"""猜测代码的含义""" import random b=int(random.randint(1,100)) print(b) a=input("请输入一个数字1-100:") guess=int(a) if guess==b: print("wow,你真棒,居然猜对了") print("哼,猜对也没有奖励哦") else: print("猜错了,笨蛋") print("游戏结束,不玩了")
#引入生成随机数的模块 import random #程序设定生成 1-20 之间的一个随机数,让用户猜 secretNum = random.randint(1,20) print("这是一个位于 1-20 之间的数") #设定用户只能猜 3 次 for number in range(1,4): print("请输入猜测的数:") guess = int(input()) if guess == 0: break if guess < secretNum: print("太小啦") elif guess > secretNum: print("太大啦") else: break if(guess == secretNum): print("真厉害,猜对啦,就是",str(guess)) else: print("很遗憾,正确的答案应该是",str(secretNum))
import pygame import sys # 初始化 pygame.init() size = (500, 500) pygame.display.set_caption("让狮子回家") screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) white = (255, 255, 255) # 白色 screen.fill(white) # 填充 # 加载图片 # 参数:完整的图片名称 img = pygame.image.load("pic/bg.png") img2 = pygame.image.load("pic/lion.png") img = pygame.transform.scale(img, size) img2 = pygame.transform.scale(img2, (160, 120)) # 变量:狮子的位置 a=0 lion_y=0 while True: events = pygame.event.get() for e in events: if e.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() if e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # 键盘被按下 if e.key == pygame.K_UP: # 如果是上移键 print("在这里填写往上移动的代码") # 代码... lion_y-=10 elif e.key == pygame.K_DOWN: # 如果是下移键 print("在这里填写往下移动的代码") # 代码... lion_y+=10 elif e.key == pygame.K_LEFT: # 如果是左移键 print("在这里填写往左移动的代码") # 代码... a-=10 elif e.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # 如果是右移键 print("在这里填写往右移动的代码") # 代码... a=a+10 # 更新角色位置 screen.fill(white) screen.blit(img, (0, 0)) screen.blit(img2, (a, lion_y)) pygame.display.flip()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #@Time:2021/11/18 22:06 #@Author:NWA #@File:樱花树.py #@Software:PyCharm import turtle import random from turtle import * from time import sleep # 画樱花的躯干(60,t) turtle.hideturtle() def tree(branchLen, t): sleep(0) if branchLen > 3: if 8 <= branchLen <= 12: if random.randint(0, 2) == 0: t.color('snow') # 白 else: t.color('lightcoral') # 淡珊瑚色 t.pensize(branchLen / 3) elif branchLen < 8: if random.randint(0, 1) == 0: t.color('snow') else: t.color('lightcoral') # 淡珊瑚色 t.pensize(branchLen / 2) else: t.color('sienna') # 赭(zhě)色 t.pensize(branchLen / 10) # 6 t.forward(branchLen) a = 1.5 * random.random() t.right(20 * a) b = 1.5 * random.random() tree(branchLen - 10 * b, t) t.left(40 * a) tree(branchLen - 10 * b, t) t.right(20 * a) t.up() t.backward(branchLen) t.down() # 掉落的花瓣 def petal(m, t): for i in range(m): a = 200 - 400 * random.random() b = 10 - 20 * random.random() t.up() t.forward(b) t.left(90) t.forward(a) t.down() t.color('lightcoral') # 淡珊瑚色 t.circle(1) t.up() t.backward(a) t.right(90) t.backward(b) def main(): # 绘图区域 t = turtle.Turtle() # 画布大小 w = turtle.Screen() t.hideturtle() # 隐藏画笔 w.screensize(bg='wheat') # wheat小麦 t.left(90) t.up() t.backward(150) t.down() t.color('sienna') # 画樱花的躯干 tree(60, t) # 掉落的花瓣 petal(200, t) w.exitonclick() main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from turtle import* def nose(x,y):#鼻子 pu() goto(x,y) pd() seth(-30) begin_fill() a=0.4 for i in range(120): if 0<=i<30 or 60<=i<90: a=a+0.08 lt(3) #向左转3度 fd(a) #向前走a的步长 else: a=a-0.08 lt(3) fd(a) end_fill() pu() seth(90) fd(25) seth(0) fd(10) pd() pencolor(255,155,192) seth(10) begin_fill() circle(5) color(160,82,45) end_fill() pu() seth(0) fd(20) pd() pencolor(255,155,192) seth(10) begin_fill() circle(5) color(160,82,45) end_fill() def head(x,y):#头 color((255,155,192),"pink") pu() goto(x,y) seth(0) pd() begin_fill() seth(180) circle(300,-30) circle(100,-60) circle(80,-100) circle(150,-20) circle(60,-95) seth(161) circle(-300,15) pu() goto(-100,100) pd() seth(-30) a=0.4 for i in range(60): if 0<=i<30 or 60<=i<90: a=a+0.08 lt(3) #向左转3度 fd(a) #向前走a的步长 else: a=a-0.08 lt(3) fd(a) end_fill() def ears(x,y): #耳朵 color((255,155,192),"pink") pu() goto(x,y) pd() begin_fill() seth(100) circle(-50,50) circle(-10,120) circle(-50,54) end_fill() pu() seth(90) fd(-12) seth(0) fd(30) pd() begin_fill() seth(100) circle(-50,50) circle(-10,120) circle(-50,56) end_fill() def eyes(x,y):#眼睛 color((255,155,192),"white") pu() seth(90) fd(-20) seth(0) fd(-95) pd() begin_fill() circle(15) end_fill() color("black") pu() seth(90) fd(12) seth(0) fd(-3) pd() begin_fill() circle(3) end_fill() color((255,155,192),"white") pu() seth(90) fd(-25) seth(0) fd(40) pd() begin_fill() circle(15) end_fill() color("black") pu() seth(90) fd(12) seth(0) fd(-3) pd() begin_fill() circle(3) end_fill() def cheek(x,y):#腮 color((255,155,192)) pu() goto(x,y) pd() seth(0) begin_fill() circle(30) end_fill() def mouth(x,y): #嘴 color(239,69,19) pu() goto(x,y) pd() seth(-80) circle(30,40) circle(40,80) def body(x,y):#身体 color("red",(255,99,71)) pu() goto(x,y) pd() begin_fill() seth(-130) circle(100,10) circle(300,30) seth(0) fd(230) seth(90) circle(300,30) circle(100,3) color((255,155,192),(255,100,100)) seth(-135) circle(-80,63) circle(-150,24) end_fill() def hands(x,y):#手 color((255,155,192)) pu() goto(x,y) pd() seth(-160) circle(300,15) pu() seth(90) fd(15) seth(0) fd(0) pd() seth(-10) circle(-20,90) pu() seth(90) fd(30) seth(0) fd(237) pd() seth(-20) circle(-300,15) pu() seth(90) fd(20) seth(0) fd(0) pd() seth(-170) circle(20,90) def foot(x,y):#脚 pensize(10) color((240,128,128)) pu() goto(x,y) pd() seth(-90) fd(40) seth(-180) color("black") pensize(15) fd(20) pensize(10) color((240,128,128)) pu() seth(90) fd(40) seth(0) fd(90) pd() seth(-90) fd(40) seth(-180) color("black") pensize(15) fd(20) def tail(x,y):#尾巴 pensize(4) color((255,155,192)) pu() goto(x,y) pd() seth(0) circle(70,20) circle(10,330) circle(70,30) def setting(): #参数设置 pensize(4) hideturtle() colormode(255) color((255,155,192),"pink") setup(840,500) speed(10) def main(): setting() #画布、画笔设置 nose(-100,100) #鼻子 head(-69,167) #头 ears(0,160) #耳朵 eyes(0,140) #眼睛 cheek(80,10) #腮 mouth(-20,30) #嘴 body(-32,-8) #身体 hands(-56,-45) #手 foot(2,-177) #脚 tail(148,-155) #尾巴 done() #结束 main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import turtle def getPosition(x, y): turtle.setx(x) turtle.sety(y) print(x, y) class Pikachu: def __init__(self): self.t = turtle.Turtle() t = self.t t.pensize(3) t.speed(9) t.ondrag(getPosition) def noTrace_goto(self, x, y): self.t.penup() self.t.goto(x, y) self.t.pendown() def leftEye(self, x, y): self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t = self.t t.seth(0) t.fillcolor('#333333') t.begin_fill() t.circle(22) t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(x, y + 10) t.fillcolor('#000000') t.begin_fill() t.circle(10) t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(x + 6, y + 22) t.fillcolor('#ffffff') t.begin_fill() t.circle(10) t.end_fill() def rightEye(self, x, y): self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t = self.t t.seth(0) t.fillcolor('#333333') t.begin_fill() t.circle(22) t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(x, y + 10) t.fillcolor('#000000') t.begin_fill() t.circle(10) t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(x - 6, y + 22) t.fillcolor('#ffffff') t.begin_fill() t.circle(10) t.end_fill() def mouth(self, x, y): self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t = self.t t.fillcolor('#88141D') t.begin_fill() # 下嘴唇 l1 = [] l2 = [] t.seth(190) a = 0.7 for i in range(28): a += 0.1 t.right(3) t.fd(a) l1.append(t.position()) self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t.seth(10) a = 0.7 for i in range(28): a += 0.1 t.left(3) t.fd(a) l2.append(t.position()) # 上嘴唇 t.seth(10) t.circle(50, 15) t.left(180) t.circle(-50, 15) t.circle(-50, 40) t.seth(233) t.circle(-50, 55) t.left(180) t.circle(50, 12.1) t.end_fill() # 舌头 self.noTrace_goto(17, 54) t.fillcolor('#DD716F') t.begin_fill() t.seth(145) t.circle(40, 86) t.penup() for pos in reversed(l1[:20]): t.goto(pos[0], pos[1] + 1.5) for pos in l2[:20]: t.goto(pos[0], pos[1] + 1.5) t.pendown() t.end_fill() # 鼻子 self.noTrace_goto(-17, 94) t.seth(8) t.fd(4) t.back(8) # 红脸颊 def leftCheek(self, x, y): turtle.tracer(False) t = self.t self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t.seth(300) t.fillcolor('#DD4D28') t.begin_fill() a = 2.3 for i in range(120): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a -= 0.05 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) else: a += 0.05 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) t.end_fill() turtle.tracer(True) def rightCheek(self, x, y): t = self.t turtle.tracer(False) self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t.seth(60) t.fillcolor('#DD4D28') t.begin_fill() a = 2.3 for i in range(120): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a -= 0.05 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) else: a += 0.05 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) t.end_fill() turtle.tracer(True) def colorLeftEar(self, x, y): t = self.t self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t.fillcolor('#000000') t.begin_fill() t.seth(330) t.circle(100, 35) t.seth(219) t.circle(-300, 19) t.seth(110) t.circle(-30, 50) t.circle(-300, 10) t.end_fill() def colorRightEar(self, x, y): t = self.t self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t.fillcolor('#000000') t.begin_fill() t.seth(300) t.circle(-100, 30) t.seth(35) t.circle(300, 15) t.circle(30, 50) t.seth(190) t.circle(300, 17) t.end_fill() def body(self): t = self.t t.fillcolor('#F6D02F') t.begin_fill() # 右脸轮廓 t.penup() t.circle(130, 40) t.pendown() t.circle(100, 105) t.left(180) t.circle(-100, 5) # 右耳朵 t.seth(20) t.circle(300, 30) t.circle(30, 50) t.seth(190) t.circle(300, 36) # 上轮廓 t.seth(150) t.circle(150, 70) # 左耳朵 t.seth(200) t.circle(300, 40) t.circle(30, 50) t.seth(20) t.circle(300, 35) # print(t.pos()) # 左脸轮廓 t.seth(240) t.circle(105, 95) t.left(180) t.circle(-105, 5) # 左手 t.seth(210) t.circle(500, 18) t.seth(200) t.fd(10) t.seth(280) t.fd(7) t.seth(210) t.fd(10) t.seth(300) t.circle(10, 80) t.seth(220) t.fd(10) t.seth(300) t.circle(10, 80) t.seth(240) t.fd(12) t.seth(0) t.fd(13) t.seth(240) t.circle(10, 70) t.seth(10) t.circle(10, 70) t.seth(10) t.circle(300, 18) t.seth(75) t.circle(500, 8) t.left(180) t.circle(-500, 15) t.seth(250) t.circle(100, 65) # 左脚 t.seth(320) t.circle(100, 5) t.left(180) t.circle(-100, 5) t.seth(220) t.circle(200, 20) t.circle(20, 70) t.seth(60) t.circle(-100, 20) t.left(180) t.circle(100, 20) t.seth(300) t.circle(10, 70) t.seth(60) t.circle(-100, 20) t.left(180) t.circle(100, 20) t.seth(10) t.circle(100, 60) # 横向 t.seth(180) t.circle(-100, 10) t.left(180) t.circle(100, 10) t.seth(5) t.circle(100, 10) t.circle(-100, 40) t.circle(100, 35) t.left(180) t.circle(-100, 10) # 右脚 t.seth(290) t.circle(100, 55) t.circle(10, 50) t.seth(120) t.circle(100, 20) t.left(180) t.circle(-100, 20) t.seth(0) t.circle(10, 50) t.seth(110) t.circle(100, 20) t.left(180) t.circle(-100, 20) t.seth(30) t.circle(20, 50) t.seth(100) t.circle(100, 40) # 右侧身体轮廓 t.seth(200) t.circle(-100, 5) t.left(180) t.circle(100, 5) t.left(30) t.circle(100, 75) t.right(15) t.circle(-300, 21) t.left(180) t.circle(300, 3) # 右手 t.seth(43) t.circle(200, 60) t.right(10) t.fd(10) t.circle(5, 160) t.seth(90) t.circle(5, 160) t.seth(90) t.fd(10) t.seth(90) t.circle(5, 180) t.fd(10) t.left(180) t.left(20) t.fd(10) t.circle(5, 170) t.fd(10) t.seth(240) t.circle(50, 30) t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(130, 125) t.seth(-20) t.fd(5) t.circle(-5, 160) t.fd(5) # 手指纹 self.noTrace_goto(166, 130) t.seth(-90) t.fd(3) t.circle(-4, 180) t.fd(3) t.seth(-90) t.fd(3) t.circle(-4, 180) t.fd(3) # 尾巴 self.noTrace_goto(168, 134) t.fillcolor('#F6D02F') t.begin_fill() t.seth(40) t.fd(200) t.seth(-80) t.fd(150) t.seth(210) t.fd(150) t.left(90) t.fd(100) t.right(95) t.fd(100) t.left(110) t.fd(70) t.right(110) t.fd(80) t.left(110) t.fd(30) t.right(110) t.fd(32) t.right(106) t.circle(100, 25) t.right(15) t.circle(-300, 2) ############## # print(t.pos()) t.seth(30) t.fd(40) t.left(100) t.fd(70) t.right(100) t.fd(80) t.left(100) t.fd(46) t.seth(66) t.circle(200, 38) t.right(10) t.fd(10) t.end_fill() # 尾巴花纹 t.fillcolor('#923E24') self.noTrace_goto(126.82, -156.84) t.begin_fill() t.seth(30) t.fd(40) t.left(100) t.fd(40) t.pencolor('#923e24') t.seth(-30) t.fd(30) t.left(140) t.fd(20) t.right(150) t.fd(20) t.left(150) t.fd(20) t.right(150) t.fd(20) t.left(130) t.fd(18) t.pencolor('#000000') t.seth(-45) t.fd(67) t.right(110) t.fd(80) t.left(110) t.fd(30) t.right(110) t.fd(32) t.right(106) t.circle(100, 25) t.right(15) t.circle(-300, 2) t.end_fill() # 帽子、眼睛、嘴巴、脸颊 self.cap(-134.07, 147.81) self.mouth(-5, 25) self.leftCheek(-126, 32) self.rightCheek(107, 63) self.colorLeftEar(-250, 100) self.colorRightEar(140, 270) self.leftEye(-85, 90) self.rightEye(50, 110) t.hideturtle() def cap(self, x, y): self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t = self.t t.fillcolor('#CD0000') t.begin_fill() t.seth(200) t.circle(400, 7) t.left(180) t.circle(-400, 30) t.circle(30, 60) t.fd(50) t.circle(30, 45) t.fd(60) t.left(5) t.circle(30, 70) t.right(20) t.circle(200, 70) t.circle(30, 60) t.fd(70) # print(t.pos()) t.right(35) t.fd(50) t.circle(8, 100) t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(-168.47, 185.52) t.seth(36) t.circle(-270, 54) t.left(180) t.circle(270, 27) t.circle(-80, 98) t.fillcolor('#444444') t.begin_fill() t.left(180) t.circle(80, 197) t.left(58) t.circle(200, 45) t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(-58, 270) t.pencolor('#228B22') t.dot(35) self.noTrace_goto(-30, 280) t.fillcolor('#228B22') t.begin_fill() t.seth(100) t.circle(30, 180) t.seth(190) t.fd(15) t.seth(100) t.circle(-45, 180) t.right(90) t.fd(15) t.end_fill() t.pencolor('#000000') def start(self): self.body() def main(): print('Painting the Pikachu... ') turtle.screensize(800, 600) turtle.title('Pikachu') pikachu = Pikachu() pikachu.start() turtle.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import turtle # 海龟初始化 pen = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor("black") # 背景颜色 turtle.title("烟花") pen.speed(10) for x in range(180): step = 300 if x % 2 == 0: pen.color("red") step = 300 elif x % 3 == 0: pen.color("green") step = 250 elif x % 5 == 0: pen.color("yellow") step = 150 else: pen.color("pink") step = 100 pen.forward(step) # 按照步长画直线 # pen.dot() pen.backward(step) # 原路返回 pen.right(2) # 每次循环向右转2度 pen.forward(step) # 按照步长画直线 pen.dot(1) pen.backward(step) # 原路返回 pen.right(2) # 每次循环向右转2度 turtle.done()
import turtle turtle.up() turtle.goto(-200,200) turtle.down() turtle.fillcolor('red') turtle.pencolor('red') turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(2): turtle.forward(280) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(200) turtle.right(90) turtle.end_fill() #长方形 turtle.up() turtle.goto(-170,145) turtle.down() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pencolor('yellow') turtle.fillcolor('yellow') for i in range(5): turtle.forward(50) turtle.right(144) turtle.end_fill() #1星 turtle.up() turtle.goto(-100,180) turtle.down() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pencolor('yellow') turtle.fillcolor('yellow') for i in range(5): turtle.forward(20) turtle.right(144) turtle.end_fill() #2星 turtle.up() turtle.goto(-70,160) turtle.down() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pencolor('yellow') turtle.fillcolor('yellow') for i in range(5): turtle.forward(20) turtle.right(144) turtle.end_fill() #3星 turtle.up() turtle.goto(-70,120) turtle.down() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pencolor('yellow') turtle.fillcolor('yellow') for i in range(5): turtle.forward(20) turtle.right(144) turtle.end_fill() #4星 turtle.up() turtle.goto(-100,100) turtle.down() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pencolor('yellow') turtle.fillcolor('yellow') for i in range(5): turtle.forward(20) turtle.right(144) turtle.end_fill() turtle.hideturtle() turtle.mainloop()
import turtle t=turtle.Pen() t.speed(25) t.pensize(8) t.hideturtle() #大圈 t.fillcolor('#00A1E8') t.begin_fill() t.circle(120) t.end_fill() #小圈 t.pensize(3) t.fillcolor('white') t.begin_fill() t.circle(100) t.end_fill() #鼻子大圈 t.penup() t.goto(0,134) t.pendown() t.pensize(4) t.fillcolor('#ea0014') t.begin_fill() t.circle(18) t.end_fill() #鼻子小圈 t.penup() t.goto(7,155) t.pensize(2) t.color('white', 'white') t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.circle(4) t.end_fill() #左眼 t.pu() t.goto(-30,160) t.pensize(4) t.pd() t.color('black','white') t.begin_fill() a=0.4 for i in range(120): if 0<=i<30 or 60<=i<90: a=a+0.08 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) else: a=a-0.08 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) t.end_fill() #左眼球 t.penup() t.goto(-30,170) t.pendown() t.pensize(4) t.fillcolor('black') t.begin_fill() t.circle(18) t.end_fill() t.penup() t.goto(-25,178) t.pensize(3) t.color('white', 'white') t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.circle(4) t.end_fill() #右眼 t.pu() t.goto(30,160) t.pensize(4) t.pd() t.color('black','white') t.begin_fill() for i in range(120): if 0<=i<30 or 60<=i<90: a=a+0.08 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) else: a=a-0.08 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) t.end_fill() #右眼球 t.penup() t.goto(30,170) t.pendown() t.pensize(4) t.fillcolor('black') t.begin_fill() t.circle(18) t.end_fill() t.penup() t.goto(25,178) t.pensize(3) t.color('white', 'white') t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.circle(4) t.end_fill() #胡须 t.pu() t.home() t.goto(0,134) t.pensize(4) t.pencolor('black') t.pd() t.right(90) t.forward(40) #右胡须 t.pu() t.home() t.goto(0,124) t.pensize(3) t.pencolor('black') t.pd() t.left(10) t.forward(80) t.pu() t.home() t.goto(0,114) t.pensize(3) t.pencolor('black') t.pd() t.left(6) t.forward(80) t.pu() t.home() t.goto(0,104) t.pensize(3) t.pencolor('black') t.pd() t.left(180) t.forward(80) t.pu() t.home() t.goto(0,104) t.pensize(3) t.pencolor('black') t.pd() t.left(0) t.forward(80) #左胡须 t.pu() t.home() t.goto(0,124) t.pensize(3) t.pencolor('black') t.pd() t.left(170) t.forward(80) t.pu() t.home() t.goto(0,114) t.pensize(3) t.pencolor('black') t.pd() t.left(174) t.forward(80) #嘴巴 t.pu() t.goto(-70,70) t.pd() t.color('black','red') t.pensize(6) t.seth(-60) t.begin_fill() t.circle(80,120) t.end_fill() t.pu() t.home() t.goto(-80,70) t.pd() t.forward(160) #舌头 t.pu() t.home() t.goto(-50,50) t.pd() t.pensize(1) t.fillcolor('#eb6e1a') t.seth(40) t.begin_fill() t.circle(-40,40) t.circle(-40,40) t.seth(40) t.circle(-40,40) t.circle(-40,40) t.seth(220) t.circle(-80,40) t.circle(-80,40) t.end_fill() #领带 t.pu() t.goto(-70,12) t.pensize(14) t.pencolor('red') t.pd() t.seth(-20) t.begin_fill() t.circle(200,30) t.circle(200,10) #铃铛 t.pu() t.goto(0,-46) t.pd() t.pensize(3) t.color('black','#f8d102') t.begin_fill() t.circle(25) t.end_fill() t.pu() t.goto(-5,-40) t.pd() t.pensize(2) t.color('black','#79675d') t.begin_fill() t.circle(5) t.end_fill() t.pensize(3) t.right(115) t.forward(7) turtle.mainloop()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import turtle turtle.circle(100,360,4) turtle.circle(100) turtle.up() turtle.goto(100,100) turtle.down() turtle.circle(100,360,3) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-100,-100) turtle.down() turtle.circle(100,360,5) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.mainloop()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from turtle import * # 无轨迹跳跃 def my_goto(x, y): penup() goto(x, y) pendown() # 眼睛 def eyes(): fillcolor("#ffffff") begin_fill() tracer(False) a = 2.5 for i in range(120): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a -= 0.05 lt(3) fd(a) else: a += 0.05 lt(3) fd(a) tracer(True) end_fill() # 胡须 def beard(): my_goto(-32, 135) seth(165) fd(60) my_goto(-32, 125) seth(180) fd(60) my_goto(-32, 115) seth(193) fd(60) my_goto(37, 135) seth(15) fd(60) my_goto(37, 125) seth(0) fd(60) my_goto(37, 115) seth(-13) fd(60) # 嘴巴 def mouth(): my_goto(5, 148) seth(270) fd(100) seth(0) circle(120, 50) seth(230) circle(-120, 100) # 围巾 def scarf(): fillcolor('#e70010') begin_fill() seth(0) fd(200) circle(-5, 90) fd(10) circle(-5, 90) fd(207) circle(-5, 90) fd(10) circle(-5, 90) end_fill() # 鼻子 def nose(): my_goto(-10, 158) seth(315) fillcolor('#e70010') begin_fill() circle(20) end_fill() # 黑眼睛 def black_eyes(): seth(0) my_goto(-20, 195) fillcolor('#000000') begin_fill() circle(13) end_fill() pensize(6) my_goto(20, 205) seth(75) circle(-10, 150) pensize(3) my_goto(-17, 200) seth(0) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() circle(5) end_fill() my_goto(0, 0) # 脸 def face(): fd(183) lt(45) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() circle(120, 100) seth(180) # print(pos()) fd(121) pendown() seth(215) circle(120, 100) end_fill() my_goto(63.56,218.24) seth(90) eyes() seth(180) penup() fd(60) pendown() seth(90) eyes() penup() seth(180) fd(64) # 头型 def head(): penup() circle(150, 40) pendown() fillcolor('#00a0de') begin_fill() circle(150, 280) end_fill() # 画哆啦A梦 def Doraemon(): # 头部 head() # 围脖 scarf() # 脸 face() # 红鼻子 nose() # 嘴巴 mouth() # 胡须 beard() # 身体 my_goto(0, 0) seth(0) penup() circle(150, 50) pendown() seth(30) fd(40) seth(70) circle(-30, 270) fillcolor('#00a0de') begin_fill() seth(230) fd(80) seth(90) circle(1000, 1) seth(-89) circle(-1000, 10) # print(pos()) seth(180) fd(70) seth(90) circle(30, 180) seth(180) fd(70) # print(pos()) seth(100) circle(-1000, 9) seth(-86) circle(1000, 2) seth(230) fd(40) # print(pos()) circle(-30, 230) seth(45) fd(81) seth(0) fd(203) circle(5, 90) fd(10) circle(5, 90) fd(7) seth(40) circle(150, 10) seth(30) fd(40) end_fill() # 左手 seth(70) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() circle(-30) end_fill() # 脚 my_goto(103.74, -182.59) seth(0) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() fd(15) circle(-15, 180) fd(90) circle(-15, 180) fd(10) end_fill() my_goto(-96.26, -182.59) seth(180) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() fd(15) circle(15, 180) fd(90) circle(15, 180) fd(10) end_fill() # 右手 my_goto(-133.97, -91.81) seth(50) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() circle(30) end_fill() # 口袋 my_goto(-103.42, 15.09) seth(0) fd(38) seth(230) begin_fill() circle(90, 260) end_fill() my_goto(5, -40) seth(0) fd(70) seth(-90) circle(-70, 180) seth(0) fd(70) #铃铛 my_goto(-103.42, 15.09) fd(90) seth(70) fillcolor('#ffd200') # print(pos()) begin_fill() circle(-20) end_fill() seth(170) fillcolor('#ffd200') begin_fill() circle(-2, 180) seth(10) circle(-100, 22) circle(-2, 180) seth(180-10) circle(100, 22) end_fill() goto(-13.42, 15.09) seth(250) circle(20, 110) seth(90) fd(15) dot(10) my_goto(0, -150) # 画眼睛 black_eyes() if __name__ == '__main__': screensize(800,600, "#f0f0f0") pensize(3) # 画笔宽度 speed(9) # 画笔速度 Doraemon() my_goto(100, -300) write('by dongdong', font=("Bradley Hand ITC", 30, "bold")) mainloop()
import turtle turtle.screensize(800,600,'white') turtle.title('画一个心') turtle.color('red','pink') turtle.hideturtle() turtle.pensize(3) turtle.speed(0) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.left(135) turtle.fd(100) turtle.right(180) turtle.circle(50,-180) turtle.left(90) turtle.circle(50,-180) turtle.right(180) turtle.fd(100) turtle.end_fill() turtle.up() turtle.goto(-45,80) turtle.write('xxxxx',font=('楷体',13)) # align='center' turtle.done()
import turtle as t a=t.Pen() a.speed(40) a.hideturtle() for i in range(90): a.forward(i) a.right(30) t.mainloop()
import turtle as t a=t.Pen() a.hideturtle() for i in range(1000): a.fd(i) a.left(75) t.mainloop()
import turtle t=turtle.Pen() t.hideturtle() t.pensize(20) t.pencolor('red') t.begin_fill() t.fillcolor('black') t.circle(100) t.end_fill() turtle.mainloop()
import turtle turtle.color('red') turtle.fillcolor('yellow') turtle.pensize(22) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.circle(100) turtle.end_fill() turtle.hideturtle() turtle.mainloop()
import turtle screen = turtle.Screen() screen.setup(800,600) circle = turtle.Turtle() circle.shape('circle') circle.color('red') circle.speed('fastest') circle.up() square = turtle.Turtle() square.shape('square') square.color('green') square.speed('fastest') square.up() circle.goto(0,280) circle.stamp() k = 0 for i in range(1, 17): y = 30*i for j in range(i-k): x = 30*j square.goto(x,-y+280) square.stamp() square.goto(-x,-y+280) square.stamp() if i % 4 == 0: x = 30*(j+1) circle.color('red') circle.goto(-x,-y+280) circle.stamp() circle.goto(x,-y+280) circle.stamp() k += 2 if i % 4 == 3: x = 30*(j+1) circle.color('yellow') circle.goto(-x,-y+280) circle.stamp() circle.goto(x,-y+280) circle.stamp() square.color('brown') for i in range(17,20): y = 30*i for j in range(3): x = 30*j square.goto(x,-y+280) square.stamp() square.goto(-x,-y+280) square.stamp() turtle.exitonclick()
import time import datetime # 计算两个日期相差天数,自定义函数名,和两个日期的变量名。 def Caltime(date1, date2): # %Y-%m-%d为日期格式,其中的-可以用其他代替或者不写,但是要统一,同理后面的时分秒也一样;可以只计算日期,不计算时间。 # date1=time.strptime(date1,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # date2=time.strptime(date2,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") date1 = time.strptime(date1, "%Y-%m-%d") date2 = time.strptime(date2, "%Y-%m-%d") # 根据上面需要计算日期还是日期时间,来确定需要几个数组段。下标0表示年,小标1表示月,依次类推... # date1=datetime.datetime(date1[0],date1[1],date1[2],date1[3],date1[4],date1[5]) # date2=datetime.datetime(date2[0],date2[1],date2[2],date2[3],date2[4],date2[5]) date1 = datetime.datetime(date1[0], date1[1], date1[2]) date2 = datetime.datetime(date2[0], date2[1], date2[2]) # 返回两个变量相差的值,就是相差天数 return date2 - date1 def is_date(str): try: time.strptime(str,"%Y-%m-%d") return True except: return False if __name__=='__main__': #提示信息请根据实际情况更改 print('请输入较早日期(格式例:xxxx-xx-xx):') while True: dt1=input() if is_date(dt1)==True: break else: print('请输入正确的日期!!!请重新输入!!!') #print(is_date(dt1)) print('\n请输入较晚日期(格式为:xxxx-xx-xx):') while True: dt2=input() if is_date(dt2)==True: break else: print('请输入正确的日期!!!请重新输入!!!') #将结果保存到当前目录下的t_day.txt,该txt文档会自动创建,名字可自定义。 with open('./t_day.txt','a') as f: f.write('较早日期为:'+dt1+' 较晚日期为:'+dt2) f.write('\n两个日期相差 ') print (Caltime(dt1,dt2),file=f) f.write('\n') f.close
import sys import tkinter as Tkinter from tkinter import * import random data = ['奖品1', '奖品2', '奖品3', '奖品4', '奖品5', '奖品6', '奖品6', '奖品6', '奖品6'] going = True is_run = False def lottery_roll(var1, var2): global going show_member = random.choice(data) var1.set(show_member) if going: window.after(20, lottery_roll, var1, var2) else: var2.set('恭喜你获得{} !!!'.format(show_member)) going = True return def lottery_start(var1, var2): global is_run if is_run: return is_run = True var2.set('开抽,欧皇就是你!!!') lottery_roll(var1, var2) def lottery_end(): global going, is_run if is_run: going = False is_run = False if __name__ == '__main__': window = Tkinter.Tk() window.geometry('405x320+250+15') window.title('伯乐码奖品抽奖器') bg_label = Label(window, width=70, height=24, bg='#ECf5FF') bg_label.place(anchor=NW, x=0, y=0) var1 = StringVar(value='即 将 开 始') show_label1 = Label(window, textvariable=var1, justify='left', anchor=CENTER, width=17, height=3, bg='#BFEFFF', font='楷体 -44 bold', foreground='black') show_label1.place(anchor=NW, x=21, y=20) var2 = StringVar(value='开抽,欧皇就是你!!!') show_label2 = Label(window, textvariable=var2, justify='left', anchor=CENTER, width=38, height=3, bg='#ECf5FF', font='楷体 -18 bold', foreground='red') show_label2.place(anchor=NW, x=21, y=240) button1 = Button(window, text='开始', command=lambda: lottery_start(var1, var2), width=14, height=2, bg='#A8A8A8', font='宋体 -18 bold') button1.place(anchor=NW, x=20, y=175) button2 = Button(window, text='结束', command=lambda: lottery_end(), width=14, height=2, bg='#A8A8A8', font='宋体 -18 bold') button2.place(anchor=NW, x=232, y=175) window.mainloop()
import tkinter import threading import time from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox from tkinter import messagebox root = tkinter.Tk() root.title('啊-Guess the word') root.minsize(300,330) label =(root) label = Label(root,text = '11111111111',font = ('微软雅黑',11),fg = 'red') label.grid(row =0 ,column =0) btn1 = tkinter.Button(root,text ='1',width = 5,height =2,bg='blue') btn1.place(x=20,y=70) btn2 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '2',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn2.place(x=90,y=70) btn3 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '3',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn3.place(x=160,y=70) btn4 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '3',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn4.place(x=230,y=140) btn5 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '5',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn5.place(x=230,y=70) btn6 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '6',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn6.place(x=230,y=210) btn7 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '7',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn7.place(x=230,y=280 ) btn8 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '8',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn8.place(x=160,y=280) btn9 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '9',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn9.place(x=90,y=280 ) btn10 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '10',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn10.place(x=20,y=280) btn11 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '11',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn11.place(x=20,y=210) btn12 = tkinter.Button(root,text = '12',width = 5,height =2,bg ='white') btn12.place(x=20,y=140) herolists = [btn1,btn2,btn3,btn4,btn5,btn6,btn7,btn8,btn9,btn11] isloop = False stopsing = False #定义停止id stopid = None #定义函数,循环选项 设置背景颜色,选中的为红色, def round(): global isloop global stopid if isloop ==True: return i = 1 #判断一个对象是否已经类型 type #考虑继承关系 if isinstance(stopid,int): i = stopid while True: # time.sleep(0.05)#延时 for x in herolists: x['bg'] = 'white' herolists[i]['bg'] ='blue' i += 1 if i >= len(herolists): i = 0 if stopsing == True: isloop =False stopid = i break #停止 def stop1(): global stopsing if stopsing == True: return stopsing = True #开始 def newtask(): global isloop global stopsing stopsing = False #建立线程 t = threading.Thread(target = round ) t.start() isloop = True btn_start = tkinter.Button(root,text = '开始',bg = 'red',command = newtask) btn_start.place(x=90,y=175) # btn_stop = tkinter.Button(root,text = '结束',bg = 'yellow',command = stop1) btn_stop.place(x=160,y=175 ) root.mainloop()