嵌入式系统(embedded systems)-配置文件解析-开源库minIni

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了嵌入式系统(embedded systems)-配置文件解析-开源库minIni。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。


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minlni是一个可移植和可配置的库,用于读取和写入“。ini”文件。在大约950行注释的源代码中,minlni确实是一个“迷你”INI文件解析器,特别是考虑到它的特性。该库不需要标准C/ c++库中的文件I/O函数,而是允许你配置通过宏来配置文件I/O接口。

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// minGlue.h
/* map required file I/O types and functions to the standard C library */

#include <stdio.h>

#define INI_FILETYPE                    FILE*
#define ini_openread(filename,file)     ((*(file) = fopen((filename),"rb")) != NULL)
#define ini_openwrite(filename,file)    ((*(file) = fopen((filename),"wb")) != NULL)
#define ini_openrewrite(filename,file)  ((*(file) = fopen((filename),"r+b")) != NULL)
#define ini_close(file)                 (fclose(*(file)) == 0)
#define ini_read(buffer,size,file)      (fgets((buffer),(size),*(file)) != NULL)
#define ini_write(buffer,file)          (fputs((buffer),*(file)) >= 0)
#define ini_rename(source,dest)         (rename((source), (dest)) == 0)
#define ini_remove(filename)            (remove(filename) == 0)
#define INI_FILEPOS                     long int
#define ini_tell(file,pos)              (*(pos) = ftell(*(file)))
#define ini_seek(file,pos)              (fseek(*(file), *(pos), SEEK_SET) == 0)
/* for floating-point support, define additional types and functions */
#define INI_REAL                        float
#define ini_ftoa(string,value)          sprintf((string),"%f",(value))
#define ini_atof(string)                (INI_REAL)strtod((string),NULL)
#ifndef MININI_H
#define MININI_H
#include "minGlue.h"

#if (defined _UNICODE || defined __UNICODE__ || defined UNICODE) && !defined INI_ANSIONLY
  #include <tchar.h>
  #define mTCHAR TCHAR
  /* force TCHAR to be "char", but only for minIni */
  #define mTCHAR char

#if !defined INI_BUFFERSIZE
  #define INI_BUFFERSIZE  512

#if defined __cplusplus
  extern "C" {

int   ini_getbool(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, int DefValue, const mTCHAR *Filename);
long  ini_getl(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, long DefValue, const mTCHAR *Filename);
int   ini_gets(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, const mTCHAR *DefValue, mTCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const mTCHAR *Filename);
int   ini_getsection(int idx, mTCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const mTCHAR *Filename);
int   ini_getkey(const mTCHAR *Section, int idx, mTCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const mTCHAR *Filename);
int   ini_hassection(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Filename);
int   ini_haskey(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, const mTCHAR *Filename);
#if defined INI_REAL
INI_REAL ini_getf(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, INI_REAL DefValue, const mTCHAR *Filename);

#if !defined INI_READONLY
int   ini_putl(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, long Value, const mTCHAR *Filename);
int   ini_puts(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, const mTCHAR *Value, const mTCHAR *Filename);
#if defined INI_REAL
int   ini_putf(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, INI_REAL Value, const mTCHAR *Filename);
#endif /* INI_READONLY */

#if !defined INI_NOBROWSE
typedef int (*INI_CALLBACK)(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, const mTCHAR *Value, void *UserData);
int  ini_browse(INI_CALLBACK Callback, void *UserData, const mTCHAR *Filename);
#endif /* INI_NOBROWSE */
#if defined __cplusplus
#if defined __cplusplus
#if defined __WXWINDOWS__
	#include "wxMinIni.h"
  #include <string>
  /* The C++ class in minIni.h was contributed by Steven Van Ingelgem. */
  class minIni
    minIni(const std::string& filename) : iniFilename(filename)
      { }
    bool getbool(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, bool DefValue=false) const
      { return ini_getbool(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), int(DefValue), iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }
    long getl(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, long DefValue=0) const
      { return ini_getl(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), DefValue, iniFilename.c_str()); }
    int geti(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, int DefValue=0) const
      { return static_cast<int>(this->getl(Section, Key, long(DefValue))); }
    std::string gets(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, const std::string& DefValue="") const
        char buffer[INI_BUFFERSIZE];

        ini_gets(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), DefValue.c_str(), buffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, iniFilename.c_str());

        return buffer;


    std::string getsection(int idx) const


        char buffer[INI_BUFFERSIZE];

        ini_getsection(idx, buffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, iniFilename.c_str());

        return buffer;


    std::string getkey(const std::string& Section, int idx) const


        char buffer[INI_BUFFERSIZE];

        ini_getkey(Section.c_str(), idx, buffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, iniFilename.c_str());

        return buffer;


    bool hassection(const std::string& Section) const

      { return ini_hassection(Section.c_str(), iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }

    bool haskey(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key) const

      { return ini_haskey(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }

#if defined INI_REAL

    INI_REAL getf(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, INI_REAL DefValue=0) const

      { return ini_getf(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), DefValue, iniFilename.c_str()); }


#if ! defined INI_READONLY

    bool put(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, long Value)

      { return ini_putl(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), Value, iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }

    bool put(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, int Value)

      { return ini_putl(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), (long)Value, iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }

    bool put(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, bool Value)

      { return ini_putl(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), (long)Value, iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }

    bool put(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, const std::string& Value)

      { return ini_puts(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), Value.c_str(), iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }

    bool put(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, const char* Value)

      { return ini_puts(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), Value, iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }

#if defined INI_REAL

    bool put(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key, INI_REAL Value)

      { return ini_putf(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), Value, iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }


    bool del(const std::string& Section, const std::string& Key)

      { return ini_puts(Section.c_str(), Key.c_str(), 0, iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }

    bool del(const std::string& Section)

      { return ini_puts(Section.c_str(), 0, 0, iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }


#if !defined INI_NOBROWSE

    bool browse(INI_CALLBACK Callback, void *UserData) const

      { return ini_browse(Callback, UserData, iniFilename.c_str()) != 0; }



    std::string iniFilename;

#endif /* __WXWINDOWS__ */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* MININI_H */
#if (defined _UNICODE || defined __UNICODE__ || defined UNICODE) && !defined INI_ANSIONLY

# if !defined UNICODE   /* for Windows */

#   define UNICODE

# endif

# if !defined _UNICODE  /* for C library */

#   define _UNICODE

# endif



#include "minIni.h"

#if defined NDEBUG

  #define assert(e)


  #include <assert.h>


#if !defined __T || defined INI_ANSIONLY

  #include <ctype.h>

  #include <string.h>

  #include <stdlib.h>

  #define TCHAR     char

  #define __T(s)    s

  #define _tcscat   strcat

  #define _tcschr   strchr

  #define _tcscmp   strcmp

  #define _tcscpy   strcpy

  #define _tcsicmp  stricmp

  #define _tcslen   strlen

  #define _tcsncmp  strncmp

  #define _tcsnicmp strnicmp

  #define _tcsrchr  strrchr

  #define _tcstol   strtol

  #define _tcstod   strtod

  #define _totupper toupper

  #define _stprintf sprintf

  #define _tfgets   fgets

  #define _tfputs   fputs

  #define _tfopen   fopen

  #define _tremove  remove

  #define _trename  rename


#if defined __linux || defined __linux__

  #define __LINUX__

#elif defined FREEBSD && !defined __FreeBSD__

  #define __FreeBSD__

#elif defined(_MSC_VER)

  #pragma warning(disable: 4996)	/* for Microsoft Visual C/C++ */


#if !defined strnicmp && !defined PORTABLE_STRNICMP

  #if defined __LINUX__ || defined __FreeBSD__ || defined __OpenBSD__ || defined __APPLE__ || defined __NetBSD__ || defined __DragonFly__ || defined __GNUC__

    #define strnicmp  strncasecmp



#if !defined _totupper

  #define _totupper toupper


#if !defined INI_LINETERM

  #if defined __LINUX__ || defined __FreeBSD__ || defined __OpenBSD__ || defined __APPLE__ || defined __NetBSD__ || defined __DragonFly__

    #define INI_LINETERM    __T("\n")


    #define INI_LINETERM    __T("\r\n")



#if !defined INI_FILETYPE

  #error Missing definition for INI_FILETYPE.


#if !defined sizearray

  #define sizearray(a)    (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))


enum quote_option {






int strnicmp(const TCHAR *s1, const TCHAR *s2, size_t n)


  while (n-- != 0 && (*s1 || *s2)) {

    register int c1, c2;

    c1 = *s1++;

    if ('a' <= c1 && c1 <= 'z')

      c1 += ('A' - 'a');

    c2 = *s2++;

    if ('a' <= c2 && c2 <= 'z')

      c2 += ('A' - 'a');

    if (c1 != c2)

      return c1 - c2;


  return 0;



static TCHAR *skipleading(const TCHAR *str)


  assert(str != NULL);

  while ('\0' < *str && *str <= ' ')


  return (TCHAR *)str;


static TCHAR *skiptrailing(const TCHAR *str, const TCHAR *base)


  assert(str != NULL);

  assert(base != NULL);

  while (str > base && '\0' < *(str-1) && *(str-1) <= ' ')


  return (TCHAR *)str;


static TCHAR *striptrailing(TCHAR *str)


  TCHAR *ptr = skiptrailing(_tcschr(str, '\0'), str);

  assert(ptr != NULL);

  *ptr = '\0';

  return str;


static TCHAR *ini_strncpy(TCHAR *dest, const TCHAR *source, size_t maxlen, enum quote_option option)


  size_t d, s;


  assert(source != NULL && dest != NULL);

  assert((dest < source || (dest == source && option != QUOTE_ENQUOTE)) || dest > source + strlen(source));

  if (option == QUOTE_ENQUOTE && maxlen < 3)

    option = QUOTE_NONE;  /* cannot store two quotes and a terminating zero in less than 3 characters */

  switch (option) {

  case QUOTE_NONE:

    for (d = 0; d < maxlen - 1 && source[d] != '\0'; d++)

      dest[d] = source[d];

    assert(d < maxlen);

    dest[d] = '\0';



    d = 0;

    dest[d++] = '"';

    for (s = 0; source[s] != '\0' && d < maxlen - 2; s++, d++) {

      if (source[s] == '"') {

        if (d >= maxlen - 3)

          break;  /* no space to store the escape character plus the one that follows it */

        dest[d++] = '\\';


      dest[d] = source[s];


    dest[d++] = '"';

    dest[d] = '\0';



    for (d = s = 0; source[s] != '\0' && d < maxlen - 1; s++, d++) {

      if ((source[s] == '"' || source[s] == '\\') && source[s + 1] == '"')


      dest[d] = source[s];


    dest[d] = '\0';





  return dest;


static TCHAR *cleanstring(TCHAR *string, enum quote_option *quotes)


  int isstring;

  TCHAR *ep;

  assert(string != NULL);

  assert(quotes != NULL);

  /* Remove a trailing comment */

  isstring = 0;

  for (ep = string; *ep != '\0' && ((*ep != ';' && *ep != '#') || isstring); ep++) {

    if (*ep == '"') {

      if (*(ep + 1) == '"')

        ep++;                 /* skip "" (both quotes) */


        isstring = !isstring; /* single quote, toggle isstring */

    } else if (*ep == '\\' && *(ep + 1) == '"') {

      ep++;                   /* skip \" (both quotes */



  assert(ep != NULL && (*ep == '\0' || *ep == ';' || *ep == '#'));

  *ep = '\0';                 /* terminate at a comment */


  /* Remove double quotes surrounding a value */

  *quotes = QUOTE_NONE;

  if (*string == '"' && (ep = _tcschr(string, '\0')) != NULL && *(ep - 1) == '"') {


    *--ep = '\0';

    *quotes = QUOTE_DEQUOTE;  /* this is a string, so remove escaped characters */


  return string;


static int getkeystring(INI_FILETYPE *fp, const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key,

                        int idxSection, int idxKey, TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize,

                        INI_FILEPOS *mark)


  TCHAR *sp, *ep;

  int len, idx;

  enum quote_option quotes;


  assert(fp != NULL);

  /* Move through file 1 line at a time until a section is matched or EOF. If

   * parameter Section is NULL, only look at keys above the first section. If

   * idxSection is positive, copy the relevant section name.


  len = (Section != NULL) ? (int)_tcslen(Section) : 0;

  if (len > 0 || idxSection >= 0) {

    assert(idxSection >= 0 || Section != NULL);

    idx = -1;

    do {

      do {

        if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, fp))

          return 0;

        sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);

        ep = _tcsrchr(sp, ']');

      } while (*sp != '[' || ep == NULL);

      /* When arrived here, a section was found; now optionally skip leading and

       * trailing whitespace.


      assert(sp != NULL && *sp == '[');

      sp = skipleading(sp + 1);

      assert(ep != NULL && *ep == ']');

      ep = skiptrailing(ep, sp);

    } while ((((int)(ep-sp) != len || Section == NULL || _tcsnicmp(sp, Section, len) != 0) && ++idx != idxSection));

    if (idxSection >= 0) {

      if (idx == idxSection) {

        assert(ep != NULL);

        *ep = '\0'; /* the end of the section name was found earlier */

        ini_strncpy(Buffer, sp, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);

        return 1;


      return 0; /* no more section found */



  /* Now that the section has been found, find the entry.

   * Stop searching upon leaving the section's area.


  assert(Key != NULL || idxKey >= 0);

  len = (Key != NULL) ? (int)_tcslen(Key) : 0;

  idx = -1;

  do {

    if (mark != NULL)

      ini_tell(fp, mark);   /* optionally keep the mark to the start of the line */

    if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer,INI_BUFFERSIZE,fp) || *(sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer)) == '[')

      return 0;

    sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);

    ep = _tcschr(sp, '=');  /* Parse out the equal sign */

    if (ep == NULL)

      ep = _tcschr(sp, ':');

  } while (*sp == ';' || *sp == '#' || ep == NULL

           || ((len == 0 || (int)(skiptrailing(ep,sp)-sp) != len || _tcsnicmp(sp,Key,len) != 0) && ++idx != idxKey));

  if (idxKey >= 0) {

    if (idx == idxKey) {

      assert(ep != NULL);

      assert(*ep == '=' || *ep == ':');

      *ep = '\0';


      ini_strncpy(Buffer, sp, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);

      return 1;


    return 0;   /* no more key found (in this section) */


  /* Copy up to BufferSize chars to buffer */

  assert(ep != NULL);

  assert(*ep == '=' || *ep == ':');

  sp = skipleading(ep + 1);

  sp = cleanstring(sp, &quotes);  /* Remove a trailing comment */

  ini_strncpy(Buffer, sp, BufferSize, quotes);

  return 1;


/** ini_gets()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for

 * \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of

 * \param DefValue    default string in the event of a failed read

 * \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into

 * \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy

 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from


 * \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer


int ini_gets(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *DefValue,

             TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)



  int ok = 0;

  if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || Key == NULL)

    return 0;

  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {

    ok = getkeystring(&fp, Section, Key, -1, -1, Buffer, BufferSize, NULL);



  if (!ok)

    ini_strncpy(Buffer, (DefValue != NULL) ? DefValue : __T(""), BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);

  return (int)_tcslen(Buffer);


/** ini_getl()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for

 * \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of

 * \param DefValue    the default value in the event of a failed read

 * \param Filename    the name of the .ini file to read from


 * \return            the value located at Key


long ini_getl(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, long DefValue, const TCHAR *Filename)


  TCHAR LocalBuffer[64];

  int len = ini_gets(Section, Key, __T(""), LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), Filename);

  return (len == 0) ? DefValue

                    : ((len >= 2 && _totupper((int)LocalBuffer[1]) == 'X') ? _tcstol(LocalBuffer, NULL, 16)

                                                                           : _tcstol(LocalBuffer, NULL, 10));


#if defined INI_REAL

/** ini_getf()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for

 * \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of

 * \param DefValue    the default value in the event of a failed read

 * \param Filename    the name of the .ini file to read from


 * \return            the value located at Key


INI_REAL ini_getf(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, INI_REAL DefValue, const TCHAR *Filename)


  TCHAR LocalBuffer[64];

  int len = ini_gets(Section, Key, __T(""), LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), Filename);

  return (len == 0) ? DefValue : ini_atof(LocalBuffer);



/** ini_getbool()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for

 * \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of

 * \param DefValue    default value in the event of a failed read; it should

 *                    zero (0) or one (1).

 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from


 * A true boolean is found if one of the following is matched:

 * - A string starting with 'y' or 'Y'

 * - A string starting with 't' or 'T'

 * - A string starting with '1'


 * A false boolean is found if one of the following is matched:

 * - A string starting with 'n' or 'N'

 * - A string starting with 'f' or 'F'

 * - A string starting with '0'


 * \return            the true/false flag as interpreted at Key


int ini_getbool(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, int DefValue, const TCHAR *Filename)


  TCHAR LocalBuffer[2] = __T("");

  int ret;

  ini_gets(Section, Key, __T(""), LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), Filename);

  LocalBuffer[0] = (TCHAR)_totupper((int)LocalBuffer[0]);

  if (LocalBuffer[0] == 'Y' || LocalBuffer[0] == '1' || LocalBuffer[0] == 'T')

    ret = 1;

  else if (LocalBuffer[0] == 'N' || LocalBuffer[0] == '0' || LocalBuffer[0] == 'F')

    ret = 0;


    ret = DefValue;



/** ini_getsection()

 * \param idx         the zero-based sequence number of the section to return

 * \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into

 * \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy

 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from


 * \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer


int  ini_getsection(int idx, TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)



  int ok = 0;

  if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || idx < 0)

    return 0;

  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {

    ok = getkeystring(&fp, NULL, NULL, idx, -1, Buffer, BufferSize, NULL);



  if (!ok)

    *Buffer = '\0';

  return (int)_tcslen(Buffer);


/** ini_getkey()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to browse through, or NULL to

 *                    browse through the keys outside any section

 * \param idx         the zero-based sequence number of the key to return

 * \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into

 * \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy

 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from


 * \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer


int  ini_getkey(const TCHAR *Section, int idx, TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)



  int ok = 0;

  if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || idx < 0)

    return 0;

  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {

    ok = getkeystring(&fp, Section, NULL, -1, idx, Buffer, BufferSize, NULL);



  if (!ok)

    *Buffer = '\0';

  return (int)_tcslen(Buffer);


/** ini_hassection()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for

 * \param Filename    the name of the .ini file to read from


 * \return            1 if the section is found, 0 if not found


int ini_hassection(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Filename)


  TCHAR LocalBuffer[32];  /* dummy buffer */


  int ok = 0;

  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {

    ok = getkeystring(&fp, Section, NULL, -1, 0, LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), NULL);



  return ok;


/** ini_haskey()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for

 * \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of

 * \param Filename    the name of the .ini file to read from


 * \return            1 if the key is found, 0 if not found


int ini_haskey(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, const mTCHAR *Filename)


  TCHAR LocalBuffer[32];  /* dummy buffer */


  int ok = 0;

  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {

    ok = getkeystring(&fp, Section, Key, -1, -1, LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), NULL);



  return ok;


#if !defined INI_NOBROWSE

/** ini_browse()

 * \param Callback    a pointer to a function that will be called for every

 *                    setting in the INI file.

 * \param UserData    arbitrary data, which the function passes on the

 *                    \c Callback function

 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from


 * \return            1 on success, 0 on failure (INI file not found)


 * \note              The \c Callback function must return 1 to continue

 *                    browsing through the INI file, or 0 to stop. Even when the

 *                    callback stops the browsing, this function will return 1

 *                    (for success).


int ini_browse(INI_CALLBACK Callback, void *UserData, const TCHAR *Filename)



  int lenSec, lenKey;

  enum quote_option quotes;


  if (Callback == NULL)

    return 0;

  if (!ini_openread(Filename, &fp))

    return 0;

  LocalBuffer[0] = '\0';   /* copy an empty section in the buffer */

  lenSec = (int)_tcslen(LocalBuffer) + 1;

  for ( ;; ) {

    TCHAR *sp, *ep;

    if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer + lenSec, INI_BUFFERSIZE - lenSec, &fp))


    sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer + lenSec);

    /* ignore empty strings and comments */

    if (*sp == '\0' || *sp == ';' || *sp == '#')


    /* see whether we reached a new section */

    ep = _tcsrchr(sp, ']');

    if (*sp == '[' && ep != NULL) {

      sp = skipleading(sp + 1);

      ep = skiptrailing(ep, sp);

      *ep = '\0';

      ini_strncpy(LocalBuffer, sp, INI_BUFFERSIZE, QUOTE_NONE);

      lenSec = (int)_tcslen(LocalBuffer) + 1;



    /* not a new section, test for a key/value pair */

    ep = _tcschr(sp, '=');    /* test for the equal sign or colon */

    if (ep == NULL)

      ep = _tcschr(sp, ':');

    if (ep == NULL)

      continue;               /* invalid line, ignore */

    *ep++ = '\0';             /* split the key from the value */


    ini_strncpy(LocalBuffer + lenSec, sp, INI_BUFFERSIZE - lenSec, QUOTE_NONE);

    lenKey = (int)_tcslen(LocalBuffer + lenSec) + 1;

    /* clean up the value */

    sp = skipleading(ep);

    sp = cleanstring(sp, &quotes);  /* Remove a trailing comment */

    ini_strncpy(LocalBuffer + lenSec + lenKey, sp, INI_BUFFERSIZE - lenSec - lenKey, quotes);

    /* call the callback */

    if (!Callback(LocalBuffer, LocalBuffer + lenSec, LocalBuffer + lenSec + lenKey, UserData))




  return 1;


#endif /* INI_NOBROWSE */

#if ! defined INI_READONLY

static void ini_tempname(TCHAR *dest, const TCHAR *source, int maxlength)


  TCHAR *p;

  ini_strncpy(dest, source, maxlength, QUOTE_NONE);

  p = _tcschr(dest, '\0');

  assert(p != NULL);

  *(p - 1) = '~';


static enum quote_option check_enquote(const TCHAR *Value)


  const TCHAR *p;

  /* run through the value, if it has trailing spaces, or '"', ';' or '#'

   * characters, enquote it


  assert(Value != NULL);

  for (p = Value; *p != '\0' && *p != '"' && *p != ';' && *p != '#'; p++)

    /* nothing */;

  return (*p != '\0' || (p > Value && *(p - 1) == ' ')) ? QUOTE_ENQUOTE : QUOTE_NONE;


static void writesection(TCHAR *LocalBuffer, const TCHAR *Section, INI_FILETYPE *fp)


  if (Section != NULL && _tcslen(Section) > 0) {

    TCHAR *p;

    LocalBuffer[0] = '[';

    ini_strncpy(LocalBuffer + 1, Section, INI_BUFFERSIZE - 4, QUOTE_NONE);  /* -1 for '[', -1 for ']', -2 for '\r\n' */

    p = _tcschr(LocalBuffer, '\0');

    assert(p != NULL);

    *p++ = ']';

    _tcscpy(p, INI_LINETERM); /* copy line terminator (typically "\n") */

    if (fp != NULL)

      (void)ini_write(LocalBuffer, fp);



static void writekey(TCHAR *LocalBuffer, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *Value, INI_FILETYPE *fp)


  TCHAR *p;

  enum quote_option option = check_enquote(Value);

  ini_strncpy(LocalBuffer, Key, INI_BUFFERSIZE - 3, QUOTE_NONE);  /* -1 for '=', -2 for '\r\n' */

  p = _tcschr(LocalBuffer, '\0');

  assert(p != NULL);

  *p++ = '=';

  ini_strncpy(p, Value, INI_BUFFERSIZE - (p - LocalBuffer) - 2, option); /* -2 for '\r\n' */

  p = _tcschr(LocalBuffer, '\0');

  assert(p != NULL);

  _tcscpy(p, INI_LINETERM); /* copy line terminator (typically "\n") */

  if (fp != NULL)

    (void)ini_write(LocalBuffer, fp);


static int cache_accum(const TCHAR *string, int *size, int max)


  int len = (int)_tcslen(string);

  if (*size + len >= max)

    return 0;

  *size += len;

  return 1;


static int cache_flush(TCHAR *buffer, int *size,

                      INI_FILETYPE *rfp, INI_FILETYPE *wfp, INI_FILEPOS *mark)


  int terminator_len = (int)_tcslen(INI_LINETERM);

  int pos = 0, pos_prev = -1;

  (void)ini_seek(rfp, mark);

  assert(buffer != NULL);

  buffer[0] = '\0';

  assert(size != NULL);

  assert(*size <= INI_BUFFERSIZE);

  while (pos < *size && pos != pos_prev) {

    pos_prev = pos;     /* to guard against zero bytes in the INI file */

    (void)ini_read(buffer + pos, INI_BUFFERSIZE - pos, rfp);

    while (pos < *size && buffer[pos] != '\0')

      pos++;            /* cannot use _tcslen() because buffer may not be zero-terminated */


  if (buffer[0] != '\0') {

    assert(pos > 0 && pos <= INI_BUFFERSIZE);

    if (pos == INI_BUFFERSIZE)


    buffer[pos] = '\0'; /* force zero-termination (may be left unterminated in the above while loop) */

    (void)ini_write(buffer, wfp);


  ini_tell(rfp, mark);  /* update mark */

  *size = 0;

  /* return whether the buffer ended with a line termination */

  return (pos > terminator_len) && (_tcscmp(buffer + pos - terminator_len, INI_LINETERM) == 0);


static int close_rename(INI_FILETYPE *rfp, INI_FILETYPE *wfp, const TCHAR *filename, TCHAR *buffer)




  (void)ini_tempname(buffer, filename, INI_BUFFERSIZE);

  #if defined ini_remove || defined INI_REMOVE



  (void)ini_rename(buffer, filename);

  return 1;


/** ini_puts()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to write the string in

 * \param Key         the name of the entry to write, or NULL to erase all keys in the section

 * \param Value       a pointer to the buffer the string, or NULL to erase the key

 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to write to


 * \return            1 if successful, otherwise 0


int ini_puts(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *Value, const TCHAR *Filename)





  INI_FILEPOS head, tail;

  TCHAR *sp, *ep;


  int len, match, flag, cachelen;

  assert(Filename != NULL);

  if (!ini_openread(Filename, &rfp)) {

    /* If the .ini file doesn't exist, make a new file */

    if (Key != NULL && Value != NULL) {

      if (!ini_openwrite(Filename, &wfp))

        return 0;

      writesection(LocalBuffer, Section, &wfp);

      writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);



    return 1;


  /* If parameters Key and Value are valid (so this is not an "erase" request)

   * and the setting already exists, there are two short-cuts to avoid rewriting

   * the INI file.


  if (Key != NULL && Value != NULL) {

    match = getkeystring(&rfp, Section, Key, -1, -1, LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), &head);

    if (match) {

      /* if the current setting is identical to the one to write, there is

       * nothing to do.


      if (_tcscmp(LocalBuffer,Value) == 0) {


        return 1;


      /* if the new setting has the same length as the current setting, and the

       * glue file permits file read/write access, we can modify in place.


      #if defined ini_openrewrite || defined INI_OPENREWRITE

        /* we already have the start of the (raw) line, get the end too */

        ini_tell(&rfp, &tail);

        /* create new buffer (without writing it to file) */

        writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, NULL);

        if (_tcslen(LocalBuffer) == (size_t)(tail - head)) {

          /* length matches, close the file & re-open for read/write, then

           * write at the correct position



          if (!ini_openrewrite(Filename, &wfp))

            return 0;

          (void)ini_seek(&wfp, &head);

          (void)ini_write(LocalBuffer, &wfp);


          return 1;




    /* key not found, or different value & length -> proceed */

  } else if (Key != NULL && Value == NULL) {

    /* Conversely, for a request to delete a setting; if that setting isn't

       present, just return */

    match = getkeystring(&rfp, Section, Key, -1, -1, LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), NULL);

    if (!match) {


      return 1;


    /* key found -> proceed to delete it */


  /* Get a temporary file name to copy to. Use the existing name, but with

   * the last character set to a '~'.



  ini_tempname(LocalBuffer, Filename, INI_BUFFERSIZE);

  if (!ini_openwrite(LocalBuffer, &wfp))

    return 0;

  /* In the case of (advisory) file locks, ini_openwrite() may have been blocked

   * on the open, and after the block is lifted, the original file may have been

   * renamed, which is why the original file was closed and is now reopened */

  if (!ini_openread(Filename, &rfp)) {

    /* If the .ini file doesn't exist any more, make a new file */

    assert(Key != NULL && Value != NULL);

    writesection(LocalBuffer, Section, &wfp);

    writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);


    return 1;


  (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark);

  cachelen = 0;

  /* Move through the file one line at a time until a section is

   * matched or until EOF. Copy to temp file as it is read.


  len = (Section != NULL) ? (int)_tcslen(Section) : 0;

  if (len > 0) {

    do {

      if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) {

        /* Failed to find section, so add one to the end */

        flag = cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);

        if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) {

          if (!flag)

            (void)ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp);  /* force a new line behind the last line of the INI file */

          writesection(LocalBuffer, Section, &wfp);

          writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);


        return close_rename(&rfp, &wfp, Filename, LocalBuffer);  /* clean up and rename */


      /* Check whether this line is a section */

      sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);

      ep = _tcsrchr(sp, ']');

      match = (*sp == '[' && ep != NULL);

      if (match) {

        /* A section was found, skip leading and trailing whitespace */

        assert(sp != NULL && *sp == '[');

        sp = skipleading(sp + 1);

        assert(ep != NULL && *ep == ']');

        ep = skiptrailing(ep, sp);

        match = ((int)(ep-sp) == len && _tcsnicmp(sp, Section, len) == 0);


      /* Copy the line from source to dest, but not if this is the section that

       * we are looking for and this section must be removed


      if (!match || Key != NULL) {

        if (!cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE)) {

          cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);

          (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);

          cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE);



    } while (!match);


  cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);

  /* when deleting a section, the section head that was just found has not been

   * copied to the output file, but because this line was not "accumulated" in

   * the cache, the position in the input file was reset to the point just

   * before the section; this must now be skipped (again)


  if (Key == NULL) {

    (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);

    (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark);


  /* Now that the section has been found, find the entry. Stop searching

   * upon leaving the section's area. Copy the file as it is read

   * and create an entry if one is not found.


  len = (Key != NULL) ? (int)_tcslen(Key) : 0;

  for( ;; ) {

    if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) {

      /* EOF without an entry so make one */

      flag = cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);

      if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) {

        if (!flag)

          (void)ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp);  /* force a new line behind the last line of the INI file */

        writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);


      return close_rename(&rfp, &wfp, Filename, LocalBuffer);  /* clean up and rename */


    sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);

    ep = _tcschr(sp, '='); /* Parse out the equal sign */

    if (ep == NULL)

      ep = _tcschr(sp, ':');

    match = (ep != NULL && len > 0 && (int)(skiptrailing(ep,sp)-sp) == len && _tcsnicmp(sp,Key,len) == 0);

    if ((Key != NULL && match) || *sp == '[')

      break;  /* found the key, or found a new section */

    /* copy other keys in the section */

    if (Key == NULL) {

      (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark);  /* we are deleting the entire section, so update the read position */

    } else {

      if (!cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE)) {

        cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);

        (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);

        cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE);




  /* the key was found, or we just dropped on the next section (meaning that it

   * wasn't found); in both cases we need to write the key, but in the latter

   * case, we also need to write the line starting the new section after writing

   * the key


  flag = (*sp == '[');

  cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);

  if (Key != NULL && Value != NULL)

    writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);

  /* cache_flush() reset the "read pointer" to the start of the line with the

   * previous key or the new section; read it again (because writekey() destroyed

   * the buffer)


  (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);

  if (flag) {

    /* the new section heading needs to be copied to the output file */

    cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE);

  } else {

    /* forget the old key line */

    (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark);


  /* Copy the rest of the INI file */

  while (ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) {

    if (!cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE)) {

      cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);

      (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);

      cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE);



  cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);

  return close_rename(&rfp, &wfp, Filename, LocalBuffer);  /* clean up and rename */


/* Ansi C "itoa" based on Kernighan & Ritchie's "Ansi C" book. */

#define ABS(v)  ((v) < 0 ? -(v) : (v))

static void strreverse(TCHAR *str)


  int i, j;

  for (i = 0, j = (int)_tcslen(str) - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {

    TCHAR t = str[i];

    str[i] = str[j];

    str[j] = t;



static void long2str(long value, TCHAR *str)


  int i = 0;

  long sign = value;

  /* generate digits in reverse order */

  do {

    int n = (int)(value % 10);          /* get next lowest digit */

    str[i++] = (TCHAR)(ABS(n) + '0');   /* handle case of negative digit */

  } while (value /= 10);                /* delete the lowest digit */

  if (sign < 0)

    str[i++] = '-';

  str[i] = '\0';



/** ini_putl()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to write the value in

 * \param Key         the name of the entry to write

 * \param Value       the value to write

 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to write to


 * \return            1 if successful, otherwise 0


int ini_putl(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, long Value, const TCHAR *Filename)


  TCHAR LocalBuffer[32];

  long2str(Value, LocalBuffer);

  return ini_puts(Section, Key, LocalBuffer, Filename);


#if defined INI_REAL

/** ini_putf()

 * \param Section     the name of the section to write the value in

 * \param Key         the name of the entry to write

 * \param Value       the value to write

 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to write to


 * \return            1 if successful, otherwise 0


int ini_putf(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, INI_REAL Value, const TCHAR *Filename)


  TCHAR LocalBuffer[64];

  ini_ftoa(LocalBuffer, Value);

  return ini_puts(Section, Key, LocalBuffer, Filename);


#endif /* INI_REAL */

#endif /* !INI_READONLY */


嵌入式系统(embedded systems)-配置文件解析-开源库minIni,开源
嵌入式系统(embedded systems)-配置文件解析-开源库minIni,开源



String=noot # trailing commment



Val = 2


String = mies




#include <assert.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include "minIni.h"

#define sizearray(a)  (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))

const char inifile[] = "test.ini";

int Callback(const char *section, const char *key, const char *value, void *userdata)


  (void)userdata; /* this parameter is not used in this example */

  printf("    [%s]\t%s=%s\n", section, key, value);

  return 1;


int main(void)


  char str[100];

  long n;

  int s, k;

  char section[50];

  /* string reading */

  n = ini_gets("first", "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile);

  assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"noot")==0);

  n = ini_gets("second", "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile);

  assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"mies")==0);

  n = ini_gets("first", "undefined", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile);

  assert(n==5 && strcmp(str,"dummy")==0);

    n = ini_gets("second", "name", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile);

  assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"haha")==0);

  /* ----- */

  /* value reading */

  n = ini_getl("first", "val", -1, inifile);


  n = ini_getl("second", "val", -1, inifile);


  n = ini_getl("first", "undefined", -1, inifile);


    n = ini_getl("second", "age", -1, inifile);


  /* string writing */

  n = ini_puts("first", "alt", "flagged as \"correct\"", inifile);


  n = ini_gets("first", "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile);

  assert(n==20 && strcmp(str,"flagged as \"correct\"")==0);


  /* ----- */

  n = ini_puts("third", "test", "correct", inifile);


  n = ini_gets("third", "test", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile);

  assert(n==7 && strcmp(str,"correct")==0);

  /* ----- */

  n = ini_puts("second", "alt", "overwrite", inifile);


  n = ini_gets("second", "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile);

  assert(n==9 && strcmp(str,"overwrite")==0);

  /* ----- */

  n = ini_puts("second", "alt", "123456789", inifile);


  n = ini_gets("second", "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile);

  assert(n==9 && strcmp(str,"123456789")==0);

  /* ----- */

    /* ----- */

  n = ini_putl("second", "age", 20, inifile);


  n = ini_getl("second", "age", -1, inifile);


  /* ----- */

  /* section/key enumeration */

  printf("4. Section/key enumeration, file structure follows\n");

  for (s = 0; ini_getsection(s, section, sizearray(section), inifile) > 0; s++) {

    printf("    [%s]\n", section);

    for (k = 0; ini_getkey(section, k, str, sizearray(str), inifile) > 0; k++) {

      printf("\t%s\n", str);

    } /* for */

  } /* for */

  /* section/key presence check */

  assert(ini_hassection("first", inifile));

  assert(!ini_hassection("fourth", inifile));

  assert(ini_haskey("first", "val", inifile));

  assert(!ini_haskey("first", "test", inifile));

  printf("5. checking presence of sections and keys passed\n");

  /* browsing through the file */

  printf("6. browse through all settings, file field list follows\n");

  ini_browse(Callback, NULL, inifile);

  /* string deletion */

  n = ini_puts("first", "alt", NULL, inifile);


  n = ini_puts("second", "alt", NULL, inifile);


//   n = ini_puts("third", NULL, NULL, inifile);

//   assert(n==1);

  /* ----- */

  return 0;



嵌入式系统(embedded systems)-配置文件解析-开源库minIni,开源



String=noot # trailing commment



Val = 2


String = mies






到了这里,关于嵌入式系统(embedded systems)-配置文件解析-开源库minIni的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!

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    嵌入式操作系统是一种专门设计和优化用于嵌入式系统的操作系统。它是在资源受限的嵌入式设备上运行的操作系统,如微控制器、嵌入式处理器和系统芯片等。 嵌入式操作系统的主要目标是提供对硬件资源的有效管理和对应用程序的调度,以实现系统的可靠性、实时性和效

  • 软考-嵌入式系统设计师:[嵌入式系统基础:笔记(一)]

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