


















1、Action包: 放置关键字文件

2、Config目录: 所有配置文件,日志的配置文件;把所有的项目相关的配置均放到这里,用python支持较好的配置文件格式ini进行配置。实现配置与代码的分离









  1. 在ProjVar包创建一个var.py用来存放公共变量

import os


firefoxDriverFilePath = "e:\\geckodriver"

chromeDriverFilePath = "e:\\chromedriver"

ieDriverFilePath = "e:\\IEDriverServer"

# 当前文件所在目录的父目录的绝对路径

ProjDirPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

test_step_id_col_no = 0

test_step_result_col_no = 8

test_step_error_info_col_no = 9

test_step_capture_pic_path_col_no = 10

test_case_id_col_no= 0


test_case_is_executed_flag_col_no= 3


test_case_start_time_col_no= 6

test_case_end_time_col_no= 7

test_case_elapsed_time_col_no= 8

test_case_result_col_no = 9

if __name__=="__mian__":




  1. from openpyxl import *

  1. import os.path

  1. from openpyxl.styles import NamedStyle,Font, colors

  1. from ProjVar.var import *

  1. from Util.FromatTime import *

  1. class Excel:

  1. def __init__(self,excel_file_path):

  1. if os.path.exists(excel_file_path):

  1. self.excel_file_path = excel_file_path

  1. self.wb = load_workbook(self.excel_file_path)

  1. else:

  1. print("%s e文件的路劲不存在,请重新设定!" %excel_file_path)

  1. #通过sheet名字来获取操作的sheet

  1. def set_sheet_by_name(self,sheet_name):

  1. if sheet_name in self.wb.sheetnames:

  1. self.sheet = self.wb[sheet_name]

  1. else:

  1. print("%s sheet不存在,请重新指定!" %sheet_name)

  1. #通过序号来获取操作的sheet

  1. def set_sheet_by_index(self,index):

  1. if isinstance(index,int) and 1<= index <= len(self.get_all_sheet_names()):

  1. sheet_name = self.get_all_sheet_names()[index-1]

  1. self.sheet = self.wb[sheet_name]

  1. else:

  1. print("%s sheet 序号不存在,请重新设定" %index)

  1. #获取当前sheet和title的名称

  1. def get_current_sheet_name(self):

  1. return self.sheet.title

  1. #获取所有sheet的名称

  1. def get_all_sheet_names(self):

  1. return self.wb.sheetnames

  1. #获取sheet的总行数,从0开始,返回list

  1. def get_rows_object(self):

  1. return list(self.sheet.rows)

  1. #获取sheet的总列数,从0开始,返回list

  1. def get_cols_object(self):

  1. return list(self.sheet.columns)

  1. #获取某行的对象,第一行从0开始

  1. def get_row(self,row_no):

  1. return self.get_rows_object()[row_no]

  1. #获取某一列对象,第一列从0开始

  1. def get_col(self,col_no):

  1. return self.get_cols_object()[col_no]

  1. #获取某个单元格对象

  1. def get_cell_value(self,row_no,col_no):

  1. if isinstance(row_no,int) and isinstance(col_no,int) and \

  1. 1<=row_no<=len(self.get_rows_object()) and \

  1. 1 <= row_no <= len(self.get_cols_object()):

  1. return self.sheet.cell(row=row_no, column=col_no).value

  1. else:

  1. print("%s,%s 行号或者列号不存在,请重新设定行号或者列表读取!" % (row_no,col_no))

  1. #给某一个单元格写入指定内容,行号、列号从1开始

  1. #调用此方法时,excel不要处于打开状态

  1. def write_cell_value(self,row_no,col_no,value,color = None):

  1. if isinstance(row_no,int) and isinstance(col_no,int):

  1. if color is None:

  1. font = Font(bold=False, size=10, color=colors.BLACK)

  1. self.sheet.cell(row=row_no, column=col_no).font = font

  1. self.sheet.cell(row=row_no, column=col_no).value = value

  1. elif color == "green":

  1. font = Font(bold=True, size=13, color=colors.GREEN)

  1. self.sheet.cell(row=row_no, column=col_no).font = font

  1. self.sheet.cell(row=row_no, column=col_no).value = value

  1. elif color == "red":

  1. font = Font(bold=True, size=13, color=colors.RED)

  1. self.sheet.cell(row=row_no, column=col_no).font = font

  1. self.sheet.cell(row=row_no, column=col_no).value = value


  1. else:

  1. print("%s,%s 行号或者列号不是数字,请重新设定行号或者列表读取!" % (row_no, col_no))

  1. def write_current_time(self,row_no,col_no):

  1. if isinstance(row_no, int) and isinstance(col_no, int):

  1. self.sheet.cell(row=row_no, column=col_no).value = get_current_date_and_time()


  1. if __name__ == "__main__":

  1. excel_file_path = ProjDirPath+r"\TestData\126邮箱联系人.xlsx"

  1. #print(excel_file_path )

  1. excel_obj = Excel(excel_file_path)

  1. #Excel("e:\\a.xlsx") #测试路劲不存在的情况

  1. # excel_obj.set_sheet_by_name("测试邮件")

  1. # excel_obj.set_sheet_by_name("测试邮件1111")

  1. excel_obj.set_sheet_by_index(1)

  1. # print(excel_obj.get_current_sheet_name())

  1. #excel_obj.set_sheet_by_index(5)

  1. #print(excel_obj.get_rows_object())

  1. #print(excel_obj.get_cols_object())

  1. #print(excel_obj.get_row(2))

  1. print(excel_obj.get_cell_value(2,2))

  1. print(excel_obj.write_cell_value(5,7,"hello~~"))

  1. print(excel_obj.write_current_time(6,8))

2.2 封装获取页面元素的类

  1. from import WebDriverWait

  1. import time

  1. #获取单个页面元素对象

  1. def getElement(driver,localtorType,localtorExpression):

  1. try:

  1. element = WebDriverWait(driver,5).until(lambda x:x.find_element(by = localtorType,value=localtorExpression))

  1. return element

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. #获取多个页面元素对象

  1. def getElement(driver,localtorType,localtorExpression):

  1. try:

  1. elements = WebDriverWait(driver,5).until(lambda x:x.find_elements(by=localtorType,value=localtorExpression))

  1. return elements

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. if __name__ =="__main__":

  1. from selenium import webdriver

  1. #进行单元测试

  1. driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path="e:\\geckodriver")

  1. driver.maximize_window()

  1. driver.get("")

  1. time.sleep(2)

  1. lb = getElement(driver,"id","lbNormal")

  1. print(lb)

  1. driver.quit()

2.3 封装获取当前日期、时间的类

  1. import time

  1. import datetime

  1. import locale

  1. # 获取当前的日期

  1. def get_current_date():

  1. time_tup = time.localtime()

  1. current_date = str(time_tup.tm_year) + "年" + \

  1. str(time_tup.tm_mon) + "月" + str(time_tup.tm_mday)+"日"

  1. return current_date

  1. # 获取当前的时间

  1. def get_current_time():

  1. time_str =

  1. locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, 'chinese')

  1. now_time = time_str.strftime('%H点%M分钟%S秒')

  1. return now_time

  1. # 获取当前的时间

  1. def get_current_hour():

  1. time_str =

  1. now_hour = time_str.strftime('%H')

  1. return now_hour

  1. def get_current_date_and_time():

  1. return get_current_date()+" "+get_current_time()

  1. if __name__ == "__main__":

  1. print( get_current_date())

  1. print(get_current_time())

  1. print(get_current_hour())

  1. print(get_current_date_and_time())

2.4 封装创建目录的类

  1. import os

  1. from Util.FromatTime import *

  1. from ProjVar.var import *

  1. def make_dir(dir_path):

  1. if not os.path.exists(dir_path):

  1. try:

  1. os.mkdir(dir_path)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. print("创建%s目录失败" %dir_path)

  1. raise e

  1. def make_current_date_dir(default_dir_path = None):

  1. if default_dir_path is None:

  1. dir_path = get_current_date()

  1. else:

  1. dir_path = os.path.join(default_dir_path,get_current_date())

  1. if not os.path.exists(dir_path):

  1. try:

  1. os.mkdir(dir_path)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. print("创建%s目录失败" % dir_path)

  1. raise e

  1. return dir_path

  1. def make_current_hour_dir(default_dir_path = None):

  1. if default_dir_path is None:

  1. dir_path = get_current_hour()

  1. else:

  1. dir_path = os.path.join(default_dir_path,get_current_hour())

  1. if not os.path.exists(dir_path):

  1. try:

  1. os.mkdir(dir_path)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. print("创建%s目录失败" % dir_path)

  1. raise e

  1. return dir_path

  1. if __name__ == "__main__":

  1. make_dir(ProjDirPath+"\\"+"ScreenCapture\\"+"pic")

  1. dir_path = make_current_date_dir(ProjDirPath+"\\"+"ScreenCapture\\")

  1. dir_path=make_current_hour_dir(dir_path+"\\")

  1. print(dir_path)

2.5 封装日志的类

  1. #encoding=utf-8

  1. import logging.config

  1. import logging

  1. from ProjVar.var import ProjDirPath

  1. print(ProjDirPath+"\\Conf\\"+"Logger.conf")

  1. #读取日志配置文件

  1. logging.config.fileConfig(ProjDirPath+"\\Conf\\"+"Logger.conf")

  1. #选择一个日志格式

  1. logger = logging.getLogger("example01")

  1. def debug(message):

  1. print ("debug")

  1. logger.debug(message)

  1. def info(message):


  1. def error(message):

  1. print("error")

  1. logger.error(message)

  1. def warning(message):

  1. logger.warning(message)

  1. if __name__=="__main__":

  1. debug("hi")

  1. info("gloryroad")

  1. warning("hello")

  1. error("something error!")

2.6 封装显示等待的类

  1. #encoding=utf-8

  1. from import WebDriverWait

  1. from import By

  1. from import expected_conditions as EC

  1. class WaitUtil(object):

  1. def __init__(self,driver):

  1. self.locationTypeDict = {

  1. "xpath":By.XPATH,

  1. "id":By.ID,

  1. "name":By.NAME,

  1. "css_selector":By.CSS_SELECTOR,

  1. "class_name":By.CLASS_NAME,

  1. "tag_name":By.TAG_NAME,

  1. "link_text":By.LINK_TEXT,

  1. "partial_link_text":By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT,

  1. }

  1. self.driver = driver

  1. self.wait = WebDriverWait(driver,30)

  1. def presenceOfElementLocated(self,locatorMethod,locatorExpression,*args):

  1. """显式等待页面元素出现在DOM中,但并不一定可见,存在则返回该页面元素"""

  1. try:

  1. #if self.locationTypeDict.has_key(locatorMethod.lower()):

  1. if locatorMethod.lower() in self.locationTypeDict:

  1. self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((self.locationTypeDict[locatorMethod.lower()],locatorExpression)))

  1. else:

  1. raise Exception(u"未找到定位方式,请确认定位方式是否书写正确")

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(self,locationType,locatorExpression,*args):

  1. """检查frame是否存在,存在则切换进frame控件中"""

  1. try:

  1. self.wait.until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((self.locationTypeDict[locationType.lower()],locatorExpression)))

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def visibilityOfElementLocated(self,locationMethod,locatorExperssion,*args):

  1. """显式等待页面元素出现在DOM中,并且可见,存在则返回该页面元素对象"""

  1. try:

  1. self.wait.until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((self.locationTypeDict[locationMethod.lower()],locatorExperssion)))

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. if __name__ == "__main__":

  1. from selenium import webdriver

  1. driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path = "e:\\geckodriver")

  1. driver.get("")

  1. waitUtil = WaitUtil(driver)

  1. driver.find_element_by_id("lbNormal").click()

  1. # waitUtil.presenceOfElementLocated("id","lbNormal")

  1. waitUtil.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt("xpath",'//iframe[contains(@id,"x-URS-iframe")]')

  1. waitUtil.visibilityOfElementLocated("xpath","//input[@name='email']")

  1. waitUtil.presenceOfElementLocated("xpath","//input[@name='email']")

  1. driver.quit()

## 根据需求如果还用其他的类,封装好后放在此目下面 ##


  1. #encoding=utf-8

  1. from selenium import webdriver

  1. from ProjVar.var import *

  1. from Util.find import *

  1. from Util.KeyBoardUtil import KeyBoardKeys

  1. from Util.ClipboardUtil import Clipboard

  1. from Util.WaitUtil import WaitUtil

  1. from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options

  1. from import Options

  1. import time

  1. from Util.FromatTime import *

  1. #定义全局变量driver

  1. driver = None

  1. #定义全局的等待类实例对象

  1. waitUtil = None

  1. def open(browserName):

  1. #打开浏览器

  1. global driver,waitUtil

  1. try:

  1. if browserName.lower() == "ie":

  1. driver = webdriver.Ie(executable_path = ieDriverFilePath)

  1. elif browserName.lower == "chrome":

  1. #创建Chrome浏览器的一个Options实例对象

  1. chrome_options = Options()

  1. #添加屏蔽--ignore--certificate--errors提示信息的设置参数项

  1. chrome_options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches",["ignore-certificate-errors"])

  1. driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = chromeDriverFilePath,chrome_options = chrome_options)

  1. else:

  1. driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path = firefoxDriverFilePath)

  1. #driver对象创建成功后,创建等待类实例对象

  1. waitUtil = WaitUtil(driver)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def visit(url):

  1. #访问某个网站

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. driver.get(url)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def close_browser():

  1. #关闭浏览器

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. driver.quit()

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def sleep(sleepSeconds):

  1. #强制等待

  1. try:

  1. time.sleep(int(sleepSeconds))

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def clear(locationType,locatorExpression):

  1. #清空输入框默认内容

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. getElement(driver,locationType,locatorExpression).clear()

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def input_string(locationType,locatorExpression,inputContent):

  1. #在页面输入框中输入数据

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. getElement(driver,locationType,locatorExpression).send_keys(inputContent)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def click(locationType,locatorExpression,*args):

  1. #点击页面元素

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. getElement(driver,locationType,locatorExpression).click()

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def assert_string_in_pagesource(assertString,*args):

  1. #断言页面源码是否存在某个关键字或关键字符串

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. assert assertString in driver.page_source,u"%s not found in page source!" % assertString

  1. except AssertionError as e:

  1. raise AssertionError(e)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def assert_title(titleStr,*args):

  1. #断言页面标题是否存在给定的关键字符串

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. assert titleStr in driver.title,u"%s not found in page title!" % titleStr

  1. except AssertionError as e:

  1. raise AssertionError(e)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def getTitle(*args):

  1. #获取页面标题

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. return driver.title

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def getPageSource(*args):

  1. #获取页面源码

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. return driver.page_source

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def switch_to_frame(locationType,frameLocatorExpressoin,*args):

  1. #切换进frame

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. driver.switch_to.frame(getElement(driver,locationType,frameLocatorExpressoin))

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. print("frame error!")

  1. raise e

  1. def switch_to_default_content(*args):

  1. #切换妯frame

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. driver.switch_to.default_content()

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def paste_string(pasteString,*args):

  1. #模拟Ctrl+V操作

  1. try:

  1. Clipboard.setText(pasteString)

  1. #等待2秒,防止代码执行过快,而未成功粘贴内容

  1. time.sleep(2)

  1. KeyBoardKeys.twoKeys("ctrl","v")

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def press_tab_key(*args):

  1. #模拟tab键

  1. try:

  1. KeyBoardKeys.oneKey("tab")

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def press_enter_key(*args):

  1. #模拟enter键

  1. try:

  1. KeyBoardKeys.oneKey("enter")

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def maximize(*args):

  1. #窗口最大化

  1. global driver

  1. try:

  1. driver.maximize_window()

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def capture(file_path):

  1. try:

  1. driver.save_screenshot(file_path)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def waitPresenceOfElementLocated(locationType,locatorExpression,*args):

  1. """显式等待页面元素出现在DOM中,但不一定可见,存在则返回该页面元素对象"""

  1. global waitUtil

  1. try:

  1. waitUtil.presenceOfElementLocated(locationType,locatorExpression)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def waitFrameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(locationType,locatorExprssion,*args):

  1. """检查frame是否存在,存在则切换进frame控件中"""

  1. global waitUtil

  1. try:

  1. waitUtil.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(locationType,locatorExprssion)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e

  1. def waitVisibilityOfElementLocated(locationType,locatorExpression,*args):

  1. """显式等待页面元素出现在Dom中,并且可见,存在返回该页面元素对象"""

  1. global waitUtil

  1. try:

  1. waitUtil.visibilityOfElementLocated(locationType,locatorExpression)

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. raise e



  1. [loggers]

  1. keys=root,example01,example02

  1. [logger_root]

  1. level=DEBUG

  1. handlers=hand01,hand02

  1. [logger_example01]

  1. handlers=hand01,hand02

  1. qualname=example01

  1. propagate=0

  1. [logger_example02]

  1. handlers=hand01,hand03

  1. qualname=example02

  1. propagate=0

  1. ###############################################

  1. [handlers]

  1. keys=hand01,hand02,hand03

  1. [handler_hand01]

  1. class=StreamHandler

  1. level=DEBUG

  1. formatter=form01

  1. args=(sys.stderr,)

  1. [handler_hand02]

  1. class=FileHandler

  1. level=DEBUG

  1. formatter=form01

  1. args=('AutoTestLog.log', 'a')

  1. [handler_hand03]

  1. class=handlers.RotatingFileHandler

  1. level=INFO

  1. formatter=form01

  1. args=('AutoTestLog.log', 'a', 10*1024*1024, 5)

  1. ###############################################

  1. [formatters]

  1. keys=form01,form02

  1. [formatter_form01]

  1. format=%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s

  1. datefmt=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

  1. [formatter_form02]

  1. format=%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s

  1. datefmt=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S


  1. import os

  1. #浏览器驱动存放的位置

  1. firefoxDriverFilePath = "e:\\geckodriver"

  1. chromeDriverFilePath = "e:\\chromedriver"

  1. ieDriverFilePath = "e:\\IEDriverServer"

  1. # 当前文件所在目录的父目录的绝对路径

  1. ProjDirPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

  1. test_step_id_col_no = 0

  1. test_step_result_col_no = 8

  1. test_step_error_info_col_no = 9

  1. test_step_capture_pic_path_col_no = 10

  1. test_case_id_col_no= 0

  1. test_case_sheet_name=2

  1. test_case_is_executed_flag_col_no= 3

  1. test_case_is_hybrid_test_data_sheet_col_no=4

  1. test_case_start_time_col_no= 6

  1. test_case_end_time_col_no= 7

  1. test_case_elapsed_time_col_no= 8

  1. test_case_result_col_no = 9

  1. if __name__=="__mian__":

  1. print(ProjDirPath)






  1. #encoding=utf-8

  1. import re

  1. from Util.dir_opration import make_current_date_dir, make_current_hour_dir

  1. from Util.Excel import *

  1. from Action.PageAction import *

  1. import traceback

  1. from Util.log import *

  1. def get_test_case_sheet(test_cases_excel_path):

  1. test_case_sheet_names = []

  1. excel_obj = Excel(test_cases_excel_path)

  1. excel_obj.set_sheet_by_index(1)

  1. test_case_rows = excel_obj.get_rows_object()[1:]

  1. for row in test_case_rows:

  1. if row[3].value=='y':

  1. print(row[2].value)

  1. test_case_sheet_names.append((int(row[0].value)+1,row[2].value))

  1. return test_case_sheet_names

  1. #print(get_test_case_sheet(ProjDirPath+"\\TestData\\126邮箱联系人.xlsx"))

  1. def execute(test_cases_excel_path,row_no,test_case_sheet_name):

  1. excel_obj = Excel(test_cases_excel_path)

  1. excel_obj.set_sheet_by_name(test_case_sheet_name)

  1. #获取除第一行之外的所有行对象

  1. test_step_rows = excel_obj.get_rows_object()[1:]

  1. #拼接开始时间:当前年月日+当前时间

  1. start_time = get_current_date_and_time()

  1. #开始计时

  1. start_time_stamp = time.time()

  1. #设置默认用例时执行成功的,如果抛异常则说明用例执行失败

  1. test_result_flag = True

  1. for test_step_row in test_step_rows:

  1. if test_step_row[6].value == "y":

  1. test_action = test_step_row[2].value

  1. locator_method = test_step_row[3].value

  1. locator_exp = test_step_row[4].value

  1. test_value = test_step_row[5].value

  1. print(test_action,locator_method,locator_exp,test_value)

  1. if locator_method is None:

  1. if test_value is None:

  1. command = test_action + "()"

  1. else:

  1. command = test_action + "('%s')" %test_value

  1. else:

  1. if test_value is None:

  1. command = test_action + "('%s','%s')" %(locator_method,locator_exp)

  1. else:

  1. command = test_action + "('%s','%s','%s')" %(locator_method,locator_exp,test_value)

  1. print(command)

  1. eval(command)

  1. #处理异常

  1. try:

  1. info(command)

  1. eval(command)

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(test_step_row[0].value) + 1, test_step_result_col_no, "执行成功")

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(test_step_row[0].value) + 1, test_step_error_info_col_no, "")

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(test_step_row[0].value) + 1, test_step_capture_pic_path_col_no, "")

  1. info("执行成功") # 加入日志信息

  1. except Exception as e:

  1. test_result_flag = False

  1. traceback.print_exc()

  1. error(command + ":" + traceback.format_exc()) # 加入日志信息

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(test_step_row[0].value) + 1, test_step_result_col_no, "失败", "red")

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(test_step_row[0].value) + 1, test_step_error_info_col_no, \

  1. command + ":" + traceback.format_exc())

  1. dir_path = make_current_date_dir(ProjDirPath + "\\" + "ScreenCapture\\")

  1. dir_path = make_current_hour_dir(dir_path + "\\")

  1. pic_path = os.path.join(dir_path, get_current_time() + ".png")

  1. capture(pic_path)

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(test_step_row[0].value) + 1, test_step_capture_pic_path_col_no, pic_path)

  1. # 拼接结束时间:年月日+当前时间

  1. end_time = get_current_date() + " " + get_current_time()

  1. # 计时结束时间

  1. end_time_stamp = time.time()

  1. # 执行用例时间等于结束时间-开始时间;需要转换数据类型int()

  1. elapsed_time = int(end_time_stamp - start_time_stamp)

  1. # 将时间转换成分钟;整除60

  1. elapsed_minutes = int(elapsed_time // 60)

  1. # 将时间转换成秒;除60取余

  1. elapsed_seconds = elapsed_time % 60

  1. # 拼接用例执行时间;分+秒

  1. elapsed_time = str(elapsed_minutes) + "分" + str(elapsed_seconds) + "秒"

  1. # 判断用例是否执行成功

  1. if test_result_flag:

  1. test_case_result = "测试用例执行成功"

  1. else:

  1. test_case_result = "测试用例执行失败"

  1. # 需要写入的时第一个sheet

  1. excel_obj.set_sheet_by_index(1)

  1. # 写入开始时间

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(row_no), test_case_start_time_col_no, start_time)

  1. # 写入结束时间

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(row_no), test_case_end_time_col_no, end_time)

  1. # 写入执行时间

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(row_no), test_case_elapsed_time_col_no, elapsed_time)

  1. # 写入执行结果;

  1. if test_result_flag:

  1. # 用例执行成功,写入执行结果

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(row_no), test_case_result_col_no, test_case_result)

  1. else:

  1. # 用例执行失败,用red字体写入执行结果

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(int(row_no), test_case_result_col_no, test_case_result, "red")

  1. # 清理excel记录的结果数据

  1. def clear_test_data_file_info(test_data_excel_file_path):

  1. excel_obj = Excel(test_data_excel_file_path)

  1. excel_obj.set_sheet_by_index(1)

  1. test_case_rows = excel_obj.get_rows_object()[1:]

  1. for test_step_row in test_case_rows:

  1. excel_obj.set_sheet_by_index(1)

  1. if test_step_row[test_case_is_executed_flag_row_no].value == "y":

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(

  1. int(test_step_row[test_case_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_case_start_time_col_no, "")

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(

  1. int(test_step_row[test_case_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_case_end_time_col_no, "")

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(

  1. int(test_step_row[test_case_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_case_elapsed_time_col_no, "")

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(

  1. int(test_step_row[test_case_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_case_result_col_no, "")

  1. excel_obj.set_sheet_by_name(test_step_row[test_case_sheet_name].value)

  1. test_step_rows = excel_obj.get_rows_object()[1:]

  1. for test_step_row in test_step_rows:

  1. if test_step_row[test_step_id_col_no].value is None:

  1. continue

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(

  1. int(test_step_row[test_step_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_step_result_col_no, "")

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(

  1. int(test_step_row[test_step_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_step_error_info_col_no, "")

  1. excel_obj.write_cell_value(

  1. int(test_step_row[test_step_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_step_capture_pic_path_col_no, "")

  1. if __name__ == "__main__":

  1. test_data_excel_file_path = ProjDirPath + "\\TestData\\126邮箱联系人.xlsx"

  1. print(get_test_case_sheet(test_data_excel_file_path))

  1. execute(test_data_excel_file_path,2,"登录")文章来源地址


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  • selenium-基于UI的自动化测试框架

      自动化测试是指软件测试的自动化,在预设状态下运行应用程序或者系统,预设条件包括正常和异常,最后评估运行结果,将人为驱动的测试行为转化为机器执行的过程   自动化测试包括UI自动化、接口自动化、单元测试自动化。按照这个金字塔模型来进行自动化测试

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    一、介绍         selenium目前主流的web自动化测试框架;支持多种编程语言Java、pythan、go、js等;selenium 提供一系列的api 供我们使用,因此在web测试时我们要点页面中的某一个按钮,那么我们只需要获取页面,然后根据id或者name找到对应的按钮,然后执行click操作就可以完成

  • selenium UI自动化PO模式测试框架搭建

    熟悉业务-》确定方案-》选取场景-》了解前端-》定位元素-》编写脚本-》运行优化-》回归报告-》项目汇总 价值意义: 自动化执行需要:模块化 需要可制定化执行 可复用性 PO模式: 将页面定位和业务分开,元素的定位单独处理,执行脚本单独封装。维护方便。 封装BasePag

  • 基于Selenium的Web UI自动化测试框架开发实战

    1、自研自动化测试框架 首先进行需求分析。概要设计包括以下三大模块: 公共函数库模块(包括可复用函数库、日志管理、报表管理及发送邮件管理); 测试用例仓库模块(具体用例的相关管理); 可视化页面管理模块(单独针对Web页面进行抽象,封装页面元素和操作方

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    2.2 安装selenium pip install selenium pip install selenium==2.53.0 2.3 下载webdriver驱动 以chrome浏览器为例 查看chrome浏览器版本:在地址栏输入 chrome://version chromedriver下载地址: 下载与浏览器版本对应的chrome driver 将下载好的chrome driver 解压,并放至到

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        😏 作者简介:博主是一位测试管理者,同时也是一名对外企业兼职讲师。 📡 主页地址:【Austin_zhai】 🙆 目的与景愿:旨在于能帮助更多的测试行业人员提升软硬技能,分享行业相关最新信息。 💎 声明:博主日常工作较为繁忙,文章会不定期更新,各类行业或职场问

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    Selenium是一个基于浏览器的自动化工具,她提供了一种跨平台、跨浏览器的端到端的web自动化解决方案。Selenium主要包括三部分:Selenium IDE、Selenium WebDriver 和Selenium Grid:  1、Selenium IDE:Firefox的一个扩展,它可以进行录制回放,并可以把录制的操作以多种语言(例如java,p

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    :层级选取,如:#formspaninput 举例:div.entry-sider-panelsection.entry-sider-panel__bddivdiv:nth-child(1) 3.3 元素操作 3.3.1 输入内容 send_keys() 3.3.2 点击元素 click() 3.3.3 清空元素文本内容 clear() 3.3.4 获取元素文本 text 返回的是字符串 3.3.5 获取元素尺寸 size 返回的是字典 3.3.6 获取元素的属性值










