SPEC CPU 2006 在 CentOS 5.0 x86_64 古老系统测试【3】静态编译 invalid run

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了SPEC CPU 2006 在 CentOS 5.0 x86_64 古老系统测试【3】静态编译 invalid run。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。


SPEC CPU 2006 在 CentOS 5.0 x86_64 古老系统测试【2】_hkNaruto的博客-CSDN博客


SPEC CPU 2006 在 CentOS 5.0 x86_64 古老系统测试【3】静态编译 invalid run,speccpu,centos,speccpu


runspec -c gcc41.cfg -T all -n 3 -r 1 -I -i ref all


SPEC CPU 2006 在 CentOS 5.0 x86_64 古老系统测试【3】静态编译 invalid run,speccpu,centos,speccpu

 invalid run

SPEC CPU 2006 在 CentOS 5.0 x86_64 古老系统测试【3】静态编译 invalid run,speccpu,centos,speccpu


Invalid SPEC® CFP2006 Result

Copyright 2006-2023 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

System Vendor (Test Sponsor: Test Sponsor (Optional, defaults to hw_vendor))

System Model Name

SPECfp®_rate2006 =36.3

SPECfp_rate_base2006 =36.3

CPU2006 license: 0 Test date: Jul-2023
Test sponsor: Test Sponsor (Optional, defaults to hw_vendor) Hardware Availability: Dec-9999
Tested by: (Optional, defaults to hw_vendor) Software Availability: Jan-2011
CPU Name: Intel Core i5-9600K
CPU Characteristics:
CPU MHz: 9999
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: number of cores enabled cores, 1 chip, number of cores manufactured into each chip cores/chip, number of threads enabled per core threads/core
CPU(s) orderable: 1,2 chips
Primary Cache: 9999 KB I + 9999 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 9999 KB I+D on chip per core
L3 Cache: 9999 MB I+D on chip per chip
Other Cache: None
Memory: 3.864 GB fixme: If using DDR3, format is:
'N GB (M x N GB nRxn PCn-nnnnnR-n, ECC)'
Disk Subsystem: 192 GB add more disk info here
Other Hardware: None
Operating System: CentOS release 5 (Final)
Compiler: gcc, g++ & gfortran 4.1.2
Auto Parallel: No
File System: ext3
System State: Run level 5 (add definition here)
Base Pointers: 64-bit
Peak Pointers: 64-bit
Other Software: None


Your run was marked invalid because it has one or more flags in the
"unknown" category. You might be able to resolve this problem without
re-running your test; see
     runspec (CPU2006)
for more information.

Results Table

Benchmark Base Peak
Copies Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Copies Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio
Results appear in the order in which they were run. Bold underlined text indicates a median measurement.
410.bwaves 1 539   25.2  551 24.7  576 23.6  1 539   25.2  551 24.7  576 23.6 
416.gamess 1 412   47.6  423 46.3  437 44.8  1 412   47.6  423 46.3  437 44.8 
433.milc 1 295   31.1  311 29.5  324 28.4  1 295   31.1  311 29.5  324 28.4 
434.zeusmp 1 195   46.6  202 45.1  206 44.2  1 195   46.6  202 45.1  206 44.2 
435.gromacs 1 206   34.6  215 33.2  218 32.7  1 206   34.6  215 33.2  218 32.7 
436.cactusADM 1 353   33.8  378 31.6  382 31.3  1 353   33.8  378 31.6  382 31.3 
437.leslie3d 1 219   43.0  231 40.7  231 40.7  1 219   43.0  231 40.7  231 40.7 
444.namd 1 252   31.8  258 31.1  261 30.7  1 252   31.8  258 31.1  261 30.7 
447.dealII 1 193   59.1  203 56.5  206 55.4  1 193   59.1  203 56.5  206 55.4 
450.soplex 1 154   54.3  179 46.7  170 49.0  1 154   54.3  179 46.7  170 49.0 
453.povray 1 97.5 54.5  102 52.3  105 50.7  1 97.5 54.5  102 52.3  105 50.7 
454.calculix 1 880   9.37 915 9.02 957 8.62 1 880   9.37 915 9.02 957 8.62
459.GemsFDTD 1 261   40.6  273 38.8  285 37.3  1 261   40.6  273 38.8  285 37.3 
465.tonto 1 303   32.5  320 30.7  322 30.5  1 303   32.5  320 30.7  322 30.5 
470.lbm 1 171   80.2  194 70.9  187 73.4  1 171   80.2  194 70.9  187 73.4 
481.wrf 1 401   27.8  416 26.8  423 26.4  1 401   27.8  416 26.8  423 26.4 
482.sphinx3 1 340   57.4  372 52.4  415 47.0  1 340   57.4  372 52.4  415 47.0 

Submit Notes

'numactl' was used to bind copies to the cores.
See the configuration file for details.

Operating System Notes

'ulimit -s unlimited' was used to set environment stack size

Platform Notes

 Sysinfo program /opt/cpu2006/Docs/sysinfo
 $Rev: 6775 $ $Date:: 2011-08-16 #$ 8787f7622badcf24e01c368b1db4377c
 running on localhost.localdomain Thu Jul 13 10:27:32 2023

 This section contains SUT (System Under Test) info as seen by
 some common utilities.  To remove or add to this section, see:
   Config files - SPEC CPU2006

 From /proc/cpuinfo
    model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
       1 "physical id"s (chips)
       2 "processors"
    cores, siblings (Caution: counting these is hw and system dependent.  The
    following excerpts from /proc/cpuinfo might not be reliable.  Use with
       cpu cores : 2
       siblings  : 2
       physical 0: cores 0 1
    cache size : 9216 KB

 From /proc/meminfo
    MemTotal:      4052100 kB
    HugePages_Total:     0
    Hugepagesize:     2048 kB

 /usr/bin/lsb_release -d
    CentOS release 5 (Final)

 From /etc/*release* /etc/*version*
    redhat-release: CentOS release 5 (Final)

 uname -a:
    Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Thu Mar 15 19:46:53 EDT 2007
    x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 run-level 5 Jul 13 10:25 last=S

 SPEC is set to: /opt/cpu2006
    Filesystem    Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                  ext3    192G  7.2G  175G   4% /

 (End of data from sysinfo program)

Base Unknown Flags

410.bwaves: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE)
416.gamess: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE)
433.milc: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
434.zeusmp: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE)
435.gromacs: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE) "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
436.cactusADM: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE) "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
437.leslie3d: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE)
444.namd: "-static" (in CXXOPTIMIZE)
447.dealII: "-static" (in CXXOPTIMIZE)
450.soplex: "-static" (in CXXOPTIMIZE)
453.povray: "-static" (in CXXOPTIMIZE)
454.calculix: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE) "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
459.GemsFDTD: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE)
465.tonto: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE)
470.lbm: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
481.wrf: "-static" (in FOPTIMIZE) "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
482.sphinx3: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)

Base Compiler Invocation

C benchmarks:


C++ benchmarks:


Fortran benchmarks:


Benchmarks using both Fortran and C:

 /usr/bin/gcc   /usr/bin/gfortran 

Base Portability Flags

410.bwaves:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
416.gamess:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
433.milc:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
434.zeusmp:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
435.gromacs:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
436.cactusADM:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
437.leslie3d:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
444.namd:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
447.dealII:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
450.soplex:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
453.povray:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
454.calculix:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
459.GemsFDTD:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
465.tonto:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
470.lbm:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
482.sphinx3:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 

Base Optimization Flags

C benchmarks:


C++ benchmarks:


Fortran benchmarks:


Benchmarks using both Fortran and C:


Peak Optimization Flags

C benchmarks:

433.milc:  basepeak = yes 
470.lbm:  basepeak = yes 
482.sphinx3:  basepeak = yes 

C++ benchmarks:

444.namd:  basepeak = yes 
447.dealII:  basepeak = yes 
450.soplex:  basepeak = yes 
453.povray:  basepeak = yes 

Fortran benchmarks:

410.bwaves:  basepeak = yes 
416.gamess:  basepeak = yes 
434.zeusmp:  basepeak = yes 
437.leslie3d:  basepeak = yes 
459.GemsFDTD:  basepeak = yes 
465.tonto:  basepeak = yes 

Benchmarks using both Fortran and C:

435.gromacs:  basepeak = yes 
436.cactusADM:  basepeak = yes 
454.calculix:  basepeak = yes 
481.wrf:  basepeak = yes 

SPEC and SPECfp are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All other brand and product names appearing in this result are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org
Copyright 2006-2023 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Tested with SPEC CPU2006 v1.2.
Report generated on Thu Jul 13 19:04:30 2023 by SPEC CPU2006 HTML formatter v6400.

SPEC CPU 2006 在 CentOS 5.0 x86_64 古老系统测试【3】静态编译 invalid run,speccpu,centos,speccpu

Invalid SPEC® CINT2006 Result

Copyright 2006-2023 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

System Vendor (Test Sponsor: Test Sponsor (Optional, defaults to hw_vendor))

System Model Name

SPECint®_rate2006 =32.5

SPECint_rate_base2006 =32.5

CPU2006 license: 0 Test date: Jul-2023
Test sponsor: Test Sponsor (Optional, defaults to hw_vendor) Hardware Availability: Dec-9999
Tested by: (Optional, defaults to hw_vendor) Software Availability: Jan-2011
CPU Name: Intel Core i5-9600K
CPU Characteristics:
CPU MHz: 9999
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: number of cores enabled cores, 1 chip, number of cores manufactured into each chip cores/chip, number of threads enabled per core threads/core
CPU(s) orderable: 1,2 chips
Primary Cache: 9999 KB I + 9999 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 9999 KB I+D on chip per core
L3 Cache: 9999 MB I+D on chip per chip
Other Cache: None
Memory: 3.864 GB fixme: If using DDR3, format is:
'N GB (M x N GB nRxn PCn-nnnnnR-n, ECC)'
Disk Subsystem: 192 GB add more disk info here
Other Hardware: None
Operating System: CentOS release 5 (Final)
Compiler: gcc, g++ & gfortran 4.1.2
Auto Parallel: No
File System: ext3
System State: Run level 5 (add definition here)
Base Pointers: 64-bit
Peak Pointers: 64-bit
Other Software: None


Your run was marked invalid because it has one or more flags in the
"unknown" category. You might be able to resolve this problem without
re-running your test; see
     runspec (CPU2006)
for more information.

Results Table

Benchmark Base Peak
Copies Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Copies Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio
Results appear in the order in which they were run. Bold underlined text indicates a median measurement.
400.perlbench 1 200 48.8 207 47.2 221 44.2 1 200 48.8 207 47.2 221 44.2
401.bzip2 1 328 29.4 331 29.1 339 28.4 1 328 29.4 331 29.1 339 28.4
403.gcc 1 193 41.6 195 41.2 216 37.3 1 193 41.6 195 41.2 216 37.3
429.mcf 1 193 47.1 198 46.0 259 35.2 1 193 47.1 198 46.0 259 35.2
445.gobmk 1 317 33.1 311 33.7 336 31.2 1 317 33.1 311 33.7 336 31.2
456.hmmer 1 477 19.6 478 19.5 486 19.2 1 477 19.6 478 19.5 486 19.2
458.sjeng 1 349 34.7 356 34.0 362 33.4 1 349 34.7 356 34.0 362 33.4
462.libquantum 1 268 77.4 275 75.3 307 67.5 1 268 77.4 275 75.3 307 67.5
464.h264ref 1 414 53.5 429 51.6 430 51.4 1 414 53.5 429 51.6 430 51.4
471.omnetpp 1 234 26.7 246 25.4 251 24.9 1 234 26.7 246 25.4 251 24.9
473.astar 1 297 23.6 317 22.1 321 21.9 1 297 23.6 317 22.1 321 21.9
483.xalancbmk 1 537 12.8 658 10.5 629 11.0 1 537 12.8 658 10.5 629 11.0

Submit Notes

'numactl' was used to bind copies to the cores.
See the configuration file for details.

Operating System Notes

'ulimit -s unlimited' was used to set environment stack size

Platform Notes

 Sysinfo program /opt/cpu2006/Docs/sysinfo
 $Rev: 6775 $ $Date:: 2011-08-16 #$ 8787f7622badcf24e01c368b1db4377c
 running on localhost.localdomain Thu Jul 13 10:27:32 2023

 This section contains SUT (System Under Test) info as seen by
 some common utilities.  To remove or add to this section, see:
   Config files - SPEC CPU2006

 From /proc/cpuinfo
    model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
       1 "physical id"s (chips)
       2 "processors"
    cores, siblings (Caution: counting these is hw and system dependent.  The
    following excerpts from /proc/cpuinfo might not be reliable.  Use with
       cpu cores : 2
       siblings  : 2
       physical 0: cores 0 1
    cache size : 9216 KB

 From /proc/meminfo
    MemTotal:      4052100 kB
    HugePages_Total:     0
    Hugepagesize:     2048 kB

 /usr/bin/lsb_release -d
    CentOS release 5 (Final)

 From /etc/*release* /etc/*version*
    redhat-release: CentOS release 5 (Final)

 uname -a:
    Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Thu Mar 15 19:46:53 EDT 2007
    x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 run-level 5 Jul 13 10:25 last=S

 SPEC is set to: /opt/cpu2006
    Filesystem    Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                  ext3    192G  7.2G  175G   4% /

 (End of data from sysinfo program)

Base Unknown Flags

400.perlbench: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
401.bzip2: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
403.gcc: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
429.mcf: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
445.gobmk: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
456.hmmer: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
458.sjeng: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
462.libquantum: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
464.h264ref: "-static" (in COPTIMIZE)
471.omnetpp: "-static" (in CXXOPTIMIZE)
473.astar: "-static" (in CXXOPTIMIZE)
483.xalancbmk: "-static" (in CXXOPTIMIZE)

Base Compiler Invocation

C benchmarks:


C++ benchmarks:


Base Portability Flags

400.perlbench:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64   -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX_X64 
401.bzip2:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
403.gcc:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
429.mcf:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
445.gobmk:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
456.hmmer:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
458.sjeng:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
462.libquantum:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64   -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX 
464.h264ref:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
471.omnetpp:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
473.astar:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 
483.xalancbmk:  -DSPEC_CPU_LP64   -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX 

Base Optimization Flags

C benchmarks:


C++ benchmarks:


Peak Optimization Flags

C benchmarks:

400.perlbench:  basepeak = yes 
401.bzip2:  basepeak = yes 
403.gcc:  basepeak = yes 
429.mcf:  basepeak = yes 
445.gobmk:  basepeak = yes 
456.hmmer:  basepeak = yes 
458.sjeng:  basepeak = yes 
462.libquantum:  basepeak = yes 
464.h264ref:  basepeak = yes 

C++ benchmarks:

471.omnetpp:  basepeak = yes 
473.astar:  basepeak = yes 
483.xalancbmk:  basepeak = yes 

SPEC and SPECint are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All other brand and product names appearing in this result are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org
Copyright 2006-2023 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Tested with SPEC CPU2006 v1.2.
Report generated on Thu Jul 13 19:04:27 2023 by SPEC CPU2006 HTML formatter v6400.文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-563096.html

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