1. 游程编码
2. Shannon-Fano coding
(a)Complete the following table using the Shannon-Fano Algorithm.
(b) What is the entropy of this source, and in what units? Compare to the above result.
3. 计算
Suppose an alphabet consists of 6 symbols {a, b, c, d, e, f}, and the probability for each of the symbol is 1/6 (note, log2(3) = 1.585).
- What is the entropy for this set?
- Draw the Shannon-Fano tree for this set. What is the average bitrate?
- Draw the Huffman tree for this set. What is the average bitrate?
- How many bits would we need without compression, assuming fixed-length codewords? What is the compression ratio, compared to the Huffman tree?
- Shannon-Fano tree:
average bitrate=(2*2bit+4*3bit)/6=2.667bit.
- Huffman tree:
average bitrate=(2*2bit+4*3bit)/6=2.667bit.
- 假设码字长度固定,如果不进行压缩,我们需要6*3bit=18bit。与哈夫曼树相比,压缩比是18bit/16bit=1.125。
4. “checkerboard” image
Calculate the entropy of a “checkerboard” image in which half of the pixels are BLACK and half of them are WHITE.
5. Huffman Coding
(a) Construct a binary Huffman code for a source S with three symbols A, B and C, having probabilities 0.6, 0.3, and 0.1, respectively. What is its average codeword length, in bits per symbol? What is the entropy of this source?
(b) Let’s now extend this code by grouping symbols into 2-character groups. Compare the performance now, in bits per original source symbol, with the best possible.
average codeword length=(2*2bit+1*1bit)/3=1.667bit.
2-character groups | probability |
AA | 0.36 |
AB | 0.18 |
AC | 0.06 |
BA | 0.18 |
BB | 0.09 |
BC | 0.03 |
CA | 0.06 |
CB | 0.03 |
CC | 0.01 |
Huffman tree:
average codeword length=(1*1bit+2*3bit+3*4bit+1*5bit+2*6bit)/9=4bit
the best possible average codeword length is 2.5909bit, and the average codeword length of 2-character groups with Huffman coding is 4bit.
6. Adaptive Huffman Coding
a) What are the advantages of Adaptive Huffman Coding compared to the original Huffman Coding algorithm?
- 原始的Huffman算法给出了一种静态的编码树构造方案,要求在实际编码之前统计被编码对象中符号出现的几率,并据此进行编码树的构造。所以应用此方案时必须对输入符号流进行两遍扫描,而在大多数多媒体应用中数据分布的先前统计数据是不可行的。
- 另外,静态编码树构造方案不能对符号流的局部统计规律变化做出反应,因为它从始至终都使用完全不变的编码树。而自适应Huffman编码不需要事先构造Huffman树,而是随着编码的进行,逐步构造Huffman树。同时,这种编码方案对符号的统计也动态进行,随着程序的运行,同一个符号的编码可能发生改变(变得更长或更短)。
- 再者就静态编码在储存或传输Huffman编码结果之前,还必须先储存或传输Huffman编码树,自适应霍夫曼编码则不需要,这大大节省了内存开销。
b) Assume that the Adaptive Huffman Coding is used to code an information source S with a vocabulary of four letters (a, b, c, d). Before any transmission, the initial coding is a = 00, b =01, c = 10, d = 11. As in the example illustrated in the following figure, a special symbol NEW will be sent before any letter if it is to be sent the first time.
Adaptive Huffman Tree e after sending letters aabb
After that, the additional bitstream received by the decoder for the next few letters is 01010010101.
- What are the additional letters received?
- Draw the adaptive Huffman trees after each of the additional letters is received.
接收到的后续的几个字母分别是:b(01),a(01),c(00 10),c(101)。
7. LZW
Consider the dictionary-based LZW compression algorithm. Suppose the alphabet is the set of symbols {0,1}. Show the dictionary (symbol sets plus associated codes) and output for LZW compression of the input 0110011.
对于字符串0110011。初始字典为{0, 1}。
步骤 | 前缀 | 后缀 | 词 | 存在对应码 | 输出 | 码 |
1 | 0 | (, 0) | ||||
2 | 0 | 1 | (0, 1) | no | 0 | 2 |
3 | 1 | 1 | (1, 1) | no | 1 | 3 |
4 | 1 | 0 | (1, 0) | no | 1 | 4 |
5 | 0 0 (0, 0) no 0 5 | |||||
6 | 0 | 1 | (0, 1) | yes | ||
7 | 2 | 1 | (2, 1) | no | 2 | 6 |
8 | 1 | 1 | (1, 1) | yes |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
(0, 1) | (1, 1) | (1, 0) | (0, 0) | (2, 1) |
8. LZW
Suppose we have a small 8-bit grayscale image, with all pixels equal to the same pixel value, say 113. Consider the performance of an LZW compression scheme. First initialize codes in the dictionary with pixel values, 0…255. Use 9-bit codes.
For a 4×4 uniform image made of pixel values which are all 113, how many bits will LZW (or WINZIP) use for a compressed version of the image? Explain in detail, using an LZW table. What is the compression ratio?
Hint: recall that the LZW coding algorithm is
Thus we end up with 5 codes output (at 9 bits each), as opposed to 16 uncompressed 8-bit pixels. Therefore the compression ratio is 128/45 = 2.8444.
9. Huffman coding and Arithmetic coding
Suppose we wish to transmit the 10-character string “MULTIMEDIA”. The characters in the string are chosen from a finite alphabet of 8 characters.
(a) What are the probabilities of each character in the source string?
(b) Compute the entropy of the source string.
(c) If the source string is encoded using Huffman coding, draw the encoding tree and compute the average number of bits needed.
(d) If the source string MULTIMEDIA is now encoded using Arithmetic coding, what is the codeword in fractional decimal representation? How many bits are needed for coding in binary format? How does this compare to the entropy?
P(A)=P(D)=P(E)=P(L)=P(T)=P(U)=1/10, P(I)=P(M)=1/5.
(c) Huffman tree:
average bitrate=(1*2bit+5*3bit+2*4bit)/8=3.125bit
A:[0,0.1), D:[0.1,0.2), E:[0.2,0.3), I:[0.3,0.5), L:[0.5,0.6), M:[0.6,0.8), T:[0.8,0.9), U:[0.9,1).
A:[0.6,0.62), D:[0.62,0.64), E:[0.64,0.66), I:[0.66,0.7), L:[0.7,0.72), M:[0.72,0.76), T:[0.76,0.78), U:[0.78,0.8).
A:[0.78,0.782), D:[0.782,0.784), E:[0.784,0.786), I:[0.786,0.79), L:[0.79,0.792), M:[0.792,0.796), T:[0.796,0.798), U:[0.798,0.8).
A:[0.79,0.7902), D:[0.7902,0.7904), E:[0.7904,0.7906), I:[0.7906,0.791), L:[0.791,0.7912), M:[0.7912,0.7916), T:[0.7916,0.7918), U:[0.7918,0.792).
A:[0.7916,0.79162), D:[0.79162,0.79164), E:[0.79164,0.79166), I:[0.79166,0.7917), L:[0.7917,0.79172), M:[0.79172,0.79176), T:[0.79176,0.79178), U:[0.79178,0.7918).
A:[0.79166,0.791664), D:[0.791664,0.791668), E:[0.791668,0.791672), I:[0.791672,0.79168), L:[0.79168,0.791684), M:[0.791684,0.791692), T:[0.791692,0.791696), U:[0.791696,0.7917).
A:[0.791684,0.7916848), D:[0.7916848,0.7916856), E:[0.7916856,0.7916864), I:[0.7916864,0.791688), L:[0.791688,0.7916888), M:[0.7916888,0.7916904), T:[0.7916904,0.7916912), U:[0.7916912,0.791692).
A:[0.7916856,0.79168568), D:[0.79168568,0.79168576), E:[0.79168576,0.79168584), I:[0.79168584,0.791686), L:[0.791686,0.79168608), M:[0.79168608,0.79168624), T:[0.79168624,0.79168632), U:[0.79168632,0.7916864).
A:[0.79168568,0.791685688), D:[0.791685688,0.791685696), E:[0.791685696,0.791685704), I:[0.791685704,0.79168572), L:[0.79168572,0.791685728), M:[0.791685728,0.791685744), T:[0.791685744,0.791685752), U:[0.791685752,0.79168576).
A:[0.791685704,0.7916857056), D:[0.7916857056,0.7916857072), E:[0.7916857072,0.7916857088), I:[0.7916857088,0.791685712), L:[0.791685712,0.7916857136), M:[0.7916857136,0.7916857168), T:[0.7916857168,0.7916857184), U:[0.7916857184,0.79168572).
A:[0.791685704,0.79168570416), D:[0.79168570416,0.79168570432), E:[0.79168570432,0.79168570448), I:[0.79168570448,0.7916857048), L:[0.7916857048,0.79168570496), M:[0.79168570496,0.79168570528), T:[0.79168570528,0.79168570544), U:[0.79168570544,0.7916857056).
10. Huffman coding and Arithmetic coding
Suppose the alphabet is [A;B;C], and the known probability distribution is PA = 0.5; PB =0.4; PC = 0.1. For simplicity, let’s also assume that both encoder and decoder know that the length of the messages is always 3, so there is no need for a terminator. How many bits are needed to encode the message BBB by Huffman coding? How many bits are needed to encode the message BBB by arithmetic coding?
Huffman tree:
Arithmetic coding:
初始化:A:[0,0.5), B:[0.5,0.9), C:[0.9,1).
B:A:[0.5,0.7), B:[0.7,0.86), C:[0.86,0.9).
B:A:[0.7,0.78), B:[0.78,0.844), C:[0.844,0.86).
B:A:[0.78,0.812), B:[0.812,0.8376), C:[0.8376,0.844).
11. Arithmetic coding
Assume there is an information source with four characters and their frequencies as follows: A:(10%), B:(40%), C:(20%), and D:(30%). When an encoded message 0.514 is received, what the original string (3 characters) should be?
A:[0,0.1), B:[0.1,0.5), C:[0.5,0.7), D:[0.7,1).
A:[0.5,0.52), B:[0.52,0.6), C:[0.6,0.64), D:[0.64,0.7).
A:[0.5,0.502), B:[0.502,0.51), C:[0.51,0.514), D:[0.514,0.52).
12. 查询
假设一个图像检索系统数据库中有10个图像,其中包含“猫”的图像有5个。对于一个输入“猫”的查询图像Q,图像检索模型的目的是检索到数据库中所有的5个“猫”的图像。假设针对查询图像Q,小李设计了模型M1返回的10个图像的排序为{+,+,-,+,+,-,-,-,-,+}, 小张设计了模型M2返回的10个图像的排序为{+,-,+,+,+,+,-,-,-,-},[注:+表示是“猫”的图片,-表示不是“猫”的图片]。试画出两位同学设计的检索模型的准确率-召回率曲线(Precision-Recall Curve),并判断哪位同学设计的模型更准确一些并说明原因。
[注: 准确率与召回率的定义分别为:Precision = #relevant / #returned; Recall = #relevant / #total relevant]
13. 查询
分别用“√ ”和“×”代表与查询相关和不相关的文档:
(a) 假设针对查询1,有5个相关的文档,搜索引擎检索对查询1的排序(Ranking #1)结果为√×√××√××√√,求其平均准确率(Average Precision);
(b) 假设针对查询2,有3个相关的文档,搜索引擎对查询1的排序(Ranking #2)结果为×√××√×√×××,求其平均准确率(Average Precision);
(c) 求该搜索引擎对两次查询的均值平均准确率(Mean Average Precision)。
查询序号 | 准确率(P) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 1/2 |
3 | 2/3 |
4 | 1/2 |
5 | 2/5 |
6 | 1/2 |
7 | 3/7 |
8 | 3/8 |
9 | 4/9 |
10 | 1/2 |
查询序号 | 准确率(P) |
1 | 0 |
2 | 1/2 |
3 | 1/3 |
4 | 1/4 |
5 | 2/5 |
6 | 1/3 |
7 | 3/7 |
8 | 3/8 |
9 | 3/9 |
10 | 3/10 |
Mean Average Precision=1/2 (Average Precision 1+Average Precision 2)=0.4284.
14. 傅立叶变换
其中,|F(u)|=√(R^2 (u)+I^2 (u))称为 f(x)的幅度谱,Φ(u)=arctan (I(u))/R(u) 称为 f(x)的相位谱。
15. 积分图像