在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

Vulkan Tutorial

Development environment - Windows

1 Vulkan - Cross platform 3D Graphics


Vulkan is a new generation graphics and compute API that provides high-efficiency, cross-platform access to modern graphics processing units (GPUs), which are used in a wide variety of devices from PCs and consoles to mobile phones and embedded platforms. The Vulkan API was created by the Khronos Group, a consortium of technology hardware and software companies.

Vulkan is a low-overhead, cross-platform API, open standard for 3D graphics and computing. Vulkan targets high-performance real-time 3D graphics applications, such as video games and interactive media. Vulkan is intended to offer higher performance and more efficient CPU and GPU usage compared to older OpenGL and Direct3D 11 APIs. It provides a considerably lower-level API for the application than the older APIs, making Vulkan comparable to Apple’s Metal API and Microsoft’s Direct3D 12 and harder to use than the higher-level OpenGL and Direct3D 11 APIs. In addition to its lower CPU usage, Vulkan is designed to allow developers to better distribute work among multiple CPU cores.
Vulkan 是一个低开销、跨平台的 3D graphics and computing 的应用程序接口 (API)。Vulkan 针对全平台实时 3D 图形程序而设计,并提供高性能与更均衡的 CPU 与 GPU 利用率。Vulkan 是一个底层 API,而且能执行并行任务,Vulkan 还能更好地分配多个 CPU 核心的使用。

Vulkan was first announced by the non-profit Khronos Group at GDC 2015. The Vulkan API was initially referred to as the “next generation OpenGL initiative”, or “OpenGL next” by Khronos, but use of those names was discontinued when “Vulkan” was announced.
Vulkan 由 Khronos Group 在 2015 年游戏开发者大会 (GDC) 上发表。正式宣布 Vulkan 之后这些名字就没有再使用了。

Vulkan is derived from and built upon components of AMD’s Mantle API, which was donated by AMD to Khronos with the intent of giving Khronos a foundation on which to begin developing a low-level API that they could standardize across the industry.
Vulkan 基于 AMD’s Mantle API 构建,AMD 将其捐赠给 Khronos Group,给予该组织开发底层 API 的基础,使其像 OpenGL 一样成为行业标准。

Vulkan offers lower overhead, more direct control over the GPU, and lower CPU usage.
Vulkan 旨在提供更低的 CPU 开销与更直接的 GPU 控制。

console [kənˈsəʊl]:vt. 安慰,抚慰,慰藉 n. (机器、电子设备等的) 控制台,操纵台,仪表板
consortium [kənˈsɔː(r)tiəm]:n. 联盟,(合作进行某项工程的) 财团,银团,联营企业

1.1 Vulkan GPU Resources - SDKs


Essentials tools, documentation and libraries for every Vulkan developer.

The most important component you’ll need for developing Vulkan applications is the SDK. It includes the headers, standard validation layers, debugging tools and a loader for the Vulkan functions. The loader looks up the functions in the driver at runtime, similarly to GLEW for OpenGL.
开发 Vulkan 应用程序所需的最重要组件是 SDK。它包括头文件、标准校验层、调试工具和 Vulkan 函数加载器。加载器在运行时查询驱动程序支持的函数,类似于 OpenGL 的 GLEW。

You don’t have to create an account, but it will give you access to some additional documentation that may be useful to you.
Vulkan SDK 可以从 LunarG 的网站上免费下载。

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  • Vulkan SDK for Windows, Linux, and macOS

LunarG has developed the quintessential developer SDK including build tools, documentation, libraries and more.

  • Android NDK

Google gives you everything you need to incorporate Vulkan into your Android games and other apps where graphics performance is key.

Visit the Android developer website to download the API, samples, and documentation: resources to help you hit the ground running.

  • Arm Mali SDK

ARM’s Vulkan Software Development Kit is a collection of resources to help you build Vulkan applications for a platform with a Mali GPU and an ARM processor. You can use it for creating new applications, training, and exploration of implementation possibilities.

  • PowerVR SDK

The PowerVR SDK is an open source codebase to help with the development of graphics applications for PowerVR and other platforms. It consists of two main parts: the Framework and a set of examples.

quintessential [.kwɪntɪ'senʃ(ə)l]:adj. 精髓的,最完美的
essential [ɪ'senʃ(ə)l]:n. 要点,要素,实质,必需品 adj. 完全必要的,必不可少的,极其重要的,本质的

1.2 下载 Vulkan SDK (Windows)


在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境


  • SDK - SDK Installer
    VulkanSDK- (94MB)

  • SDK Config - Config.json
    config.json (0MB)

  • Runtime - Runtime Installer
    VulkanRT- (1MB)

  • Runtime zip - Zip file of the runtime components
    VulkanRT- (10MB)

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

1.3 Windows 系统上查询 GPU / CPU 对 Vulkan 的支持信息


1.4 安装 Vulkan SDK (Windows)

  1. VulkanSDK-

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  1. 双击 VulkanSDK-

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  1. D:\VulkanSDK\

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  1. Vulkan SDK 安装程序

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  1. 完成

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  1. 安装目录 D:\VulkanSDK\

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  1. 运行 D:\VulkanSDK\\Bin\vkcube.exe

Proceed through the installation and pay attention to the install location of the SDK. The first thing we’ll do is verify that your graphics card and driver properly support Vulkan. Go to the directory where you installed the SDK, open the Bin directory and run the vkcube.exe demo. You should see the following:
安装 Vulkan SDK 之后,我们需要验证显卡和驱动程序是否正确支持 Vulkan。在安装 SDK 的目录,打开 Bin 目录并运行 vkcube.exe 可执行文件。
在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

If you receive an error message then ensure that your drivers are up-to-date, include the Vulkan runtime and that your graphics card is supported.
如果出现一条错误消息,请确保驱动程序是最新的,包括 Vulkan 运行时并且显卡支持 Vulkan。

There is another program in this directory that will be useful for development. The glslangValidator.exe and glslc.exe programs will be used to compile shaders from the human-readable GLSL to bytecode. The Bin directory also contains the binaries of the Vulkan loader and the validation layers, while the Lib directory contains the libraries. Lastly, there’s the Include directory that contains the Vulkan headers.
此目录中还有另一个程序将对开发有用。glslangValidator.exe and glslc.exe 程序将用于将 shaders 从人类可读的 GLSL 编译为字节码。Bin 目录还包含 Vulkan 加载器和校验层的二进制文件,而 Lib 目录包含库。 最后,还有包含 Vulkan 头文件的Include 目录。

2 Graphics Library Framework (GLFW)


GLFW (Graphics Library Framework) is an Open Source, multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan development on the desktop. It provides a simple API for creating windows, contexts and surfaces, receiving input and events.
GLFW (Graphics Library Framework) 是一个开源轻量级工具程序库。GLFW 的主要功能是创建并管理窗口和上下文,同时还提供了处理手柄、键盘、鼠标输入的功能。

GLFW is written in C and supports Windows, macOS, X11 and Wayland.

GLFW is licensed under the zlib/libpng license.

Vulkan by itself is a platform agnostic API and does not include tools for creating a window to display the rendered results. To benefit from the cross-platform advantages of Vulkan and to avoid the horrors of Win32, we’ll use the GLFW library to create a window, which supports Windows, Linux and MacOS. There are other libraries available for this purpose, like SDL, but the advantage of GLFW is that it also abstracts away some of the other platform-specific things in Vulkan besides just window creation.
Vulkan 是一个平台无关的 API,不包含用于创建窗口以显示渲染结果的工具。为了跨平台和避免陷入 Win32 细节中去,我们将使用 GLFW 库创建窗口,它支持 Windows、Linux 和 MacOS。有其他库可完成类似功能,如 SDL,但 GLFW 的优势在于,除了窗口创建之外,它还抽象出 Vulkan 中其他一些特定于平台的内容。

We’ll be using the 64-bit binaries, but you can of course also choose to build in 32 bit mode. In that case make sure to link with the Vulkan SDK binaries in the Lib32 directory instead of Lib.
我们将使用 64 位二进制文件,当然也可以选择以 32 位模式构建。在这种情况下,请确保链接到 Lib32 目录而不是 Lib 中的 Vulkan SDK 二进制文件。

2.1 下载 GLFW


The current version is 3.3.8, which was released on July 22, 2022.

  • Source package

This package contains the complete source code with CMake build files, documentation, examples and test programs. It is the recommended download for all platforms and offers the most control.

The master branch is our integration branch for the next feature release while the 3.3-stable branch only adds bug fixes for patch releases.

  • Windows pre-compiled binaries

These packages contain the GLFW header files, documentation and release mode static libraries, DLLs and import libraries for Visual C++ 2010-2019 and the 2022 preview, MinGW-w64 and plain MinGW.

Binaries for Visual C++ 2010 and plain MinGW are only available in the 32-bit package.

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境
64-bit Windows binaries: glfw-3.3.8.bin.WIN64.zip
32-bit Windows binaries: glfw-3.3.8.bin.WIN32.zip

glfw-3.3.8.bin.WIN64.zip 解压为 glfw-3.3.8.bin.WIN64

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  • macOS pre-compiled binaries

This package contains the GLFW header files, documentation and release mode static and dynamic libraries for macOS 10.8 and later. Both Intel, ARM and Universal binaries are included.

  • Linux and BSD binaries

Check if your package system provides GLFW 3.3.8 or another version new enough to be useful to you.

If not, please download and compile GLFW from source. A source package is available above, or you could clone it from GitHub.

3 OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)


在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specifications.

GLM provides classes and functions designed and implemented with the same naming conventions and functionality than GLSL so that anyone who knows GLSL, can use GLM as well in C++.

Unlike DirectX 12, Vulkan does not include a library for linear algebra operations, so we’ll have to download one. GLM is a nice library that is designed for use with graphics APIs and is also commonly used with OpenGL.
与 DirectX 12 不同,Vulkan 不包含用于线性代数运算的库,因此我们必须下载一个。GLM 是一个很好的库,专为与图形 API 一起使用而设计,也常与 OpenGL 一起使用。

GLM is a header-only library.
GLM 是一个只有头文件的库。

3.1 下载 GLM


GLM is written in C++98 but can take advantage of C++11 when supported by the compiler.

glm- 解压为 glm-

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

4 配置 Visual Studio

For complete C++17 support, you need to use either Visual Studio 2017 or 2019.

4.1 新建 ThirdParty 文件夹

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

4.2 将 GLFW 和 GLM 文件夹复制到 ThirdParty 文件夹

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

4.3 Visual Studio 2015 - 创建项目

File -> New -> Project -> Win32 Console Application
Start Visual Studio and create a new Win32 Console Application project by entering a name and pressing OK.

Name: VulkanTest
Location: D:\vulkan_workspace\

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境
Make sure that Console Application (.exe) is selected as application type so that we have a place to print debug messages to, and check Empty Project to prevent Visual Studio from adding boilerplate code.
我们选择使用 Console Application (.exe) 应用程序类型,这样做我们就可以直接将调试信息输出到控制台窗口上。我们将 Empty Project 选项打勾来阻止 Visual Studio 添加模板代码。

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境
Press OK to create the project and add a C++ source file.
在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境


#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>

#include <glm/vec4.hpp>
#include <glm/mat4x4.hpp>

#include <iostream>

int main() {

	GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "Vulkan window", nullptr, nullptr);

	uint32_t extensionCount = 0;
	vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(nullptr, &extensionCount, nullptr);

	std::cout << extensionCount << " extensions supported\n";

	glm::mat4 matrix;
	glm::vec4 vec;
	auto test = matrix * vec;

	while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {



	return 0;

4.4 Visual Studio 2015 - 配置项目属性

Open the project properties dialog and ensure that All Configurations is selected, because most of the settings apply to both Debug and Release mode.
打开项目属性对话框并确保选择 All Configurations,因为大多数设置都适用于 Debug and Release 模式。

Project -> VulkanTest Property (All Configurations - All Platforms)
在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  • 附加包含目录 (Additional Include Directories)

Go to C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories and press <Edit...> in the dropdown box.

Add the header directories for Vulkan, GLFW and GLM:


在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  • 附加库目录 (Additional Library Directories)

Next, open the editor for library directories under Linker -> General, And add the locations of the object files for Vulkan and GLFW:


在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

  • 附加依赖项 (Additional Dependencies)

Go to Linker -> Input and press <Edit...> in the Additional Dependencies dropdown box. Enter the names of the Vulkan and GLFW object files:


在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境
Finally, ensure that you are actually compiling in 64 bit mode (确认我们的代码在 64 位模式下编译):
在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

Press F5 to compile and run the project and you should see a command prompt and a window pop up like this:
在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: VulkanTest, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>  main.cpp
1>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
1>  VulkanTest.vcxproj -> D:\vulkan_workspace\VulkanTest\x64\Debug\VulkanTest.exe
1>  VulkanTest.vcxproj -> D:\vulkan_workspace\VulkanTest\x64\Debug\VulkanTest.pdb (Full PDB)
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: VulkanTest, Configuration: Release x64 ------
1>  main.cpp
1>  Generating code
1>  All 21 functions were compiled because no usable IPDB/IOBJ from previous compilation was found.
1>  Finished generating code
1>  VulkanTest.vcxproj -> D:\vulkan_workspace\VulkanTest\x64\Release\VulkanTest.exe
1>  VulkanTest.vcxproj -> D:\vulkan_workspace\VulkanTest\x64\Release\VulkanTest.pdb (Full PDB)
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

在 Windows 系统上配置 Visual Studio 的 Vulkan 开发环境

The number of extensions should be non-zero.


Vulkan Tutorial https://vulkan-tutorial.com/
Vulkan 教程 https://geek-docs.com/vulkan/vulkan-tutorial/vulkan-tutorial-index.html文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-494611.html

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