


  • 1.Midjourney 新手快速起步指南
  • 2.Prompts-提示指令
  • 3.Explore Prompting-提示指令的探索
  • 4.Blend-叠加
  • 5.Midjourney Discord的使用手册
  • 6.Versions-版本
  • 7.UpScalers-放大器
  • 8.Midjourney 命令教程
  • 9.Midjourney 参数合集
  • 10.Midjourney Prompt进阶探索
  • 11.Midjourney 的 --seed 解释,并附有例子
  • 12.Promp关键词公式
  • 13.ChatGPT生成 SD 和 MidJourney 的提示(prompt)
  • 14.如何使用ChatGPT给出MidJourney提示-【秘密武器】
  • 15.MidJourney订阅计划
  • 16.MJCN 新手指南 · 快速上手(官方中文qq版本)







You will now act as a prompt generator for a generative AI called “Midjourney”. Midjourney AI generates images based on given prompts.

I will provide a concept and you will provide the prompt for Midjourney AI.

You will never alter the structure and formatting outlined below in any way and obey the following guidelines:

You will not write the words “description” or use “:” in any form. Never place a comma between [ar] and [v].

You will write each prompt in one line without using return.


Understood. Let's get started!


把这些场景制作成 MidJourney Prompt 







[ar] [v]在神秘的迷宫中,寻找深处的宝藏,但必须先解决陷阱和谜题。
[ar] [v]被魔法师的魔咒所困扰,需要寻找解决方法,摆脱魔法的束缚。
[ar] [v]在神秘的城市里发现古老卷轴,记载着关于未来的预言。需要改变这些预言,避免灾难发生。
[ar] [v]置身于神奇森林,与神秘生物交流,并利用魔法物品解决难题,继续前进。
[ar] [v]被困在神秘迷宫中,需要寻找出路,但必须小心谨慎,避免陷入陷阱。



You will now act as a prompt generator for a generative AI called “Midjourney”. Midjourney AI generates images based on given prompts.

I will provide a concept and you will provide the prompt for Midjourney AI.

You will never alter the structure and formatting outlined below in any way and obey the following guidelines:

You will not write the words “description” or use “:” in any form. Never place a comma between [ar] and [v].

You will write each prompt in one line without using return.


- [1] =1.你的主角在一座神秘的迷宫里,需要找到隐藏在深处的宝藏,但是他必须先解决一个陷阱和一些谜题,才能到达目的地。 2.你的主角被魔法师的魔咒所困扰,必须寻找一种解决方法,才能摆脱魔法的束缚。 3.你的主角在一座神秘的城市里发现了一本古老的卷轴,里面记载着一些关于未来的预言。但是,这些预言似乎并不太好,主角必须想办法改变它们,才能避免灾难的发生。 4.你的主角突然发现自己置身于一个神奇的森林,这个森林中有很多神秘的生物和魔法物品。主角必须与这些生物交流,并利用这些物品来解决一些难题,才能继续前进。 5.你的主角被困在一个神秘的迷宫里,必须寻找出路。但是,这个迷宫里有很多危险和陷阱,主角必须小心谨慎,才能避免陷入陷阱。
- [2] = a detailed description of [1] that will include very specific imagery details.
- [3] = with a detailed description describing the environment of the scene.
- [4] = with a detailed description describing the mood/feelings and atmosphere of the scene.
- [5] = A style, for example: photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, Artwork, paperwork, 3d and more). [1]
- [6] = A description of how [5] will be realized. (e.g. Photography (e.g. Macro, Fisheye Style, Portrait) with camera model and appropriate camera settings, Painting with detailed descriptions about the materials and working material used, rendering with engine settings, a digital Illustration, a woodburn art (and everything else that could be defined as an output type)
- [ar] = “–ar 16:9” if the image looks best horizontally, “–ar 9:16” if the image looks best vertically, “–ar 1:1” if the image looks best in a square. (Use exactly as written)
- [v] = If [5] looks best in a Japanese art style use, “–niji”. Otherwise use, “–v 4” (Use exactly as written)


What you write will be exactly as formatted in the structure below, including the “/” and “:” This is the prompt structure: “/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [ar] [v]”.

This is your task: You will generate 4 prompts for each concept [1], and each of your prompts will be a different approach in its description, environment, atmosphere, and realization.

The prompts you provide will be in English*.

Please pay attention:

- Use affirmative sentences and avoid using negative sentences.
- Describe what you want clearly and avoid using abstract vocabulary.
- Avoid using overly detailed specifics and try to use singular nouns or specific numbers.
- Avoid using extended associative concepts and use more specific keywords.
- Concepts that can’t be real would not be described as “Real” or “realistic” or “photo” or a “photograph”. for example, a concept that is made of paper or scenes which are fantasy related.
- One of the prompts you generate for each concept must be in a realistic photographic style. you should also choose a lens type and size for it. Don’t choose an artist for the realistic photography prompts.
- Separate the different prompts with two new lines
- [VERY IMPORTANT] Provide a Simplified Chinese translation for every prompt.


/imagine prompt: Your protagonist is in a mysterious labyrinth and must find the hidden treasure deep within. However, they must first solve a trap and some puzzles to reach their destination. The atmosphere is eerie and unsettling. The style is digital illustration with a dark color palette and glowing elements. The scene takes place at night, with the protagonist using a torch to guide their way. /ar 16:9 /v 4

中文:想象题:你的主角置身于神秘的迷宫中,必须找到深处隐藏的宝藏。然而,他们必须先解决一个陷阱和一些谜题,才能到达目的地。氛围令人不安。风格是数码插画,采用暗色调和发光元素。场景在夜晚进行,主角使用手电筒引路。/ar 16:9 /v 4

/imagine prompt: Your protagonist is trapped in a magical spell cast by a sorcerer and must find a solution to break free. The atmosphere is magical and mysterious. The style is watercolor painting with vibrant colors and dreamy textures. The scene takes place in a forest clearing, where the protagonist discovers a hidden spell book. /ar 9:16 /v 4

中文:想象题:你的主角被一个魔法师的魔咒所困扰,必须寻找一种解决方法来脱身。氛围神秘而神奇。风格是水彩画,采用鲜艳的颜色和梦幻的纹理。场景发生在森林的一个空地上,主角发现了一个隐藏的咒语书。/ar 9:16 /v 4

/imagine prompt: Your protagonist discovers an ancient scroll in a mysterious city that contains prophecies of impending doom. The atmosphere is ominous and foreboding. The style is sculpture with intricate details and ominous symbols carved into the scroll. The scene takes place in a dimly lit temple, where the protagonist must decipher the scroll to prevent disaster. /ar 1:1 /v 4

中文:想象题:你的主角在一座神秘的城市里发现了一卷古老的卷轴,里面记载着一些关于未来的预言。气氛令人不安和预感灾难。风格是雕塑,细节繁复,卷轴上雕刻着不祥的符号。场景发生在一个昏暗的寺庙里,主角必须解读卷轴,以避免灾难的发生。/ar 1:1 /v 4

/imagine prompt: Your protagonist is lost in a magical forest and must navigate through it to find a way out. The atmosphere is enchanting and mystical. The style is 3D rendering with a bright color palette and fantastical creatures. The scene takes place in a clearing surrounded by towering trees, where the protagonist encounters a friendly fairy who offers to help guide them out of the forest. /ar 16:9 /v 4

/imagine prompt: Your protagonist is in a mysterious labyrinth and must find the treasure hidden deep within. However, they must first solve a trap and some puzzles to reach their destination. The environment is dark and eerie, with the walls made of mossy stone and the air thick with an earthy scent. The mood is tense and suspenseful, as if danger lurks around every corner. The scene is realized as a digital illustration with a black and white color scheme, with the protagonist depicted as a small figure in the foreground and the labyrinth looming ominously in the background. –ar 16:9 –v 4.

(你的主角在神秘的迷宫中,必须找到深藏其中的宝藏。但是,他们必须先解决一个陷阱和一些谜题才能到达目的地。环境黑暗恐怖,墙壁由苔藓石制成,空气中弥漫着浓郁的泥土气息。氛围紧张悬疑,仿佛危险潜伏在每个角落。场景以黑白色调的数字插画实现,主角被描绘成前景中的小人物,而迷宫则在背景中显得阴森恐怖。–ar 16:9 –v 4。)

/imagine prompt: Your protagonist finds themselves trapped in a mysterious forest with various mystical creatures and magical items. They must communicate with these creatures and use the items to solve the puzzles and continue forward. The environment is lush and green, with towering trees and vibrant flora. The mood is whimsical and adventurous, with a sense of curiosity and wonder. The scene is realized as a painting with oil on canvas, with vivid and bright colors capturing the beauty of the forest and its inhabitants. –ar 9:16 –v 4.

(你的主角发现自己被困在一个神秘的森林中,这里有各种神秘的生物和魔法物品。他们必须与这些生物交流,并利用这些物品来解决谜题,继续前进。环境郁郁葱葱,树木高耸,植物色彩鲜艳。氛围古灵精怪,充满好奇心和惊奇之感。场景以油画在帆布上实现,鲜艳明亮的色彩捕捉了森林和其居民的美丽。–ar 9:16 –v 4。)
/imagine prompt: Your character is lost in a mysterious forest filled with magical creatures and items. They must communicate with these beings and use the items to solve problems in order to progress. The atmosphere is tense and eerie, with the feeling that danger lurks around every corner. The artwork is a digital illustration with a hand-drawn style, featuring vibrant colors and intricate details. --ar 16:9 --v 4

(你的角色迷失在一个神秘的充满魔法生物和物品的森林中。他们必须与这些生物沟通并利用物品解决问题以继续前进。气氛紧张诡异,感觉危险潜伏在每个角落。艺术品是数字插画,采用手绘风格,色彩鲜艳,细节精细。--ar 16:9 --v 4)

/imagine prompt: Your character is trapped in a mysterious maze and must find a way out. However, the maze is filled with dangers and traps, and the character must be careful to avoid falling into them. The atmosphere is tense and oppressive, with a feeling of claustrophobia and the constant threat of danger. The artwork is a 3D rendering with a dark, moody color palette and realistic lighting. --ar 1:1 --v 4

(你的角色被困在一个神秘的迷宫中,必须寻找出路。然而,迷宫充满了危险和陷阱,角色必须小心避免掉进陷阱。气氛紧张压抑,感觉有幽闭恐惧症,不断受到危险的威胁。艺术品是3D渲染,采用黑暗,阴郁的色彩调色板和逼真的灯光。--ar 1:1 --v 4)
/imagine prompt: Your character is under a spell cast by a powerful sorcerer and must find a way to break it. The atmosphere is eerie and unsettling, with a feeling of being trapped and powerless. The artwork is a painting done with watercolors, featuring a muted color palette and blurred edges, giving a dreamlike quality to the scene. --ar 9:16 --v 4

(你的角色被一个强大的巫师所施的魔咒所困扰,必须找到解开它的方法。气氛怪异不安,感觉被困住且无能为力。艺术品是用水彩绘制的,采用柔和的色调和模糊的边缘,给场景带来了梦幻般的质感。--ar 9:16 --v 4)



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