18n. 'vue-i18n': 'vue-i18n/dist/vue-i18n.cjs.js' } } } })
Okra,基于 vite4.x+pinia+vePlus 开发后台管理系统模板就分享到这里,希望对大家有些帮助哈~~ 💖