使用Android手机和pn532进行通信,此时,PN532应完全模拟一张NFC标签,本文使用PN532模拟NFC Forum Type 2标准的标签
此时使用了之前说的libnfc的demo-examples\nfc-emulate-forum-tag2.c,此功能就是使用PN532模拟一张NFC Forum Type 2标准的标签
# Allow device auto-detection (default: true)
# Note: if this auto-detection is disabled, user has to set manually a device
# configuration using file or environment variable
#allow_autoscan = true
# Allow intrusive auto-detection (default: false)
# Warning: intrusive auto-detection can seriously disturb other devices
# This option is not recommended, user should prefer to add manually his device.
#allow_intrusive_scan = false
# Set log level (default: error)
# Valid log levels are (in order of verbosity): 0 (none), 1 (error), 2 (info), 3 (debug)
# Note: if you compiled with --enable-debug option, the default log level is "debug"
############################## HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#############
log_level = 3
# Manually set default device (no default)
# To set a default device, you must set both name and connstring for your device
# Note: if autoscan is enabled, default device will be the first device available in device list.
device.name = "microBuilder.eu"
device.connstring = "pn532_uart:/dev/ttyUSB0"
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x Diagnose+SAMConfiguration
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 55 55 00 00 00 00 00 ff 03 fd d4 14 01 17 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x SetParameters
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 03 fd d4 12 14 06 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 02 fe
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 13
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 18 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x WriteRegister
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 08 f8 d4 08 63 02 80 63 03 80 59 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 02 fe
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 09
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 22 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x RFConfiguration
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 04 fc d4 32 01 00 f9 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 02 fe
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 33
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: f8 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x SetParameters
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 03 fd d4 12 10 0a 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 02 fe
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 13
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 18 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x WriteRegister
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 05 fb d4 08 63 05 04 b8 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 02 fe
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 09
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 22 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x TgInitAsTarget
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x No timeout
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 27 d9 d4 8c 01 04 00 00 b0 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 05 fb
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 8d
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 30 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 6e 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x TgResponseToInitiator
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x No timeout
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 12 ee d4 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e1 10 06 0f 96 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 03 fd
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 91
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 9a 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x TgGetInitiatorCommand
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x No timeout
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 02 fe d4 88 a4 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 05 fb
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 89
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 30 04
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 6e 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x TgResponseToInitiator
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x No timeout
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 12 ee d4 90 03 21 d1 02 1c 53 70 91 01 09 54 02 65 6e 4c 69 4d 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 03 fd
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 91
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 9a 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x TgGetInitiatorCommand
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x No timeout
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 02 fe d4 88 a4 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 05 fb
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 89
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 30 08
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 6a 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x TgResponseToInitiator
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x No timeout
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 12 ee d4 90 62 6e 66 63 51 01 0b 55 03 6c 69 62 6e 66 63 2e b2 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 03 fd
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 91
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 9a 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x TgGetInitiatorCommand
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x No timeout
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 02 fe d4 88 a4 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 05 fb
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 89
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 30 0c
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 66 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x TgResponseToInitiator
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x No timeout
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 12 ee d4 90 6f 72 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 03 fd
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 91
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 9a 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x TgGetInitiatorCommand
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x No timeout
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 02 fe d4 88 a4 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 05 fb
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 89
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 50 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 52 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x InRelease
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 03 fd d4 52 00 da 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 03 fd
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 53
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d8 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PowerDown
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 03 fd d4 16 f0 26 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 00 ff 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x PN53x ACKed
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00 00 ff 03 fd
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: d5 17
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart RX: 14 00
static uint8_t __nfcforum_tag2_memory_area[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Block 0
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, // Block 2 (Static lock bytes: CC area and data area are read-only locked)
0xE1, 0x10, 0x06, 0x0F, // Block 3 (CC - NFC-Forum Tag Type 2 version 1.0, Data area (from block 4 to the end) is 48 bytes, Read-only mode)
0x03, 33, 0xd1, 0x02, // Block 4 (NDEF)
0x1c, 0x54, 0x70, 0x91,
0x01, 0x09, 0x54, 0x02,
0x65, 0x6e, 0x4c, 0x69,
0x62, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x63,
0x51, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x55,
0x03, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x62,
0x6e, 0x66, 0x63, 0x2e,
0x6f, 0x72, 0x67, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
是 JIS-X-6319-4-2019-ENG.pdf 中定义的该卡的数据组织方式,详见https://www.docin.com/p-2074660216.html