

The pie chart above compares the percentage of things students intend to do when they use a mobile phone in a certain university. It is noticeable that the proportion of learning knowledge is highest among all the four categories according to statistics, at approximately 59.%. Whereas gaining information and killing time accounts for 21.340 and 17.0% each. Other factors make up 22%.
The fundamental factors that account for the above-mentioned phenomena are as follows. Firstly, the Internet breaks the wall that traditional education built. It is more convenient to access advanced and high-quality courses from all over the world. Secondly, this magical screen can offer accountable entertainment sources such as video games, music and movies to accompany students when they are bored, like waiting for a bus. Last but not least, it is safe to say that there is a vast sea of information on the internet. Students are getting used to getting what they want to know about it.
Personally speaking, I prefer entertaining on the mobile phone while using a computer to study because I think there are so many distractions on it that I can hardly focus.

The pie chart above compares the percentage of residents’ spending during the Spring Festival vacation in a certain city. It is noticeable that the proportion of spending on new year’s gifts is highest among all the four categories according to statistics, at approximately 40%. Whereas the amount spent on traveling and dining, accounts for 20% and 20% each.

The fundamental factors that account for the above-mentioned phenomena could be summarized as follows. Firstly, the main topic of Spring Festival is reunion for Chinese. People will go back to their hometown during the vacation to meet their family and old friends, which is the main reason for travel spending. Secondly, the dinner table is always considered an ideal place to gather around. Money will be spent on treating guests with a delicious and decent meal. Lastly, bringing a gift might be necessary when Chinese people visit a friend and that is why they spend a lot on it.

It is, however, probably safe to say that people will spend less on traveling but more on gifts in recent years because of the covid 19 pandamic.

The column chart above clearly reflects the change in the statistics of China’s population of rural and city. over a period of two decades. It is noticeable the population of the city has been on a rise from 300 million to 666 million, while the population of rural areas saw a decline from 834 million to 734 million. during the same period.
The fundamental factors that accourts for the above-mentioned phenomena are as follows. First and foremost, as the Chinese economy grows by leaps and bounds, there is always a large labor shortage in the city. Secondly, for people used to living in the village, cities can offer much more opportunities and decent money, which is linked with the decrease in the population of the city.
It is safe to predict that this tread will retain in the next few years. It is, however, can not be a long-term tread. If so, the village of China will disappear. It needs young people to stay. They can use their talent and passion to protect it and make good use of it.

The column chart above clearly reflects the changes in the statistics of the car market of China over a period of two years. It is noticeable that the percentage of Chinese-brand cars has been on a rise, while the percentage of cars made in Japan saw a decline during that period. Besides, for cars made in the United States, their market share remains virtually unchanged.
The fundamental factors that account for the above-mentioned phenomena are as follows. First and foremost, with the rapid development of the Chinese economy and society, the government has switched development goals from growing faster to growing with high quality. Some Chinese companies have been able to produce cars which are good enough to compare with foreign ones. In addition, it is so hard to ignore bad and shameful news that is related to foreign car companies in recent years. People are losing trust with those irresponsible companies.
Generally speaking, it is a positive change for China. And this growing trend will remain as long as Chinese companies always put high-quality and customers in the first place.文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-476841.html


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