JetBrains Gateway远程连接用不了

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了JetBrains Gateway远程连接用不了。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

 JetBrains Gateway远程连接用不了,java,gateway



Last modified: 02 February 2023

The Remote Development feature for JetBrains IDEs is still in its active development stage, so that some issues may occur. This page is aimed to help you with an initial troubleshooting during the setup or later work.

Ensure you've made yourself aware of our documentation's System requirements and FAQ parts.




Is there a difference between JetBrains Gateway from Toolbox, the one downloaded separately, or the one from an IDE?

Standalone JetBrains Gateway supports an option to "Open in IDE" your Space-based project If you don't use it, there are no other differences in installers and workflows.

Check the installation scenarios.

Can I point Remote Development to an existing IDE on my remote server? Is it possible to install IDE manually?

Since version 221.5481, you can manually register an existing backend IDE on the remote server and make it visible for JetBrains Gateway. Installed IDE will appear in the list of available builds:

  1. Enter remote server by SSH.

  2. Locate the folder with unpacked IDE, enter bin folder.

  3. In the command line, execute the following command: registerBackendLocationForGateway

    For example,

    sh IDEA-221.5591.52/bin/ registerBackendLocationForGateway

The JetBrains Gateway installation itself doesn't finish successfully

  • Ensure your system user has permissions to install a software or contact a system administrator in your organization.

Why does the SSH connection to a remote server fail during the setup?

  • Firewall on the remote server side or the virtual machine provider prohibits incoming connection. In the case of AWS, don't forget to adjust "Security groups"

  • On the remote side, your SSH listens to a non-standard port

  • Password or key file is incorrect or your connection was blocked due to several failures

JetBrains Gateway hangs on the Retrieving IDE versions step and doesn't load available IDEs

  • JetBrains Gateway can't connect to JetBrains' site to fetch the list of existing builds

JetBrains Gateway tries to connect but fails. Credentials are 100% correct.

  • Ensure AllowТcpForwarding in sshd_config on the remote server is enabled as it's required for redirecting remote IDE process' traffic to your local machine.

I select an IDE installer from the local machine, but the process of uploading fails

  • The remote server doesn't have enough available space on the disk. The available space on your remote server must be at least 4xIDE.tar.gz in size.

    Since version 2022.1.1, you can select a custom path on the remote server as the deployment target location.

  • You uploaded not .tar.gz installer archive, so it can't be unpacked on the remote side

  • You uploaded a Community version's archive. Remote Development is available for paid versions.

Upload of remote-dev-worker fails with "exit code: 139 (SIGSEGV)"

If your remote machine's OS is RHEL, CentOS, RockyLinux - check syslog for SELinux warnings or disable SELinux and retry installation

On local machine, process fails with the "Failed to download JetBrains Client" error

Your local computer must have a network connection to the following JetBrains URLs:






Alternatively, you can configure the fully offline mode.

Work with remote project



Failed to get IDE status in 60 seconds. Probably IDE backend is stuck

  • Backend server's shell is interactive or has config errors, so deployment commands don't finish correctly.

    Try to replace it with a default config or simple bash

  • Backend IDE hangs due to lack of resources and doesn't respond:

    1. Enter the remote server by ssh and terminate IDE processes manually.

    2. Add memory to the remote IDE by editing JVM options file. Default deploy settings can be not suitable for average or big projects.

    3. Locate remote IDE JVM settings file:


    Check the following example:


    4. Edit -Xmx value and repeat the deploy/connection with new settings

  • Backend IDE can't process your project in general (lack of resources, wrong configuration, broken dependencies).

    Enter the remote server by ssh and launch the project manually as described on this page and check the output.

    If the project started successfully, copy the generated link and try connect from the local Gateway (also described in the article).

CPU or resources usage looks abnormal

  • To diagnose performance problems, support needs logs (Help -> Collect Host and Client logs), CPU snapshot from the server (Help -> Diagnostic Tools -> Start CPU Usage Profiling), and heap dumps (files like java_error_in_idea*.hprof)

    For more information about diagnosing performance problems, refer to Reporting performance problems

IDE hangs and doesn't respond

  • When IDE hangs and doesn't respond so that you can't use the menu to capture the snapshot, provide us with the thread dumps

The remote IDE worked but stopped responding

  • Enter the remote server and terminate IDE processes or reboot the server, then re-test. In future versions, we plan to support a self-healing restart.

Collecting logs and submitting reports

If the solutions above don't help, and you need our assistance, please provide a detailed description. Besides the IDE version, logs, and thread dumps, which are a must, we appreciate a code/project sample, screenshot, or screencast/gif that illustrates the problem.

Attach them to your issue when submitting a report.

To make the issue visible only to the JetBrains team, you can set its visibility to the jetbrains-team group. With the exception of images, all attachments are visible only to the JetBrains team by default.

Collect logs from UI

To collect logs from the backend IDE, JetBrains Gateway or the IDE must be connected to a remote server. If it's not connected, it can fetch only local logs.

  1. From JetBrains Gateway: Welcome (start) screen - left bottom corner - gear icon - "Collect All Logs".

  2. From the main IDE you use as Remote Development starting point: top menu - "Help" - "Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data".

  3. From launched JetBrains Client session (connected to your remote server): top menu - "Help" - "Collect Host and Client Logs"

Collect logs manually

Use this method if UI is frozen or the connection is lost.

  1. On local workstation side: the location depends on the OS of your local computer.

    We recommend collecting and sending the whole logs' folder from directories used by the IDE.

  2. On the remote server: logs are located per-project in the IDE installation folder.

    Default installation path is ~/.cache/JetBrains/RemoteDev-IDE_NAME/PROJECT_PATH/log

    For example, ~/.cache/JetBrains/RemoteDev-IU/_home_ec2-user_intellij-samples/log/文章来源地址

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  • Nacos配置管理、Fegin远程调用、Gateway服务网关

    Nacos除了可以做注册中心,同样可以做配置管理来使用。 当微服务部署的实例越来越多,达到数十、数百时,逐个修改微服务配置就会让人抓狂,而且很容易出错。我们需要一种统一配置管理方案,可以集中管理所有实例的配置。 Nacos一方面可以将配置集中管理,另一方可以

  • Nacos配置管理、Feign远程调用、Gateway服务网关

    1.在Nacos中添加配置 Data Id = 服务名称-环境名称.yaml eg: userservice-dev.yaml 2.引入nacos-config依赖 在user-service服务中,引入nacos-config的客户端依赖 3.添加 bootstrap.yaml ,我们这里以显示一个日期时间为例 在user-service中添加一个bootstrap.yaml文件 4.编写controller 方式一 给 @Value 注入的变量

  • gateway管理websocket长连接服务,消息推送

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    目录 一、SpringCloud。 (1)Nacos配置管理。 (1.1)nacos中添加配置文件、微服务引入依赖,并配置bootstrap.yml文件。 (1.2)获取配置文件信息,实现热更新。 (1.3)多环境配置共享。 (1.4)多服务共享配置。 (2)http客户端Feign。 (2.1)RestTemplate方式调用存在的问题。 (2.2)

  • websocket连接成功但是前端接收不到数据-gateway造成

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    Spring Cloud Gateway 远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2022-22947)发生在Spring Cloud Gateway应用程序的Actuator端点,其在启用、公开和不安全的情况下容易受到代码注入的攻击。攻击者可通过该漏洞恶意创建允许在远程主机上执行任意远程执行的请求。 影响范围 Spring Cloud Gateway 3.1.1 Spring Cloud










