Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?



文心一言:Playwright 极简教程

ChatGPT : Playwright极简教程

Playwright 特性说明










完整的 Playwright 教程可以参考官方文档:

Installation | Playwright

文心一言:Playwright 极简教程

Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?




pip install playwright  


import playwright


import playwright
# 导入sync_playwright方法  
from playwright.sync_api import async_playwright  
async def run(playwright):  
  # 调用playwright的chromium创建浏览器实例,并设置为有头模式  
  browser = await playwright.chromium.launch(headless=False)  
  # 创建context对象  
  context = await browser.create_context()  
  # 运行自定义脚本  
  async with context:  
      # 模拟网页加载  
      await browser.get("")  
      # ...  
  # 关闭浏览器实例  
  await browser.close()  
def main():  
  async with async_playwright() as playwright:  
      await playwright.chromium.launch(headless=False)  
      await run(playwright)  
if __name__ == "__main__":  




ChatGPT : Playwright极简教程

Playwright 是一个跨浏览器自动化测试工具,可以测试各种 Web 应用程序。它支持 Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari 浏览器,并提供对所有浏览器的一致 API。

以下是 Playwright 的极简教程:

  1. 安装 Playwright

可以使用 npm 安装 Playwright:

npm i playwright
  1. 启动浏览器

Playwright 可以启动浏览器并打开一个页面。以下是一个使用 Chrome 浏览器的示例:

const { chromium } = require('playwright');

(async () => {
  const browser = await chromium.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto('');
  await browser.close();
  1. 在页面上执行操作

可以在页面上执行各种操作,例如点击、输入文本和获取元素。以下是一个在 Google 搜索框中输入文本的示例:

const { chromium } = require('playwright');

(async () => {
  const browser = await chromium.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto('');
  await page.fill('input[name=q]', 'Playwright');
  await page.waitForNavigation();
  await browser.close();
  1. 运行测试

可以使用 Jest 或其他测试框架运行 Playwright 测试。以下是一个使用 Jest 运行测试的示例:

const { chromium } = require('playwright');

describe('Google', () => {
  let browser;
  let page;

  beforeAll(async () => {
    browser = await chromium.launch();

  afterAll(async () => {
    await browser.close();

  beforeEach(async () => {
    page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto('');

  afterEach(async () => {
    await page.close();

  it('should search for Playwright', async () => {
    await page.fill('input[name=q]', 'Playwright');
    await page.waitForNavigation();
    expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright - Google Search');

这是一个简单的 Playwright 教程。有关更多信息,请参阅 Playwright 文档。

Playwright 特性说明

Playwright 卓越的跨浏览器测试能力是由于其独特的架构。与Selenium不同,Playwright在API层面与浏览器进行交互,并绕过传统浏览器自动化框架的限制,从而能够更有效地发挥作用。这使得它更快,更可靠,更容易维护。




● 跨浏览器、跨平台和跨语言支持(Any browser • Any platform • One API)

● 弹性(Resilient • No flaky tests)

● 没有取舍的问题(No trade-offs • No limits)

● 简单的测试隔离和认证持久性(Full isolation • Fast execution)

● Visual Studio Code集成,测试代码生成以及选择器挑选(Powerful Tooling)



第一种方法是使用Node.js包管理器,如npm。如果选择这种方法,需要在电脑上安装Node.js。对于其他语言,Python使用pypi,Java使用Maven,C#可以使用 "dotnet add package "等.NET CLI命令来安装playwright的依赖项。


Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?


● ● ●




● ● ●


(async () => {
  const browser = await playwright.firefox.launch();  // Or 'chromium' or 'webkit'.
  // Create two isolated browser contexts
  const adminContext = await browser.newContext();
  const userContext = await browser.newContext();
  // Create pages and interact with contexts independently
  const adminPage = await adminContext.newPage();
  await adminPage.goto('');

  const userPage = await userContext.newPage();
  await userPage.goto('');

  // Gracefully close up everything
  await adminContext.close();
  await userContext.close();
  await browser.close();


// auth.setup.ts
import { test as setup } from '@playwright/test';

const authFile = 'playwright/.auth/user.json';

setup('authenticate', async ({ page }) => {
  // Perform authentication steps. Replace these actions with your own.
  await page.goto('');
  await page.getByLabel('Username or email address').fill('username');
  await page.getByLabel('Password').fill('password');
  await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Sign in' }).click();
  // End of authentication steps.

  await page.context().storageState({ path: authFile });

● ● ●


Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?




我们已经看到了一些关于如何编写测试的代码。如果你选择用Library API编写测试,你将不得不管理像Browser、BrowserContext和Page这样的对象。


import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('has title', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto('');

  // Expect a title "to contain" a substring.
  await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Playwright/);

test('get started link', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto('');

  // Click the get started link.
  await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Get started' }).click();

  // Expects the URL to contain intro.
  await expect(page).toHaveURL(/.*intro/);



运行测试可以使用VSCode扩展或nodejs命令行。最简单的命令是npx playwright test。这个命令在TestDir(默认:./tests)中搜索所有扩展名为.spec.js或.spec.ts的文件。我们可以为特定的文件夹、文件、项目、无头选项等提供额外参数。更多细节,请参考官方文档(。


如前所述,使用API库或Playwright Test编写测试是不同的。Playwright测试的基础是固定装置的概念,这基本上意味着我们正在创建一个环境,以便运行测试。Playwright带有一些内置的固定装置,其中一些是常用的。

● page类型的页面——测试运行的独立页面。

● BrowserContext类型的context——测试运行的孤立的上下文。页面夹具也属于这个上下文。

● browser of type 浏览器 ——浏览器在测试中被共享,以优化资源。

● browserName of type string——当前运行测试的浏览器的名称。可以是chromium、firefox或webkit。

● request of type APIRequestContext——测试运行的隔离的APIRequestContext实例。

如果我们遵循页面对象模型模式,我们可能会创建自己的页面类和对象实例。如果在多个测试中使用同一个实例,必须对测试进行分组,并在beforeEach hook中实例化该对象。我们可以使用 afterEach hook在每次测试执行结束时清理所有的东西。由于这可能是完美的工作,我们可以提取这段代码,并通过固定装置使其更可重复使用。让我们看看一个用页面对象制作的固定程序的例子:

// my-test.js
const base = require('@playwright/test');
const { TodoPage } = require('./todo-page');
const { SettingsPage } = require('./settings-page');

// Extend base test by providing "todoPage" and "settingsPage".
// This new "test" can be used in multiple test files, and each of them will get the fixtures.
exports.test = base.test.extend({
  todoPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
    // Set up the fixture.
    const todoPage = new TodoPage(page);
    await todoPage.goto();
    await todoPage.addToDo('item1');
    await todoPage.addToDo('item2');

    // Use the fixture value in the test.
    await use(todoPage);

    // Clean up the fixture.
    await todoPage.removeAll();

  settingsPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
    await use(new SettingsPage(page));
exports.expect = base.expect;


这个夹具(fixture)现在扩展了内置的测试夹具(test fixtures)并实例化了TodoPage类对象。我们可以进行一些操作,并通过方法的使用(todoPage)暴露这个对象。这允许我们在测试中使用该对象,要做到这一点,必须从夹具中导入测试,如下所示:

const { test, expect } = require('./my-test');


const { test, expect } = require('./my-test');

test.beforeEach(async ({ settingsPage }) => {
  await settingsPage.switchToDarkMode();

test('basic test', async ({ todoPage, page }) => {
  await todoPage.addToDo('something nice');
  await expect(page.getByTestId('todo-title')).toContainText(['something nice']);





(原文链接:Is Playwright already the finest test automation tool? )

Is Playwright already the finest test automation tool?

Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?

For many years, Selenium was the go-to testing framework for QA engineers seeking a test automation solution. It was able to test any browser (which was especially important during Internet Explorer’s reign) and any platform. However, it seems that those times are now behind us. Most web applications today are developed with modern frontend frameworks such as React, Angular, or Next.js, and all browsers can be divided into three groups: those based on the Chromium engine, Firefox running on Gecko, and Safari running on WebKit. Since the beginning of Playwright, ChromeFirefox, and Safari have all been supported. This eliminates the once-common argument for the need for a cross-browser framework. Playwright covers everything.

Impressive Features

Playwright’s superior cross-browser testing capabilities are due to its unique architecture. Unlike Selenium, Playwright interacts with the browser at the API level, which allows it to work more efficiently and bypass the limitations of traditional browser automation frameworks. This makes it faster, more reliable, and easier to maintain.

Playwright, like Selenium, has the unique advantage of supporting multiple programming languages, including JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Python, and C#. This makes it easy to integrate into existing projects and ensures that teams can work in the language they are most comfortable with.

Overall, Playwright is a powerful and flexible tool that can help QA engineers streamline their testing process and ensure that their web applications work flawlessly across all major browsers and platforms.

To recap the top features highlighted on the Playwright official website, we can list them and examine each one:

  • Cross-browser, cross-platform, and cross-language support
  • Resilience
  • No trade-offs
  • Simple test isolation and authentication persistence
  • Visual Studio Code integration, test code generation, and selector picking


There are two ways to install the software. The first method is to use a Node.js package manager like npm. If you choose this method, you will need to have Node.js installed on your computer. For other languages, you can use pypi for Python, Maven for Java, and for C#, you can use .NET CLI commands like “dotnet add package” to install playwright dependencies.

The second method is to install the playwright extension for VSCode, which comes with convenient commands for installation. This method makes the entire process smoother and much easier.

Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?

Install playwright using Visual Studio Code extension

To defend the first feature of Playwright, we can say that it supports all modern browsers without real limitations on any platform. While it also supports popular languages and technologies, the best-supported language is Typescript/Javascript. For instance, if you want to use Playwright with Java, you need to choose your favorite test runner, such as JUnit, and manage Playwright objects, like BrowserContext and Page. Additionally, you would need to find a solution for HTML reporting.

When selecting a new testing framework, there are often tradeoffs and limitations to consider. While modern testing frameworks typically focus on modern technologies and frontend frameworks, QA engineers may still need to work on legacy projects developed with older technology like JSF and web applications with components like iFrame or its successor shadow-roots. Even slow response times of web application components can pose a real challenge for modern testing frameworks.

In my experience, automating a JSF application with Selenium was much more seamless than with other modern testing frameworks like Playwright, Cypress, or Puppeteer. For modern web frameworks, I would recommend Playwright or one of the similar testing frameworks. While any web application can still be automated using Selenium, applications with many shadow-root elements may require a more robust approach. Piercing Shadow DOM with Playwright can make automation much easier and the script much more resilient to future changes.

In summary, choosing Playwright does not require many tradeoffs. However, it is important to note that it has a focus on modern web applications and speed.

We should first look at certain objects in Playwright in order to understand the notion of test isolation. To create an automation script utilising the Library API, a browser session must be opened. Now, a Browser object contains a few methods, one of which is newContext (). And it is just this object that enables us to begin a new session in the same manner that we begin a new incognito browser session on our PC. There is no need to end the current main browser session, for instance, if we need to login with a different user to check the changes.

(async () => {
  const browser = await playwright.firefox.launch();  // Or 'chromium' or 'webkit'.
  // Create two isolated browser contexts
  const adminContext = await browser.newContext();
  const userContext = await browser.newContext();
  // Create pages and interact with contexts independently
  const adminPage = await adminContext.newPage();
  await adminPage.goto('');

  const userPage = await userContext.newPage();
  await userPage.goto('');

  // Gracefully close up everything
  await adminContext.close();
  await userContext.close();
  await browser.close();

Playwright also offers a way to implement logins and save cookie sessions in json files. Existing sessions can be used each time a new test requires one, saving time spent logging into the application and significantly reducing execution time.

// auth.setup.ts
import { test as setup } from '@playwright/test';

const authFile = 'playwright/.auth/user.json';

setup('authenticate', async ({ page }) => {
  // Perform authentication steps. Replace these actions with your own.
  await page.goto('');
  await page.getByLabel('Username or email address').fill('username');
  await page.getByLabel('Password').fill('password');
  await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Sign in' }).click();
  // End of authentication steps.

  await page.context().storageState({ path: authFile });

The tooling offered by Playwright is robust, however it must be noted that this is only available if you use VSCode. If you choose Java and IntelliJ, for example, you won’t get some of these capabilities.
Testing and debugging are both made possible with the VSCode plugin. Handy feature that allows you to pick a selector with a single mouse click and much more.

Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?

Running tests with visual studio code extension

One of the selling points for Playwright is definitely its auto code generation feature. While this feature is not new and other frameworks have it as well, generating code first and then improving it is always practical. Whether this allows people without coding skills to fully automate tests is debatable.

Writing locator and live debugging are quite helpful. By doing this, we may save time and increase our ability to write robust scripts by observing where an element locator resolves. Yet, I must admit that live debugging can be improved and made more fluid when creating, debugging, and executing actions are all done in the same window.

Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?

Live debugging with VSCode extension

Writing Tests

We have already seen some code on how to write tests. If you choose to write tests with the Library API, you will have to manage objects like BrowserBrowserContext, and Page. The good thing about Playwright is that it provides us with a playwright/test dependency which exports fixtures like test, page, and expect. We will go into more detail about fixtures, but let’s see one simple example first.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('has title', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto('');

  // Expect a title "to contain" a substring.
  await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Playwright/);

test('get started link', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto('');

  // Click the get started link.
  await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Get started' }).click();

  // Expects the URL to contain intro.
  await expect(page).toHaveURL(/.*intro/);

In this example, we don’t see the creation of objects like Browser or BrowserContext. However, we must know that these objects are automatically created and closed for every test in our script. Which Browser will be used is defined in the playwright.config file. Of course, not only which browser should be used, but many more configurations can be defined in the global config file.

Running Tests

Running tests is possible using the VSCode extension or nodejs command lines. The simplest command is npx playwright test. This command searches in the TestDir (default: ./tests) for all files with the extensions .spec.js or .spec.ts. We can provide additional arguments for specific folders, files, projects, headless options, and more. For more details, please refer to the official documentation.


As was already indicated, writing tests using the API Library or Playwright Test differs. The foundation of Playwright Test is the concept of fixtures, which essentially implies that we are creating an environment in order to run tests. Playwright comes with some built-in fixtures where some of them are commonly used.

  • page of type Page — Isolated page for this test run.
  • context of type BrowserContext — Isolated context for this test run. The page fixture belongs to this context as well.
  • browser of type Browser — Browsers are shared across tests to optimize resources.
  • browserName of type string — The name of the browser currently running the test. Either chromiumfirefox or webkit.
  • request of type APIRequestContext — Isolated APIRequestContext instance for this test run.

If we follow the page object model pattern, we may be able to create our own page classes and object instances. If we use the same instance in multiple tests, we must group the tests and instantiate the object in the beforeEach hook. We could use the afterEach hook to clean up everything at the end of each test execution. As this may work perfectly, we can extract this code and make it more reusable with fixtures. Let’s look at an example of a fixture made with page objects.

// my-test.js
const base = require('@playwright/test');
const { TodoPage } = require('./todo-page');
const { SettingsPage } = require('./settings-page');

// Extend base test by providing "todoPage" and "settingsPage".
// This new "test" can be used in multiple test files, and each of them will get the fixtures.
exports.test = base.test.extend({
  todoPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
    // Set up the fixture.
    const todoPage = new TodoPage(page);
    await todoPage.goto();
    await todoPage.addToDo('item1');
    await todoPage.addToDo('item2');

    // Use the fixture value in the test.
    await use(todoPage);

    // Clean up the fixture.
    await todoPage.removeAll();

  settingsPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
    await use(new SettingsPage(page));
exports.expect = base.expect;

This fixture now extends built-in test fixtures and instantiates our TodoPage class object. We can carry out some actions and expose this object through method use (todoPage). This allows us to use the object in our tests. To do so, we must import the test from our fixture as follows:

const { test, expect } = require('./my-test');

Besides built-in fixtures, we can use our own and combine them. The tests have clean structure and a layer of abstraction which makes tests more readable. Let’s see full example.

const { test, expect } = require('./my-test');

test.beforeEach(async ({ settingsPage }) => {
  await settingsPage.switchToDarkMode();

test('basic test', async ({ todoPage, page }) => {
  await todoPage.addToDo('something nice');
  await expect(page.getByTestId('todo-title')).toContainText(['something nice']);

Fixtures are advanced topic in Playwright, but understanding them can help us unlock some of the best features of Playwright.


This article will only scratch the surface, highlighting some of the features and arguments that make Playwright an excellent choice for automating any application. Daily usage, more experience, and experimenting with other features such as API calls and mocks, visual comparison, component testing, experimental mode for mobile testing, and many others could provide us with a complete picture of Playwright’s potential.

Choosing a testing framework can be difficult because many scenarios from our daily work with automation must be considered. The last thing we want to do is go with a new fancy framework and then discard it after a while because it didn’t meet our needs. Playwright matures with each new version that is released.

The current state of Playwright makes it ready to be used within any technology stack and the first choice for most teams automating frontend application testing. I’d love to know which features you like best and if there is anything you’re missing that makes you want to stick with other framework than Playwright.文章来源地址

到了这里,关于Playwright vs Selenium:最好用的自动化测试框架?的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!

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  • playwright自动化项目搭建

    关键技术: pylaywright测试库 pytest单元测试框架 pytest-playwright插件 非关键技术: pytest-html插件 pytest-rerunfailures插件 seldom 测试框架 实现功能: 元素定位与操作分离 失败自动截图并保存到HTML报告 失败重跑 可配置不同的浏览器执行 可配置 headless/headful  模式 实现参数化读取数

  • playwright自动化上传附件

    自动设置上传头像 1. 首先保存本地一个文件,例如 aaa.php 2. 获取输入类型为 \\\"file\\\" 的按钮 3. 将本地保存的图片路径赋值 4. 点击上传按钮

  • 自动化神器 Playwright 的 Web 自动化测试解决方案

      1. 主流框架的认识 总结: 由于Selenium在3.x和4.x两个版本的迭代中并没有发生多大的变化,因此Selenium一统天下的地位可能因新框架的出现而变得不那么稳固。 后续的Cypress、TestCafe、Puppeteer被誉为后Selenium时代Web UI自动化的三驾马车。但是由于这三个框架都是基于JavaScript开发

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  • 新一代自动化测试神器Playwright

    转载请注明出处❤️ 作者:测试蔡坨坨 原文链接 你好,我是测试蔡坨坨。 说到WebUI自动化测试,首当其冲的当属Selenium,在很长的一段时间内,Selenium统治着Web自动化,Selenium其实经历了四个阶段,从2006年发布的Selenium 1.0到最新的Selenium 4.8.3。 2006年,

  • 自动化神器Playwright快速上手指南

    Playwright是由微软公司2020年初发布的新一代自动化测试工具,相较于目前最常用的Selenium,它仅用一个API即可自动执行Chromium、Firefox、WebKit等主流浏览器自动化操作。作为针对 Python 语言纯自动化的工具,在回归测试中可更快的实现自动化。 1. 为什么选择Playwright 1.1 Playwright的

  • 最强自动化测试框架Playwright(9)- 下载文件

    对于页面下载的每个附件,都会发出 page.on(“download”) 事件。 下载开始后,将发出下载事件。下载完成后,下载路径将变为可用 所有这些附件都下载到一个临时文件夹中。可以使用事件中的下载对象获取下载 URL、文件系统路径和有效负载流。 关闭浏览器上下文时,将

  • 最强自动化测试框架Playwright(20)- iframe

    一个页面可以附加一个或多个 Frame 对象。每个页面都有一个主框架,并且假定页面级交互(如)在主框架中运行。 click 使用 iframe 时,可以创建一个框架定位器,该定位器将进入 iframe 并允许选择该 iframe 中的元素。 上面代码,先定位frame,然后定位frame里的元素,并对元素

  • Playwright-Node.js 自动化办公

    注意本文档建立在playwright-nodejs1.16版本基础上,本教程并未完全参照官方文档(主要是在这个版本之前就已经接触playwright-python   Playwright可在所有现代浏览器中实现快速,可靠和强大的自动化。本指南涵盖了这些关键区别因素,以帮助您为自动化测试选择合适的工具。 支持所有

  • 最强自动化测试框架Playwright(29)-文件选择对象

    FileChooser对象通过page.on(\\\"filechoose\\\")事件监听。 如下代码实现点击百度搜图按钮,上传文件进行搜索。 为文件选择器设置要上传的文件路径 file_chooser.set_files(files) file_chooser.set_files(files, **kwargs) 返回文件选择器关联的input元素 file_chooser.element 返回文件选择器是否接收多个文件










