The Material for the Project Support BloomFilter for kvrocks

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了The Material for the Project Support BloomFilter for kvrocks。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

Here is the information about the project “Support BloomFilter for kvrocks” from the current web page context:

Field Value
项目编号 239430147
项目难度 Advanced
支持语言 English
项目社区导师 Xuwei Fu
技术领域 C++, Database
开源协议 Apache-2.0 License
项目简述 kvrocks is a distributed key value NoSQL database that uses RocksDB as storage engine and is compatible with Redis protocol. Kvrocks intends to decrease the cost of memory and increase the capacity while compared to Redis. This project intent to port BloomFilter and Cuckoo Filter to kvrocks, like RedisBloom(
Deliverables The code and testing for BloomFilter and Cuckoo Filter implementions. Performance benchmark for them.
Required Skills Medium knowledge of C++. Basic understanding of RocksDB and Redis. Basic understanding of Git.
项目产出要求 The code, testing and benchmark for BloomFilter and Cuckoo Filter.
项目技术要求 C++

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The framework for its application document

Here is the framework for the project “Support BloomFilter for kvrocks” translated into academic English:

  1. Project Background
    1.1 Basic Project Requirements
    1.2 Technical Field Tags

  2. Technical Methods and Feasibility
    2.1 BloomFilter and Cuckoo Filter Related
    2.2 RocksDB and Redis Related
    2.3 C++ Related

  3. Project Implementation Plan
    3.1 Phase Division
    3.2 Milestones

  4. Expected Project Outcomes

  5. Project Risks and Countermeasures
    5.1 Technical Risks
    5.2 Time Risks

  6. Participated Relevant Projects

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The First Version for Application Document

Here is an application document for the project “Support BloomFilter for kvrocks” based on our previous conversation:

Application for the Project “Support BloomFilter for kvrocks”

1. Project Background

1.1 Basic Project Requirements

The project “Support BloomFilter for kvrocks” aims to port BloomFilter and Cuckoo Filter to kvrocks, like RedisBloom. The project is not hard and includes implementing RedisBloom and Cuckoo Filter. The theory and code could be easy and clear.

1.2 Technical Field Tags

  • C++
  • Database

2. Technical Methods and Feasibility

2.1 BloomFilter and Cuckoo Filter Related

The project includes implementing RedisBloom and Cuckoo Filter. You can learn some optimization about the size of the bloom filter or cache locality of the bloom filter, like Block Split Bloom Filter.

2.2 RocksDB and Redis Related

Kvrocks is a distributed key value NoSQL database that uses RocksDB as storage engine and is compatible with Redis protocol.

2.3 C++ Related

The project requires medium knowledge of C++.

3. Project Implementation Plan

3.1 Phase Division

  • Phase 1: Implementing RedisBloom and Cuckoo Filter.
  • Phase 2: Testing and benchmarking the implementations.
  • Phase 3: Optimizing the size of the bloom filter or cache locality of the bloom filter.

3.2 Milestones

  • Milestone 1: Completion of RedisBloom and Cuckoo Filter implementations.
  • Milestone 2: Completion of testing and benchmarking.
  • Milestone 3: Completion of optimizations.

4. Expected Project Outcomes

The expected outcomes of the project include the code, testing, and benchmark for BloomFilter and Cuckoo Filter.

5. Project Risks and Countermeasures

5.1 Technical Risks

  • Difficulty in implementing RedisBloom and Cuckoo Filter.
  • Difficulty in optimizing the size of the bloom filter or cache locality of the bloom filter.

5.2 Time Risks

  • Delays in completing the implementations.
  • Delays in completing the testing and benchmarking.

6. Participated Relevant Projects

I have participted a project and its related and detailed information is as follows:
Project Type: National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program; Project Name: Research on Symmetric Encryption Schemes for Searchable Boolean Retrieval and K-Nearest Neighbor Retrieval; Project Funding: 610,000 RMB; Research Period: January 2020 - December 2023; Affiliated Institution: Dongguan University of Technology; Project Number: 61972089. In this project I have study the basic principle of bloom filter and Cuckoo Filter implements. In addition, I used them into the searchable encrypted database.
Is there anything else you would like to know?文章来源地址

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