Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。


In my last article about Attack Surface Reduction, I didn’t care enough to go through all the documentation and went for a long detour to install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager for Attack Surface Reduction configurations. It turned out that, all I need is Group Policy.

So, this article, I moved the part of installing Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager here as a stand-alone for later reference.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

The process is dauting, if you would kindly be patient and follow along.

Test is performed on Windows Server 2019 VM machine in Active Directory environment with SQL server installed (required by Configuration Manager).

Download and install according to official document. For test purposes, we can ignore step 5 through 17, and make sure you have MSSQL Server standard or enterprise edition installed, others won’t work (though I found that DEV edition will work, follow along).

Some steps are explained next.


SQL Server Instance

In order to successfully install Configuration Manager, we have to have a SQL server instance running, and we have to add an database for the admin site (on how to install and configure SQL server, refer to my other article, section “安装 SQL Server 2019 Express”).

NOTE: Make sure to join a domain first, then install SQL Server as Administrator user, also refer to my other article, section “添加 Windows Server 到域”. And, the SQL Server used in that article is SQL Express, which is not supported by Configuration Manager. You should go to this official site, and download the Developer edition.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

And other steps are just the same.

After installing SQL Server Developer Edition and SQL Server Management Studio. Open SQL Server Management Studio 18.

Click Connect.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Right click on Databases and select New Database….

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Use CM_MEM (default Configuration Manager database name) as database name and click OK.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Then, right click on the instance and select New Query.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

And run the following query.

USE master;

    AS TCP ( LISTENER_PORT = 4022 )

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Check that the port is listening.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Then, open SQL Server Configuration Manager. Right click on SQL Server instance, select Properties. We are going to change the user who’s running SQL server as Configuration Manager won’t allow local service account to run SQL instance.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Click Built-in account and select Local System.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Click Apply and Yes.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Check services, make sure that SQL Server is running as Local System.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install RDC Library

Go to Server Manager -> Add Roles and Features.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Next all the way till you reach Features, and check Remote Differential Compression.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Click Next and Install.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Wait for the process to finish.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Windows ADK

Click on this link to download Windows ADK for Windows Build 1809 (my Windows Server 2019 is of Build 1809 too, so compatible).

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Double click to install.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Next All the way to finish installation.

SQL Server Instance Static TCP Port

Open SQL Server Configuration Manager. Under SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER, TCP/IP is Enabled.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Then, right click on TCP/IP, select Properties.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Under, IP Addresses tab, make sure all TCP Dynamic Ports are blank, and TCP Port are all configured to 1433.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Click Apply and restart SQL server instance.

Install WIndows-PE (Windows Pre-Installation Environment)

Go to this link to download Windows Preinstallation Environment. Double click to install.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Next all the way to install.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

As all pre-requisites are done, we can proceed to installing Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager.

Go to Microsoft official site to download the latest Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager for ASR configuration.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Fill in your information.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Extract to whichever location you want.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Run the installer.


If you encounter this .NET package error.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Issue the following command in Admin command prompt.

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All

Run the installer again.


Use most of the default settings as the following.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Use Downloads folder for downloaded files.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Then Next to install. The whole process may take an hour or so.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Select server language.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Choose client language.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
Specify some names.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

In this case, we are going to install the site as a stand-alone site.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Back to installation guide.

Put some more configurations there.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Hit Next to continue.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Let the installer run the check.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Warning is fine, Failed entries mean you have something missing, refer to pre-installation section if you saw one.

Click Begin Install to start the installation process.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

After about 20 minutes, the installation finished.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Some warnings are proved to be OK.

Let’s open Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager and start exploring ASR.

Implementation of Attack Surface Reduction

Go to Assets and Compliance -> Exdpoint Protection -> Windows Defender Exploit Guard.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Right click anywhere on the blank space and select Create Exploit Guard Policy.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Give the rules whatever name you want, leave the options as default

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Click Next and we can see what threats we want to block.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

For test purposes, we are going to block Office applications from creating child processes, and block Office macros from calling Win32 APIs, which will limit the success of phishing attacks.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Plus, we are going to turn on lsass protection to prevent credential stealing.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Click Next.

Now, we have to create an exploit protection XML.

Open Windows Security Center, select App & browser control.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Then, select **Exploit protection settings**.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Choose **Export settings** at the bottom.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Save the file to a location.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Import the XML file.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Choose the XML file.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Then click **Next**.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

**Next** all the way to complete the implementation.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Now, we have created our protection rules, but not deployed yet.

Right click on the entry, and select Deploy.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

And you can always change the settings in the **Attack Surface Reduction** tab by right click and choose **Properties**.

Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager


This article provides step by step guide on how to install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager and use it to setup Attack Surface Reduction Rules.




到了这里,关于Install Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!

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