


1.What made Mount Hengshan (Shanxi) a place of strategic importance in history?

Its rich natural resources.

Its pleasant climate.

Its beautiful scenery.

Its geographical advantages.

2.Which mountain should you go if you want to visit the Shaolin Temple?

Mount Huashan.
Mount Hengshan in Shanxi Province.

Mount Hengshan in Hunan Province.
Mount Songshan.

3.Which one is used in the Chinese saying, “Never give up until one reaches the _________”?

Yangtze River

Qiantang River
Huaihe River
Yellow River

4.Who succeeded in having the Great Wall joined together?
The first Emperor of Qin.

The first Emperor of Yan.

The first Emperor of Wei.

The first Emperor of Zhao.

5.What is the Liangzhu culture famous for?


6.‌What project was launched in Hangzhou to monitor the traffic in real time?

The City Brain.

The Magic Power.
The Smart Sensor.
The Mobile Pay.

‎7.Why is the Yellow River “yellow”?
Because the color yellow is the royal color.
Because the river was named after the Loess Plateau.

Because the first Emperor named it “Yellow River”.

Because the river suffers from soil erosion.

‏ 8.Which parts of the Great Wall were used for command posts and logistics?
Beacon towers.

Watch towers.

Vantage points.
Gated passes.

‎9.Which city is entitled as ‘Oriental Leisure City’ according to the video?




10.Along the West Lake, what kind of plants usually welcome you by sending out pleasing fragrance in autumn?

Willow trees.

Lotus flowers.
Osmanthus trees.

Plum flowers.


What is the nickname of Mount Huashan?

A.Longevity Mountain.

B.The Centre of Heaven and Earth.

C.The head of Five Sacred Mountains.

D.Flower Mountain.

In which part of the Yangtze River are the Three Gorges located?

A.The middle reaches.

B.The Yangtze River delta.

C.The lower reaches.

D.The upper reaches.

Which was not true according to the story of Meng Jiangnv?

A.She was forced to participate in the construction of the wall.

B.Her husband died and was buried under the wall.

C.The wall went to collapse with the crying of her.

D.She was so heartbroken that she cried for three days and nights.



1.Which ceremony is held at the Confucius Temple in Qufu every year?

A.Confucius Temple Ceremony.

B.Confucius Memorial Ceremony.

C.Confucius Anniversary Ceremony.

D.Confucius Ceremony.

2.What are the core concepts of Confucianism?

A.Ren and Li.

B.Ren and Love.

C.Rites and Li.

D.Rituals and Li.

3.What is the book compiled to record the words and ideas of Confucius?

A.The Great Learning.

B.The Analects.

C.The Doctrine of the Mean.


4.What is the forerunner of the compass?



C.Si Nan.


5.Who was deemed as the Oriental Leonardo da Vinci?

A.Cai Lun.

B.Shen Kuo.

C.Zheng He.

D.Bi Sheng.

6.What are the two things seen as the basis and predecessor of printing?

A.Stone rubbing and gravestone rubbing.

B.Stone steles and stone rubbing.

C.Gravestone rubbing and steles.

D.Engraved name seals and stone rubbing.

7.Who had named the old trade route as "the Silk Road"?

A.Marco Polo.

B.A German geographer.


D.Zhang Qian.

8.Compared with Columbus' ship, what was Zheng He's ship like?

A.Much larger.

B.Much smaller.

C.The same size.

D.None of the above.

9.What is the full name of the Belt and Road or the Belt and Road Initiative?

A.The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road.

B.The Silk Road and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road.

C.The Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road.

D.The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Silk Road.

10.When was the Belt and Road Initiative proposed?







1.What are the three worldwide architectural systems?

A.Chinese architecture, western architecture, and Islamic architecture.

B.Chinese architecture, Roman architecture, and Islamic architecture.

C.Renaissance architecture, western architecture, and Islamic architecture.

D.Roman architecture, Renaissance architecture and western architecture.

2.Which of the following is NOT the feature of ancient Chinese architecture?

A.Marble columns.


C.Rammed earth construction.

D.Bucket arch buildings.

3.Which poem does the idiom “gouxindoujiao” originate from?

A.The Yellow Crane Tower by Cui Hao.

B.The Yueyang Tower by Fan Zhongyan.

C.Preface to Tengwang Ge by Wang Bo.

D.On the Ah Fang Palace by Du Mu.

4.What is the main entrance to the Forbidden City?

A.Meridian Gate.

B.The Gate of Divine Might.

C.The Eastern Flowery Gate.

D.The Western Flowery Gate.

5.What is the Outer Court composed of?

A.The Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Mental Cultivation and the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

B.The Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Central Harmony and the Hall of the Supreme Pole.

C.The Hall of Mental Cultivation, the Hall of the Supreme Pole and the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

D.The Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Central Harmony and the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

6.‍What color is the roof of Wenyuan Ge?





7.Which is called the "mother of Chinese gardens"?

A.The Lingering Garden.

B.The Humble Administrator’s Garden.

C.Lion Grove Garden.

D.Surging Waves Pavilion.

8.Which garden became famous after the poem written by Ouyang Xiu?

A.The Humble Administrator’s Garden.

B.The Lingering Garden.

C.Surging Waves Pavilion.

D.Lion Grove Garden.

9.Which is the tallest building in China currently?

A.Jin Mao Tower.

B.Shanghai Tower.

C.Shanghai World Financial Center.

D.The Oriental Pearl Tower.

10.‏Which of the following is NOT true about the famous modern Chinese architecture?

A.The layout of the National Stadium abides by Chinese concept of “hemispherical dome cosmology.

B.The National Stadium is also called the Bird’s Nest.

C.China’s National Grand Theatre is the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) and usually described as the Egg.

D.The National Aquatics Centre is familiar to us as Water Cube.



1.What was the original reason to set off fireworks?

A.To create a happy atmosphere.

B.To frighten the beast nian.

C.To drive away ghosts.

D.To worship ancestors.

2.‍What is not mentioned in the poem New Year’s Day by Wang Anshi?



C.Peachwood charm.


3.Which of the following is not a traditional moon worshiping activity?

A.Setting a table in the yard with offerings on it.

B.Burning incense on the table in the yard.

C.Girls praying to have intelligence and ingenious skills.

D.Making wishes about family reunion and happiness.

4.Moon cakes are made round in shape to symbolize _____.


B.good luck



5.Which poet has written a poem missing his brother on Mid-autumn Festival?

A.Du Fu.

B.Su Dongpo.

C. Wang Anshi.

D.Cao Zhi.

6.Which of the following descriptions of dragon-boat race is incorrect?

A.It is more popular in northern China.

B.The dragon boat is long and narrow.

C.It has become popular in many countries.

D.The body of the boat is painted in bright colors.

7.‌Why do children wear bracelets with five-color threads on Dragon Boat Festival?

A.To ward off evil.

B.For decoration.

C.To commemorate Quyuan.

D.For prosperity.

8.Which festival is not incorporated into the celebration of Qingming Festival?

A.Cold Food Day.

B.Pure Brightness.

C.Spring Equinox.

D.Shangsi Festival.

9.‍Which food is mentioned as a typical food on Qingming Festival?

A.Spring rolls


C.Fried eggs.


10.Which of the following is not a popular activity on Qingming Festival?

A.Flying kites.

B.Eating cold food.

C.Getting close to nature.

D.Drinking chrysanthemum wine.



1.What are the proper classifications of taste?

A.Fragrant, sour, bitter, hot and salty.

B.Sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty.

C. Sweet, sour, bitter, hot and fishy.

D.Fresh, sour, bitter, hot and fishy.

2.What cuisine does Mapo Tofu belong to?

A.Lu cuisine.

B.Huaiyang cuisine.

C.Chuan cuisine.

D.Yue cuisine.

3.What cuisine does Roasted Pork Intestine belong to?

A.Lu cuisine.

B.Huaiyang cuisine.

C.Chuan cuisine.

D.Yue cuisine.

4.What is Mautai generally labeled as?

A.Drink of diplomacy.

B.Drink of wedding.

C.Drink of farewell.

D.Drink of celebration.

5.Why did Du Kang make liquor?

A.He wanted to make fortune by selling liquor.

B.He tried to work out an effective way to store grain.

C.He attempted to exchange medicine with other nations.

D.He desired to relieve his people from horrible diseases.

6.Who’s the creator of the line “to drown your sorrows in drink only creates more”?

A.Du Fu.

B. Su Shi.

C.Li Bai.

D.Bai Juyi.

7.What category does Yunan Pu’er fall into?

A.Green tea.

B.Black tea.

C.Yellow tea.

D.Dark tea.

8.What is said about the Tea Horse Road?

A.The main transport routes are short and fast.

B.The major commodities are grain, fur and medicine.

C.There are a great many major lines across the Tibetan area.

D.It’s the folk trade channel through Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet.

9.When whole fish or chicken is served, which part of the dish is usually put towards the most honorable guest?

A.The head.

B.The tail.

C.The eyes.

D.The belly.

10.Who is usually seated facing the door of entry?

A.The hostess.

B.The secretary.

C.He who pays the bill.

D.The host or the most honorable guest.



1.Which of the following is incorrect about Laosheng roles?

A.They are usually middle-aged or elderly men.

B.They wear artificial beards.

C.They need a high level of martial arts skills.

D.They usually represent the upright men.

2.Which role is the traditional Chinese ideal of a beautiful woman?





3.In Peking Opera, characters with red faces are usually _____.





4.Which type of calligraphy is characterized by “silkworm’s head and swallow’s tail” ?

A.The Cursive Script.

B.The Seal Script.

C.The Official Script.

D.The Regular Script.

5.Which statement is true about Wang Xizhi?

A.He lived in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

B.He was called “Sage of Chinese Poetry”.

C.He was especially good at the Regular Script.

D.Many of his original works survive today.

6.Which of the following is not mentioned as a reason why calligraphy is still popular today?

A.It is a good way for people to get relaxed.

B.It enables people to stand out in the job market.

C.It helps to cultivate people’s mind and character.

D.Calligraphy works are widely used as decorations.

7.In which dynasty did figure painting see its heyday?

A.The Tang Dynasty.

B.The Song Dynasty.

C.The Sui Dynasty.

D.The Ming Dynasty.

8.Chinese painting includes the following themes except _____.





9.Which of the following is not true about paper-cut?

A.It is used widely for decoration.

B.The cutting tools are simple.

C.Its themes remain unchanged.

D.It has gained popularity around the world.

10.Which of the following is not true about shadow puppeteers?

A.They are good at improvisational singing.

B.They can play various musical instruments.

C.Most of them perform at leisure time.

D.Most of them are professional players.




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