Kubernetes API Server源码学习(二):OpenAPI、API Resource的装载、HTTP Server具体是怎么跑起来的?

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了Kubernetes API Server源码学习(二):OpenAPI、API Resource的装载、HTTP Server具体是怎么跑起来的?。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

本文基于Kubernetes v1.22.4版本进行源码学习



OpenAPI是由Swagger发展而来的一个规范,一种形式化描述Restful Service的语言,便于使用者理解和使用一个Service。通过OpenAPI规范可以描述一个服务:

  • 提供哪些Restful服务
  • 各服务接收的输入以及输出对象格式
  • 支持的操作,如get、post等
2)、APIServer Swagger


KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/..
source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/init.sh"


swagger.json文件定义了Kubernetes对外提供的Restful Service,客户端可以依照该规定来向APIServer发HTTP请求。在该文件中,可以看到绝大多数当前版本内建的API Object,并且每个外部版本+API Object的组合拥有swagger中的一套定义。文件内容如下:

k8s openapi,# Kubernetes,kubernetes,API Server
  • swagger:描述规范的版本,字段类型为string
  • info:描述API的基本信息,字段类型为Info Object。Info Object类型包含以下两个必须字段:title表示应用的名称,version表示应用的版本
  • paths:描述API的各个端点及支持的操作,字段类型为Paths Object。Paths Object类型由Path Item Object类型构成
  • definitions:定义一组被各个接口引用(消费或产生)的对象,类型为Definitions Object


k8s openapi,# Kubernetes,kubernetes,API Server


k8s openapi,# Kubernetes,kubernetes,API Server
3)、Generate OpenAPI Definition

每个API Group目录下的doc.go文件中,使用+k8s:openapi-gen=true注释标识当前package需要生成OpenAPI的内容

// vendor/k8s.io/api/apps/v1/doc.go
// +k8s:openapi-gen=true

package v1 // import "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"

在同package下的types.go文件中,定义该API Group的API Object的结构体

// vendor/k8s.io/api/apps/v1/types.go
type Deployment struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	// Standard object's metadata.
	// More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata
	// +optional
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=metadata"`

	// Specification of the desired behavior of the Deployment.
	// +optional
	Spec DeploymentSpec `json:"spec,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=spec"`

	// Most recently observed status of the Deployment.
	// +optional
	Status DeploymentStatus `json:"status,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=status"`

最终会生成pkg/generated/openapi/zz_generated.openapi.go文件,文件中可以找到当前Kubernetes版本中所有内建的API Object的Open API Definition,并且每个外部版本+API Object的组合会有一个Definition

k8s openapi,# Kubernetes,kubernetes,API Server

GetOpenAPIDefinitions()方法返回一个map结构,key是代表外部版本+API Object,value是一个返回对应的Open API Definition的函数

k8s openapi,# Kubernetes,kubernetes,API Server


这些Generated Code的作用:为每一个以字符串(就是map的key)标识的API Object,生成其Open API Definition,Definition的主体是一个json schema,该schema定义了这个API Object的json表示中可以有哪些属性、属性类型信息等等

4)、生成OpenAPI Spec

API Server支持通过/openapi/v2这个URI来访问OpenAPI Spec

// cmd/kube-apiserver/app/server.go
func buildGenericConfig(
	s *options.ServerRunOptions,
	proxyTransport *http.Transport,
) (
	genericConfig *genericapiserver.Config,
	versionedInformers clientgoinformers.SharedInformerFactory,
	serviceResolver aggregatorapiserver.ServiceResolver,
	pluginInitializers []admission.PluginInitializer,
	admissionPostStartHook genericapiserver.PostStartHookFunc,
	storageFactory *serverstorage.DefaultStorageFactory,
	lastErr error,
) {
	genericConfig = genericapiserver.NewConfig(legacyscheme.Codecs)
	genericConfig.MergedResourceConfig = controlplane.DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource()

	if lastErr = s.GenericServerRunOptions.ApplyTo(genericConfig); lastErr != nil {

	if lastErr = s.SecureServing.ApplyTo(&genericConfig.SecureServing, &genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig); lastErr != nil {
	if lastErr = s.Features.ApplyTo(genericConfig); lastErr != nil {
	if lastErr = s.APIEnablement.ApplyTo(genericConfig, controlplane.DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource(), legacyscheme.Scheme); lastErr != nil {
	if lastErr = s.EgressSelector.ApplyTo(genericConfig); lastErr != nil {
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(genericfeatures.APIServerTracing) {
		if lastErr = s.Traces.ApplyTo(genericConfig.EgressSelector, genericConfig); lastErr != nil {

	// 生成的GetOpenAPIDefinitions会被交给GenericAPIServer的OpenAPIConfig,用于后续生成open api spec
	genericConfig.OpenAPIConfig = genericapiserver.DefaultOpenAPIConfig(generatedopenapi.GetOpenAPIDefinitions, openapinamer.NewDefinitionNamer(legacyscheme.Scheme, extensionsapiserver.Scheme, aggregatorscheme.Scheme))
	genericConfig.OpenAPIConfig.Info.Title = "Kubernetes"
	genericConfig.LongRunningFunc = filters.BasicLongRunningRequestCheck(
		sets.NewString("watch", "proxy"),
		sets.NewString("attach", "exec", "proxy", "log", "portforward"),

	kubeVersion := version.Get()
	genericConfig.Version = &kubeVersion

	storageFactoryConfig := kubeapiserver.NewStorageFactoryConfig()
	storageFactoryConfig.APIResourceConfig = genericConfig.MergedResourceConfig
	completedStorageFactoryConfig, err := storageFactoryConfig.Complete(s.Etcd)
	if err != nil {
		lastErr = err
	storageFactory, lastErr = completedStorageFactoryConfig.New()
	if lastErr != nil {
	if genericConfig.EgressSelector != nil {
		storageFactory.StorageConfig.Transport.EgressLookup = genericConfig.EgressSelector.Lookup
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(genericfeatures.APIServerTracing) && genericConfig.TracerProvider != nil {
		storageFactory.StorageConfig.Transport.TracerProvider = genericConfig.TracerProvider
	if lastErr = s.Etcd.ApplyWithStorageFactoryTo(storageFactory, genericConfig); lastErr != nil {

	// Use protobufs for self-communication.
	// Since not every generic apiserver has to support protobufs, we
	// cannot default to it in generic apiserver and need to explicitly
	// set it in kube-apiserver.
	genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.ContentConfig.ContentType = "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
	// Disable compression for self-communication, since we are going to be
	// on a fast local network
	genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.DisableCompression = true

	kubeClientConfig := genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig
	clientgoExternalClient, err := clientgoclientset.NewForConfig(kubeClientConfig)
	if err != nil {
		lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to create real external clientset: %v", err)
	versionedInformers = clientgoinformers.NewSharedInformerFactory(clientgoExternalClient, 10*time.Minute)

	// Authentication.ApplyTo requires already applied OpenAPIConfig and EgressSelector if present
	if lastErr = s.Authentication.ApplyTo(&genericConfig.Authentication, genericConfig.SecureServing, genericConfig.EgressSelector, genericConfig.OpenAPIConfig, clientgoExternalClient, versionedInformers); lastErr != nil {

	genericConfig.Authorization.Authorizer, genericConfig.RuleResolver, err = BuildAuthorizer(s, genericConfig.EgressSelector, versionedInformers)
	if err != nil {
		lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid authorization config: %v", err)
	if !sets.NewString(s.Authorization.Modes...).Has(modes.ModeRBAC) {

	lastErr = s.Audit.ApplyTo(genericConfig)
	if lastErr != nil {

	admissionConfig := &kubeapiserveradmission.Config{
		ExternalInformers:    versionedInformers,
		LoopbackClientConfig: genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig,
		CloudConfigFile:      s.CloudProvider.CloudConfigFile,
	serviceResolver = buildServiceResolver(s.EnableAggregatorRouting, genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.Host, versionedInformers)
	pluginInitializers, admissionPostStartHook, err = admissionConfig.New(proxyTransport, genericConfig.EgressSelector, serviceResolver, genericConfig.TracerProvider)
	if err != nil {
		lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to create admission plugin initializer: %v", err)

	err = s.Admission.ApplyTo(
	if err != nil {
		lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize admission: %v", err)

	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(genericfeatures.APIPriorityAndFairness) && s.GenericServerRunOptions.EnablePriorityAndFairness {
		genericConfig.FlowControl, lastErr = BuildPriorityAndFairness(s, clientgoExternalClient, versionedInformers)


在构建GenericAPIServer配置的时候,生成的GetOpenAPIDefinitions会被交给GenericAPIServer的OpenAPIConfig,用于后续生成OpenAPI Spec


// vendor/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/genericapiserver.go
func (s *GenericAPIServer) PrepareRun() preparedGenericAPIServer {

	// 如果设置了openAPIConfig调用Install方法
	if s.openAPIConfig != nil && !s.skipOpenAPIInstallation {
		s.OpenAPIVersionedService, s.StaticOpenAPISpec = routes.OpenAPI{
			Config: s.openAPIConfig,
		}.Install(s.Handler.GoRestfulContainer, s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux)


	// as soon as shutdown is initiated, readiness should start failing
	readinessStopCh := s.lifecycleSignals.ShutdownInitiated.Signaled()
	err := s.addReadyzShutdownCheck(readinessStopCh)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Errorf("Failed to install readyz shutdown check %s", err)

	// Register audit backend preShutdownHook.
	if s.AuditBackend != nil {
		err := s.AddPreShutdownHook("audit-backend", func() error {
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			klog.Errorf("Failed to add pre-shutdown hook for audit-backend %s", err)

	return preparedGenericAPIServer{s}


// vendor/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/routes/openapi.go
func (oa OpenAPI) Install(c *restful.Container, mux *mux.PathRecorderMux) (*handler.OpenAPIService, *spec.Swagger) {
  // 1)根据openAPIConfig构建openAPISpec
	spec, err := builder.BuildOpenAPISpec(c.RegisteredWebServices(), oa.Config)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Fatalf("Failed to build open api spec for root: %v", err)
	spec.Definitions = handler.PruneDefaults(spec.Definitions)
	openAPIVersionedService, err := handler.NewOpenAPIService(spec)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Fatalf("Failed to create OpenAPIService: %v", err)

  // 2)注册/openapi/v2 uri来访问openAPISpec
	err = openAPIVersionedService.RegisterOpenAPIVersionedService("/openapi/v2", mux)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Fatalf("Failed to register versioned open api spec for root: %v", err)

	return openAPIVersionedService, spec


  1. 代码1)处利用kube-openapi库,生成一个OpenAPI Spec,oa.Config包含了OpenAPIConfig,它是基于生成的GetOpenAPIDefinitions做出来的;生成过程还需要知道系统内API Object的uri,从而生成path,所以这里给了webServices参数
  2. 代码2)处当用户请求/openapi/v2时,OpenAPI Spec信息会被这个mux返回

7、API Resource的装载

GenericAPIServer提供了对应的方法支持子APIServer把自己支持的Restful Endpoint注入进来:

  • InstallLegacyAPIGroup:注册core APIGroup(core APIGroup)下的Resources
  • InstallAPIGroups:注册非core APIGroup下的Resources


k8s openapi,# Kubernetes,kubernetes,API Server


// vendor/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/installer.go
func (a *APIInstaller) registerResourceHandlers(path string, storage rest.Storage, ws *restful.WebService) (*metav1.APIResource, *storageversion.ResourceInfo, error) {
	admit := a.group.Admit

	// 1)获取被注册的object的group与version,确定是不是subresource
	optionsExternalVersion := a.group.GroupVersion
	if a.group.OptionsExternalVersion != nil {
		optionsExternalVersion = *a.group.OptionsExternalVersion

	resource, subresource, err := splitSubresource(path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	group, version := a.group.GroupVersion.Group, a.group.GroupVersion.Version

	fqKindToRegister, err := GetResourceKind(a.group.GroupVersion, storage, a.group.Typer)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	versionedPtr, err := a.group.Creater.New(fqKindToRegister)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	defaultVersionedObject := indirectArbitraryPointer(versionedPtr)
	kind := fqKindToRegister.Kind
	isSubresource := len(subresource) > 0

	// 2)确定其区不区分namespace
	// If there is a subresource, namespace scoping is defined by the parent resource
	namespaceScoped := true
	if isSubresource {
		parentStorage, ok := a.group.Storage[resource]
		if !ok {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("missing parent storage: %q", resource)
		scoper, ok := parentStorage.(rest.Scoper)
		if !ok {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%q must implement scoper", resource)
		namespaceScoped = scoper.NamespaceScoped()

	} else {
		scoper, ok := storage.(rest.Scoper)
		if !ok {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%q must implement scoper", resource)
		namespaceScoped = scoper.NamespaceScoped()

	// 3)根据传入的storage对象实现的接口,确定其支持的各种操作(verbs)
	// what verbs are supported by the storage, used to know what verbs we support per path
	creater, isCreater := storage.(rest.Creater)
	namedCreater, isNamedCreater := storage.(rest.NamedCreater)
	lister, isLister := storage.(rest.Lister)
	getter, isGetter := storage.(rest.Getter)
	getterWithOptions, isGetterWithOptions := storage.(rest.GetterWithOptions)
	gracefulDeleter, isGracefulDeleter := storage.(rest.GracefulDeleter)
	collectionDeleter, isCollectionDeleter := storage.(rest.CollectionDeleter)
	updater, isUpdater := storage.(rest.Updater)
	patcher, isPatcher := storage.(rest.Patcher)
	watcher, isWatcher := storage.(rest.Watcher)
	connecter, isConnecter := storage.(rest.Connecter)
	storageMeta, isMetadata := storage.(rest.StorageMetadata)
	storageVersionProvider, isStorageVersionProvider := storage.(rest.StorageVersionProvider)
	gvAcceptor, _ := storage.(rest.GroupVersionAcceptor)
	if !isMetadata {
		storageMeta = defaultStorageMetadata{}

	if isNamedCreater {
		isCreater = true

	var resetFields map[fieldpath.APIVersion]*fieldpath.Set
	if a.group.OpenAPIModels != nil && utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ServerSideApply) {
		if resetFieldsStrategy, isResetFieldsStrategy := storage.(rest.ResetFieldsStrategy); isResetFieldsStrategy {
			resetFields = resetFieldsStrategy.GetResetFields()

	var versionedList interface{}
	if isLister {
		list := lister.NewList()
		listGVKs, _, err := a.group.Typer.ObjectKinds(list)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		versionedListPtr, err := a.group.Creater.New(a.group.GroupVersion.WithKind(listGVKs[0].Kind))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		versionedList = indirectArbitraryPointer(versionedListPtr)

	// 4)创建各种ListOptions、CreateOptions、PatchOptions、UpdateOptions以及其他各种options
	versionedListOptions, err := a.group.Creater.New(optionsExternalVersion.WithKind("ListOptions"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	versionedCreateOptions, err := a.group.Creater.New(optionsExternalVersion.WithKind("CreateOptions"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	versionedPatchOptions, err := a.group.Creater.New(optionsExternalVersion.WithKind("PatchOptions"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	versionedUpdateOptions, err := a.group.Creater.New(optionsExternalVersion.WithKind("UpdateOptions"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	var versionedDeleteOptions runtime.Object
	var versionedDeleterObject interface{}
	deleteReturnsDeletedObject := false
	if isGracefulDeleter {
		versionedDeleteOptions, err = a.group.Creater.New(optionsExternalVersion.WithKind("DeleteOptions"))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		versionedDeleterObject = indirectArbitraryPointer(versionedDeleteOptions)

		if mayReturnFullObjectDeleter, ok := storage.(rest.MayReturnFullObjectDeleter); ok {
			deleteReturnsDeletedObject = mayReturnFullObjectDeleter.DeleteReturnsDeletedObject()

	versionedStatusPtr, err := a.group.Creater.New(optionsExternalVersion.WithKind("Status"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	versionedStatus := indirectArbitraryPointer(versionedStatusPtr)
	var (
		getOptions             runtime.Object
		versionedGetOptions    runtime.Object
		getOptionsInternalKind schema.GroupVersionKind
		getSubpath             bool
	if isGetterWithOptions {
		getOptions, getSubpath, _ = getterWithOptions.NewGetOptions()
		getOptionsInternalKinds, _, err := a.group.Typer.ObjectKinds(getOptions)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		getOptionsInternalKind = getOptionsInternalKinds[0]
		versionedGetOptions, err = a.group.Creater.New(a.group.GroupVersion.WithKind(getOptionsInternalKind.Kind))
		if err != nil {
			versionedGetOptions, err = a.group.Creater.New(optionsExternalVersion.WithKind(getOptionsInternalKind.Kind))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
		isGetter = true

	var versionedWatchEvent interface{}
	if isWatcher {
		versionedWatchEventPtr, err := a.group.Creater.New(a.group.GroupVersion.WithKind("WatchEvent"))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		versionedWatchEvent = indirectArbitraryPointer(versionedWatchEventPtr)

	var (
		connectOptions             runtime.Object
		versionedConnectOptions    runtime.Object
		connectOptionsInternalKind schema.GroupVersionKind
		connectSubpath             bool
	if isConnecter {
		connectOptions, connectSubpath, _ = connecter.NewConnectOptions()
		if connectOptions != nil {
			connectOptionsInternalKinds, _, err := a.group.Typer.ObjectKinds(connectOptions)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err

			connectOptionsInternalKind = connectOptionsInternalKinds[0]
			versionedConnectOptions, err = a.group.Creater.New(a.group.GroupVersion.WithKind(connectOptionsInternalKind.Kind))
			if err != nil {
				versionedConnectOptions, err = a.group.Creater.New(optionsExternalVersion.WithKind(connectOptionsInternalKind.Kind))
				if err != nil {
					return nil, nil, err

	allowWatchList := isWatcher && isLister // watching on lists is allowed only for kinds that support both watch and list.
	nameParam := ws.PathParameter("name", "name of the "+kind).DataType("string")
	pathParam := ws.PathParameter("path", "path to the resource").DataType("string")

	params := []*restful.Parameter{}
	actions := []action{}

	var resourceKind string
	kindProvider, ok := storage.(rest.KindProvider)
	if ok {
		resourceKind = kindProvider.Kind()
	} else {
		resourceKind = kind

	tableProvider, isTableProvider := storage.(rest.TableConvertor)
	if isLister && !isTableProvider {
		// All listers must implement TableProvider
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%q must implement TableConvertor", resource)

	// 5)生成apiResource,后续会返回
	var apiResource metav1.APIResource
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.StorageVersionHash) &&
		isStorageVersionProvider &&
		storageVersionProvider.StorageVersion() != nil {
		versioner := storageVersionProvider.StorageVersion()
		gvk, err := getStorageVersionKind(versioner, storage, a.group.Typer)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		apiResource.StorageVersionHash = discovery.StorageVersionHash(gvk.Group, gvk.Version, gvk.Kind)

	// Get the list of actions for the given scope.
	// 6)制作actions list,每个resource的每个verb一条记录
	switch {
	case !namespaceScoped:
		// Handle non-namespace scoped resources like nodes.
		resourcePath := resource
		resourceParams := params
		itemPath := resourcePath + "/{name}"
		nameParams := append(params, nameParam)
		proxyParams := append(nameParams, pathParam)
		suffix := ""
		if isSubresource {
			suffix = "/" + subresource
			itemPath = itemPath + suffix
			resourcePath = itemPath
			resourceParams = nameParams
		apiResource.Name = path
		apiResource.Namespaced = false
		apiResource.Kind = resourceKind
		namer := handlers.ContextBasedNaming{
			SelfLinker:         a.group.Linker,
			ClusterScoped:      true,
			SelfLinkPathPrefix: gpath.Join(a.prefix, resource) + "/",
			SelfLinkPathSuffix: suffix,

		// Handler for standard REST verbs (GET, PUT, POST and DELETE).
		// Add actions at the resource path: /api/apiVersion/resource
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"LIST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isLister)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"POST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCreater)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETECOLLECTION", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCollectionDeleter)
		// DEPRECATED in 1.11
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCHLIST", "watch/" + resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, allowWatchList)

		// Add actions at the item path: /api/apiVersion/resource/{name}
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
		if getSubpath {
			actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PUT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isUpdater)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PATCH", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isPatcher)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETE", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGracefulDeleter)
		// DEPRECATED in 1.11
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCH", "watch/" + itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isWatcher)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isConnecter)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isConnecter && connectSubpath)
		namespaceParamName := "namespaces"
		// Handler for standard REST verbs (GET, PUT, POST and DELETE).
		namespaceParam := ws.PathParameter("namespace", "object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects").DataType("string")
		namespacedPath := namespaceParamName + "/{namespace}/" + resource
		namespaceParams := []*restful.Parameter{namespaceParam}

		resourcePath := namespacedPath
		resourceParams := namespaceParams
		itemPath := namespacedPath + "/{name}"
		nameParams := append(namespaceParams, nameParam)
		proxyParams := append(nameParams, pathParam)
		itemPathSuffix := ""
		if isSubresource {
			itemPathSuffix = "/" + subresource
			itemPath = itemPath + itemPathSuffix
			resourcePath = itemPath
			resourceParams = nameParams
		apiResource.Name = path
		apiResource.Namespaced = true
		apiResource.Kind = resourceKind
		namer := handlers.ContextBasedNaming{
			SelfLinker:         a.group.Linker,
			ClusterScoped:      false,
			SelfLinkPathPrefix: gpath.Join(a.prefix, namespaceParamName) + "/",
			SelfLinkPathSuffix: itemPathSuffix,

		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"LIST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isLister)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"POST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCreater)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETECOLLECTION", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCollectionDeleter)
		// DEPRECATED in 1.11
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCHLIST", "watch/" + resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, allowWatchList)

		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
		if getSubpath {
			actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PUT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isUpdater)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PATCH", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isPatcher)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETE", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGracefulDeleter)
		// DEPRECATED in 1.11
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCH", "watch/" + itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isWatcher)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isConnecter)
		actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isConnecter && connectSubpath)

		// list or post across namespace.
		// For ex: LIST all pods in all namespaces by sending a LIST request at /api/apiVersion/pods.
		// TODO: more strongly type whether a resource allows these actions on "all namespaces" (bulk delete)
		if !isSubresource {
			actions = appendIf(actions, action{"LIST", resource, params, namer, true}, isLister)
			// DEPRECATED in 1.11
			actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCHLIST", "watch/" + resource, params, namer, true}, allowWatchList)

	var resourceInfo *storageversion.ResourceInfo
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.StorageVersionAPI) &&
		utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.APIServerIdentity) &&
		isStorageVersionProvider &&
		storageVersionProvider.StorageVersion() != nil {

		// 7)决定放入etcd时使用的version,以及从etcd取出时可以转换为的version
		versioner := storageVersionProvider.StorageVersion()
		encodingGVK, err := getStorageVersionKind(versioner, storage, a.group.Typer)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		decodableVersions := []schema.GroupVersion{}
		if a.group.ConvertabilityChecker != nil {
			decodableVersions = a.group.ConvertabilityChecker.VersionsForGroupKind(fqKindToRegister.GroupKind())
		// 8)生成resourceInfo,后续会返回
		resourceInfo = &storageversion.ResourceInfo{
			GroupResource: schema.GroupResource{
				Group:    a.group.GroupVersion.Group,
				Resource: apiResource.Name,
			EncodingVersion: encodingGVK.GroupVersion().String(),
			// We record EquivalentResourceMapper first instead of calculate
			// DecodableVersions immediately because API installation must
			// be completed first for us to know equivalent APIs
			EquivalentResourceMapper: a.group.EquivalentResourceRegistry,

			DirectlyDecodableVersions: decodableVersions,

	// Create Routes for the actions.
	// TODO: Add status documentation using Returns()
	// Errors (see api/errors/errors.go as well as go-restful router):
	// http.StatusNotFound, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
	// http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType, http.StatusNotAcceptable,
	// http.StatusBadRequest, http.StatusUnauthorized, http.StatusForbidden,
	// http.StatusRequestTimeout, http.StatusConflict, http.StatusPreconditionFailed,
	// http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, http.StatusInternalServerError,
	// http.StatusServiceUnavailable
	// and api error codes
	// Note that if we specify a versioned Status object here, we may need to
	// create one for the tests, also
	// Success:
	// http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent
	// test/integration/auth_test.go is currently the most comprehensive status code test

	for _, s := range a.group.Serializer.SupportedMediaTypes() {
		if len(s.MediaTypeSubType) == 0 || len(s.MediaTypeType) == 0 {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("all serializers in the group Serializer must have MediaTypeType and MediaTypeSubType set: %s", s.MediaType)
	// 9)根据Serializer得出支持的mediaTypes,从而设置webservice支持的response属性
	mediaTypes, streamMediaTypes := negotiation.MediaTypesForSerializer(a.group.Serializer)
	allMediaTypes := append(mediaTypes, streamMediaTypes...)

	kubeVerbs := map[string]struct{}{}
	// 10)把以上各个环节得到的信息,放入reqScope中
	reqScope := handlers.RequestScope{
		Serializer:      a.group.Serializer,
		ParameterCodec:  a.group.ParameterCodec,
		Creater:         a.group.Creater,
		Convertor:       a.group.Convertor,
		Defaulter:       a.group.Defaulter,
		Typer:           a.group.Typer,
		UnsafeConvertor: a.group.UnsafeConvertor,
		Authorizer:      a.group.Authorizer,

		EquivalentResourceMapper: a.group.EquivalentResourceRegistry,

		// TODO: Check for the interface on storage
		TableConvertor: tableProvider,

		// TODO: This seems wrong for cross-group subresources. It makes an assumption that a subresource and its parent are in the same group version. Revisit this.
		Resource:    a.group.GroupVersion.WithResource(resource),
		Subresource: subresource,
		Kind:        fqKindToRegister,

		AcceptsGroupVersionDelegate: gvAcceptor,

		HubGroupVersion: schema.GroupVersion{Group: fqKindToRegister.Group, Version: runtime.APIVersionInternal},

		MetaGroupVersion: metav1.SchemeGroupVersion,

		MaxRequestBodyBytes: a.group.MaxRequestBodyBytes,
	if a.group.MetaGroupVersion != nil {
		reqScope.MetaGroupVersion = *a.group.MetaGroupVersion
	// 11)根据情况计算reqScope的FieldManager属性
	if a.group.OpenAPIModels != nil && utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ServerSideApply) {
		reqScope.FieldManager, err = fieldmanager.NewDefaultFieldManager(
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create field manager: %v", err)
	// 12)逐个处理actions list中的action,基于reqScope等信息,为他们生成route并注册到webservice中去
	for _, action := range actions {
		producedObject := storageMeta.ProducesObject(action.Verb)
		if producedObject == nil {
			producedObject = defaultVersionedObject
		reqScope.Namer = action.Namer

		requestScope := "cluster"
		var namespaced string
		var operationSuffix string
		if apiResource.Namespaced {
			requestScope = "namespace"
			namespaced = "Namespaced"
		if strings.HasSuffix(action.Path, "/{path:*}") {
			requestScope = "resource"
			operationSuffix = operationSuffix + "WithPath"
		if strings.Index(action.Path, "/{name}") != -1 || action.Verb == "POST" {
			requestScope = "resource"
		if action.AllNamespaces {
			requestScope = "cluster"
			operationSuffix = operationSuffix + "ForAllNamespaces"
			namespaced = ""

		if kubeVerb, found := toDiscoveryKubeVerb[action.Verb]; found {
			if len(kubeVerb) != 0 {
				kubeVerbs[kubeVerb] = struct{}{}
		} else {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown action verb for discovery: %s", action.Verb)

		routes := []*restful.RouteBuilder{}

		// If there is a subresource, kind should be the parent's kind.
		if isSubresource {
			parentStorage, ok := a.group.Storage[resource]
			if !ok {
				return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("missing parent storage: %q", resource)

			fqParentKind, err := GetResourceKind(a.group.GroupVersion, parentStorage, a.group.Typer)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			kind = fqParentKind.Kind

		verbOverrider, needOverride := storage.(StorageMetricsOverride)

		// accumulate endpoint-level warnings
		var (
			warnings       []string
			deprecated     bool
			removedRelease string

			versionedPtrWithGVK := versionedPtr.DeepCopyObject()
			currentMajor, currentMinor, _ := deprecation.MajorMinor(versioninfo.Get())
			deprecated = deprecation.IsDeprecated(versionedPtrWithGVK, currentMajor, currentMinor)
			if deprecated {
				removedRelease = deprecation.RemovedRelease(versionedPtrWithGVK)
				warnings = append(warnings, deprecation.WarningMessage(versionedPtrWithGVK))

		switch action.Verb {
		case "GET": // Get a resource.
			var handler restful.RouteFunction
			if isGetterWithOptions {
				handler = restfulGetResourceWithOptions(getterWithOptions, reqScope, isSubresource)
			} else {
				handler = restfulGetResource(getter, reqScope)

			if needOverride {
				// need change the reported verb
				handler = metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(verbOverrider.OverrideMetricsVerb(action.Verb), group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, handler)
			} else {
				handler = metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, handler)
			handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)

			doc := "read the specified " + kind
			if isSubresource {
				doc = "read " + subresource + " of the specified " + kind
			route := ws.GET(action.Path).To(handler).
				Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
				Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), mediaTypes...)...).
				Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", producedObject).
			if isGetterWithOptions {
				if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedGetOptions); err != nil {
					return nil, nil, err
			addParams(route, action.Params)
			routes = append(routes, route)
		case "LIST": // List all resources of a kind.
			doc := "list objects of kind " + kind
			if isSubresource {
				doc = "list " + subresource + " of objects of kind " + kind
			handler := metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, restfulListResource(lister, watcher, reqScope, false, a.minRequestTimeout))
			handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)
			route := ws.GET(action.Path).To(handler).
				Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
				Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), allMediaTypes...)...).
				Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", versionedList).
			if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedListOptions); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			switch {
			case isLister && isWatcher:
				doc := "list or watch objects of kind " + kind
				if isSubresource {
					doc = "list or watch " + subresource + " of objects of kind " + kind
			case isWatcher:
				doc := "watch objects of kind " + kind
				if isSubresource {
					doc = "watch " + subresource + "of objects of kind " + kind
			addParams(route, action.Params)
			routes = append(routes, route)
		case "PUT": // Update a resource.
			doc := "replace the specified " + kind
			if isSubresource {
				doc = "replace " + subresource + " of the specified " + kind
			handler := metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, restfulUpdateResource(updater, reqScope, admit))
			handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)
			route := ws.PUT(action.Path).To(handler).
				Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
				Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), mediaTypes...)...).
				Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", producedObject).
				// TODO: in some cases, the API may return a v1.Status instead of the versioned object
				// but currently go-restful can't handle multiple different objects being returned.
				Returns(http.StatusCreated, "Created", producedObject).
			if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedUpdateOptions); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			addParams(route, action.Params)
			routes = append(routes, route)
		case "PATCH": // Partially update a resource
			doc := "partially update the specified " + kind
			if isSubresource {
				doc = "partially update " + subresource + " of the specified " + kind
			supportedTypes := []string{
			if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ServerSideApply) {
				supportedTypes = append(supportedTypes, string(types.ApplyPatchType))
			handler := metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, restfulPatchResource(patcher, reqScope, admit, supportedTypes))
			handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)
			route := ws.PATCH(action.Path).To(handler).
				Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
				Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), mediaTypes...)...).
				Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", producedObject).
				// Patch can return 201 when a server side apply is requested
				Returns(http.StatusCreated, "Created", producedObject).
			if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedPatchOptions); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			addParams(route, action.Params)
			routes = append(routes, route)
		case "POST": // Create a resource.
			var handler restful.RouteFunction
			if isNamedCreater {
				handler = restfulCreateNamedResource(namedCreater, reqScope, admit)
			} else {
				handler = restfulCreateResource(creater, reqScope, admit)
			handler = metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, handler)
			handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)
			article := GetArticleForNoun(kind, " ")
			doc := "create" + article + kind
			if isSubresource {
				doc = "create " + subresource + " of" + article + kind
			route := ws.POST(action.Path).To(handler).
				Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
				Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), mediaTypes...)...).
				Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", producedObject).
				// TODO: in some cases, the API may return a v1.Status instead of the versioned object
				// but currently go-restful can't handle multiple different objects being returned.
				Returns(http.StatusCreated, "Created", producedObject).
				Returns(http.StatusAccepted, "Accepted", producedObject).
			if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedCreateOptions); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			addParams(route, action.Params)
			routes = append(routes, route)
		case "DELETE": // Delete a resource.
			article := GetArticleForNoun(kind, " ")
			doc := "delete" + article + kind
			if isSubresource {
				doc = "delete " + subresource + " of" + article + kind
			deleteReturnType := versionedStatus
			if deleteReturnsDeletedObject {
				deleteReturnType = producedObject
			handler := metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, restfulDeleteResource(gracefulDeleter, isGracefulDeleter, reqScope, admit))
			handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)
			route := ws.DELETE(action.Path).To(handler).
				Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
				Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), mediaTypes...)...).
				Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", deleteReturnType).
				Returns(http.StatusAccepted, "Accepted", deleteReturnType)
			if isGracefulDeleter {
				if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedDeleteOptions); err != nil {
					return nil, nil, err
			addParams(route, action.Params)
			routes = append(routes, route)
			doc := "delete collection of " + kind
			if isSubresource {
				doc = "delete collection of " + subresource + " of a " + kind
			handler := metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, restfulDeleteCollection(collectionDeleter, isCollectionDeleter, reqScope, admit))
			handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)
			route := ws.DELETE(action.Path).To(handler).
				Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
				Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), mediaTypes...)...).
				Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", versionedStatus)
			if isCollectionDeleter {
				if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedDeleteOptions); err != nil {
					return nil, nil, err
			if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedListOptions, "watch", "allowWatchBookmarks"); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			addParams(route, action.Params)
			routes = append(routes, route)
		// deprecated in 1.11
		case "WATCH": // Watch a resource.
			doc := "watch changes to an object of kind " + kind
			if isSubresource {
				doc = "watch changes to " + subresource + " of an object of kind " + kind
			doc += ". deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter."
			handler := metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, restfulListResource(lister, watcher, reqScope, true, a.minRequestTimeout))
			handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)
			route := ws.GET(action.Path).To(handler).
				Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
				Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", versionedWatchEvent).
			if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedListOptions); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			addParams(route, action.Params)
			routes = append(routes, route)
		// deprecated in 1.11
		case "WATCHLIST": // Watch all resources of a kind.
			doc := "watch individual changes to a list of " + kind
			if isSubresource {
				doc = "watch individual changes to a list of " + subresource + " of " + kind
			doc += ". deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead."
			handler := metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, restfulListResource(lister, watcher, reqScope, true, a.minRequestTimeout))
			handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)
			route := ws.GET(action.Path).To(handler).
				Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
				Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", versionedWatchEvent).
			if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedListOptions); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			addParams(route, action.Params)
			routes = append(routes, route)
		case "CONNECT":
			for _, method := range connecter.ConnectMethods() {
				connectProducedObject := storageMeta.ProducesObject(method)
				if connectProducedObject == nil {
					connectProducedObject = "string"
				doc := "connect " + method + " requests to " + kind
				if isSubresource {
					doc = "connect " + method + " requests to " + subresource + " of " + kind
				handler := metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, removedRelease, restfulConnectResource(connecter, reqScope, admit, path, isSubresource))
				handler = utilwarning.AddWarningsHandler(handler, warnings)
				route := ws.Method(method).Path(action.Path).
					Operation("connect" + strings.Title(strings.ToLower(method)) + namespaced + kind + strings.Title(subresource) + operationSuffix).
				if versionedConnectOptions != nil {
					if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedConnectOptions); err != nil {
						return nil, nil, err
				addParams(route, action.Params)
				routes = append(routes, route)

				// transform ConnectMethods to kube verbs
				if kubeVerb, found := toDiscoveryKubeVerb[method]; found {
					if len(kubeVerb) != 0 {
						kubeVerbs[kubeVerb] = struct{}{}
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized action verb: %s", action.Verb)
		for _, route := range routes {
			route.Metadata(ROUTE_META_GVK, metav1.GroupVersionKind{
				Group:   reqScope.Kind.Group,
				Version: reqScope.Kind.Version,
				Kind:    reqScope.Kind.Kind,
			route.Metadata(ROUTE_META_ACTION, strings.ToLower(action.Verb))
		// Note: update GetAuthorizerAttributes() when adding a custom handler.

	// 13)更新apiResource,后续会返回
	apiResource.Verbs = make([]string, 0, len(kubeVerbs))
	for kubeVerb := range kubeVerbs {
		apiResource.Verbs = append(apiResource.Verbs, kubeVerb)

	if shortNamesProvider, ok := storage.(rest.ShortNamesProvider); ok {
		apiResource.ShortNames = shortNamesProvider.ShortNames()
	if categoriesProvider, ok := storage.(rest.CategoriesProvider); ok {
		apiResource.Categories = categoriesProvider.Categories()
	if gvkProvider, ok := storage.(rest.GroupVersionKindProvider); ok {
		gvk := gvkProvider.GroupVersionKind(a.group.GroupVersion)
		apiResource.Group = gvk.Group
		apiResource.Version = gvk.Version
		apiResource.Kind = gvk.Kind

	// Record the existence of the GVR and the corresponding GVK
	a.group.EquivalentResourceRegistry.RegisterKindFor(reqScope.Resource, reqScope.Subresource, fqKindToRegister)

	return &apiResource, resourceInfo, nil


  1. 获取被注册的object的group与version,确定是不是subresource
  2. 确定其区不区分namespace
  3. 根据传入的storage对象实现的接口,确定其支持的各种操作(verbs)
  4. 创建各种ListOptions、CreateOptions、PatchOptions、UpdateOptions以及其他各种options
  5. 生成apiResource,后续会返回
  6. 制作actions list,每个resource的每个verb一条记录
  7. 决定放入etcd时使用的version,以及从etcd取出时可以转换为的version
  8. 生成resourceInfo,后续会返回
  9. 根据Serializer得出支持的mediaTypes,从而设置webservice支持的response属性
  10. 把以上各个环节得到的信息,放入reqScope中
  11. 根据情况计算reqScope的FieldManager属性
  12. 逐个处理actions list中的action,基于reqScope等信息,为他们生成route并注册到webservice中去
  13. 更新apiResource,后续会返回

8、HTTP Server具体是怎么跑起来的?

1)、HTTP Server的启动


k8s openapi,# Kubernetes,kubernetes,API Server



// vendor/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/genericapiserver.go
func (s preparedGenericAPIServer) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
  // 编织出server生命周期中的状态流转(利用channel机制)
	delayedStopCh := s.lifecycleSignals.AfterShutdownDelayDuration
	shutdownInitiatedCh := s.lifecycleSignals.ShutdownInitiated

	go func() {
		defer delayedStopCh.Signal()
		defer klog.V(1).InfoS("[graceful-termination] shutdown event", "name", delayedStopCh.Name())


		// As soon as shutdown is initiated, /readyz should start returning failure.
		// This gives the load balancer a window defined by ShutdownDelayDuration to detect that /readyz is red
		// and stop sending traffic to this server.
		klog.V(1).InfoS("[graceful-termination] shutdown event", "name", shutdownInitiatedCh.Name())


	// 调用s.NonBlockingRun()方法
	// close socket after delayed stopCh
	stoppedCh, listenerStoppedCh, err := s.NonBlockingRun(delayedStopCh.Signaled())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	httpServerStoppedListeningCh := s.lifecycleSignals.HTTPServerStoppedListening
	go func() {
		klog.V(1).InfoS("[graceful-termination] shutdown event", "name", httpServerStoppedListeningCh.Name())

	drainedCh := s.lifecycleSignals.InFlightRequestsDrained
	go func() {
		defer drainedCh.Signal()
		defer klog.V(1).InfoS("[graceful-termination] shutdown event", "name", drainedCh.Name())

		// wait for the delayed stopCh before closing the handler chain (it rejects everything after Wait has been called).

		// Wait for all requests to finish, which are bounded by the RequestTimeout variable.

	klog.V(1).Info("[graceful-termination] waiting for shutdown to be initiated")

	// 关闭开始前调用pre shutdown hooks
	// run shutdown hooks directly. This includes deregistering from the kubernetes endpoint in case of kube-apiserver.
	err = s.RunPreShutdownHooks()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	klog.V(1).Info("[graceful-termination] RunPreShutdownHooks has completed")

	// Wait for all requests in flight to drain, bounded by the RequestTimeout variable.
	// wait for stoppedCh that is closed when the graceful termination (server.Shutdown) is finished.

	klog.V(1).Info("[graceful-termination] apiserver is exiting")
	return nil


// vendor/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/lifecycle_signals.go
type lifecycleSignals struct {
	// ShutdownInitiated event is signaled when an apiserver shutdown has been initiated.
	// It is signaled when the `stopCh` provided by the main goroutine
	// receives a KILL signal and is closed as a consequence.
	ShutdownInitiated lifecycleSignal

	// AfterShutdownDelayDuration event is signaled as soon as ShutdownDelayDuration
	// has elapsed since the ShutdownInitiated event.
	// ShutdownDelayDuration allows the apiserver to delay shutdown for some time.
	AfterShutdownDelayDuration lifecycleSignal

	// InFlightRequestsDrained event is signaled when the existing requests
	// in flight have completed. This is used as signal to shut down the audit backends
	InFlightRequestsDrained lifecycleSignal

	// HTTPServerStoppedListening termination event is signaled when the
	// HTTP Server has stopped listening to the underlying socket.
	HTTPServerStoppedListening lifecycleSignal

	// HasBeenReady is signaled when the readyz endpoint succeeds for the first time.
	HasBeenReady lifecycleSignal


k8s openapi,# Kubernetes,kubernetes,API Server



k8s openapi,# Kubernetes,kubernetes,API Server


Kubernetes源码开发之旅三:API Server源码剖析文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-680945.html

到了这里,关于Kubernetes API Server源码学习(二):OpenAPI、API Resource的装载、HTTP Server具体是怎么跑起来的?的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!

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领支付宝红包 赞助服务器费用


  • API攻防-接口安全&SOAP&OpenAPI&RESTful&分类特征导入&项目联动检测

    接口是后端设计的一套供给第三方使用的方法 举个例子,fofa提供了第三方api接口来进行调用,使用查询语法获取资产目标资产信息 输入相关参数进行调用 API安全就是围绕着这一个接口进行的,可能存在的漏洞包括:SQL注入、身份验证、信息泄漏、XSS跨站等 Web Service是基于网

  • 使用 API Gateway Integrator 在 Quarkus 中实施适用于 AWS Lambda 的 OpenAPI

    AWS API Gateway 集成使得使用符合 OpenAPI 标准的 Lambda Function 轻松实现 REST API。         它是一个   允许以标准方式描述 REST API 的规范。   OpenAPI规范 (OAS) 为 REST API 定义了与编程语言无关的标准接口描述。这使得人类和计算机都可以发现和理解服务的功能,而无需访问源代

  • Spring Boot 3.x 引入springdoc-openapi (内置Swagger UI、webmvc-api)

    接触的原因 因开发自己的项目时,写接口文档很繁琐,查到后端都在用 swagger 等接口工具来记录接口文档,于是学习了一下,本文记录个人配置过程,有问题欢迎指正交流😁 Swagger: Swagger是一种Rest API的表示方式,它是标准的、语言无关的工具,这种表示方式不仅人可读,

  • ARM学习(25)链接装载高阶认识

    ARM学习(25)链接装载高阶认识 笔者先引入几个编译链接的例子来介绍一下: 声明无效:declared implicitly?,属于编译错误还是链接错误? 编译阶段的错误 ,属于编译错误,因为编译器发现这个函数没有声明,声明异常 标识符/符号找不到:xxxx is undefined? undefined xxxxx? 无法解

  • oauth2-resource-server授权配置介绍

    当了解这篇文章授权服务器后,对授权服务器有一定的认识,那么授权服务器生成token后,该怎么用呢,这就涉及到资源服务器,现在给大家简单介绍实现过程。 2.1 基于官网配置 首先先配置 issuer-uri ,这里指向是授权服务器的地址 关于过滤器链的配置: 资源服务器将使用

  • 源码学习:web server althttpd (未完待续)

    https://sqlite.org/althttpd/dir?ci=tip (推荐) https://github.com/jesrui/althttpd/tree/master (旧版本) https://sqlite.org/althttpd/file?name=althttpd.mdci=tip 轻量级 web 服务器,设计宗旨是追求简洁、安全和低资源占用。 设计理念 Althttpd通常是通过xinetd、systemd或类似的工具启动的。针对每个传入的连接

  • OAuth2.0 实践 Spring Authorization Server 搭建授权服务器 + Resource + Client

    title: OAuth2.0 实践 Spring Authorization Server 搭建授权服务器 + Resource + Client date: 2023-03-27 01:41:26 tags: OAuth2.0 Spring Authorization Server categories: 开发实践 cover: https://cover.png feature: false 目前 Spring 生态中的 OAuth2 授权服务器是 Spring Authorization Server ,原先的 Spring Security OAuth 已经停止更新

  • 【Vue2.0源码学习】全局API篇-Vue中全局API分析

    与实例方法不同,实例方法是将方法挂载到 Vue 的原型上,而全局API是直接在 Vue 上挂载方法。在 Vue 中,全局API一共有12个,分别是 Vue.extend 、 Vue.nextTick 、 Vue.set 、 Vue.delete 、 Vue.directive 、 Vue.filter 、 Vue.component 、 Vue.use 、 Vue.mixin 、 Vue.observable 、 Vue.version 。这12个API中有的

  • vue3源码学习api-createApp-amount

    vue3 地址 https://github.com/vuejs/core ​ Vue (发音为 /vjuː/,类似 view) 是一款用于构建用户界面的 JavaScript 框架。它基于标准 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 构建,并提供了一套声明式的、组件化的编程模型,帮助你高效地开发用户界面。无论是简单还是复杂的界面,Vue 都可以胜任。 下面是

  • vue3源码学习api-vue-sfc文件编译

    vue 最有代表性质的就是.VUE 的文件,每一个vue文件都是一个组件,那么vue 组件的编译过程是什么样的呢 一个 Vue 单文件组件 (SFC),通常使用 *.vue 作为文件扩展名,它是一种使用了类似 HTML 语法的自定义文件格式,用于定义 Vue 组件。一个 Vue 单文件组件在语法上是兼容 HTML 的










