Day 60 | 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

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Day 59 | 503. Next Greater Element II | 42. Trapping Rain Water

84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

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class Solution {
    public int largestRectangleArea(int[] heights) {
        Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();

        int[] newHeights = new int[heights.length + 2];
        System.arraycopy(heights, 0, newHeights, 1, heights.length);

        int result = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i < newHeights.length; i++){
            if(newHeights[i] > newHeights[stack.peek()]){
            }else if(newHeights[i] == newHeights[stack.peek()]){
                while(newHeights[i] < newHeights[stack.peek()]){
                    int mid = stack.pop();
                    int left = stack.peek();
                    int right = i;
                    int w = right - left - 1;
                    int h = newHeights[mid];
                    result = Math.max(w * h, result);
        return result;
  • Compare to 739. Daily Temperatures and 42. Trapping Rain Water are finding the first bar that larger than the current bar. This question is to find the first bar smaller than the current one. So the order of the elements in the monotonic stack is from largest to smallest.
  • We must add the 0 at the beginning of the heights array. Cause if the array itself is in descending order like [8,6,4,2], after 8 is in the stack, 6 is compared to the 8. We could get the mid(8), right(6), but won’t be able to get the left bar. Cause after popping out the 8, there is no element in the stack.
  • We must add the 0 at the end of the heights array. Cause if the array itself is in ascending order like [2,4,6,8] order, all the elements in the stack will be descending and won’t be able to trigger the case 3.

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