



1、如果是emuelc 3.9的,可以使用脚本升级,就是installtointernal.sh的这个脚本直接升级,是可以生效的。当然,这个脚本后面我会具体讲解原理,也可以自己修改。

2、如果是emuelc 3.9以后,以上方法是不生效的,那得使用系统自带的ceemmc的执行文件,通过命令方式即可升级,当然ceemmc是不开源的,但是使用是没有问题的。



Usage of the tool:

CoreELEC:~ # ceemmc -h

Starting CoreELEC eMMC installation tool...
Usage: ceemmc [options]

 This tool is written by Team CoreELEC, vpeter, Portisch

 -v             verbose output
 -h, --help     print this help

The tool do have a short and long help description. Use -h for the short and --help for the long description:

CoreELEC:~ # ceemmc --help

Starting CoreELEC eMMC installation tool...
Usage: ceemmc [options]

 This tool is written by Team CoreELEC, vpeter, Portisch

 -v             verbose output
 -h, --help     print this help

 Available functions:

Hint: These options are available if no CoreELEC installation is found on internal eMMC:

  [No CoreELEC installation on eMMC]

   Install in dual boot mode, CoreELEC and Android on eMMC
     Use CoreELEC data from
       [1] current used SD or USB device
           Install CoreELEC on eMMC without removing Android from the device.
           Dual boot of Android and CoreELEC is possible.
           Not all memory of the eMMC can be used because of Android.

       [2] existing backup on current used SD or USB device
           Install CoreELEC on eMMC without removing Android from the device.
           Dual boot of Android and CoreELEC is possible.
           Not all memory of the eMMC can be used because of Android.
           An existing backup of the CoreELEC data on on current
           used SD or USB device will be used for installation.

   Install in single boot mode, only CoreELEC on eMMC
     Use CoreELEC data from
       [3] current used SD or USB device
           Install CoreELEC on eMMC and remove Android from the device.
           Only boot of CoreELEC is possible.
           The maximum of memory of the eMMC is used.

       [4] existing backup on current used SD or USB device
           Install CoreELEC on eMMC and remove Android from the device.
           Only boot of CoreELEC is possible.
           The maximum of memory of the eMMC is used.
           An existing backup of the CoreELEC data on on current
           used SD or USB device will be used for installation.

Hint: These options are available if an existing CoreELEC dual mode installation is found on internal eMMC:

  [Existing CoreELEC dual boot installation on eMMC]

   Migrate CoreELEC dual boot to single boot installation
     Use CoreELEC data from
       [1] current used SD or USB device
           Install CoreELEC on eMMC and remove Android from the device.
           Only boot of CoreELEC is possible.
           The maximum of memory of the eMMC is used.
           All existing CoreELEC data on eMMC will be removed
           and the new data from current used SD or USB device
           will be copied to eMMC.

       [2] the existing data on eMMC
           Install CoreELEC on eMMC and remove Android from the device.
           Only boot of CoreELEC is possible.
           The maximum of memory of the eMMC is used.
           The existing CoreELEC data on eMMC will be used for installation.

       [3] existing backup on current used SD or USB device
           Install CoreELEC on eMMC and remove Android from the device.
           Only boot of CoreELEC is possible.
           The maximum of memory of the eMMC is used.
           An existing backup of the CoreELEC data on on current
           used SD or USB device will be used for installation.

   Renew current CoreELEC dual boot installation on eMMC
     Use CoreELEC data from
       [4] current used SD or USB device
           All existing CoreELEC data on eMMC will be removed
           and the new data from current used SD or USB device
           will be copied to eMMC.

       [5] existing backup on current used SD or USB device
           All existing CoreELEC data on eMMC will be removed and
           the new data from an existing backup from current
           used SD or USB device will be copied to eMMC.

   [6] Make a backup of current CoreELEC dual boot installation on eMMC to current used SD or USB device
       Make a backup of all CoreELEC data on flash and/or storage
       partition on eMMC to the current used SD or USB device

   [7] Remove current CoreELEC dual boot installation on eMMC
       All existing CoreELEC data on eMMC and the existing
       CoreELEC dual boot installation on eMMC will be removed.

Hint: These options are available if an existing CoreELEC single mode installation is found on internal eMMC:

  [Existing CoreELEC single boot installation on eMMC]

   Renew current CoreELEC single boot installation on eMMC
     Use CoreELEC data from
       [1] current used SD or USB device
           All existing CoreELEC data on eMMC will be removed
           and the new data from current used SD or USB device
           will be copied to eMMC.

       [2] existing backup on current used SD or USB device
           All existing CoreELEC data on eMMC will be removed and
           the new data from an existing backup from current
           used SD or USB device will be copied to eMMC.

   [3] Make a backup of current CoreELEC single boot installation on eMMC to current used SD or USB device
       Make a backup of all CoreELEC data on flash and/or storage
       partition on eMMC to the current used SD or USB device

Hint: These options are available if device got booted with a CoreELEC installation on internal eMMC:

  [Existing CoreELEC installation on eMMC]

   [1] Make a copy of current CoreELEC installation on eMMC to current used SD or USB device
       Make a copy of all CoreELEC data on flash and/or storage
       partition on eMMC to the current used SD or USB device



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