Wisej.NET 3.2.3 Crack 商业应用程序的Web开发构建迁移现代化工具

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了Wisej.NET 3.2.3 Crack 商业应用程序的Web开发构建迁移现代化工具。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

What's new in 3.2

Wisej.NET 3.2 adds new enterprise-grade features that simplify the development of complex Line of Business (LOB) cloud applications for the enterprise. Our goal is always to help improve developers productivity and make the applications using Wisej.NET more resilient and maintainable.

Wisej.NET 3.2.3 Crack 商业应用程序的Web开发构建迁移现代化工具,笔记,Wisej.NET 3.2


Getting Started

The latest Wisej.NET 3.2 is available on NuGet. To use the build, make sure to check the Prereleases option in the NuGet Package Manager.

The Visual Studio 2019 and 2022 extension packages are linked below:

  • 📦

    Visual Studio 2019​
  • 📦

    Visual Studio 2022​

Validation System

We added a new Validation property extender to provide a modern, centralized, and flexible validation system to Wisej.NET applications.

Once you drop the new Validation component on a container at design time, all the controls are extended with a new property ValidationRules. You can assign multiple validation rules to any control.

Using the ValidationRules Collection Editor requires the Wisej.NET 3.2 VSIX to be installed within Visual Studio.

Validation Rules

JSON View Builder

With Wisej.NET 3.2 we are introducing a new concept to build views using a JSON representation. In the future we may add XML or any custom parser, and we are also planning to use the new View Builder as an optional serializer in the designer.

View Builder

Enhanced Font Support

Font support has been enhanced in the JavaScript layer as well as the server side .NET layer in Wisej.NET. Now we support using theme fonts that are not installed on the server.

Enhanced Font Support

Premium Extension: DevExpress JavaScript Dashboard

The DevExpress Dashboard is a control that allows developers to create interactive and customizable dashboards for business intelligence (BI) purposes. The platform offers a wide range of data visualization tools and widgets, such as charts, graphs, maps, gauges, and pivot tables.

wisej-examples/Wisej.DxDashboardSample at 3.2 · iceteagroup/wisej-examples


DxDashboard Sample Project

Using this extension requires a Developer Express license.

HTTPS Local Server

Added Enable HTTPS option to the new project wizard.

Now projects include the full applicationhost.config file in /Properties, or in /My Project for VB.NET, preconfigured to listen to https://localhost:44391, for IIS Express and .NET 4.8.

For .NET Core it listens to the same https://localhost:44391 URL and it doesn't need to use applicationhost.config.

General Improvements

  • ​Speed improvements across the board.

  • Consolidated bug fixes and enhancements to all controls.

  • DataGridView memory footprint for large data sets has been reduced.

  • Expanded Binding and MVVM ICommand support to ToolBarButtons and MenuItems.

  • New BindableComponent base class to enable data binding on components.

Advanced Design-Time Debug Mode

We added the option to enable the design-time debug mode in the Designer Options dialog. When enabled, Wisej.NET will show the Edge renderer(s) it uses to display each control in the pixel-perfect design view.

Wisej.NET 3.2

Previous 2.5 and 3.1 builds are here ››

Wisej.NET 3.2.3 Crack 商业应用程序的Web开发构建迁移现代化工具,笔记,Wisej.NET 3.2


To use the Wisej.NET pixel-perfect designer with Visual Studio, download and install the latest version of the Visual Studio VSIX installer. It contains the designer, all the templates, the designer wizards and the F1 help extension.

You can also install, check for updates, or uninstall the Wisej.NET Designer in Visual Studio’s Extension Manager. Refer to our troubleshooting guide in case there are problems with Visual Studio.

Release Notes (3.2.3)

 We recommend to uninstall Wisej 3.0 using the previous msi installer, otherwise Visual Studio may use the older templates.

Visual Studio 2022 (4.5MB)

Visual Studio 2019 (4.5MB)

NuGet Packages

All Wisej.NET releases, including all Wisej.NET Extensions, are available on NuGet. The project templates installed with the designer automatically pull the latest release. Use the NuGet Package Manager to downgrade, upgrade, or try the latest beta or preview builds.

When you add Wisej.NET or a Wisej.NET Extension NuGet Package, its components will show in the Visual Studio Toolbox at design time. Refer to our troubleshooting guide in case there are issues with Visual Studio.

Theme Builder

Wisej.NET Theme Builder is a self-contained Windows executable for the editing and creation of Wisej.NET themes and theme mixins.

download ZIP (2.5MB) >>

All Designer Builds

In the unlikely event you need to downgrade the Wisej.NET Designer for Visual Studio, you can download a specific build below. All public builds for the Wisej.NET Packages are managed by the NuGet Manager.



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