Open Inventor 2023.1.2 Crack

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了Open Inventor 2023.1.2 Crack。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

  • The Open Inventor is an object-oriented toolkit that simplifies and abstracts the task of writing graphics programming into a set of easy to use objects. These objects range from low level data-centered objects such as Sphere, Camera, Material, Light, and Group, to high level objects for Mesh visualization and Volume Rendering. The foundation concept in Open Inventor is the "scene database" which defines the objects to be used in an application. When using Open Inventor, a programmer creates, edits, and composes these objects into hierarchical 3D scene graphs (i.e., database). A variety of fundamental application tasks such as rendering, picking, event handling, and file reading/writing are built-in operations of all objects in the database and thus are simple to invoke.

    Open Inventor 2023.1.2 Crack,Open Inventor破解,Open Inventor


    Since Open Inventor is object-oriented (written in C++), it encourages programmers to extend the system by writing new objects. Open Inventor users have created a variety of new objects that are not included in the product, such as: Bezier surfaces, CSG objects, animation objects, special viewers, and many more.

    The release number version is used to define the product version in terms of date. For example : For example 2023.2.7 for the second version of OIV in 2023 and the 7th patch version.

Open Inventor 2023.1.2

  • Cache
  •  #OIV-4623 Selection dramatically slow down – CAS-44071
     #OIV-4632 Black screen when reconnecting to a remote session – CAS-43642

  • Core
  •  #OIV-4585 Crash in SoGLProgramGLSL::setProgramParameter – CAS-43222
     #OIV-4616 SoBBox is ignored when added under a SoSwitch node – CAS-44037

  • Doc
  •  #OIV-4575 Thread safe requirement in MeshViz XLM Java api doc completed – CAS-43692

  • MeshViz
  •  #OIV-4545 Change of PoAutoCubeAxis/PoDomain's behavior in OIV 10 vs 9.9 – CAS-43515

  • Multithreading
  •  #OIV-4624 SoWriteAction export issue – CAS-44072

  • Performance
  •  #OIV-4459 Animation slow down with multiple volume rendering views – CAS-42622

  • Selection
  •  #OIV-4625 Crash with Selection/Highlight and Path Change – CAS-44073

  • VolumeViz
  •  #OIV-4682 Crash in SoLDMMultiIOTileManager::cacheTileBuffer – CAS-43238
     #OIV-4684 Crash in SoVolumeStateGeometry::bindTextures – CAS-43196


Open Inventor 2023.1.1

  • Core
  •  #OIV-4570 The roi manip shouldn't change the opacity of volume
     #OIV-4547 Huge perf regression on scene with a lot of static Text2
     #OIV-4510 SoViewingCube disappears from display when changing render action – CAS-43081
     #OIV-4514 Transparent shapes disappear when switching the render mode from BboxHL to LineHL on Intel UHD – CAS-43081
     #OIV-4566 Stereo dialog not well resized and positioned
     #OIV-4595 AccessViolationException when importing .dxf file – CAS-43805, CAS-44123

  • Dicom
  •  #OIV-4489 Missing return statement in the method DicomGetImagePosition of the MedicalHelper.cs class – CAS-42983
     #OIV-4544 Getting dicom info issues – CAS-43493

  • Documentation
  •  #OIV-4558 Picked point in seek mode doesn't position it at the center of the view area when ortho cam is enabled – CAS-42881

  • OpenGL
  •  #OIV-4478 OGL error GL_STACK_OVERFLOW when calling direct OpenGL functions through SoGLCallback – CAS-42902
     #OIV-4501 ShaderProgram not updated when ShaderObject changes – CAS-43042

  • Shader
  •  #OIV-4568 Shape not renderered in SORTED_PIXEL & 5+ Viewers – CAS-43435

  • RemoteViz
  •  #OIV-4602 The object Connection, got by onSendingFrame method, does not give a valid object with getLastEncodeFrame

Third party library version update

  • To introduce new features in Open Inventor, a third party library can be added in a minor or a major version of Open Inventor.
  • A third party library can be updated in a minor version of Open Inventor if it's necessary to fix a bug introduced by this library.
  • A third party library can be updated freely in a major version of Open Inventor
  • Any such change to a third party library may require changes to the application build and/or deployment, especially if the application uses a version of this library directly.
  • Third party libraries used by Open Inventor include file format libraries (e.g. JPEG), CUDA, Qt and others. You can see a list of third party libraries used by Open Inventor in section "third party softwares".


Deprecation process

  • ”Deprecated” means that a feature is still available and produces the same result but a better way of doing the same thing is available and should be used instead. Deprecated methods in Open Inventor classes are marked in the documentation along with an explanation of the replacement method(s).
  • A class, method or field may become deprecated in a minor version.
  • The compilers generate warnings for each reference to a deprecated Open Inventor API in the application's source code.
  • The demos provided with Open Inventor packages are updated and do not use any deprecated API.
  • A deprecated API may be removed in a later minor or major version. In general, a deprecated API remains available during 2 minor versions at least.

Upcoming drop or depreciation

  • ImageViz depreciation:

    ImageViz extension will be deprecated as of Open Inventor 2023.2 (September 2023). ImageViz will still be supported and there will be no impact when running an application using ImageViz. However warnings will be raised when compiling source code that uses a class or a function of ImageViz.
    ImageViz is replaced by the new ImageDev toolkit which provides the same features with the added benefit of a simplier API. More details are available here:

  • Ubuntu18.04:

    We plan to stop support of Ubuntu 18.04 as of Open Inventor 2023.2.

  • AMD GPUs:

    We plan to stop support of AMD GPUs as of Open Inventor 2023.2.


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