2022 China Open Source Report

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了2022 China Open Source Report。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

| 翻译:黄绍雅、岳扬、刘文涛、李思颖

| 编辑:胡欣元

| 设计:胡欣元

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

As 2022 finally came to an end, we also emerged from the challenging years of the three-year-long COVID pandemic. The new edition of the "China Open Source Annual Report" for the coming year is once again presented to all our friends. We are now at the stage where everything is ready, only waiting for the "Preface" to be written. Looking back at the prefaces of the past years' reports, reading through the upcoming report's content, and reflecting on this year's significant events and personal journeys, what can we discuss about the "annual report"?

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

In the 2020 report, I wrote: "Perhaps many years from now, when we look back at 2020, we will call it: the beginning of a dramatic change in the world." in the 2021 report, I also wrote, "The world is changing dramatically, and we are living in a world that is rushing in some unknown direction.” What changes can we expect to see in the year 2022? What trends can we observe in dramatic changes that do not show signs? What guesses can we make about the unknown orientation?

One interesting phenomenon is that technology, software, and open source are driving change in the world while the world is changing them. Open source is moving into the next phase of development. The era of open-source heroism is nearing dusk, and open-source led by large enterprises and foundations is becoming a reality. Readers can see the end of the story in this Annual Report for the year.

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

What will happen to open source in such a process?

The production of agricultural society is not about waiting for (helping) plants and animals to grow. The production of industrial society has become very large, delicate, and complex, but after all, it is still visible and tangible. In the digital world, creation, innovation, collaboration, and win-win situations need to be redefined in the grid consisting of 0 and 1. Costs, profits, and market share will also need to be recalculated. This is still a trend that has emerged in recent 20 years.

In 2022, ChatGPT emerged, AIGC is ascending, and AI has been used in various production processes. Production needs to be redefined again!

What will happen to open source in such a process?

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

Another significant event in 2022 is the worldwide chain reaction caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war, which cannot be avoided even in the open-source community. In a recent discussion with a friend, I expressed the opinion that: "We need to understand the real open source world to reason about how to face the real open source world?", "Any exaggerated bunker insurance that listens to the bunker in the rain, or ignores the bunker insurance in a cover-up manner, is irresponsible."

As responsible open source people, we must do our best to know and understand the real open source world and do everything we can to push it for the better, or at least keep it from sliding into the worse. With this in mind, let us usher into a new year!

Zhuang Biao Wei


2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

Starting in 2021, we introduced the "Open Source Highlights" section in our annual report. The initial idea was relatively simple: with so many significant events happening in the open source world every year, we can select and organize them and provide some commentary, which would be sufficient. However, by the time we reached 2022, things had become more challenging.

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

Investment Cooling Down in China's open source Business Sector

"Big Corporations" Establish Open Source Management Offices, Emphasizing Open Source Compliance and Security

Going Global: Chinese Open Source Companies Collectively Expand Overseas

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

Security by 2022 is a community-wide consensus, and today, open-source software is the backbone of critical infrastructure. 80% of the code used in enterprise applications comes from open-source software, and 95% of open-source vulnerabilities exist in transferable dependencies. open source security has become a big arena that will be increasingly valued by enterprises in the future.

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

As we look back on 2022, the world continues to struggle with epidemics, wars, and local instability. However, open source technologies continue to grow rapidly in all directions thanks to the increasing importance of open source in the industry.

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

SFC v. Vizio: The First GPL Enforcement Lawsuit Initiated by Consumers

GitHub Copilot: Copyright Controversy Arises from AI Training with open source Code

Nanjing Future v. Jiangsu Yunqingting: First Case in China Where Court Supports GPL Defense

China Information and Communication Research Institute (CIOT) Takes the Lead in Establishing the "Trusted Open Source Compliance Program" and Releases the "Open Source Compliance Guidelines (Enterprise Edition)"

China Electronics Technology Standardization Research Institute Leads the Completion of the Mulan OpenWorks Licenses and Open Governance Standards

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

Politics is Everywhere, Open Source Cannot Stand Alone

Complex Relationships Between Governments and Open Source in Various Countries

More Chinese Individuals Exerting Influence in the Open Source Community

Open Source Reports and Rankings Released, Mixed Feelings Arise

The Development of Open Source Platforms Continues to Evolve and Explore

The Current Status of Open Sourcers and the Dawn of Individual Heroism

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

The Data section of GitHub is divided into two parts: Macro Insights and Project Insights. The Macro Insights section explores the global GitHub log data for 2022, comprising a total of 1.26 billion entries, representing a 27% increase compared to 2021. Leveraging the metrics and annotated data from OpenDigger, we conduct analyses from various perspectives. In this chapter, we utilize the OpenRank metric proposed by X-lab to evaluate projects and create segmented rankings, including global rankings of open source projects, rankings of Chinese open source projects, rankings of Chinese developers, rankings of Chinese companies within foundations, rankings by technical domain, and rankings by project domain. The Project Insights section delves deeper into selected projects on the list using the Apache DevLake tool. Insights include project bot usage, community growth, issue feedback, and other metrics. The distribution of work hours in various communities is analyzed, and deeper metrics such as code comment coverage, static testing coverage, and code reuse are provided at a more granular level.

Introduction of Indicators

Macro Insights

Project Insight

Introduction of tools

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

Gitee is a code hosting platform under Open Source China, with over 10 million developers. We conducted statistical analysis on the open-source projects hosted on Gitee, mapping and interpreting the trends in programming languages and functionality distribution. We also analyzed the participation of developers in open-source projects on Gitee, aiming to provide a "local platform" perspective for observing the evolution of open source in China.

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

General Trends

General Language Trends

Fastest Growing Languages

Most Popular Open Source Project Domains of the Year

Most Popular Open Source Organizations of the Year

Examples of Open Source Contributions by Region

Gitee Index

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

In last year's annual open source report, the section on commercialization discussed the underlying drivers for the successful commercialization of open source software, possible commercialization paths for open source companies, investment criteria for open source projects, and case studies. It provided an overview of the development of commercialization in open source projects from the birth of the term "open source" in 1998 until last year, sparking lively discussions among the open source community.

Open Source Software Commercialization Enters Globalization Exploration Stage

Driving Factors of Open Source Commercialization

Capital Market Situation for Open Source Projects

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

Background of the Report

Important Findings

Overview of Questionnaire Results

Respondent Characteristics (392 People Interviewed)

Participation in Open Source (Total of 286 Participants)

Research on the Development of Open Source in China (Total of 392 Participants)

Gratitude to Collaborative Open-Source Communities/Organizations

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

Special Thanks to the Open Source Advisory Committee for their Reviews and Contributions: (Alphabetical)

Bai Huancheng

Bian Sikang

Guo Xue

Jiang Ning

Jiang Tao

Li Zhenning

Liao Yao

Ren Xudong

Wang Wei

Wang Xiaowei

Wei Jianfan

Yang Liyun

Yang Na

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

Convener: Wang Wei

Open Source Milestones: Zhuang Wei, Jiang Bo, Xiang Xinyong, Liang Yao, Yuan Rolling, Li Mingkang, Cai FangfangData: Zhao Jiangyu, Zhang Chenhui, Zhang Xiangyu, Li Ze⾠, Jing Xia

Commercialization: Yunqi Capital

Questionnaire Design: Zhang Xiangyu, Li Zun⻁, Zhen Zhen, Wang Jie, Zhou Yuren, Chen Yuan Sun, Yang MinOverall Report Summary / Editing: Zhang Xiangyu, Liu Tendong, Ding Nao

Design/Layout: He Jinghui, Yu Xinyue, Zhu Qingyu.Corrie, Feng Xinyi, Wang Mengzhuang

Translators: Huang Shaoya, Yang Yue, Liu Wentao, Li Siying

Click at the end of the article to read the original text View the full report in English

相关阅读 | Related Reading

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

金兔迎福报、新春第一炮【2022 中国开源年度报告】!

2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言


2022 China Open Source Report,python,开发语言

开源社成立于 2014 年,是由志愿贡献于开源事业的个人成员,依 “贡献、共识、共治” 原则所组成,始终维持厂商中立、公益、非营利的特点,是最早以 “开源治理、国际接轨、社区发展、项目孵化” 为使命的开源社区联合体。开源社积极与支持开源的社区、企业以及政府相关单位紧密合作,以 “立足中国、贡献全球” 为愿景,旨在共创健康可持续发展的开源生态,推动中国开源社区成为全球开源体系的积极参与及贡献者。

2017 年,开源社转型为完全由个人成员组成,参照 ASF 等国际顶级开源基金会的治理模式运作。近九年来,链接了数万名开源人,集聚了上千名社区成员及志愿者、海内外数百位讲师,合作了数百家赞助、媒体、社区伙伴。文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-605385.html

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