



文本转语音(Text To Speech),简称TTS,在很多业务场景会用到,比如广播大厅,人机互动等。C#要实现TTS有不少选择,比如调用System.Speech,此处就不细说了,下面主要介绍一下C#调用科大讯飞的离线语音合成SDK来实现文本转语音。


















using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;

namespace Speech
    /// <summary>
    /// 讯飞语音合成
    /// Author:String Lee
    /// Date:2021年12月15日 14:06:00
    /// </summary>
    public class WindowsXFTTSUtils
        #region TTS枚举常量

        public enum ErrorCode
            MSP_SUCCESS = 0,
            MSP_ERROR_FAIL = -1,
            MSP_ERROR_EXCEPTION = -2,

            /* General errors 10100(0x2774) */
            MSP_ERROR_GENERAL = 10100,     /* 0x2774 */
            MSP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 10101,     /* 0x2775 */
            MSP_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 10102,     /* 0x2776 */
            MSP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORT = 10103,     /* 0x2777 */
            MSP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENT = 10104,     /* 0x2778 */
            MSP_ERROR_ACCESS = 10105,     /* 0x2779 */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_PARA = 10106,     /* 0x277A */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_PARA_VALUE = 10107,     /* 0x277B */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE = 10108,     /* 0x277C */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_DATA = 10109,     /* 0x277D */
            MSP_ERROR_NO_LICENSE = 10110,     /* 0x277E */
            MSP_ERROR_NOT_INIT = 10111,     /* 0x277F */
            MSP_ERROR_NULL_HANDLE = 10112,     /* 0x2780 */
            MSP_ERROR_OVERFLOW = 10113,     /* 0x2781 */
            MSP_ERROR_TIME_OUT = 10114,     /* 0x2782 */
            MSP_ERROR_OPEN_FILE = 10115,     /* 0x2783 */
            MSP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 10116,     /* 0x2784 */
            MSP_ERROR_NO_ENOUGH_BUFFER = 10117,     /* 0x2785 */
            MSP_ERROR_NO_DATA = 10118,     /* 0x2786 */
            MSP_ERROR_NO_MORE_DATA = 10119,     /* 0x2787 */
            MSP_ERROR_SKIPPED = 10120,     /* 0x2788 */
            MSP_ERROR_ALREADY_EXIST = 10121,     /* 0x2789 */
            MSP_ERROR_LOAD_MODULE = 10122,     /* 0x278A */
            MSP_ERROR_BUSY = 10123,     /* 0x278B */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG = 10124,     /* 0x278C */
            MSP_ERROR_VERSION_CHECK = 10125,     /* 0x278D */
            MSP_ERROR_CANCELED = 10126,     /* 0x278E */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE = 10127,     /* 0x278F */
            MSP_ERROR_CONFIG_INITIALIZE = 10128,     /* 0x2790 */
            MSP_ERROR_CREATE_HANDLE = 10129,     /* 0x2791 */
            MSP_ERROR_CODING_LIB_NOT_LOAD = 10130,     /* 0x2792 */

            /* Error codes of network 10200(0x27D8)*/
            MSP_ERROR_NET_GENERAL = 10200,     /* 0x27D8 */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_OPENSOCK = 10201,     /* 0x27D9 */   /* Open socket */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_CONNECTSOCK = 10202,     /* 0x27DA */   /* Connect socket */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_ACCEPTSOCK = 10203,     /* 0x27DB */   /* Accept socket */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_SENDSOCK = 10204,     /* 0x27DC */   /* Send socket data */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_RECVSOCK = 10205,     /* 0x27DD */   /* Recv socket data */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_INVALIDSOCK = 10206,     /* 0x27DE */   /* Invalid socket handle */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_BADADDRESS = 10207,     /* 0x27EF */   /* Bad network address */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_BINDSEQUENCE = 10208,     /* 0x27E0 */   /* Bind after listen/connect */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTOPENSOCK = 10209,     /* 0x27E1 */   /* Socket is not opened */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTBIND = 10210,     /* 0x27E2 */   /* Socket is not bind to an address */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTLISTEN = 10211,     /* 0x27E3 */   /* Socket is not listenning */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_CONNECTCLOSE = 10212,     /* 0x27E4 */   /* The other side of connection is closed */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTDGRAMSOCK = 10213,     /* 0x27E5 */   /* The socket is not datagram type */

            /* Error codes of mssp message 10300(0x283C) */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_GENERAL = 10300,     /* 0x283C */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_PARSE_ERROR = 10301,     /* 0x283D */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_BUILD_ERROR = 10302,     /* 0x283E */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_PARAM_ERROR = 10303,     /* 0x283F */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_CONTENT_EMPTY = 10304,     /* 0x2840 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE = 10305,     /* 0x2841 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH = 10306,     /* 0x2842 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_ENCODE = 10307,     /* 0x2843 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_KEY = 10308,     /* 0x2844 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_KEY_EMPTY = 10309,     /* 0x2845 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_SESSION_ID_EMPTY = 10310,     /* 0x2846 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_LOGIN_ID_EMPTY = 10311,     /* 0x2847 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_SYNC_ID_EMPTY = 10312,     /* 0x2848 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_APP_ID_EMPTY = 10313,     /* 0x2849 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_EXTERN_ID_EMPTY = 10314,     /* 0x284A */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CMD = 10315,     /* 0x284B */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_SUBJECT = 10316,     /* 0x284C */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_VERSION = 10317,     /* 0x284D */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NO_CMD = 10318,     /* 0x284E */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NO_SUBJECT = 10319,     /* 0x284F */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NO_VERSION = 10320,     /* 0x2850 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_MSSP_EMPTY = 10321,     /* 0x2851 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NEW_RESPONSE = 10322,     /* 0x2852 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NEW_CONTENT = 10323,     /* 0x2853 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_SESSION_ID = 10324,     /* 0x2854 */

            /* Error codes of DataBase 10400(0x28A0)*/
            MSP_ERROR_DB_GENERAL = 10400,     /* 0x28A0 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_EXCEPTION = 10401,     /* 0x28A1 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_NO_RESULT = 10402,     /* 0x28A2 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_USER = 10403,     /* 0x28A3 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_PWD = 10404,     /* 0x28A4 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_CONNECT = 10405,     /* 0x28A5 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_SQL = 10406,     /* 0x28A6 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_APPID = 10407,    /* 0x28A7 */

            /* Error codes of Resource 10500(0x2904)*/
            MSP_ERROR_RES_GENERAL = 10500,     /* 0x2904 */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_LOAD = 10501,     /* 0x2905 */   /* Load resource */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_FREE = 10502,     /* 0x2906 */   /* Free resource */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_MISSING = 10503,     /* 0x2907 */   /* Resource File Missing */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_INVALID_NAME = 10504,     /* 0x2908 */   /* Invalid resource file name */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_INVALID_ID = 10505,     /* 0x2909 */   /* Invalid resource ID */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_INVALID_IMG = 10506,     /* 0x290A */   /* Invalid resource image pointer */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_WRITE = 10507,     /* 0x290B */   /* Write read-only resource */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_LEAK = 10508,     /* 0x290C */   /* Resource leak out */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_HEAD = 10509,     /* 0x290D */   /* Resource head currupt */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_DATA = 10510,     /* 0x290E */   /* Resource data currupt */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_SKIP = 10511,     /* 0x290F */   /* Resource file skipped */

            /* Error codes of TTS 10600(0x2968)*/
            MSP_ERROR_TTS_GENERAL = 10600,     /* 0x2968 */
            MSP_ERROR_TTS_TEXTEND = 10601,     /* 0x2969 */  /* Meet text end */
            MSP_ERROR_TTS_TEXT_EMPTY = 10602,     /* 0x296A */  /* no synth text */

            /* Error codes of Recognizer 10700(0x29CC) */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_GENERAL = 10700,     /* 0x29CC */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_INACTIVE = 10701,     /* 0x29CD */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_GRAMMAR_ERROR = 10702,     /* 0x29CE */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_NO_ACTIVE_GRAMMARS = 10703,     /* 0x29CF */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_DUPLICATE_GRAMMAR = 10704,     /* 0x29D0 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE = 10705,     /* 0x29D1 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_INVALID_LANGUAGE = 10706,     /* 0x29D2 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_URI_NOT_FOUND = 10707,     /* 0x29D3 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_URI_TIMEOUT = 10708,     /* 0x29D4 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_URI_FETCH_ERROR = 10709,     /* 0x29D5 */

            /* Error codes of Speech Detector 10800(0x2A30) */
            MSP_ERROR_EP_GENERAL = 10800,     /* 0x2A30 */
            MSP_ERROR_EP_NO_SESSION_NAME = 10801,     /* 0x2A31 */
            MSP_ERROR_EP_INACTIVE = 10802,     /* 0x2A32 */
            MSP_ERROR_EP_INITIALIZED = 10803,     /* 0x2A33 */

            /* Error codes of TUV */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_GENERAL = 10900,     /* 0x2A94 */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_GETHIDPARAM = 10901,     /* 0x2A95 */   /* Get Busin Param huanid*/
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_TOKEN = 10902,     /* 0x2A96 */   /* Get Token */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_CFGFILE = 10903,     /* 0x2A97 */   /* Open cfg file */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_RECV_CONTENT = 10904,     /* 0x2A98 */   /* received content is error */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_VERFAIL = 10905,     /* 0x2A99 */   /* Verify failure */

            /* Error codes of IMTV */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SUCCESS = 11000,     /* 0x2AF8 */   /* 成功 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_NO_LICENSE = 11001,     /* 0x2AF9 */   /* 试用次数结束,用户需要付费 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SESSIONID_INVALID = 11002,     /* 0x2AFA */   /* SessionId失效,需要重新登录通行证 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SESSIONID_ERROR = 11003,     /* 0x2AFB */   /* SessionId为空,或者非法 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_UNLOGIN = 11004,     /* 0x2AFC */   /* 未登录通行证 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SYSTEM_ERROR = 11005,     /* 0x2AFD */   /* 系统错误 */

            /* Error codes of HCR */
            MSP_ERROR_HCR_GENERAL = 11100,

            /* Error codes of http 12000(0x2EE0) */
            MSP_ERROR_HTTP_BASE = 12000,    /* 0x2EE0 */

            /*Error codes of ISV */
            MSP_ERROR_ISV_NO_USER = 13000,    /* 32C8 */    /* the user doesn't exist */

        public enum SynthStatus
            MSP_TTS_FLAG_DATA_END = 2,


        #region TTS dll import

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        public static extern int MSPLogin(string user, string password, string configs);

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        public static extern int MSPLogout();

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        public static extern IntPtr QTTSSessionBegin(string _params, ref int errorCode);

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        public static extern int QTTSTextPut(string sessionID, string textString, uint textLen, string _params);

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        public static extern IntPtr QTTSAudioGet(string sessionID, ref uint audioLen, ref SynthStatus synthStatus, ref int errorCode);

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        public static extern IntPtr QTTSAudioInfo(string sessionID);

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        public static extern int QTTSSessionEnd(string sessionID, string hints);

        /// <summary>
        /// 生成语音文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <param name="speaker"></param>
        /// <param name="speed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GetAudio(string text, string filename, string speaker, int speed)
            IntPtr session_ID = IntPtr.Zero;
                string login_configs = $"appid =xxx ";//登录参数,自己注册后获取的appid

                string type = speaker;
                uint audio_len = 0;

                SynthStatus synth_status = SynthStatus.MSP_TTS_FLAG_STILL_HAVE_DATA;
                var ret = WindowsXFTTSUtils.MSPLogin(string.Empty, string.Empty, login_configs);

                if (ret != (int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS)
                    return false;

                string _params = $"engine_type = local,rdn = 2, speed = {speed}, volume = 100, rcn = 0, voice_name={type}, tts_res_path =fo|res\\tts\\{type}.jet;fo|res\\tts\\common.jet, sample_rate = 16000";
                //string _params = "ssm=1,ent=sms16k,vcn=xiaoyan,spd=medium,aue=speex-wb;7,vol=x-loud,auf=audio/L16;rate=16000";
                //string @params = "engine_type = local,voice_name=xiaoyan,speed=50,volume=50,pitch=50,rcn=1, text_encoding = UTF8, background_sound=1,sample_rate = 16000";
                session_ID = WindowsXFTTSUtils.QTTSSessionBegin(_params, ref ret);
                if (ret != (int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS)
                    return false;

                ret = WindowsXFTTSUtils.QTTSTextPut(Ptr2Str(session_ID), text, (uint)Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(text), string.Empty);
                if (ret != (int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS)
                    return false;

                MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                memoryStream.Write(new byte[44], 0, 44);
                while (true)
                    IntPtr source = WindowsXFTTSUtils.QTTSAudioGet(Ptr2Str(session_ID), ref audio_len, ref synth_status, ref ret);
                    if (source != IntPtr.Zero)
                        byte[] array = new byte[(int)audio_len];
                        if (audio_len > 0)
                            Marshal.Copy(source, array, 0, (int)audio_len);
                        memoryStream.Write(array, 0, array.Length);

                    if (synth_status == SynthStatus.MSP_TTS_FLAG_DATA_END || ret != 0)
                WAVE_Header wave_Header = GetWave_Header((int)memoryStream.Length - 44);
                byte[] array2 = StructToBytes(wave_Header);
                memoryStream.Position = 0L;
                memoryStream.Write(array2, 0, array2.Length);
                memoryStream.Position = 0L;
                if (filename != null)
                    var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(dir))

                    FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return false;
                WindowsXFTTSUtils.QTTSSessionEnd(Ptr2Str(session_ID), "");

        /// <summary>
        /// 结构体转字符串
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="structure"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static byte[] StructToBytes(object structure)
            int num = Marshal.SizeOf(structure);
            IntPtr intPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(num);
            byte[] result;
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(structure, intPtr, false);
                byte[] array = new byte[num];
                Marshal.Copy(intPtr, array, 0, num);
                result = array;
            return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// 结构体初始化赋值
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data_len"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static WAVE_Header GetWave_Header(int data_len)
            return new WAVE_Header
                RIFF_ID = 1179011410,
                File_Size = data_len + 36,
                RIFF_Type = 1163280727,
                FMT_ID = 544501094,
                FMT_Size = 16,
                FMT_Tag = 1,
                FMT_Channel = 1,
                FMT_SamplesPerSec = 16000,
                AvgBytesPerSec = 32000,
                BlockAlign = 2,
                BitsPerSample = 16,
                DATA_ID = 1635017060,
                DATA_Size = data_len

        /// <summary>
        /// 语音音频头
        /// </summary>
        private struct WAVE_Header
            public int RIFF_ID;
            public int File_Size;
            public int RIFF_Type;
            public int FMT_ID;
            public int FMT_Size;
            public short FMT_Tag;
            public ushort FMT_Channel;
            public int FMT_SamplesPerSec;
            public int AvgBytesPerSec;
            public ushort BlockAlign;
            public ushort BitsPerSample;
            public int DATA_ID;
            public int DATA_Size;

        /// 指针转字符串
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">指向非托管代码字符串的指针</param>
        /// <returns>返回指针指向的字符串</returns>
        public static string Ptr2Str(IntPtr p)
            List<byte> lb = new List<byte>();
            while (Marshal.ReadByte(p) != 0)
                p = p + 1;

            return Encoding.Default.GetString(lb.ToArray());


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;

namespace Speech
    /// <summary>
    /// 讯飞语音合成
    /// Author:String Lee
    /// Date:2021年12月15日 14:06:00
    /// </summary>
    public class LinuxXFTTSUtils
        #region TTS枚举常量

        public enum ErrorCode
            MSP_SUCCESS = 0,
            MSP_ERROR_FAIL = -1,
            MSP_ERROR_EXCEPTION = -2,

            /* General errors 10100(0x2774) */
            MSP_ERROR_GENERAL = 10100,     /* 0x2774 */
            MSP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 10101,     /* 0x2775 */
            MSP_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 10102,     /* 0x2776 */
            MSP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORT = 10103,     /* 0x2777 */
            MSP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENT = 10104,     /* 0x2778 */
            MSP_ERROR_ACCESS = 10105,     /* 0x2779 */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_PARA = 10106,     /* 0x277A */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_PARA_VALUE = 10107,     /* 0x277B */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE = 10108,     /* 0x277C */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_DATA = 10109,     /* 0x277D */
            MSP_ERROR_NO_LICENSE = 10110,     /* 0x277E */
            MSP_ERROR_NOT_INIT = 10111,     /* 0x277F */
            MSP_ERROR_NULL_HANDLE = 10112,     /* 0x2780 */
            MSP_ERROR_OVERFLOW = 10113,     /* 0x2781 */
            MSP_ERROR_TIME_OUT = 10114,     /* 0x2782 */
            MSP_ERROR_OPEN_FILE = 10115,     /* 0x2783 */
            MSP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 10116,     /* 0x2784 */
            MSP_ERROR_NO_ENOUGH_BUFFER = 10117,     /* 0x2785 */
            MSP_ERROR_NO_DATA = 10118,     /* 0x2786 */
            MSP_ERROR_NO_MORE_DATA = 10119,     /* 0x2787 */
            MSP_ERROR_SKIPPED = 10120,     /* 0x2788 */
            MSP_ERROR_ALREADY_EXIST = 10121,     /* 0x2789 */
            MSP_ERROR_LOAD_MODULE = 10122,     /* 0x278A */
            MSP_ERROR_BUSY = 10123,     /* 0x278B */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG = 10124,     /* 0x278C */
            MSP_ERROR_VERSION_CHECK = 10125,     /* 0x278D */
            MSP_ERROR_CANCELED = 10126,     /* 0x278E */
            MSP_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE = 10127,     /* 0x278F */
            MSP_ERROR_CONFIG_INITIALIZE = 10128,     /* 0x2790 */
            MSP_ERROR_CREATE_HANDLE = 10129,     /* 0x2791 */
            MSP_ERROR_CODING_LIB_NOT_LOAD = 10130,     /* 0x2792 */

            /* Error codes of network 10200(0x27D8)*/
            MSP_ERROR_NET_GENERAL = 10200,     /* 0x27D8 */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_OPENSOCK = 10201,     /* 0x27D9 */   /* Open socket */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_CONNECTSOCK = 10202,     /* 0x27DA */   /* Connect socket */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_ACCEPTSOCK = 10203,     /* 0x27DB */   /* Accept socket */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_SENDSOCK = 10204,     /* 0x27DC */   /* Send socket data */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_RECVSOCK = 10205,     /* 0x27DD */   /* Recv socket data */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_INVALIDSOCK = 10206,     /* 0x27DE */   /* Invalid socket handle */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_BADADDRESS = 10207,     /* 0x27EF */   /* Bad network address */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_BINDSEQUENCE = 10208,     /* 0x27E0 */   /* Bind after listen/connect */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTOPENSOCK = 10209,     /* 0x27E1 */   /* Socket is not opened */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTBIND = 10210,     /* 0x27E2 */   /* Socket is not bind to an address */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTLISTEN = 10211,     /* 0x27E3 */   /* Socket is not listenning */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_CONNECTCLOSE = 10212,     /* 0x27E4 */   /* The other side of connection is closed */
            MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTDGRAMSOCK = 10213,     /* 0x27E5 */   /* The socket is not datagram type */

            /* Error codes of mssp message 10300(0x283C) */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_GENERAL = 10300,     /* 0x283C */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_PARSE_ERROR = 10301,     /* 0x283D */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_BUILD_ERROR = 10302,     /* 0x283E */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_PARAM_ERROR = 10303,     /* 0x283F */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_CONTENT_EMPTY = 10304,     /* 0x2840 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE = 10305,     /* 0x2841 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH = 10306,     /* 0x2842 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_ENCODE = 10307,     /* 0x2843 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_KEY = 10308,     /* 0x2844 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_KEY_EMPTY = 10309,     /* 0x2845 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_SESSION_ID_EMPTY = 10310,     /* 0x2846 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_LOGIN_ID_EMPTY = 10311,     /* 0x2847 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_SYNC_ID_EMPTY = 10312,     /* 0x2848 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_APP_ID_EMPTY = 10313,     /* 0x2849 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_EXTERN_ID_EMPTY = 10314,     /* 0x284A */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CMD = 10315,     /* 0x284B */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_SUBJECT = 10316,     /* 0x284C */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_VERSION = 10317,     /* 0x284D */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NO_CMD = 10318,     /* 0x284E */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NO_SUBJECT = 10319,     /* 0x284F */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NO_VERSION = 10320,     /* 0x2850 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_MSSP_EMPTY = 10321,     /* 0x2851 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NEW_RESPONSE = 10322,     /* 0x2852 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_NEW_CONTENT = 10323,     /* 0x2853 */
            MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_SESSION_ID = 10324,     /* 0x2854 */

            /* Error codes of DataBase 10400(0x28A0)*/
            MSP_ERROR_DB_GENERAL = 10400,     /* 0x28A0 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_EXCEPTION = 10401,     /* 0x28A1 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_NO_RESULT = 10402,     /* 0x28A2 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_USER = 10403,     /* 0x28A3 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_PWD = 10404,     /* 0x28A4 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_CONNECT = 10405,     /* 0x28A5 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_SQL = 10406,     /* 0x28A6 */
            MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_APPID = 10407,    /* 0x28A7 */

            /* Error codes of Resource 10500(0x2904)*/
            MSP_ERROR_RES_GENERAL = 10500,     /* 0x2904 */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_LOAD = 10501,     /* 0x2905 */   /* Load resource */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_FREE = 10502,     /* 0x2906 */   /* Free resource */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_MISSING = 10503,     /* 0x2907 */   /* Resource File Missing */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_INVALID_NAME = 10504,     /* 0x2908 */   /* Invalid resource file name */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_INVALID_ID = 10505,     /* 0x2909 */   /* Invalid resource ID */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_INVALID_IMG = 10506,     /* 0x290A */   /* Invalid resource image pointer */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_WRITE = 10507,     /* 0x290B */   /* Write read-only resource */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_LEAK = 10508,     /* 0x290C */   /* Resource leak out */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_HEAD = 10509,     /* 0x290D */   /* Resource head currupt */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_DATA = 10510,     /* 0x290E */   /* Resource data currupt */
            MSP_ERROR_RES_SKIP = 10511,     /* 0x290F */   /* Resource file skipped */

            /* Error codes of TTS 10600(0x2968)*/
            MSP_ERROR_TTS_GENERAL = 10600,     /* 0x2968 */
            MSP_ERROR_TTS_TEXTEND = 10601,     /* 0x2969 */  /* Meet text end */
            MSP_ERROR_TTS_TEXT_EMPTY = 10602,     /* 0x296A */  /* no synth text */

            /* Error codes of Recognizer 10700(0x29CC) */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_GENERAL = 10700,     /* 0x29CC */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_INACTIVE = 10701,     /* 0x29CD */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_GRAMMAR_ERROR = 10702,     /* 0x29CE */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_NO_ACTIVE_GRAMMARS = 10703,     /* 0x29CF */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_DUPLICATE_GRAMMAR = 10704,     /* 0x29D0 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE = 10705,     /* 0x29D1 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_INVALID_LANGUAGE = 10706,     /* 0x29D2 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_URI_NOT_FOUND = 10707,     /* 0x29D3 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_URI_TIMEOUT = 10708,     /* 0x29D4 */
            MSP_ERROR_REC_URI_FETCH_ERROR = 10709,     /* 0x29D5 */

            /* Error codes of Speech Detector 10800(0x2A30) */
            MSP_ERROR_EP_GENERAL = 10800,     /* 0x2A30 */
            MSP_ERROR_EP_NO_SESSION_NAME = 10801,     /* 0x2A31 */
            MSP_ERROR_EP_INACTIVE = 10802,     /* 0x2A32 */
            MSP_ERROR_EP_INITIALIZED = 10803,     /* 0x2A33 */

            /* Error codes of TUV */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_GENERAL = 10900,     /* 0x2A94 */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_GETHIDPARAM = 10901,     /* 0x2A95 */   /* Get Busin Param huanid*/
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_TOKEN = 10902,     /* 0x2A96 */   /* Get Token */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_CFGFILE = 10903,     /* 0x2A97 */   /* Open cfg file */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_RECV_CONTENT = 10904,     /* 0x2A98 */   /* received content is error */
            MSP_ERROR_TUV_VERFAIL = 10905,     /* 0x2A99 */   /* Verify failure */

            /* Error codes of IMTV */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SUCCESS = 11000,     /* 0x2AF8 */   /* 成功 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_NO_LICENSE = 11001,     /* 0x2AF9 */   /* 试用次数结束,用户需要付费 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SESSIONID_INVALID = 11002,     /* 0x2AFA */   /* SessionId失效,需要重新登录通行证 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SESSIONID_ERROR = 11003,     /* 0x2AFB */   /* SessionId为空,或者非法 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_UNLOGIN = 11004,     /* 0x2AFC */   /* 未登录通行证 */
            MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SYSTEM_ERROR = 11005,     /* 0x2AFD */   /* 系统错误 */

            /* Error codes of HCR */
            MSP_ERROR_HCR_GENERAL = 11100,

            /* Error codes of http 12000(0x2EE0) */
            MSP_ERROR_HTTP_BASE = 12000,    /* 0x2EE0 */

            /*Error codes of ISV */
            MSP_ERROR_ISV_NO_USER = 13000,    /* 32C8 */    /* the user doesn't exist */

        public enum SynthStatus
            MSP_TTS_FLAG_DATA_END = 2,


        #region TTS dll import

        [DllImport("libmsc.so", EntryPoint = "MSPLogin", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern int MSPLogin(string user, string password, string configs);

        [DllImport("libmsc.so", EntryPoint = "MSPLogout", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern int MSPLogout();

        [DllImport("libmsc.so", EntryPoint = "QTTSSessionBegin", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern IntPtr QTTSSessionBegin(string _params, ref int errorCode);

        [DllImport("libmsc.so", EntryPoint = "QTTSTextPut", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern int QTTSTextPut(string sessionID, string textString, uint textLen, string _params);

        [DllImport("libmsc.so", EntryPoint = "QTTSAudioGet", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern IntPtr QTTSAudioGet(string sessionID, ref uint audioLen, ref SynthStatus synthStatus, ref int errorCode);

        [DllImport("libmsc.so", EntryPoint = "QTTSAudioInfo", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern IntPtr QTTSAudioInfo(string sessionID);

        [DllImport("libmsc.so", EntryPoint = "QTTSSessionEnd", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern int QTTSSessionEnd(string sessionID, string hints);

        /// <summary>
        /// 生成语音文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <param name="speaker"></param>
        /// <param name="speed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GetAudio(string text, string filename, string speaker, int speed)
            IntPtr session_ID = IntPtr.Zero;
                string login_configs = $"appid =xxx ";//登录参数,自己注册后获取的appid

                string type = speaker;
                uint audio_len = 0;

                SynthStatus synth_status = SynthStatus.MSP_TTS_FLAG_STILL_HAVE_DATA;
                var ret = LinuxXFTTSUtils.MSPLogin(string.Empty, string.Empty, login_configs);

                if (ret != (int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS)
                    return false;

                //string _params = $"engine_type = purextts,rdn = 2, speed = {speed}, volume = 100, rcn = 0, voice_name={type}, tts_res_path =fo|res\\xtts\\{type}.jet;fo|res\\xtts\\common.jet, sample_rate = 16000";
                string _params = $"engine_type = purextts,voice_name={speaker}, text_encoding = UTF8, tts_res_path = fo|res/xtts/{speaker}.jet;fo|res/xtts/common.jet, sample_rate = 16000, speed = {speed}, volume = 100, pitch = 50, rdn = 2";
                //string _params = "ssm=1,ent=sms16k,vcn=xiaoyan,spd=medium,aue=speex-wb;7,vol=x-loud,auf=audio/L16;rate=16000";
                //string @params = "engine_type = local,voice_name=xiaoyan,speed=50,volume=50,pitch=50,rcn=1, text_encoding = UTF8, background_sound=1,sample_rate = 16000";
                session_ID = LinuxXFTTSUtils.QTTSSessionBegin(_params, ref ret);
                if (ret != (int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS)
                    return false;

                ret = LinuxXFTTSUtils.QTTSTextPut(Ptr2Str(session_ID), text, (uint)Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(text), string.Empty);
                if (ret != (int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS)
                    return false;

                MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                memoryStream.Write(new byte[44], 0, 44);
                while (true)
                    IntPtr source = LinuxXFTTSUtils.QTTSAudioGet(Ptr2Str(session_ID), ref audio_len, ref synth_status, ref ret);
                    if (source != IntPtr.Zero)
                        byte[] array = new byte[(int)audio_len];
                        if (audio_len > 0)
                            Marshal.Copy(source, array, 0, (int)audio_len);
                        memoryStream.Write(array, 0, array.Length);

                    if (synth_status == SynthStatus.MSP_TTS_FLAG_DATA_END || ret != 0)
                WAVE_Header wave_Header = GetWave_Header((int)memoryStream.Length - 44);
                byte[] array2 = StructToBytes(wave_Header);
                memoryStream.Position = 0L;
                memoryStream.Write(array2, 0, array2.Length);
                memoryStream.Position = 0L;
                if (filename != null)
                    var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(dir))

                    FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return false;
                LinuxXFTTSUtils.QTTSSessionEnd(Ptr2Str(session_ID), "");

        /// <summary>
        /// 结构体转字符串
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="structure"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static byte[] StructToBytes(object structure)
            int num = Marshal.SizeOf(structure);
            IntPtr intPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(num);
            byte[] result;
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(structure, intPtr, false);
                byte[] array = new byte[num];
                Marshal.Copy(intPtr, array, 0, num);
                result = array;
            return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// 结构体初始化赋值
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data_len"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static WAVE_Header GetWave_Header(int data_len)
            return new WAVE_Header
                RIFF_ID = 1179011410,
                File_Size = data_len + 36,
                RIFF_Type = 1163280727,
                FMT_ID = 544501094,
                FMT_Size = 16,
                FMT_Tag = 1,
                FMT_Channel = 1,
                FMT_SamplesPerSec = 16000,
                AvgBytesPerSec = 32000,
                BlockAlign = 2,
                BitsPerSample = 16,
                DATA_ID = 1635017060,
                DATA_Size = data_len

        /// <summary>
        /// 语音音频头
        /// </summary>
        private struct WAVE_Header
            public int RIFF_ID;
            public int File_Size;
            public int RIFF_Type;
            public int FMT_ID;
            public int FMT_Size;
            public short FMT_Tag;
            public ushort FMT_Channel;
            public int FMT_SamplesPerSec;
            public int AvgBytesPerSec;
            public ushort BlockAlign;
            public ushort BitsPerSample;
            public int DATA_ID;
            public int DATA_Size;

        /// 指针转字符串
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">指向非托管代码字符串的指针</param>
        /// <returns>返回指针指向的字符串</returns>
        public static string Ptr2Str(IntPtr p)
            List<byte> lb = new List<byte>();
            while (Marshal.ReadByte(p) != 0)
                p = p + 1;

            return Encoding.Default.GetString(lb.ToArray());



public class TextToSpeechController : ControllerBase
    public FileStreamResult GetWav(string text,string speaker)
        var fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".wav";
        var mimeType = "application/....";

            speaker = "xiaofeng";

            LinuxXFTTSUtils.GetAudio(text, fileName, speaker, 50);
        else if(RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
            WindowsXFTTSUtils.GetAudio(text, fileName, speaker, 50);

        Stream stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fileName);

        return new FileStreamResult(stream, mimeType)
            FileDownloadName = fileName




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  • 【虚幻引擎】UE4/UE5科大讯飞文字合成语音

    B站视频链接:https://space.bilibili.com/449549424?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0   第一步:首先进入讯飞开放平台注册一个账号,然后创建一个 创建一个应用,命名按照你自己的想法来,会产生一个APPID,具体参考UE4如何接入科大讯飞的语音识别_ue4 科大讯飞的语音识别_飞起的猪的博客-CSDN博

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    在下载SDK时需要注意选择Linux的版本!! 在官网下载离线语音的包,解压后可以得到下面的一些文件夹: 解压后你需要知道自己命令放在下面的文件夹中 关于Make file文件: 关于asr_offline_sample.c文件: asr_offline_sample.c 文件是我们更改为自己的逻辑的文件,但是也不需要都了解

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    前言:科大讯飞的新版离线语音听写,由于官网demo是kt语言开发的,咱也看不懂kt,搜遍了全网也没看到一个java版的新版离线语音demo,现记录下,留给有缘人参考!!!!!毕竟咱在这上面遇到了不少的坑。如果能留言指正,那就更好了。 实测一点问题都没 一、先把官网

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    前言:科大讯飞的新版离线语音合成,由于官网demo是kt语言开发的,咱也看不懂kt,搜遍了全网也没看到一个java版的新版离线语音demo,现记录下,留给有缘人参考!!!!!毕竟咱在这上面遇到了不少的坑。如果能留言指正,那就更好了。 ​官网注册账号---》实名认证---》

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    体积小,使用到数据结构里面的 霍夫曼树(哈夫曼树) 对数据进行压缩 1.对jpegsrc.v8c.tar.gz进行arm移植 移植方式如下: 1.将jpegsrc.v8c.tar.gz解压缩到ubuntu ~ 2.进入~/jpeg-8c对jpeg库进行配置 3.编译 4.安装,将动态库存放到 /home/gec/armJPegLib 5.清空编译记录 6.自己查看下 /home/gec/armJPegLib目

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    using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using SpeechLib; public class Speech : MonoBehaviour { // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { } 将Interop.SpeechLib.dll文件导入Unity,然后把上面的脚本挂载到游戏对象上就能测试语音合成的效果了。 经测试 调用v.Speak这个方

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