第9讲 积极情绪
Emerson once said:
If the stars would shine once in a thousand years, we would all look up and praise the glory of this world. But because they shine every day, we take them for granted.
impervious 麻木不仁的
The largest, peak, boost, spike in well-being when we express gratitude to others, quite remarkable if you think about it.
It is win-win.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”, as Gandi said.
Analysis negative thing, replaying positive thing.
Being grateful, shouldn’t wait for thanksgiving, it should be a habit:
A. because it works, it helps.
B. because it is moral.
The moral is also the practical, the practical, in most case, is also the moral, they go hand in hand.
Gratitude is the parent of all virtues.
What is the most personal is also the most general.
How to change
There is neural plasticity, neural pathways are created constantly.
There is neurogenesis, new neurals are created constantly.
An established neural pathway attracts more action and get thicker.
When sth is reinforced over and over again, it become a habit.
gravitate 产生定势
The world is not just the external world, it is also the internal world.
Two types of change:文章来源:https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-485736.html
- gradual approach, healthy change
- acute approach, not a quick fix, very often takes a lot of preperation.
Both take time.
Martin Seligman:
The belief that we can rely on shortcuts to gratification and bypass the exercise of personal strengths and vitues is folly. It leads to legions of humanity or depress in the middle of great wealth and are starving to death spirtually."文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-485736.html
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