通过 Docker 获取:
$ docker pull mythril/myth
从 Pypi 安装:
$ pip3 install mythril
目前,Mythril 支持 MacOS 和 Ubuntu,不支持 Windows。
Mythril 支持 Solidity 源代码和合约地址的检测。
$ myth analyze <solidity-file>
$ myth analyze -a <contract-address>
本文介绍在 Ubuntu 操作系统环境下的工具安装和检测分析过程。
Docker 环境下安装
经笔者实践,采用非 Docker 方式安装时,安装过程报错。 所以本检测分析过程基于 Docker 环境。
所有的 Mythril 版本,从 v0.18.3 开始,都以 mythrl/myth 的名称作为 Docker images 发布到 Docker Hub。
安装 Docker CE 后,通过以下命令 pull 最新版本的 mythril/myth:
$ docker pull mythril/myth
使用 docker 运行mythrl/myth,就像你使用 myth 命令一样。
查看 mythril/myth 帮助的命令如下:
$ docker run mythril/myth --help
检测分析 Solidity 源代码的命令如下:
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/tmp mythril/myth analyze /tmp/contract.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.4.22;
contract Roulette {
uint public pastBlockTime;
// initially contract
constructor() {}
// receive function
receive() external payable {}
// fallback function used to make a bet
fallback() external payable {
require(msg.value == 1 ether); // must send 1 ether to play
require(block.timestamp != pastBlockTime); // only 1 transaction per block
pastBlockTime = block.timestamp;
if(block.timestamp % 15 == 0) { // winner
接下来,让我们观察 Mythril 工具对这个合约的检测分析结果。
首先,我们把这个合约文件传递到 Ubuntu 主机的 ”/var/tmp/solidity_examples“ 目录。
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/var/tmp/solidity_examples mythril/myth analyze /var/tmp/solidity_examples/Roulette.sol
==== Dependence on predictable environment variable ====
SWC ID: 116
Severity: Low
Contract: Roulette
Function name: fallback
PC address: 70
Estimated Gas Usage: 918 - 1013
A control flow decision is made based on The block.timestamp environment variable.
The block.timestamp environment variable is used to determine a control flow decision. Note that the values of variables like coinbase, gaslimit, block number and timestamp are predictable and can be manipulated by a malicious miner. Also keep in mind that attackers know hashes of earlier blocks. Don't use any of those environment variables as sources of randomness and be aware that use of these variables introduces a certain level of trust into miners.
In file: /var/tmp/solidity_examples/Roulette.sol:16
imestamp != pastBlockTime); // only 1 tr
Initial State:
Account: [CREATOR], balance: 0xd, nonce:0, storage:{}
Account: [ATTACKER], balance: 0x0, nonce:0, storage:{}
Transaction Sequence:
Caller: [CREATOR], calldata: , value: 0x0
Caller: [SOMEGUY], function: unknown, txdata: 0x01010101, value: 0xde0b6b3a7640000
==== Dependence on predictable environment variable ====
SWC ID: 116
Severity: Low
Contract: Roulette
Function name: fallback
PC address: 102
Estimated Gas Usage: 6134 - 26229
A control flow decision is made based on The block.timestamp environment variable.
The block.timestamp environment variable is used to determine a control flow decision. Note that the values of variables like coinbase, gaslimit, block number and timestamp are predictable and can be manipulated by a malicious miner. Also keep in mind that attackers know hashes of earlier blocks. Don't use any of those environment variables as sources of randomness and be aware that use of these variables introduces a certain level of trust into miners.
In file: /var/tmp/solidity_examples/Roulette.sol:18
p % 15 == 0) { // winner
Initial State:
Account: [CREATOR], balance: 0x4000142021000000, nonce:0, storage:{}
Account: [ATTACKER], balance: 0x0, nonce:0, storage:{}
Transaction Sequence:
Caller: [CREATOR], calldata: , value: 0x0
Caller: [SOMEGUY], function: unknown, txdata: 0x01010101, value: 0xde0b6b3a7640000
通过以上的检测分析结果,我们大致可以得出结论,Mythril 工具确实检测出了 Roulette.sol 这个合约中的漏洞。合约代码中的两个地方存在时间戳依赖漏洞。
SWC ID: 116 —— 表示该漏洞的分类编号,详见 智能合约缺陷分类和测试用例
Severity: Low —— 表示该漏洞的严重性程度
Contract: Roulette —— 表示检测的合约名称
Function name: fallback —— 表示发现漏洞的函数名称
PC address: 70 —— 表示程序计数器,Program Counter 的简称
Estimated Gas Usage: 918 - 1013 —— 表示估算的 Gas 费用开销
控制流的决定是基于区块的时间戳环境变量。block.timestamp 环境变量用于确定控制流决策。请注意,coinbase、gaslimit、block number 和 timestramp 等变量的值是可预测的,可以被恶意矿工操纵。还要记住,攻击者知道早期块的哈希值。请注意,不要使用任何这些环境变量作为随机性的来源,并且确保使用的这些变量对矿工是可信任的。
本篇介绍了 Mythril 以太坊智能合约安全分析工具及其安装指南,并通过一个合约实例演示了该工具对 Solidity 合约源代码的检测命令及检测分析结果。下一篇我们将演示用该工具来对一个合约地址进行检测分析,观察分析结果是否如我们预期的一样。文章来源地址
到了这里,关于Mythril 以太坊智能合约安全分析与检测工具详解(一)的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!