docker load and build过程的一些步骤理解

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了docker load and build过程的一些步骤理解。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

docker load 命令执行原理

“docker load” command, the following steps are followed to load an image from a specified tar file to the local image repository:

  1. Parsing the tar file: Docker first parses the tar file to check its integrity and verify the format.
  2. Extracting the files: If the parsing is successful, Docker will extract the layers of the image and its metadata to a local temporary directory.
  3. Importing the image: After extraction, Docker reads the metadata from the tar file, including the configuration information of the image and the contents of each layer.
  4. Creating and loading the image layers: Based on the metadata, Docker creates each layer of the image one by one and loads them into the local image repository.
  5. Creating the image and applying labels: Once all the layers of the image are loaded, Docker creates the image based on the configuration information in the metadata and applies corresponding labels to the image.
  6. Cleaning up temporary files: After loading is complete, Docker cleans up the extracted files in the local temporary directory.


"docker load"命令用于将本地文件中的镜像加载到Docker中。它接受一个tar文件作为参数,该文件包含了Docker镜像的所有层和元数据信息。


文件校验和是用于验证镜像文件的完整性的一种保证机制。每个层在构建时都会计算并生成一个校验和(checksum),用于表示该层的内容是否完整且无误。当使用"docker load"命令加载镜像时,Docker会比较镜像文件中的每个层的校验和和实际的文件内容,以确保文件的完整性和正确性。

总结起来,"docker load"命令将通过文件分层处理的方式将Docker镜像的文件系统解压并组合在一起,同时使用文件校验和来验证镜像文件的完整性和正确性。这样可以确保在加载镜像时获得完整、正确的镜像文件系统。

docker build 命令执行原理

The Docker build process is designed and integrated around the concept of file system abstraction. Docker provides a layered file system architecture that allows for efficient storage and retrieval of images and containers.

The file system abstraction in Docker is based on layers. Each layer represents a specific modification or addition to the file system. Layers can be created from a base image or from other layers, allowing for incremental changes and reusability.

During the Docker build process, a Dockerfile is used to define the steps required to build an image. Each step in the Dockerfile can modify or add files to the file system. Docker uses a technology called Union File System (UFS) to overlay these modifications on top of each other, creating a layered file system.

When building an image, Docker starts with a base image that serves as the initial layer. Each subsequent step in the Dockerfile will add a new layer on top of the previous ones. This layered approach allows for efficient image sharing and reuse, as layers that are already present in the system can be reused when building new images.

Docker also uses a copy-on-write strategy to optimize the use of storage. When a container is created from an image, only the differences between the container and the image are stored, rather than creating a complete copy. This allows for efficient use of disk space and faster container startup times.

docker --platform 参数说明


Starting from Docker 19.03 version, the --platform parameter is supported. This parameter is used to specify on which platform the container should run. With the --platform parameter, you can specify that a container should run on a specific operating system architecture, such as linux/arm64 (ARM architecture) or linux/amd64 (x86 architecture).

The --platform flag is useful when you are working with multi-architecture environments or when you want to ensure that a container runs on a specific hardware platform. By specifying the platform with --platform, Docker will select the appropriate image or build context for that platform and run the container accordingly.

For example, if you have a Dockerfile that has specific instructions for ARM-based systems, you can specify --platform linux/arm64 when building the image. This tells Docker to select the appropriate base image and ensure that the resulting container runs on ARM64 architecture.

To summarize, the --platform flag in Docker allows you to specify on which platform your containers should run, ensuring compatibility and portability across different architectures.

Docker 构建过程的分层

Docker 构建过程的分层设计思想源于 Linux 内核的 union fs(联合文件系统),它将多个文件系统合并为一个单一的文件系统,从而实现对多个文件系统的管理。在 Docker 中,这种分层设计可以有效地管理和组织镜像的各个层次,使得镜像的大小得到优化,同时也提高了镜像的构建和加载速度。

在 Docker 构建过程中,每个指令都会创建一个新的镜像层,并添加到基础镜像中。这些层可以被看作是镜像的一个个切片,每个切片都包含了一组文件和目录。这种分层设计使得镜像的构建过程更加灵活和可扩展,因为我们可以根据需要添加或删除层,而不需要重新构建整个镜像。

在 Docker 镜像加载过程中,Docker 会从底层开始,依次加载每一层。每一层都会被加载到一个独立的文件系统中,这些文件系统会被合并为一个单一的文件系统,然后挂载到容器的根文件系统中。这样,我们就可以在容器内部访问到镜像中的所有文件和目录。

这种分层设计和加载过程使得 Docker 镜像具有很高的灵活性。我们可以根据需要修改或删除镜像的任何部分,而不需要重新构建整个镜像。同时,由于每个层都被加载到一个独立的文件系统中,因此即使某个层出现问题,也不会影响到其他层,从而确保了镜像的完整性。

Linux 内核的 union fs(联合文件系统)

Linux内核的union fs(联合文件系统)是一种特殊的文件系统,它可以将多个目录结合起来,形成一个单一的逻辑目录。每个目录可以是一个独立的文件系统,称为原始文件系统。联合文件系统会将这些原始文件系统层叠在一起,并提供一个单一的视图。


联合文件系统的核心思想是使用层叠挂载(stacked mount)来实现。在创建联合文件系统时,可以指定多个原始文件系统,并指定它们在层次结构中的顺序。各个原始文件系统按照指定的顺序进行挂载,形成一棵层次结构的目录树。当进行文件操作时,联合文件系统会按照层次结构从上到下逐层搜索对应的文件。



层叠挂载(stacked mount)

层叠挂载(stacked mount)是指在计算机系统中将一个文件系统挂载到另一个文件系统上的过程。这种挂载方式允许将多个文件系统层叠在一起,形成一个逻辑上统一的文件系统层级结构。






SHA256 在docker中的设计和集成思想

The primary design and integration principles of SHA256 in Docker are as follows:

  1. Security: SHA256 is a cryptographic hash function that ensures data integrity and security. It is used to generate a unique hash value for the contents of a Docker image or a layer. This makes it easier to verify the authenticity and integrity of the image or layer.
  2. Content Addressing: Docker uses SHA256 as a content addressing mechanism. Each layer of an image is identified by its SHA256 hash, which means if the content of a layer changes, the hash will change as well. This allows Docker to quickly determine if any changes have been made to an image or a layer.
  3. Immutable Images: Docker promotes the use of immutable images, meaning that their contents cannot be modified once they are built. SHA256 plays a key role in enforcing immutability by ensuring that the hash of an image or a layer remains consistent.
  4. Layered Architecture: Docker uses a layered architecture, where each layer represents a change or modification to an existing image. The SHA256 hash is used to uniquely identify and reference each layer, allowing Docker to efficiently utilize caching and deduplication techniques.
  5. Integrating with Container Runtime: Docker integrates SHA256 with its container runtime to ensure that the image being run is the same as the one that was built. The runtime checks the hash of the image and its layers before execution to validate its integrity and prevent any tampering.


  1. 安全性:SHA-256是一种加密哈希算法,它具有很高的安全性。在Docker中,每个镜像和容器都有一个唯一的SHA-256标识符,该标识符是使用镜像内容计算得出的哈希值。通过SHA-256标识符,可以确保镜像和容器的内容完整性,并防止篡改。
  2. 基于内容寻址:Docker中的镜像都是通过内容寻址来访问的,这意味着每个镜像的位置和访问方式都是根据其SHA-256标识符来确定的。这种设计使得镜像可以追溯到其原始内容,而不是依赖于特定的位置或名称。
  3. 冗余删除:SHA-256标识符可以用于确定镜像是否存在于本地,并在不同的Docker主机之间进行镜像的复制和分享。当多个Docker主机之间存在相同的镜像时,只需在其中一个主机上保存一份镜像,其他主机可以通过SHA-256标识符来引用该镜像,避免了冗余的存储。
  4. 版本控制:由于每个镜像都有唯一的SHA-256标识符,Docker可以轻松管理和控制镜像的版本。当对一个镜像进行更改时,会生成一个新的SHA-256标识符,并与原始版本进行区分。这使得可以方便地进行版本回滚和管理。

Docker image ID

Docker image ID is generated based on the image’s content and metadata using a cryptographic hash function called SHA256.

When a new Docker image is created, Docker examines the content and metadata of the image, including the filesystem layers, the image configuration, and any other information relevant to the image. It then applies the SHA256 algorithm to this data to generate a unique 64-character hexadecimal identifier.

This process ensures that each image has a unique identifier that effectively represents its content. Any changes made to the content or metadata will result in a different image ID. This allows Docker to efficiently identify and track images, as well as determine if two images are identical or different.

Docker Image ID 是由 Docker 根据镜像的描述文件在本地计算生成的,用于在 imagedb 数据库中作为目录名称。Docker 镜像 ID 保存在 /var/lib/docker/image/overlay2/imagedb/content/sha256 目录下,以 sha256sum 计算文件内容得出的哈希值命名。

具体而言,Image ID 是根据镜像的配置信息(config)计算得出的,该信息包含在镜像的 JSON 描述文件中。Docker 使用这些配置信息来计算 Image ID,以确保每个镜像都有唯一的 ID。计算 Image ID 的具体步骤并未明确,但可以确定的是,它是基于镜像内容(包括配置信息和各层的 diffID)进行哈希计算的结果。因此,即使镜像的内容完全相同,计算出的 Image ID 也会相同。

当拉取新的镜像时,Docker 会重新计算 Image ID,如果本地已经存在相同的 Image ID,则会直接使用本地已有的镜像,而不会再次下载。这样可以提高效率并避免重复下载相同的镜像。

总之,Docker Image ID 是根据镜像的配置信息和各层内容通过哈希算法计算得到的唯一标识符,用于在 Docker 中管理镜像。

docker 中的安全机制和参数


  1. 命名空间隔离:Docker使用命名空间来隔离容器的进程、网络、文件系统和其他资源,以避免容器之间的相互影响。
  2. 控制组(cgroups):Docker利用cgroups来限制容器对系统资源的访问和使用,通过设置资源限制,可以防止容器过度消耗主机资源。
  3. 安全标签:Docker通过安全标签(SELinux或AppArmor)来控制容器的访问权限,防止容器越权访问主机上的敏感资源。
  4. 用户命名空间:Docker使用用户命名空间,将容器内的特权用户映射到宿主机上的非特权用户,从而减少特权容器对主机的影响。
  5. 容器镜像验证:Docker支持通过签名和校验镜像的手段,以确保镜像的完整性和来源的真实性。这样可以避免运行恶意或被篡改的镜像。


到了这里,关于docker load and build过程的一些步骤理解的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!

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