SocketTools .NET Edition 11.0 Crack

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了SocketTools .NET Edition 11.0 Crack。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

SocketTools .NET Edition 一套 .NET 类,可轻松向软件添加 Internet 功能,支持 .NET 4.0 至 .NET 8.0。

SocketTools 提供入门所需的一切,包括文档和示例,以及免费技术支持来回答您的开发问题。

Visual Studio 2022 和 .NET 8.0

SocketTools .NET Edition 11.0 Crack



TLS 1.3 和 SSH2

OAuth 2.0 身份验证




IPv4 和 IPv6 连接


SocketTools .NET 版包括用于上载和下载文件、访问基于 Web 的服务、发送和检索电子邮件、在远程服务器上执行命令、交互式终端会话等组件。

SocketTools .NET Edition 11.0 Crack


SocketTools .NET 组件与 Visual Studio 2022 和以前的版本兼容。这些程序集可用于面向 .NET Framework 版本 4.0 到版本 8.0 的应用程序。它们在 32 位和 64 位 Windows 桌面和服务器平台上受支持。提供了 Visual Studio 2010 及更高版本的示例。


SocketTools 为您的应用程序、地理 IP 位置和文本消息组件提供安全的私有云存储。您无需订阅其他第三方服务,也不收取额外费用即可在您的应用程序中访问这些服务。所有内容都包含在您的 .NET 版开发许可证中。

使用具有 AES-256 位加密的传输层安全性 (TLS) 和安全外壳 (SSH) 协议支持安全连接。组件中的安全功能只需几行代码即可启用,并且不需要任何数据加密或加密经验。

属性、方法和事件与 SocketTools ActiveX 控件非常相似,因此可以更轻松地从旧版开发工具迁移项目。只要有可能,SocketTools 类的设计都尽可能容易地过渡到 .NET。

SocketTools .NET Edition 11.0 Crack


SocketTools 11

Adds support for the HTTP/2.0 protocol in all HTTP client components.

May 17, 2023 - 10:58 New Version


  • Added support for the HTTP/2.0 protocol in all HTTP client components.
  • Updated security options for TLS 1.2 (and later versions) and SSH 2.0 to use cipher suites available in Microsoft Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022. Older, less secure cipher suites have been deprecated and will not be used when establishing a connection. A fallback option is available to connect to legacy servers using TLS 1.0.
  • The default security protocol and cipher suite selection for all secure connections have been updated for Windows 10.
  • Assemblies for the Microsoft .NET 8.0 Preview have been included with this installation. To build applications using .NET 8.0 you will need install the Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Preview. Microsoft has scheduled the release of the .NET 8.0 Framework in November, 2023.
  • Assemblies for the .NET 6.0 and .NET 7.0 Framework releases have been updated with support for the current release of Visual Studio 2022.
  • Expanded support for internationalization and Unicode for all components. This also extends to the ANSI versions of exported functions which will now accept UTF-8 encoded string parameters to provide better support for Unicode with legacy applications.
  • Improved processing of large MIME messages with a complex message structure which includes multipart/alternative messages and large file attachments. The limit on the number of attached files in a message have been removed.
  • Improved handling of mail messages which include non-Latin character sets and expanded support for alternative character sets used with Japanese, Chinese and Korean languages. Messages which contain a mix of UTF-8 and ANSI character sets will be internally converted to use Unicode for uniformity of processing.
  • Improved transfer speeds for large files using the FTP and HTTP components over high-speed networks and removed the bandwidth limiting feature for high-priority transfers. A high precision mode is available when measuring transfer rates.
  • Improved internal memory management to limit fragmentation of the heap and reduce the process and client session heap size after references to those objects have been released. Each component shares a private heap which is isolated from the general process heap used by the application.
  • Improved the internal server monitoring thread to be less resource intensive with a large number of transitory client connections. This change should particularly improve performance with the HTTP server when accepting many client connections over a short period of time.
  • Improved handling of malformed MIME messages which contain invalid header blocks or a malformed multipart structure, including invalid boundary identifiers used to define the different parts of a multipart/alternative message.
  • Removed support for deprecated Diffie-Hellman group exchange algorithms which could prevent a client from establishing a SSH 2.0 connection. SocketTools will no longer offer older, less secure security algorithms when connecting with a server. All support for SSH 1.0 has been removed.
  • New installers and Windows Installer (MSI) packages have been created. The new installers provide an improved installation experience and provide support silent installation and a streamlined update process. The MSI installer packages are included to assist with easier redistribution of your application.
  • Examples have been added for Visual Studio 2022 and Library Edition examples have been updated to use the current toolset. Note some examples use Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) which should be installed for the current toolset. SocketTools will continue to support both MFC and ATL based projects.
  • The minimum supported version for Windows 10 is now Windows 10 21H2. Earlier versions of Windows 10 are no longer supported and won't receive security updates from Microsoft, although SocketTools will continue to work on those platforms.
  • Support for Windows XP and Windows Vista have been removed. These platforms are no longer secure and do not support current versions of TLS. This release of SocketTools uses internal API functions which are not available to Windows XP and the SocketTools components cannot be loaded on that platform.
  • New HTML Help documentation, PDF documentation and a file have been included which provides information about the current release.

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