1. 实验环境
(1)Visual Studio 2019(32位调试器)
(2)Windows 10
2. 多段图描述
多段图G = (V,E)是一个带权有向图,它具有以下特性:
图中的节点被划分成K>=2个互不相交的子集Vi, 1<=i<=k。其中V1和Vk分别只有一个节点,V1包含源点s,Vk包含汇点t。对所有边<u,v>∈E,多段图要求若u∈Vi,则v∈V(i+1)(1<=i<k),边上的权值位w(u,v)。从s到t的路径长度是这条路径上边的权值之和。
3. 算法的具体实现
定义了cost[ ]和d[ ],cost[ i ]用于存储到从节点 i 到汇点(t)的最短权值之和; d[ i ]用于存储 i 节点所指向的权值最小的节点,如上图中:
cost[10] = 5, d[10] = 11
cost[9] = 2, d[9] = 11
cost[8] = 4, d[8] = 11
cost[7] = 7, d[7] = 9
cost[6] = 5, d[6] = 9
cost[5] = 7, d[5] = 9
cost[4] = 15, d[4] = 7
cost[3] = 18, d[3] = 7
cost[2] = 9, d[2] = 5
cost[1] = 7, d[1] = 6
cost[0] = 16, d[0] = 2
所以算法执行结束cost[ 0 ],即为 源点--->汇点 的最短路径。
float FMultiGraph(ALGraph& G, int node) {
float* cost = new float[node];
int q, * d = new int[node];
cost[node - 1] = 0;
d[node - 1] = -1;
for (int i = node-2; i >= 0; --i)
float min = 65535;
for (ArcNode *p = G.adjlist[i].FirstArc ; p; p=p->nextArc)
int v = p->adjvex;
if ((p->weight + cost[v]) < min)
min = p->weight + cost[v];
q = v;
cost[i] = min;
d[i] = q;
float c = cost[0];
return c;
typedef struct ArcNode
int adjvex;
int weight; //权值
struct ArcNode* nextArc;
typedef struct VertexNode
int vertex;
int jieduan; //阶段
ArcNode* FirstArc;
typedef struct ALGraph
VertexNode adjlist[max]; //max define为100
void creatGraph(ALGraph &G, int node,int edge){
//初始化多少个图节点 以及图各节点的名称
for (int i = 0; i < node; i++)
int NodeName = 0, jieduan = 0;
cin >> NodeName >> jieduan;
G.adjlist[i].vertex = NodeName;
G.adjlist[i].jieduan = jieduan;
G.adjlist[i].FirstArc = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < edge; i++)
int from = 0, to = 0, weight = 0; //从 from 节点开始到 to节点 权值为 weight
cin >> from >> to >> weight;
ArcNode* p = new ArcNode;
p->adjvex = to;
p->weight = weight;
p->nextArc = G.adjlist[from].FirstArc;
G.adjlist[from].FirstArc = p;
void printfGraph(ALGraph& G, int node) {
for (int i = 0; i < node; i++)
cout << "V" << G.adjlist[i].jieduan << ": " << G.adjlist[i].vertex << " -> ";
ArcNode* temp = G.adjlist[i].FirstArc;
while (temp)
cout << temp->adjvex << "(" << temp->weight << ") -> ";
temp = temp->nextArc;
cout << "NULL" << endl;
int main() {
ALGraph G;
int node = 0, edge = 0;
cin >> node >> edge;
creatGraph(G, node, edge);
printfGraph(G, node);
float lujing = FMultiGraph(G, node);
cout << "最短路径为:" << lujing << endl;
return 0;
4. 测试数据输入及输出
再上面打开的X86 管理员界面输入 dos命令 程序 <输入文件> 输出文件
例如我这里是: test.exe <in.txt> out.txt
完成上述操作后可得到一个 out.txt 的文件为输出文件如下: