Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack

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Reporting tool for Angular

Stimulsoft Reports.ANGULAR is a cross-platform set of tools for report creating developed to be used in conjunction with the Angular framework. Our solution is compatible with Angular 13 and above, and contains everything you need to create, edit, view and export reports. The server side of the product uses .NET Core and ASP.NET MVC.

Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack,Stimulsoft Reports破解版,angular.js,javascript,Reports.ANGULAR


Reports for Angular applications

Our report writer is developed using native Angular, combines the advantages and capabilities of the framework, and meets all the requirements of contemporary applications. It facilitates the retrieval of data from diverse sources such as SQL, NoSQL, file sources, and web services and allows using any data visualization component available. You can customize the styles, apply necessary filters, and save and export the reports in the preferred format. With our feature-rich reporting tool, you can produce multiple reports including invoices, orders, and documents with parameters and interactive sorting.

Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack,Stimulsoft Reports破解版,angular.js,javascript,Reports.ANGULAR

Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack,Stimulsoft Reports破解版,angular.js,javascript,Reports.ANGULAR

Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack,Stimulsoft Reports破解版,angular.js,javascript,Reports.ANGULAR

Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack,Stimulsoft Reports破解版,angular.js,javascript,Reports.ANGULAR

Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack,Stimulsoft Reports破解版,angular.js,javascript,Reports.ANGULAR

Using Viewer and Designer in your application

Our components are developed taking into account the features of the Angular framework. The report viewer and the report designer support themeing, interface localization, have a set of all necessary events for full-fledged work with reporting components.


The technology combines speed and functionality. Report building on the server, the operation of the viewer interface and the designer on the client in a browser window.

Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack,Stimulsoft Reports破解版,angular.js,javascript,Reports.ANGULAR

.NET Core samples


The client side works in any modern browser, on any operating system and any device - from computers to mobile phones.

Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack,Stimulsoft Reports破解版,angular.js,javascript,Reports.ANGULAR

ASP.NET MVC samples


Report builder for Angular uses client-server technology in its work. On the client side, rapid and easy Angular components are responsible for user interface. On the server side - a powerful data engine that can build and export reports and work with multiple data sources.


The client side is represented by an Angular application that works in a browser window. The product includes a viewer and a report designer. The viewer is written in Angular and supports options, events, methods, and other features of the framework. Our components support the latest LTS versions of Angular, we always follow the updates. The report builder also includes the designer, developed using JavaScript and available as an Angular component.


The server side is represented by a powerful reporting engine, that works under control of the .NET Framework 4.5.2 and above, or .NET Core 3.1 and above. The client side on Angular uses the same API to communicate with any of the server sides. This allows you to significantly expand the range of systems for deployment and available databases, and, at the same time, use all the available functionality of the report builder.

Data for reports

Our reporting tool supports many ways to connect data to a report using both the report designer functionality and code. We offer a vast list of supported data servers – MS SQL, Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. We support all standard types of OData protocol. You can get data from XML, JSON, Excel, and other files.

Reporting tool for Angular 2023.3.1 Crack,Stimulsoft Reports破解版,angular.js,javascript,Reports.ANGULAR


Preliminary preparation and transformation of data, creation of virtual data sources, and the ability to embed your data directly into the report template as resources are available. This is just a shortlist of what our report writer can do with data.

Learn more about working with data


Stimulsoft Reports.ANGULAR is developed to work in an Angular application in conjunction with the ASP.NET MVC or .NET Core platforms. We have created a special functionality for rapid and simple integration of a report to a project – the Publish wizard that you may find in the standalone designer or online.

​编辑.NET Core​编辑ASP.NET MVC

To integrate a product in a project, it is enough to install necessary packages from the NPM repository for an Angular project and one package from the server-side NuGet repository for a required platform. If you need, all packages can be downloaded from our website to a computer and libraries and scripts can be added to a project manually. No additional modules and special extensions are required, everything you need is already in the report builder.文章来源地址

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