【Let‘s make it big】英语合集31~40

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了【Let‘s make it big】英语合集31~40。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。


Have you passed all of your exams?
There aren’t exams for acting class
Anyone can do that
you are qualified to play a dead person
It’s going to be
no one acts better than you
Be careful with a knife
My parents aren’t impressed by my performance


calm down,can you talk more slowly
you work harder than everyone else at the company
no one works more quickly than me
no one is better at anything than me
That’s why the big boss has me here
you need to sell him an idea
That’s the best idea ever
I can’t believe you aren’t gonna be here anymore
Can we get him fired instead
good luck and let me know what happens
when I discover what he did
thank you for the recommendation
that guy deserves a raise and promotion
I agree completely


today was the most exciting day in my life however it was the worst day in my life
don’t take too long we have a lot of work to do
Can you talk more loudly?
I don’t understand what you’re saying
I’ll be happy to help
I’m better than ok
Did something happen
supervise her work and make sure everything fine


Do you mind if I ask you some questions?
Do you mind if we start in a few minutes
Do you mind if I make a phone call
go ahead
hurry back
how is it going?
Haven’t you heard
I can’t afford it
you can’t give up so easily
I’d better be off


I’m sorry about how you perform too poorly in the competition
I found out this morning
I feel dizzy
it’s going to be ok
I deserve a vacation at least once a year
Can we get together
Let’s make it 4:30
I appreciate it
I brought ingredients I thought might work
I’ll have lunch with you twice a week if you want


This would be diffcult without him,He said he would be here
This is the biggest night ever for this restaurant
There was nothing I could do but wait
I didn’t have a choice
How are things
you should do your best and trust yourself
Just do what you do best
That’s incredible
Are you terrified


you look scared
they seem busy, thay appear friendly
excuse me,who was sitting here,may me sit here?
get an autopraph
you are the best actress I’ve ever seen
that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received
Being head chef is the most fun I’ve ever had
You’ll never guess what happened
I don’t know if they liked my performance


I can’t stand people who don’t laugh
Do you think that’s possible?
is there any way that you can pay me to go there
I’d love to work with you
I’d like to thank you for a great party
I’m one step closer to my dream
Actually it does mean you’re not as good as I am
I’m disappointed with both teams here
No one is working as hard as they should be
That’s exactly what I mean
the point is to save money
I’m tired of selling thsi junk,sick of
Who wants to start?


I’m not happy with how hard the dough is
Do you have a reservation?
too late to get a table?
We’re delighted to have you here
you’re very helpful
could you hand me that pan


Neither of us is strong enough to carry this
I don’t think either of us will ever be professional movers
Have you found any new acting jobs yet?
fridge is heavy
I used to be stronger
you better not be drinking any of my soda
you did an incrediable jobs
It was an honor to work with you on it
You’re so much better at this than I am文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-577179.html

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