Android adb shell svc 知识详解

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了Android adb shell svc 知识详解。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

adb shell svc 详解



一、svc 常用命令:

          adb shell svc power stayon [true|false|usb|ac]

          adb shell svc data enable/打开移动数据
          adb shell svc data disable/关闭移动数据
          adb shell svc data prefer/设置移动数据优先

         adb shell svc wifi enable/打开wifi
         adb shell svc wifi disable/关闭wifi
         adb shell svc wifi prefer/设置wifi优先

         adb shell svc bluetooth enable/打开wifi
         adb shell svc bluetooth disable/关闭wifi

其实还有其他svc 命令,如果想深入了解可以往后看看。

二、svc 命令和使用示例:


路径 /system/bin/svc

1|console:/ # ls -l /system/bin/svc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root shell 1697 2023-09-08 09:06 /system/bin/svc
console:/ # 

如果存在这个 svc 文件,那就就可以执行 svc 命令了。

其实可以cat看到 svc 文件的代码,具体是哪里生成和怎么编辑修改,这里不做具体分析。


在串口或者adb shell 命令行,输入svc 就可以看到相关功能,

console:/ # svc
Available commands:
    help             Show information about the subcommands
    power            Control the power manager
    usb              Control Usb state
    nfc              Control NFC functions
    system-server    System server process related command
console:/ # 
console:/ # 

在串口输入 svc 就能看到相关指令功能。但是不一定显示全。

2、svc help

console:/ # svc help
Available commands:
    help             Show information about the subcommands
    power            Control the power manager
    usb              Control Usb state
    nfc              Control NFC functions
    system-server    System server process related command
console:/ # 

输入 svc help ,查看其实没啥用,和 svc 一样的显示功能列表。

3、svc power

console:/ # svc power
Control the power manager

usage: svc power stayon [true|false|usb|ac|wireless]
         Set the 'keep awake while plugged in' setting.
       svc power reboot [reason]
         Perform a runtime shutdown and reboot device with specified reason.
       svc power shutdown
         Perform a runtime shutdown and power off the device.
       svc power forcesuspend [t]
         Force the system into suspend, ignoring all wakelocks.
         t - Number of milliseconds to wait before issuing force-suspend.
             Helps with devices that can't suspend while plugged in.
             Defaults to 0.
             When using a delay, you must use the nohup shell modifier:
             'adb shell nohup svc power forcesuspend [time]'
         Use caution; this is dangerous. It puts the device to sleep
         immediately without giving apps or the system an opportunity to
         save their state.

console:/ # 

这里能看到 avc power 包含下面几个功能:

svc power stayon [true|false|usb|ac|wireless] //对应的意义:[长亮|长暗|usb接入长亮|充电长亮|连接wifi长亮]
svc power reboot [reason] //[reason] 可以随便写或者不写,底层估计是会记录
svc power shutdown //关机
svc power forcesuspend [time]// 定时关机,其实也是关机,time 是多久后关机,单位是毫秒。未设置time,就是马上关机。

3、svc usb

console:/ # 
console:/ # svc usb
Control Usb state

usage: svc usb setFunctions [function]
         Set the current usb function. If function is blank, sets to charging.
       svc usb setScreenUnlockedFunctions [function]
         Sets the functions which, if the device was charging,
         become current on screen unlock.
         If function is blank, turn off this feature.
       svc usb getFunctions
         Gets the list of currently enabled functions
         possible values of [function] are any of 'mtp', 'ptp', 'rndis',
         'midi', 'ncm (if supporting gadget hal v1.2)'
       svc usb resetUsbGadget
         Reset usb gadget
       svc usb getUsbSpeed
         Gets current USB speed
         possible values of USB speed are any of 'low speed', 'full speed',
         'high speed', 'super speed', 'super speed (10G)',
         'super speed (20G)', or higher (future extension)
       svc usb getGadgetHalVersion
         Gets current Gadget Hal Version
         possible values of Hal version are any of 'unknown', 'V1_0', 'V1_1',
       svc usb getUsbHalVersion
         Gets current USB Hal Version
         possible values of Hal version are any of 'unknown', 'V1_0', 'V1_1',
         'V1_2', 'V1_3'
       svc usb resetUsbPort [port number]
         Reset the specified connected usb port
         default: the first connected usb port

console:/ # 
console:/ # 

这上面看 svc usb 看起来太复杂了吧!


svc usb setFunctions [function] //设置充电,还是文件等模式
svc usb setScreenUnlockedFunctions [function]
svc usb resetUsbGadget
svc usb getUsbSpeed
svc usb getGadgetHalVersion
svc usb getUsbHalVersion
svc usb resetUsbPort [port number]

其实上面svc usb执行后,都在UsbCommand 里面被接收,部分方法调用是 UsbDeviceManager 里面执行。



4、svc nfc

console:/ # svc nfc                                                            
Got a null NfcAdapter, is the system running?
console:/ # 


5、svc wifi

127|console:/ # svc wifi
Control the Wi-Fi manager

usage: svc wifi [enable|disable]
         Turn Wi-Fi on or off.

1|console:/ # 

这里看到, avc wifi 可以通过 enable/disable 控制wifi开关。

这里没看到 svc wifi prefer/设置wifi优先!
我这是tv平台,不会插sim卡,可能去除了相关设置,入需要具体研究可以看svc文件和 wifi 命令相关文件。


6、svc bluetooth

1|console:/ # svc bluetooth
Control the Bluetooth manager

usage: svc bluetooth [enable|disable]
         Turn Bluetooth on or off.

1|console:/ # 

这里看到, avc bluetooth 可以通过 enable/disable 控制 蓝牙 开关。

7、svc system-server

console:/ # svc system-server 
System server process related command

usage: system-server wait-for-crash
         Wait until the system server process crashes.

console:/ # 


8、svc data

1|console:/ # svc data                                                         
Enable/Disable Mobile Data Connectivity

usage: svc data [enable|disable]

1|console:/ # 

可以通过svc data enable或svc data disable来打开或关闭移动数据连接。这个命令可以用来控制手机的数据连接状态。


9、svc volume

网上查看svc 还可以控制变量:

adb shell svc volume music +10 // 将音乐音量增加10个单位

但是实际测试,并不能识别 volume 命令,估计和Android 系统代码相关

console:/ # svc volume music +10
Available commands:
    help             Show information about the subcommands
    power            Control the power manager
    usb              Control Usb state
    nfc              Control NFC functions
    system-server    System server process related command
console:/ # svc volume music                                                   
Available commands:
    help             Show information about the subcommands
    power            Control the power manager
    usb              Control Usb state
    nfc              Control NFC functions
    system-server    System server process related command
console:/ # svc volume                                                         
Available commands:
    help             Show information about the subcommands
    power            Control the power manager
    usb              Control Usb state
    nfc              Control NFC functions
    system-server    System server process related command
console:/ # 
console:/ # 

这里看到是识别不到 svc volume命令的,其实就是系统代码未配置,想要了解可以继续往下看。

二、svc 命令相关源码分析

1、cat svc文件

console:/ # 
console:/ # cat /system/bin/svc

# `svc wifi` has been migrated to WifiShellCommand,
# simply perform translation to `cmd wifi set-wifi-enabled` here.
if [ "x$1" == "xwifi" ]; then
    # `cmd wifi` by convention uses enabled/disabled
    # instead of enable/disable
    if [ "x$2" == "xenable" ]; then
        exec cmd wifi set-wifi-enabled enabled
    elif [ "x$2" == "xdisable" ]; then
        exec cmd wifi set-wifi-enabled disabled
        echo "Control the Wi-Fi manager"
        echo ""
        echo "usage: svc wifi [enable|disable]"
        echo "         Turn Wi-Fi on or off."
        echo ""
    exit 1

if [ "x$1" == "xdata" ]; then
    if [ "x$2" == "xenable" ]; then
        exec cmd phone data enable
    elif [ "x$2" == "xdisable" ]; then
        exec cmd phone data disable
        echo "Enable/Disable Mobile Data Connectivity"
        echo ""
        echo "usage: svc data [enable|disable]"
        echo ""
    exit 1

# `svc bluetooth` has been migrated to BluetoothShellCommand,
# simply perform translation to `cmd bluetooth set-bluetooth-enabled` here.
if [ "x$1" == "xbluetooth" ]; then
    # `cmd wifi` by convention uses enabled/disabled
    # instead of enable/disable
    if [ "x$2" == "xenable" ]; then
        exec cmd bluetooth_manager enable
    elif [ "x$2" == "xdisable" ]; then
        exec cmd bluetooth_manager disable
        echo "Control the Bluetooth manager"
        echo ""
        echo "usage: svc bluetooth [enable|disable]"
        echo "         Turn Bluetooth on or off."
        echo ""
    exit 1

export CLASSPATH=/system/framework/svc.jar
exec app_process /system/bin "$@"

console:/ # 


Android 系统源码里面也是有这个svc文件存在的,文件目录:


svc相关功能的接收处理都在 framework\base\cmds\svc 文件夹下

2、svc 相关源码文件



packages\modules\Wifi\service\java\com\android\server\wifi\ // Android13
packages\modules\Bluetooth\service\java\com\android\server\bluetooth\ //Android13

别人分析的svc相关文件 过程:

public class Svc {

    public static abstract class Command { // 所有command 子类都是会继承这个抽象接口,后面会看到
        private String mName;

        public Command(String name) { //设置Command 名称
            mName = name;

        public String name() { //查询Command名称
            return mName;

        public abstract String shortHelp();         // should fit on one short line, //svc help看到的各个Command 的信息
        public abstract String longHelp();          // take as much space as you need, 75 col max // svc 具体命令后,看到的具体提示信息
        public abstract void run(String[] args);    // run the command //执行接收输入的命令

    // (1)执行入口
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length >= 1) {
            Command c = lookupCommand(args[0]); //(2)根据输入的字符串,返回Command 对象
            if (c != null) {
        }; // (3)如果只输入 avc,显示help 提示的字符串

    // (4)根据字符串查找 Command 对象,其实就是USB、Wifi那些控制对象
    private static Command lookupCommand(String name) {
        final int N = COMMANDS.length;
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { // (5)遍历所有Command对象进行匹配
            Command c = COMMANDS[i];
            if ( {
                return c;
        return null;

    // (5)定义所有的 Command 对象
    public static final Command[] COMMANDS = new Command[] {
            COMMAND_HELP,   // (6)help 是自身
            new PowerCommand(), // (7) power相关命令处理
            // `svc wifi` has been migrated to WifiShellCommand // (8)wifi 相关命令处理,svc 文件已经说明了,会在 WifiShellCommand 进行处理。
            new UsbCommand(), // (9) usb相关命令处理
            new NfcCommand(), // (10)nfc相关命令处理
            // `svc bluetooth` has been migrated to BluetoothShellCommand // (11)bluetooth相关命令处理
            new SystemServerCommand(), // (11)system-server 命令处理

(2)接收所有svc power 命令的文件

这里只说明一下 avc power 命令的接收和处理,其他命令的 Command 命令类的分析也是类似的,可以参考。

public class PowerCommand extends Svc.Command { //(1) svc 命令都是要继承 Command抽象类
    private static final int FORCE_SUSPEND_DELAY_DEFAULT_MILLIS = 0;

    public PowerCommand() {
        super("power"); // (2)父类的构成方法,设置Command 对象名称,也是svc 后面对应的功能名称

    public String shortHelp() { // (3)svc 显示的 power 功能简单提示
        return "Control the power manager";

    public String longHelp() { // (4)svc power 显示的 power 功能具体提示,这个也说明文本提示因供参考,真正的实现还是要看代码逻辑
        return shortHelp() + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + "usage: svc power stayon [true|false|usb|ac|wireless]\n"
                + "         Set the 'keep awake while plugged in' setting.\n"
                + "       svc power reboot [reason]\n"
                + "         Perform a runtime shutdown and reboot device with specified reason.\n"
                + "       svc power shutdown\n"
                + "         Perform a runtime shutdown and power off the device.\n"
                + "       svc power forcesuspend [t]\n"
                + "         Force the system into suspend, ignoring all wakelocks.\n"
                + "         t - Number of milliseconds to wait before issuing force-suspend.\n"
                + "             Helps with devices that can't suspend while plugged in.\n"
                + "             Defaults to " + FORCE_SUSPEND_DELAY_DEFAULT_MILLIS + ".\n"
                + "             When using a delay, you must use the nohup shell modifier:\n"
                + "             'adb shell nohup svc power forcesuspend [time]'\n"
                + "         Use caution; this is dangerous. It puts the device to sleep\n"
                + "         immediately without giving apps or the system an opportunity to\n"
                + "         save their state.\n";

    //(5)这个就是 svc power 功能的具体处理代码了,也是最重要的部分
    public void run(String[] args) {
        fail: {
            if (args.length >= 2) { //(6)命令字符串大于等于2 才有意义, args[0] = power, args[1] = 某个功能,比如 stayon ,args[2] = 某个功能的参数
                IPowerManager pm = IPowerManager.Stub.asInterface(
                        ServiceManager.getService(Context.POWER_SERVICE)); //(7)具体实现其实也是调用到了PowerManager对于的Service 服务里面,也就是说avc 里面的实现基本都是调用系统api的操作
                if ("stayon".equals(args[1]) && args.length == 3) { // (8)avc power stayon 功能的判断
                    int val;
                    if ("true".equals(args[2])) { //(9)avc power stayon true 的判断,长亮
                        val = BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC |
                                BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB |
                    else if ("false".equals(args[2])) {  //(10)avc power stayon false 的判断,长暗
                        val = 0;
                    } else if ("usb".equals(args[2])) { //(11)avc power stayon usb 的判断,插入usb长亮
                        val = BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB;
                    } else if ("ac".equals(args[2])) { //(12)avc power stayon ac 的判断,插入ac电源长亮
                        val = BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC;
                    } else if ("wireless".equals(args[2])) { //(13)avc power stayon wireless 的判断,连接wifi 长亮
                        val = BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_WIRELESS;
                    } else { //(14)avc power 其他参数都是,错误情况,进行提示
                        break fail;
                    try {
                        if (val != 0) {
                            // if the request is not to set it to false, wake up the screen so that
                            // it can stay on as requested
                                    PowerManager.WAKE_REASON_UNKNOWN, "PowerCommand", null);
                        pm.setStayOnSetting(val);  //(15)根据 avc power 设置的功能,调用相关api,设置相关参数,
                    catch (RemoteException e) {
                        System.err.println("Faild to set setting: " + e);
                } else if ("reboot".equals(args[1])) { //(16)后面的流程就不一一分析了,参数长度和具体调用的api不同而已。
                    String mode = null;
                    if (args.length == 3) {
                        mode = args[2];
                    try {
                        // no confirm, wait till device is rebooted
                        pm.reboot(false, mode, true);
                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        maybeLogRemoteException("Failed to reboot.");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.err.println("Failed to reboot: " + e.getMessage());
                } else if ("shutdown".equals(args[1])) {
                    try {
                        // no confirm, wait till device is off
                        pm.shutdown(false, null, true);
                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        maybeLogRemoteException("Failed to shutdown.");
                } else if ("forcesuspend".equals(args[1])) {
                    int delayMillis = args.length > 2
                            ? Integer.parseInt(args[2]) : FORCE_SUSPEND_DELAY_DEFAULT_MILLIS;
                    try {
                        if (!pm.forceSuspend()) {
                            System.err.println("Failed to force suspend.");
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        System.err.println("Failed to force suspend: " + e);
                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        maybeLogRemoteException("Failed to force-suspend with exception: " + e);
        System.err.println(longHelp()); // (17)如果参数错误的情况,就显示avc power 的具体命令提示。

三、系统源码中添加自定义的svc 命令实现

1、系统源码中加入新的svc 只需要做下面两步即可:

(1)创建一个自己  Command 对象,可以参考同目录下的其他Command对象,比如 PowerCommand 的代码;
(2)在 文件中 COMMANDS列表对象中添加自定义的 Command 对象,svc 遍历的时候就会判断是否包含你的命令

2、在 中的修改

    public static final Command[] COMMANDS = new Command[] {
            new LwzCommand(), //这里添加自定定义的 Command 对象
            new PowerCommand(),
            // `svc wifi` has been migrated to WifiShellCommand
            new UsbCommand(),
            new NfcCommand(),
            // `svc bluetooth` has been migrated to BluetoothShellCommand
            new SystemServerCommand(),

输入svc 命令的时候,就会去遍历所有的 Command 对象的名称,
哪个符合就返回那个具体的Command对象,具体的处理都在 某个Command对象里面。

3、创建自定义的 Command 对象


import android.content.Context;

public class LwzCommand extends Svc.Command { //(1)自定义Command对象,需要继承 Svc.Command
    private static final int FORCE_SUSPEND_DELAY_DEFAULT_MILLIS = 0;

    public LwzCommand() { //(2)自定义对象的命令名称,这个也是cmd 窗口中的功能命令,Java那个对象命名是无所谓的

    public String shortHelp() { //(3)简短的介绍,avc 、avc help 会出现该提示
        return "lwz Control the test command";

    public String longHelp() { //(4)详细的介绍,avc lwz 或者 avc lwz help ,会打印该提示
        return shortHelp() + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + "usage: svc lwz stayon [true|false|usb|ac|wireless]\n"
                + "         Set the 'keep awake while plugged in' setting.\n"
                + "       svc lwz reboot [reason]\n"
                + "         Perform a runtime shutdown and reboot device with specified reason.\n"
                + "       svc lwz shutdown\n";

    public void run(String[] args) {  //(4)avc lwz XXX 的具体处理
        fail: {
            if (args.length >= 2) { //(5)avc lwz stayon 的具体处理,这里只是做了一些打印,未调用具体的api实现
                if ("stayon".equals(args[1]) && args.length == 3) {
                    int val;
                    if ("true".equals(args[2])) {
                        val = 100;
                    else if ("false".equals(args[2])) {
                        val = 0;
                    } else if ("usb".equals(args[2])) {
                        val = 1;
                    } else if ("ac".equals(args[2])) {
                        val = 2;
                    } else if ("wireless".equals(args[2])) {
                        val = 3;
                    } else {
                        break fail;
                    System.err.println("test avc lwz command :" + args[2] + ", val = " + val); //添加了自定义打印
                } else if ("reboot".equals(args[1])) { //(6)avc lwz reboot 的具体处理,这里只是做了一些打印,未调用具体的api实现
                    String mode = null;
                    if (args.length == 3) {
                        mode = args[2];
                    System.err.println("test avc lwz command :" + args[1] + ", mode = " + mode);
                 //(6)avc lwz XXX 其他输入的处理,打印具体介绍字符串




下面是添加了自定义 文件后,串口的打印日志:

console:/ # 
console:/ # svc //(1)输入svc 可以看到添加了 自定义的 lwz 功能命令
Available commands:
    help             Show information about the subcommands
    lwz              lwz Control the test command
    power            Control the power manager
    usb              Control Usb state
    nfc              Control NFC functions
    system-server    System server process related command
console:/ # 
console:/ # svc lwz //(2)自定义的功能简介,参考 svc power 的功能编写的
lwz Control the test command //(3)添加的打印
usage: svc lwz stayon [true|false|usb|ac|wireless]
         Set the 'keep awake while plugged in' setting.
       svc lwz reboot [reason]
         Perform a runtime shutdown and reboot device with specified reason.
       svc lwz shutdown
console:/ # 

console:/ # 
console:/ # svc lwz shutdown // (4)avc lwz shutdown 实际代码未实现,代码中打印了Help提示
lwz Control the test command
usage: svc lwz stayon [true|false|usb|ac|wireless]
         Set the 'keep awake while plugged in' setting.
       svc lwz reboot [reason]
         Perform a runtime shutdown and reboot device with specified reason.
       svc lwz shutdown
console:/ #
console:/ # 
console:/ # svc lwz reboot // (5)avc lwz reboot 代码中只是添加了打印,未做处理
test avc lwz command :reboot, mode = null
console:/ # 
console:/ # 
console:/ # svc lwz stayon true  // (6)avc lwz stayon true 代码中只是添加了打印,未做其他处理
test avc lwz command :true, val = 100
console:/ # 
console:/ # 
console:/ # svc lwz stayon false  // (7)avc lwz stayon false 代码中只是添加了打印,未做其他处理
test avc lwz command :false, val = 0
console:/ # 

这里看效果还是比较ok 的。
即学到了 svc 的相关内容,还学会了自定义扩展知识。


1、svc 的使用

svc 主要命令:

adb shell svc power/wifi/bluetooth/usb/nfc

从上面介绍可以知道,其实只要记住 svc,那么就是提示其他相关命令,然后再输入功能命令,就会显示具体参数介绍。

2、svc 设计自定义命令





(1)有些串口上显示,svc 是无效的


1|console:/ # svc
CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "app_process": library "" not found: needed by main executable
1|console:/ # 
1|console:/ # 

我这里的311D2 13系统是这样提示的,其他的系统不清楚是怎么的提示。
但是svc文件是存在的,adb shell 的cmd 窗口是ok 的;这个不清楚和哪里相关。

(2)cmd 其他的命令延伸说明

其实系统源码里面除了 svc 还有非常多的串口调试命令。
在系统源码目录 frameworks\base\cmds 可以看到:

Android13-IFP/release$ cd frameworks/base/cmds
Android13-IFP/release/frameworks/base/cmds$ ls
abx  appops       appwidget  bmgr           bu       device_config  hid     ime       incidentd        input        locksettings  requestsync  settings  svc      uiautomator  vr
am   app_process  backup     bootanimation  content  dpm            idmap2  incident  incident_helper  interrupter  pm            screencap    sm        telecom  uinput       wm

这里看到里面还有30多个 cmd 命令。比如控制应用的 am/pm 命令,控制显示的 wm 命令等等。
这些命令有些是需要 root 权限,有些是不需要的.
但是也不是所有的 cmd 命名都定义在这里,比如 ifconfig 这个命令就不知道是在哪里实现的。

到这里,svc 和相关知识已经是了解比如深入了的。文章来源地址

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