💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
🎉3 参考文献
🌈4 Matlab代码实现
💥1 概述
Abstract— The research on autonomous miniature flying robots has intensified considerably thanks to the recent growth of civil and military interest in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAV). This paper summarizes the final results of the modeling and control parts of OS4 project, which focused on design and control of a quadrotor. It introduces a simulation model which takes into account the variation of the aerodynamical coefficients due to vehicle motion. The control parameters found with this model are successfully used on the helicopter without re-tuning. The last part of this paper describes the control approach (Integral Backstepping) and the scheme we propose for full control of quadrotors (attitude, altitude and position). Finally, the results of autonomous take-off, hover, landing and
collision avoidance are presented.
对以下内容进行了建模: - 四旋翼动力学
- 电机动力学 - 用于状态估计的卡尔曼滤波 - 简单的传感器模型/ADC转换
- 螺旋桨动力学
- 控制规律
- 动力子系统此SIM卡可用于:
- 系统可行性研究
- 系统性能评估和权衡
- 控制律性能评估
📚2 运行结果
%% simulation set up
step_time = 0.5; % simulation step time(sec)
end_time = 1000; % simulation end time (sec)
%end_time = 86400;
%% attitude estimator gains
Tatd = 0.5; % attitude estimator update time (sec)
Tqint = 0.5; % discrete quaternion integration period (sec)
Tsen_out = 0.5; % sensor output period (sec)
TkfProp = 0.5; % Kalman filter propagation period (sec)
KfupdatePeriodInCycle = 1; % Kalman filter update period (propagation cycle)
f_bw_atd = 0.02; % attitude determination bandwidth (hz)
%f_bw_atd = 0.005;
zeta = 0.7;
Krp = (2*pi*f_bw_atd)^2 * eye(3);
Kpp = 2*zeta*2*pi*f_bw_atd*eye(3);
qest0 = [0*1e-4; 0; 0; 1]; % initial estimator quaternion
delta_west0 = zeros(3,1); % initial deviation of estimator angular rate (rad/sec)
max_delta_w = 0.1*pi/180;
delta_w_lim = 2e-4; %0.1/pi/Tqint;
delta_th_lim= 1e-4; %0.1*pi/180/Tqint;
q0 = [0; 0; 0; 1];
%% for estimate error standard deviation prediction calculation
%% for using Lyapunove equation to solve for expected estimation error
C=[1 0]; K=[Kpp(1,1);Krp(1,1)]; A=[0 1;0 0]-K*C; B=K;
H=[1 0]; K=[Kpp(1,1);Krp(1,1)]*Tatd; F=[1 Tatd;0 1]-K*H; G=K;
%% Kalman filter setups
Fmat = [eye(3) TkfProp*eye(3);zeros(3,3) eye(3)];
Hmat = [eye(3) zeros(3,3)];
therr0 = max([abs(qest0(1:3)); 5*1e-4]); % initial error estimate, assuming q0=[0 0 0 1]
P0 = diag([therr0^2*ones(1,3) 3e-6^2*ones(1,3)]);
R = TkfProp*KfupdatePeriodInCycle*diag(position_uncertainty_var);%1e-3^2*eye(3)*
Q = diag([1e-5^2*ones(1,3), 1e-7^2*ones(1,3)])*TkfProp;
max_rate = pi/180;
P0 = diag([1e-32*ones(1,3) 1e-5^2*ones(1,3)]);
Q = diag([1e-5^2*ones(1,3), 5e-6^2*ones(1,3)])*TkfProp;
max_bias = 1*pi/180/3600;
%% start simulation
Tcapt = Tsen_out; % sim variable capture rate (sec)
🎉3 参考文献
🌈4 Matlab代码实现