EVO PDF Viewer Control for ASP.NET 9.0 Crack

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EVO PDF Viewer Control for ASP.NET
EVO PDF Viewer control for ASP.NET can be linked into any ASP.NET application to add PDF visualization and manipulation capabilities to your ASP.NET application.
EVO PDF Viewer Control for ASP.NET

EVO PDF Viewer Control for ASP.NET 9.0 Crack

EVO PDF Viewer control for ASP.NET can be linked into any ASP.NET application to add PDF visualization and manipulation capabilities to your ASP.NET application. With EVO PDF Viewer for ASP.NET you can display a PDF from a specified URL or from stream of bytes into the client browser, control PDF security options to disable content copying or printing. The integration is extremely easy. The free Adobe Reader is required on the client computer where the control is displayed in browser.
ASP.NET server control and C# samples
Display a PDF document given as a stream of bytes
Display PDF documents from a specified URL
Navigate and print the document from browser
Show or hide viewer toolbars
Show or hide viewer scroll bars
Show or hide viewer navigation panel
Disable PDF document printing or copying
Royalty free development libraries and samples
Support for .NET 4.0 framework and later
Documentation and C# samples for all the features


Code Sample - PDF Viewer for ASP.NET
The code below was taken from the PDF Viewer for ASP.NET demo application available for download in the product package. In this sample an instance of the PdfViewer class is used to display a PDF document in a browser.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

// the HTML to PDF converter namespace
using EvoPdf;

// the PDF Viewer namespace
using EvoPdf.PdfViewerAspNet;

namespace PdfViewer4AspNetDemo
    public partial class DisplayPdfBytes : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)


        protected void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // apply the viewer settings before loading the PDF from stream


        private void LoadPageFitModes()
            string[] pageFitModes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(PageFitMode));
            ddlPageFitMode.DataSource = pageFitModes;
            ddlPageFitMode.SelectedValue = pdfViewerControl.PageFitMode.ToString();

        private void LoadDocumentDisplayModes()
            string[] pageModes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(DocumentDisplayMode));
            ddlPageMode.DataSource = pageModes;
            ddlPageMode.SelectedValue = pdfViewerControl.DocumentDisplayMode.ToString();

        private void ApplyViewerPreferences()
            pdfViewerControl.DocumentDisplayMode = 
                (DocumentDisplayMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(DocumentDisplayMode), ddlPageMode.SelectedValue);
            pdfViewerControl.ShowNavigationPanel = cbShowWindowUI.Checked;
            pdfViewerControl.ShowScrollbars = cbShowScrollbars.Checked;
            pdfViewerControl.ShowToolbarMode = 
                cbShowToolbar.Checked ? ShowToolbarMode.Show : ShowToolbarMode.Hide;
            pdfViewerControl.PageFitMode = 
                (PageFitMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(PageFitMode), ddlPageFitMode.SelectedValue);

        private void ApplySecurityOptions()
            pdfViewerControl.PdfSecurityOptions.CanPrint = cbAllowPrint.Checked;
            pdfViewerControl.PdfSecurityOptions.CanCopyContent = cbAllowContentCopy.Checked;
            pdfViewerControl.PdfSecurityOptions.CanFillFormFields = cbAllowFormFilling.Checked;
            pdfViewerControl.PdfSecurityOptions.CanEditContent = cbAllowContentEdit.Checked;
            pdfViewerControl.PdfSecurityOptions.CanEditAnnotations = cbAllowEditAnnotations.Checked;
            pdfViewerControl.PdfSecurityOptions.CanAssembleDocument = cbAllowAssemble.Checked;

            pdfViewerControl.PdfSecurityOptions.UserPassword = textBoxUserPassword.Text.Trim();

        private void LoadPdfStream()
            //get the PDF stream
            string urlToConvert = textBoxURLToConvert.Text.Trim();
            byte[] pdfBytes = new PdfConverter().GetPdfBytesFromUrl(urlToConvert);

            // set the PDF bytes to be loaded in viewer
            pdfViewerControl.LicenseKey = "OLant6Kvt6e3ormnt6Smuaalua6urq4=";
            pdfViewerControl.PdfSourceBytes = pdfBytes;

        protected void btnApplyViewerPreferences_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // update the viewer preferences


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