AWS SAP-C02教程9-节省成本

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了AWS SAP-C02教程9-节省成本。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。


1 Cost Allocation Tags

Cost Allocation Tags(成本分配标签),简单来说,就是为你的资源设置一个成本标签,然后这个标签在账单中会出现为一列,通过这一列你可以归类你各项成本支出。比如你可以把部门作为标签,这样你就可以统计每个部门的支出,可以把支出目的作为标签,这样你就可以统计每类支出的情况。

  • 运行你自己定义标签
  • 所有区域可用

例题:A large company recently experienced an unexpected increase in Amazon RDS and Amazon DynamoDB costs. The company needs to increase visibility into delays of AWS Billing and Cost Management. There are various accounts associated with AWS Organizations, including many development and production accounts. There is no consistent tagging strategy across the organization, but there are guidelines in place that require all infrastructure to be deployed using
AWS CloudFormation with consistent tagging. Management requires cost center numbers and project ID numbers for all existing and future DynamoDB tables and
RDS distances.
Which strategy should the solutions architect provide to meet these requirements?
A. Use Tag Editor to tag existing resources. Create cost allocation tags to define the cost center and project ID and allow 24 hours for tags to propagate to existing resources.
B. Use an AWS Config rule to alert the finance team of untagged resources. Create a centralized AWS Lambda based solution to tag untagged RDS databases and DynamoDB resources every hour using a cross-account role.
C. Use Tag Editor to tag existing resources. Create cost allocation tags to define the cost center and project ID. Use SCPs to restrict resource creation that do not have the cost center and project ID on the resource.
D. Create cost allocation tags to define the cost center and project ID and allow 24 hours for tags to propagate to existing resources. Update existing federated roles to restrict privileges to provision resources that do not include the cost center and project ID on the resource.

2 AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS Trusted Advisor 可检查您的 AWS 环境,然后​在有可能节省开支、提高系统可用性和性能或弥补安全漏洞时为您提供建议。也就是它是一个全局检测工具,检测后将对你目前的情况给出建议性报告,报告中包括5类建议:

  • Cost optimization(成本优化)– 可能会为您节省成本的建议。这些检查突出显示未使用的资源和减少账单的机会。(这个功能考试中会出现在一些选题选项中
  • 性能 – 可以提高您的应用程序速度和响应能力的建议。
  • 安全 – 可以使您的 AWS 解决方案更加安全的安全设置的建议。
  • Fault tolerance(容错能力)– 可帮助提高您的AWS解决方案的弹性的建议。这些检查突出显示冗余不足、当前服务限制(也称为配额)和过度使用的资源。
  • Service limits(服务限制)– 检查您账户的使用情况以及您的账户是否接近或超过AWS服务和资源的限制(也称为配额)。

2.1 AWS Support Plans

您可以根据业务需求更改账户的 AWS Support Plans(也就是AWS的支持)。包括5种不同的支持
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  • Basic 和 Developer只有7项核心检查
  • Business 和 Enterprise可以获得全套检查并且有程序化API支持

2.2 基本特性

  • 支持S3的bucket是否public检查,但不支持S3的对象是否public检查(对于S3的对象检查public可以通过CloudWatch Events或者S3 Events来做)
  • Trusted Advisor只是提供建议,但不能限制(如果要限制可以使用AWS Support Center)

2.3 Service Quotas

使用 Service Quotas,可以在一个中心控制台查看和管理自己的配额AWS 服务。

3 Saving Plan(计算资源)

Saving Plan提供按需费率以外的优惠,以换取承诺在一到三年内使用指定数量的计算能力(按小时计量)。您可以使用Cost Explorer中的AWS建议、绩效报告和预算提醒来管理您的计划。简单理解,它就类似与EC2的 Reserved Instances(预留实例) ,只不过它的范围更加广泛,包括EC2 、Fargate、AWS Lambda和SageMake等

  • Compute Savings Plans:提供了最大的灵活性和价格,最多可比按需费率低66%。这些计划自动适用于您的 EC2 实例使用情况,无论实例系列(例如 m5、c5 等)、实例大小(例如 c5.large、c5.xlarge 等)、区域(例如 us-east-1、us-east-2 等)、操作系统(例如 Windows、Linux 等)或租期(例如,专用、默认、专用主机)如何。它们也适用于你对 Fargate 和 Lambda 的使用。

例题:A company is running an event ticketing platform on AWS and wants to optimize the platform’s cost-effectiveness. The platform is deployed on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) with Amazon EC2 and is backed by an Amazon RDS for MySQL DB instance. The company is developing new application features to run on Amazon EKS with AWS Fargate.
The platform experiences infrequent high peaks in demand. The surges in demand depend on event dates.
Which solution will provide the MOST cost-effective setup for the platform?
A. Purchase Standard Reserved Instances for the EC2 instances that the EKS cluster uses in its baseline load. Scale the cluster with Spot Instances to handle peaks. Purchase 1-year All Upfront Reserved Instances for the database to meet predicted peak load for the year.
B. Purchase Compute Savings Plans for the predicted medium load of the EKS cluster. Scale the cluster with On-Demand Capacity Reservations based on event dates for peaks. Purchase 1-year No Upfront Reserved Instances for the database to meet the predicted base load. Temporarily scale out database read replicas during peaks.
C. Purchase EC2 Instance Savings Plans for the predicted base load of the EKS cluster. Scale the cluster with Spot Instances to handle peaks. Purchase 1-year All Upfront Reserved Instances for the database to meet the predicted base load. Temporarily scale up the DB instance manually during peaks.
D. Purchase Compute Savings Plans for the predicted base load of the EKS cluster. Scale the cluster with Spot Instances to handle peaks. Purchase 1-year All Upfront Reserved Instances for the database to meet the predicted base load. Temporarily scale up the DB instance manually during peaks.
答案解析:题目需要 MOST cost-effective的需求。A选项Spot Instances不可靠;C选项和D选项数据库成本过高。因此选择B选项。

  • EC2 Instance Savings Plans:提供高达 72% 的按需优惠,以换取对选定AWS区域(例如,弗吉尼亚州 M5)的特定实例系列的承诺。这些计划自动适用于区域中指定系列中的使用情况,无论大小(例如m5.xlargem5.2xlarge、、等)、操作系统(例如 Windows、Linux 等)和租期(主机、专用、默认)如何。

4 S3 Cost Saving(存储资源)


  • 使用S3的生命周期去分层存储节省成本
  • 压缩对象存储节省成本
  • S3 Requester Pays:我们知道S3不止有存储费用,还有请求费用,S3 Requester Pays就是由第三方请求的费用由第三方付费。
  • S3有不同类型,根据不同类型选择符合需求的(如S3 standard和S3 Glacier等),下表给出一些不同类型的特性,根据特性选择自身需求的类型
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5 AWS Storage Services Price Comparison(不同存储资源的价格对比)

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例题:A company is planning to store a large number of archived documents and make the documents available to employees through the corporate intranet. Employees will access the system by connecting through a client VPN service that is attached to a VPC. The data must not be accessible to the public.
The documents that the company is storing are copies of data that is held on physical media elsewhere. The number of requests will be low. Availability and speed of retrieval are not concerns of the company.
Which solution will meet these requirements at the LOWEST cost?
A. Create an Amazon S3 bucket. Configure the S3 bucket to use the S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access (S3 One Zone-IA) storage class as default. Configure the S3 bucket for website hosting. Create an S3 interface endpoint. Configure the S3 bucket to allow access only through that endpoint.
B. Launch an Amazon EC2 instance that runs a web server. Attach an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system to store the archived data in the EFS One Zone-Infrequent Access (EFS One Zone-IA) storage class Configure the instance security groups to allow access only from private networks.
C. Launch an Amazon EC2 instance that runs a web server Attach an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume to store the archived data. Use the Cold HDD (sc1) volume type. Configure the instance security groups to allow access only from private networks.
D. Create an Amazon S3 bucket. Configure the S3 bucket to use the S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class as default. Configure the S3 bucket for website hosting. Create an S3 interface endpoint. Configure the S3 bucket to allow access only through that endpoint.
答案解析:题目要求存储文档且成本最低。EFS > EBS > S3 >S3 Glacier。但是由于S3 Glacier访问需要几个小时,因此答案选择A选项。

6 AWS Billing and Cost Management

AWS Billing and Cost Management具有可用于预算和预测成本的功能,以及用于优化定价以减少总AWS账单的方法。AWS成本管理控制台与账单控制台紧密集成。将两者结合使用,您可以全面管理成本。其中有3个重要部分需要关注,分别是Budgets、Cost Explorer和Billing preferences page

6.1 Budgets

使用 Budgets 来跟踪AWS成本和使用情况并执行操作。您可以使用 AWS Budgets 监控预留实例 (RI) 或 Savings Plans 的聚合利用率和覆盖率指标。

  • 创建Budgets可以在超出预算是发出警告
  • 有以下5种不同的Budgets类型
    1)Cost budgets:规划您想要为某项服务花费多少。
    2)Usage budgets:规划您要使用一个或多个服务的程度。
    3)RI utilization budgets:定义使用率阈值,并在 RI 使用率低于该阈值时接收提醒。这使您可以查看 RI 是否未使用或未充分利用。
    4)RI coverage budgets:定义覆盖率阈值,并在 RI 所覆盖的实例小时数低于该阈值时接收提醒。这使您可以查看预留所覆盖的实例使用量的多少。
    5)Savings Plans utilization budgets:定义使用率阈值,并在 Savings Plans 的使用率低于该阈值时接收提醒。这使您可以查看 Savings Plans 是否未使用或未充分利用。
    6)Savings Plans coverage budgets:定义覆盖率阈值,并在 Savings Plans 覆盖的 Savings Plans 合格使用量低于该阈值时接收提醒。这使您可以查看 Savings Plans 所覆盖的实例使用量的多少。
  • 可以通过SNS集成发送不同的通知如:电子邮件、短信等
  • 还能设置过滤条件
  • 支持3种超出预算警戒线后操作,如下表
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6.1.1 典型架构

  • 中央预算控制
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例题:A company wants to change its internal cloud billing strategy for each of its business units. Currently, the cloud governance team shares reports for overall cloud spending with the head of each business unit. The company uses AWS Organizations to manage the separate AWS accounts for each business unit. The existing tagging standard in Organizations includes the application, environment, and owner. The cloud governance team wants a centralized solution so each business unit receives monthly reports on its cloud spending. The solution should also send notifications for any cloud spending that exceeds a set threshold.
Which solution is the MOST cost-effective way to meet these requirements?
A. Configure AWS Budgets in each account and configure budget alerts that are grouped by application, environment, and owner. Add each business unit to an Amazon SNS topic for each alert. Use Cost Explorer in each account to create monthly reports for each business unit.
B. Configure AWS Budgets in the organization’s master account and configure budget alerts that are grouped by application, environment, and owner. Add each business unit to an Amazon SNS topic for each alert. Use Cost Explorer in the organization’s master account to create monthly reports for each business unit.
C. Configure AWS Budgets in each account and configure budget alerts that are grouped by application, environment, and owner. Add each business unit to an Amazon SNS topic for each alert. Use the AWS Billing and Cost Management dashboard in each account to create monthly reports for each business unit.
D. Enable AWS Cost and Usage Reports in the organization’s master account and configure reports grouped by application, environment, and owner. Create an AWS Lambda function that processes AWS Cost and Usage Reports, sends budget alerts, and sends monthly reports to each business unit’s email list.
答案分析:组织统一支出管理,采用的就是中央预算控制架构。在master账号配置AWS Budgets,在通过Cost Explorer创建月度报告,因此选择B选项

例题:A company has created an OU in AWS Organizations for each of its engineering teams. Each OU owns multiple AWS accounts. The organization has hundreds of AWS accounts.
A solutions architect must design a solution so that each OU can view a breakdown of usage costs across its AWS accounts.
Which solution meets these requirements?
A. Create an AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) for each OU by using AWS Resource Access Manager. Allow each team to visualize the CUR through an Amazon QuickSight dashboard.
B. Create an AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) from the AWS Organizations management account. Allow each team to visualize the CUR through an Amazon QuickSight dashboard.
C. Create an AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) in each AWS Organizations member account. Allow each team to visualize the CUR through an Amazon QuickSight dashboard.
D. Create an AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) by using AWS Systems Manager. Allow each team to visualize the CUR through Systems Manager OpsCenter dashboards.
答案解析:题目要求生成使用成本明细,并且让每个OU查看其账户使用成本明细,A 选项Resource Access Manager.不能创建CUR;C选项虽然可行,但是效率不高,不符合集中账本管理,因为它需要为所有帐户创建一个CUR;D选项明显描述错误;因此选择B,在集中账户management account创建CUR,然后通过QuickSight 共享。

例题:A company recently acquired several other companies. Each company has a separate AWS account with a different billing and reporting method. The acquiring company has consolidated all the accounts into one organization in AWS Organizations. However, the acquiring company has found it difficult to generate a cost report that contains meaningful groups for all the teams.
The acquiring company’s finance team needs a solution to report on costs for all the companies through a self-managed application.
Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. Create an AWS Cost and Usage Report for the organization. Define tags and cost categories in the report. Create a table in Amazon Athena. Create an Amazon QuickSight dataset based on the Athena table. Share the dataset with the finance team.
B. Create an AWS Cost and Usage Report for the organization. Define tags and cost categories in the report. Create a specialized template in AWS Cost Explorer that the finance department will use to build reports.
C. Create an Amazon QuickSight dataset that receives spending information from the AWS Price List Query API. Share the dataset with the finance team.
D. Use the AWS Price List Query API to collect account spending information. Create a specialized template in AWS Cost Explorer that the finance department will use to build reports.

例题:A company has hundreds of AWS accounts. The company uses an organization in AWS Organizations to manage all the accounts. The company has turned on all features.
A finance team has allocated a daily budget for AWS costs. The finance team must receive an email notification if the organization’s AWS costs exceed 80% of the allocated budget. A solutions architect needs to implement a solution to track the costs and deliver the notifications.
Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. In the organization’s management account, use AWS Budgets to create a budget that has a daily period. Add an alert threshold and set the value to 80%. Use Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to notify the finance team.
B. In the organization’s management account, set up the organizational view feature for AWS Trusted Advisor. Create an organizational view report for cost optimization. Set an alert threshold of 80%. Configure notification preferences. Add the email addresses of the finance team.
C. Register the organization with AWS Control Tower. Activate the optional cost control (guardrail). Set a control (guardrail) parameter of 80%. Configure control (guardrail) notification preferences. Use Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to notify the finance team.
D. Configure the member accounts to save a daily AWS Cost and Usage Report to an Amazon S3 bucket in the organization’s management account. Use Amazon EventBridge to schedule a daily Amazon Athena query to calculate the organization’s costs. Configure Athena to send an Amazon CloudWatch alert if the total costs are more than 80% of the allocated budget. Use Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to notify the finance team.
答案解析:题目要求组织预算超过80%则发出通知。B.不需要Trusted Advisor用于分析成本情况.。C选项Control Tower用于控制权限。D选项Budget可以直接在AWS Budgets管理,不需要这么复杂配置。因此选择A选项

例题:A company has five development teams that have each created five AWS accounts to develop and host applications. To track spending, the development teams log in to each account every month, record the current cost from the AWS Billing and Cost Management console, and provide the information to the company’s finance team.
The company has strict compliance requirements and needs to ensure that resources are created only in AWS Regions in the United States. However, some resources have been created in other Regions.
A solutions architect needs to implement a solution that gives the finance team the ability to track and consolidate expenditures for all the accounts. The solution also must ensure that the company can create resources only in Regions in the United States.
Which combination of steps will meet these requirements in the MOST operationally efficient way? (Choose three.)
A. Create a new account to serve as a management account. Create an Amazon S3 bucket for the finance team. Use AWS Cost and Usage Reports to create monthly reports and to store the data in the finance team’s S3 bucket.
B. Create a new account to serve as a management account. Deploy an organization in AWS Organizations with all features enabled. Invite all the existing accounts to the organization. Ensure that each account accepts the invitation.
C. Create an OU that includes all the development teams. Create an SCP that allows the creation of resources only in Regions that are in the United States. Apply the SCP to the OU.
D. Create an OU that includes all the development teams. Create an SCP that denies the creation of resources in Regions that are outside the United States. Apply the SCP to the OU.
E. Create an IAM role in the management account. Attach a policy that includes permissions to view the Billing and Cost Management console. Allow the finance team users to assume the role. Use AWS Cost Explorer and the Billing and Cost Management console to analyze cost.
F. Create an IAM role in each AWS account. Attach a policy that includes permissions to view the Billing and Cost Management console. Allow the finance team users to assume the role.

  • 分散预算控制
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6.2 Cost Explorer

Cost Explorer 是一个可让您查看和分析成本与使用情况的工具。您可以使用主图表、Cost Explorer 成本和使用情况报告或 Cost Explorer RI 报告来探索您的使用情况和成本。

  • 创建自定义报告查看成本使用情况
  • 可以基于月、小时维度
  • 可以预测未来12个月的成本考试中出现过

例题:A company’s factory and automation applications are running in a single VPC. More than 20 applications run on a combination of Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic
Container Service (Amazon ECS), and Amazon RDS.
The company has software engineers spread across three teams. One of the three teams owns each application, and each time is responsible for the cost and performance of all of its applications. Team resources have tags that represent their application and team. The teams use IAM access for daily activities.
The company needs to determine which costs on the monthly AWS bill are attributable to each application or team. The company also must be able to create reports to compare costs from the last 12 months and to help forecast costs for the next 12 months. A solutions architect must recommend an AWS Billing and
Cost Management solution that provides these cost reports.
Which combination of actions will meet these requirements? (Choose three.)
A. Activate the user-define cost allocation tags that represent the application and the team.
B. Activate the AWS generated cost allocation tags that represent the application and the team.
C. Create a cost category for each application in Billing and Cost Management.
D. Activate IAM access to Billing and Cost Management.
E. Create a cost budget.
F. Enable Cost Explorer.
答案解析:题目关键需求是确定每个应用的账单费用,同时要创建月报账单,且要预测未来12个月的预算。A选项首先是创建和应用自定义标签后,可以激活它们进行成本分配;C选项创建分类就是为了区分每个应用;F选项选择Cost Explorer可以查看过去12个月的数据,预测未来12个月。因此选择ACF。

例题:A company that has multiple AWS accounts is using AWS Organizations. The company’s AWS accounts host VPCs, Amazon EC2 instances, and containers.
The company’s compliance team has deployed a security tool in each VPC where the company has deployments. The security tools run on EC2 instances and send information to the AWS account that is dedicated for the compliance team. The company has tagged all the compliance-related resources with a key of “costCenter” and a value or “compliance”.
The company wants to identify the cost of the security tools that are running on the EC2 instances so that the company can charge the compliance team’s AWS account. The cost calculation must be as accurate as possible.
What should a solutions architect do to meet these requirements?
A. In the management account of the organization, activate the costCenter user-defined tag. Configure monthly AWS Cost and Usage Reports to save to an Amazon S3 bucket in the management account. Use the tag breakdown in the report to obtain the total cost for the costCenter tagged resources.
B. In the member accounts of the organization, activate the costCenter user-defined tag. Configure monthly AWS Cost and Usage Reports to save to an Amazon S3 bucket in the management account. Schedule a monthly AWS Lambda function to retrieve the reports and calculate the total cost for the costCenter tagged resources.
C. In the member accounts of the organization activate the costCenter user-defined tag. From the management account, schedule a monthly AWS Cost and Usage Report. Use the tag breakdown in the report to calculate the total cost for the costCenter tagged resources.
D. Create a custom report in the organization view in AWS Trusted Advisor. Configure the report to generate a monthly billing summary for the costCenter tagged resources in the compliance team’s AWS account.
答案解析:B选项在成员账户中生成在汇总会很麻烦。C选项只有组织中的管理帐户和非组织成员的单个帐户才能访问Billing and cost management控制台中的成本分配标记管理器。D选项Trusted Advisor不是用来统计成本的。因此答案选择A选项

例题:A company uses AWS Organizations to manage its AWS accounts. The company needs a list of all its Amazon EC2 instances that have underutilized CPU or memory usage. The company also needs recommendations for how to downsize these underutilized instances.
Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST effort?
A. Install a CPU and memory monitoring tool from AWS Marketplace on all the EC2 instances. Store the findings in Amazon S3. Implement a Python script to identify underutilized instances. Reference EC2 instance pricing information for recommendations about downsizing options.
B. Install the Amazon CloudWatch agent on all the EC2 instances by using AWS Systems Manager. Retrieve the resource optimization recommendations from AWS Cost Explorer in the organization’s management account. Use the recommendations to downsize underutilized instances in all accounts of the organization.
C. Install the Amazon CloudWatch agent on all the EC2 instances by using AWS Systems Manager. Retrieve the resource optimization recommendations from AWS Cost Explorer in each account of the organization. Use the recommendations to downsize underutilized instances in all accounts of the organization.
D. Install the Amazon CloudWatch agent on all the EC2 instances by using AWS Systems Manager. Create an AWS Lambda function to extract CPU and memory usage from all the EC2 instances. Store the findings as files in Amazon S3. Use Amazon Athena to find underutilized instances. Reference EC2 instance pricing information for recommendations about downsizing options.
答案解析:题目要求对EC2资源提出优化建议,并且 LEAST effort。A选项引入第三方软件,增加开发和维护成本。C选项分开在每个账号不是一个很好的管理模式。D选项使用AWS服务,但是相对于B选项需要引入过多内容。因此最佳选项为B选项

6.3 Billing preferences page

在AWS Billing and Cost Management中有个账单首选项(Billing preferences page),该页面有以下几个功能:

  • 发票交付首选项(Invoice delivery preferences):通过电子邮件接收月度发票的 PDF 副本
  • 提醒首选项(Alert preferences):当您的 AWS 服务 使用量接近或超过 AWS Free Tier 使用限制时,您可以收到电子邮件提醒。
  • 服务抵扣金共享首选项(Credit sharing preferences):激活在账单系列的成员账户之间共享服务抵扣金的功能。您可以选择为特定的账户或者为所有账户启用共享。
  • 预留实例和节省计划折扣共享首选项(Reserved Instances and Savings Plans discount sharing preferences):可以在账单系列中的账户之间共享预留实例和节省计划折扣。您可以选择为特定的账户或者为所有账户启用共享。

例题:A retail company has structured its AWS accounts to be part of an organization in AWS Organizations. The company has set up consolidated billing and has mapped its departments to the following OUs: Finance, Sales, Human Resources (HR), Marketing, and Operations. Each OU has multiple AWS accounts, one for each environment within a department. These environments are development, test, pre-production, and production.
The HR department is releasing a new system that will launch in 3 months. In preparation, the HR department has purchased several Reserved Instances (RIs) in its production AWS account. The HR department will install the new application on this account. The HR department wants to make sure that other departments cannot share the RI discounts.
Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. In the AWS Billing and Cost Management console for the HR department’s production account turn off RI sharing.
B. Remove the HR department’s production AWS account from the organization. Add the account to the consolidating billing configuration only.
C. In the AWS Billing and Cost Management console. use the organization’s management account to turn off RI Sharing for the HR departments production AWS account.
D. Create an SCP in the organization to restrict access to the RIs. Apply the SCP to the OUs of the other departments.
答案解析:Billing Dashboard—>Billing preferences,此选项用于选择启用/禁用RI折扣共享

7 AWS Compute Optimizer

AWS Compute Optimizer 是一种服务,用于分析 AWS 资源的配置和利用率指标。它将报告您的资源是否处于最佳状态并生成优化建议,以降低成本并提高工作负载的性能。

  • 支持EC2、ASG、EBS、Lambda、Fargate
  • 底层基于机器学习和metric的CloudWatch做优化
  • 建议可以导出到S3
  • 内存需要安装CloudWatch Agent(注意:此处考试中出现过收集优化内存建议

例题:A solutions architect must analyze a company’s Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes to determine whether the company is using resources efficiently. The company is running several large, high-memory EC2 instances to host database clusters that are deployed in active/ passive configurations. The utilization of these EC2 instances varies by the applications that use the databases, and the company has not identified a pattern.
The solutions architect must analyze the environment and take action based on the findings.
Which solution meets these requirements MOST cost-effectively?
A. Create a dashboard by using AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter. Configure visualizations for Amazon CloudWatch metrics that are associated with the EC2 instances and their EBS volumes. Review the dashboard periodically, and identify usage patterns. Rightsize the EC2 instances based on the peaks in the metrics.
B. Turn on Amazon CloudWatch detailed monitoring for the EC2 instances and their EBS volumes. Create and review a dashboard that is based on the metrics. Identify usage patterns. Rightsize the EC2 instances based on the peaks in the metrics.
C. Install the Amazon CloudWatch agent on each of the EC2 instances. Turn on AWS Compute Optimizer, and let it run for at least 12 hours. Review the recommendations from Compute Optimizer, and rightsize the EC2 instances as directed.
D. Sign up for the AWS Enterprise Support plan. Turn on AWS Trusted Advisor. Wait 12 hours. Review the recommendations from Trusted Advisor, and rightsize the EC2 instances as directed.

例题:A company runs a new application as a static website in Amazon S3. The company has deployed the application to a production AWS account and uses Amazon CloudFront to deliver the website. The website calls an Amazon API Gateway REST API. An AWS Lambda function backs each API method.
The company wants to create a CSV report every 2 weeks to show each API Lambda function’s recommended configured memory, recommended cost, and the price difference between current configurations and the recommendations. The company will store the reports in an S3 bucket.
Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST development time?
A. Create a Lambda function that extracts metrics data for each API Lambda function from Amazon CloudWatch Logs for the 2-week period. Collate the data into tabular format. Store the data as a .csv file in an S3 bucket. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule to schedule the Lambda function to run every 2 weeks.
B. Opt in to AWS Compute Optimizer. Create a Lambda function that calls the ExportLambdaFunctionRecommendations operation. Export the .csv file to an S3 bucket. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule to schedule the Lambda function to run every 2 weeks.
C. Opt in to AWS Compute Optimizer. Set up enhanced infrastructure metrics. Within the Compute Optimizer console, schedule a job to export the Lambda recommendations to a .csv file. Store the file in an S3 bucket every 2 weeks.
D. Purchase the AWS Business Support plan for the production account. Opt in to AWS Compute Optimizer for AWS Trusted Advisor checks. In the Trusted Advisor console, schedule a job to export the cost optimization checks to a .csv file. Store the file in an S3 bucket every 2 weeks.
答案解析:题目要求计算各个API Lambda的推荐内存、成本等,并且LEAST development time。A选项因为它需要开发一个Lambda函数,该函数提取度量数据并将其整理成表格格式,这会增加开发时间;C选项因为它需要建立增强的基础设施度量,这会增加开发时间。D选项因为它需要购买AWS业务支持计划并使用Trusted Advisor控制台,这会增加开发时间。因此选择B选项。

例题:A company runs many workloads on AWS and uses AWS Organizations to manage its accounts. The workloads are hosted on Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, and
AWS Lambda. Some of the workloads have unpredictable demand. Accounts record high usage in some months and low usage in other months.
The company wants to optimize its compute costs over the next 3 years. A solutions architect obtains a 6-month average for each of the accounts across the organization to calculate usage.
Which solution will provide the MOST cost savings for all the organization’s compute usage?
A. Purchase Reserved Instances for the organization to match the size and number of the most common EC2 instances from the member accounts.
B. Purchase a Compute Savings Plan for the organization from the management account by using the recommendation at the management account level.
C. Purchase Reserved Instances for each member account that had high EC2 usage according to the data from the last 6 months.
D. Purchase an EC2 Instance Savings Plan for each member account from the management account based on EC2 usage data from the last 6 months.
答案解析:题目要求优化未来3年计算成本,因此使用Compute Savings Plan最合适

例题:A solutions architect wants to cost-optimize and appropriately size Amazon EC2 instances in a single AWS account. The solutions architect wants to ensure that the instances are optimized based on CPU, memory, and network metrics.
Which combination of steps should the solutions architect take to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)
A. Purchase AWS Business Support or AWS Enterprise Support for the account.
B. Turn on AWS Trusted Advisor and review any “Low Utilization Amazon EC2 Instances” recommendations.
C. Install the Amazon CloudWatch agent and configure memory metric collection on the EC2 instances.
D. Configure AWS Compute Optimizer in the AWS account to receive findings and optimization recommendations.
E. Create an EC2 Instance Savings Plan for the AWS Regions, instance families, and operating systems of interest.
答案解析:题目要求对EC2进行监控,看看是否存在成本优化。A选项和B选项都是企业级服务,反而会导致成本过高。E选项通过Savings Plan是成本优化解决方案,不是用于看看是否存在成本优化。因此选择CD。文章来源地址

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