hive 报错return code 40000 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask解决思路

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了hive 报错return code 40000 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask解决思路。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。


为啥学习error code

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 40000 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask. org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.copyFiles(
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.loadTable(
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask.execute(
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Task.executeTask(
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.TaskRunner.runSequential(
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Executor.launchTask(
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Executor.launchTasks(
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Executor.runTasks(
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Executor.execute(
	at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver.runInternal(
	at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.SQLOperation.runQuery(
	at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.SQLOperation.access$700(
	at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.SQLOperation$BackgroundWork$
	at Method)
	at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.SQLOperation$
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at (state=08S01,code=40000)

但是这个错是hive的错,我们开发过程 中会遇到很多hive问题,都怎么解决呢?我建议看源码,但先不要看报错源码,直接看errorCode源码,别人hive的开发者也是人,也知道这里会报错,可能会好心告诉我们怎么解决。

 // 10000 to 19999: Errors occurring during semantic analysis and compilation of the query.
  // 20000 to 29999: Runtime errors where Hive believes that retries are unlikely to succeed.
  // 30000 to 39999: Runtime errors which Hive thinks may be transient and retrying may succeed.
  // 40000 to 49999: Errors where Hive is unable to advise about retries.

比如上面我们的措施40000,别人明确告诉我们 retries就行,实际情况就是重试确实ok。
但是还是想知道为什么报错,能不能有更好的解决办法。还是得看源码 哈哈哈。
operator is only supported on struct or list of struct types,hive,hadoop,hive,apache

at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.copyFiles(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.loadTable(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask.execute(

operator is only supported on struct or list of struct types,hive,hadoop,hive,apache

    HIVE_MOVE_FILES_THREAD_COUNT("", 15, new  SizeValidator(0L, true, 1024L, true), "Number of threads"
         + " used to move files in move task. Set it to 0 to disable multi-threaded file moves. This parameter is also used by"
         + " MSCK to check tables."),
    HIVE_LOAD_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS_THREAD_COUNT("hive.load.dynamic.partitions.thread", 15,
        new  SizeValidator(1L, true, 1024L, true),
        "Number of threads used to load dynamic partitions.")

顾名思义 这个配置项是move files的线程数,后面会根据这个线程数new一个线程池newFixedThreadPool
然后开始move file
operator is only supported on struct or list of struct types,hive,hadoop,hive,apache
感受了 就是这里真正move的时候出错了。继续看mvFile干嘛。
operator is only supported on struct or list of struct types,hive,hadoop,hive,apache
insert into tableA select * from table1
insert into tableA select * from table2
比如说 table1中间有十个文件 table2也有10个文件 此时要把20个文件都mv到tableA目录下。此时默认开启了两个线程池各有15个线程。
从0开始命名 如果存在则+1
pool1 发现没有0文件 pool2也发现没有0文件。
pool1 mv table1/0000 to tableA/0001
pool2 mv table2/0000 to tableA/0001
1.设置线程数为1,线程数越少,产生bug的几率就越小 。
2.insert into 非分区表时 串行执行
4.union 将多个操作合并为一个操作

2.串行执行 多个插入同一个分区的操作
3.union 将多个操作合并为一个操作


public enum ErrorMsg {
  // The error codes are Hive-specific and partitioned into the following ranges:
  // 10000 to 19999: Errors occurring during semantic analysis and compilation of the query.
  // 20000 to 29999: Runtime errors where Hive believes that retries are unlikely to succeed.
  // 30000 to 39999: Runtime errors which Hive thinks may be transient and retrying may succeed.
  // 40000 to 49999: Errors where Hive is unable to advise about retries.
  // In addition to the error code, ErrorMsg also has a SQLState field.
  // SQLStates are taken from Section 22.1 of ISO-9075.
  // See
  // Most will just rollup to the generic syntax error state of 42000, but
  // specific errors can override the that state.
  // See this page for how MySQL uses SQLState codes:
  GENERIC_ERROR(40000, "Exception while processing"),

  //========================== 10000 range starts here ========================//
  INVALID_TABLE(10001, "Table not found", "42S02"),
  INVALID_COLUMN(10002, "Invalid column reference"),
  INVALID_TABLE_OR_COLUMN(10004, "Invalid table alias or column reference"),
  AMBIGUOUS_TABLE_OR_COLUMN(10005, "Ambiguous table alias or column reference"),
  INVALID_PARTITION(10006, "Partition not found"),
  AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN(10007, "Ambiguous column reference"),
  AMBIGUOUS_TABLE_ALIAS(10008, "Ambiguous table alias"),
  INVALID_TABLE_ALIAS(10009, "Invalid table alias"),
  NO_TABLE_ALIAS(10010, "No table alias"),
  INVALID_FUNCTION(10011, "Invalid function"),
  INVALID_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE(10012, "Function argument type mismatch"),
  INVALID_OPERATOR_SIGNATURE(10013, "Operator argument type mismatch"),
  INVALID_ARGUMENT(10014, "Wrong arguments"),
  INVALID_ARGUMENT_LENGTH(10015, "Arguments length mismatch", "21000"),
  INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE(10016, "Argument type mismatch"),
  @Deprecated INVALID_JOIN_CONDITION_1(10017, "Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN"),
  @Deprecated INVALID_JOIN_CONDITION_2(10018, "Neither left nor right aliases encountered in JOIN"),
  @Deprecated INVALID_JOIN_CONDITION_3(10019, "OR not supported in JOIN currently"),
  INVALID_TRANSFORM(10020, "TRANSFORM with other SELECT columns not supported"),
  UNSUPPORTED_MULTIPLE_DISTINCTS(10022, "DISTINCT on different columns not supported" +
      " with skew in data"),
  NO_SUBQUERY_ALIAS(10023, "No alias for subquery"),
  NO_INSERT_INSUBQUERY(10024, "Cannot insert in a subquery. Inserting to table "),
  NON_KEY_EXPR_IN_GROUPBY(10025, "Expression not in GROUP BY key"),
  INVALID_XPATH(10026, "General . and [] operators are not supported"),
  INVALID_PATH(10027, "Invalid path"),
  ILLEGAL_PATH(10028, "Path is not legal"),
  INVALID_NUMERICAL_CONSTANT(10029, "Invalid numerical constant"),
      "Not proper type for index of ARRAY. Currently, only integer type is supported"),
  INVALID_MAPINDEX_CONSTANT(10031, "Non-constant expression for map indexes not supported"),
  INVALID_MAPINDEX_TYPE(10032, "MAP key type does not match index expression type"),
  NON_COLLECTION_TYPE(10033, "[] not valid on non-collection types"),
  SELECT_DISTINCT_WITH_GROUPBY(10034, "SELECT DISTINCT and GROUP BY can not be in the same query"),
  COLUMN_REPEATED_IN_PARTITIONING_COLS(10035, "Column repeated in partitioning columns"),
  DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAMES(10036, "Duplicate column name:"),
  INVALID_BUCKET_NUMBER(10037, "Bucket number should be bigger than zero"),
  COLUMN_REPEATED_IN_CLUSTER_SORT(10038, "Same column cannot appear in CLUSTER BY and SORT BY"),
  SAMPLE_RESTRICTION(10039, "Cannot SAMPLE on more than two columns"),
  SAMPLE_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND(10040, "SAMPLE column not found"),
  NO_PARTITION_PREDICATE(10041, "No partition predicate found"),
  INVALID_DOT(10042, ". Operator is only supported on struct or list of struct types"),
  INVALID_TBL_DDL_SERDE(10043, "Either list of columns or a custom serializer should be specified"),
      "Cannot insert into target table because column number/types are different"),
  TABLE_ALIAS_NOT_ALLOWED(10045, "Table alias not allowed in sampling clause"),
  ORDERBY_DISTRIBUTEBY_CONFLICT(10047, "Cannot have both ORDER BY and DISTRIBUTE BY clauses"),
  CLUSTERBY_SORTBY_CONFLICT(10048, "Cannot have both CLUSTER BY and SORT BY clauses"),
  ORDERBY_SORTBY_CONFLICT(10049, "Cannot have both ORDER BY and SORT BY clauses"),
  CLUSTERBY_ORDERBY_CONFLICT(10050, "Cannot have both CLUSTER BY and ORDER BY clauses"),
  NO_LIMIT_WITH_ORDERBY(10051, "In strict mode, if ORDER BY is specified, "
      + "LIMIT must also be specified"),
  UNION_NOTIN_SUBQ(10053, "Top level UNION is not supported currently; "
      + "use a subquery for the UNION"),
  INVALID_INPUT_FORMAT_TYPE(10054, "Input format must implement InputFormat"),
  INVALID_OUTPUT_FORMAT_TYPE(10055, "Output Format must implement HiveOutputFormat, "
      + "otherwise it should be either IgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat or SequenceFileOutputFormat"),
  NO_VALID_PARTN(10056, HiveConf.StrictChecks.NO_PARTITIONLESS_MSG),
  NO_OUTER_MAPJOIN(10057, "MAPJOIN cannot be performed with OUTER JOIN"),
  INVALID_MAPJOIN_HINT(10058, "All tables are specified as map-table for join"),
  INVALID_MAPJOIN_TABLE(10059, "Result of a union cannot be a map table"),
  NON_BUCKETED_TABLE(10060, "Sampling expression needed for non-bucketed table"),
  BUCKETED_NUMERATOR_BIGGER_DENOMINATOR(10061, "Numerator should not be bigger than "
      + "denominator in sample clause for table"),
  NEED_PARTITION_ERROR(10062, "Need to specify partition columns because the destination "
      + "table is partitioned"),
  CTAS_CTLT_COEXISTENCE(10063, "Create table command does not allow LIKE and AS-SELECT in "
      + "the same command"),
      + "newline '\\n' right now"),
  CTAS_COLLST_COEXISTENCE(10065, "CREATE TABLE AS SELECT command cannot specify "
      + "the list of columns "
      + "for the target table"),
  CTLT_COLLST_COEXISTENCE(10066, "CREATE TABLE LIKE command cannot specify the list of columns for "
      + "the target table"),
  INVALID_SELECT_SCHEMA(10067, "Cannot derive schema from the select-clause"),
      + "partitioning in the target table "),
  CTAS_MULTI_LOADFILE(10069, "CREATE-TABLE-AS-SELECT results in multiple file load"),
  CTAS_EXTTBL_COEXISTENCE(10070, "CREATE-TABLE-AS-SELECT cannot create external table"),
  INSERT_EXTERNAL_TABLE(10071, "Inserting into a external table is not allowed"),
  DATABASE_NOT_EXISTS(10072, "Database does not exist:"),
  TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS(10073, "Table already exists:", "42S02"),
  COLUMN_ALIAS_ALREADY_EXISTS(10074, "Column alias already exists:", "42S02"),
  UDTF_MULTIPLE_EXPR(10075, "Only a single expression in the SELECT clause is "
      + "supported with UDTF's"),
  @Deprecated UDTF_REQUIRE_AS(10076, "UDTF's require an AS clause"),
  UDTF_NO_GROUP_BY(10077, "GROUP BY is not supported with a UDTF in the SELECT clause"),
  UDTF_NO_SORT_BY(10078, "SORT BY is not supported with a UDTF in the SELECT clause"),
  UDTF_NO_CLUSTER_BY(10079, "CLUSTER BY is not supported with a UDTF in the SELECT clause"),
  UDTF_NO_DISTRIBUTE_BY(10080, "DISTRUBTE BY is not supported with a UDTF in the SELECT clause"),
  UDTF_INVALID_LOCATION(10081, "UDTF's are not supported outside the SELECT clause, nor nested "
      + "in expressions"),
  UDTF_LATERAL_VIEW(10082, "UDTF's cannot be in a select expression when there is a lateral view"),
  UDTF_ALIAS_MISMATCH(10083, "The number of aliases supplied in the AS clause does not match the "
      + "number of columns output by the UDTF"),
  UDF_STATEFUL_INVALID_LOCATION(10084, "Stateful UDF's can only be invoked in the SELECT list"),
  LATERAL_VIEW_WITH_JOIN(10085, "JOIN with a LATERAL VIEW is not supported"),
  LATERAL_VIEW_INVALID_CHILD(10086, "LATERAL VIEW AST with invalid child"),
  OUTPUT_SPECIFIED_MULTIPLE_TIMES(10087, "The same output cannot be present multiple times: "),
  INVALID_AS(10088, "AS clause has an invalid number of aliases"),
  VIEW_COL_MISMATCH(10089, "The number of columns produced by the SELECT clause does not match the "
      + "number of column names specified by CREATE VIEW"),
  DML_AGAINST_VIEW(10090, "A view cannot be used as target table for LOAD or INSERT"),
  ANALYZE_VIEW(10091, "ANALYZE is not supported for views"),
  VIEW_PARTITION_TOTAL(10092, "At least one non-partitioning column must be present in view"),
  VIEW_PARTITION_MISMATCH(10093, "Rightmost columns in view output do not match "
      + "PARTITIONED ON clause"),
  PARTITION_DYN_STA_ORDER(10094, "Dynamic partition cannot be the parent of a static partition"),
  DYNAMIC_PARTITION_DISABLED(10095, "Dynamic partition is disabled. Either enable it by setting "
      + "hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true or specify partition column values"),
  DYNAMIC_PARTITION_STRICT_MODE(10096, "Dynamic partition strict mode requires at least one "
      + "static partition column. To turn this off set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict"),
  NONEXISTPARTCOL(10098, "Non-Partition column appears in the partition specification: "),
  UNSUPPORTED_TYPE(10099, "DATETIME type isn't supported yet. Please use "
      + "DATE or TIMESTAMP instead"),
  CREATE_NON_NATIVE_AS(10100, "CREATE TABLE AS SELECT cannot be used for a non-native table"),
  LOAD_INTO_NON_NATIVE(10101, "A non-native table cannot be used as target for LOAD"),
  LOCKMGR_NOT_SPECIFIED(10102, "Lock manager not specified correctly, set hive.lock.manager"),
  LOCKMGR_NOT_INITIALIZED(10103, "Lock manager could not be initialized, check hive.lock.manager "),
  LOCK_CANNOT_BE_ACQUIRED(10104, "Locks on the underlying objects cannot be acquired. "
      + "retry after some time"),
  ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_COULD_NOT_BE_INITIALIZED(10105, "Check hive.zookeeper.quorum "
      + "and hive.zookeeper.client.port"),
  OVERWRITE_ARCHIVED_PART(10106, "Cannot overwrite an archived partition. " +
      "Unarchive before running this command"),
  ARCHIVE_METHODS_DISABLED(10107, "Archiving methods are currently disabled. " +
      "Please see the Hive wiki for more information about enabling archiving"),
  ARCHIVE_ON_MULI_PARTS(10108, "ARCHIVE can only be run on a single partition"),
  UNARCHIVE_ON_MULI_PARTS(10109, "ARCHIVE can only be run on a single partition"),
  ARCHIVE_ON_TABLE(10110, "ARCHIVE can only be run on partitions"),
  RESERVED_PART_VAL(10111, "Partition value contains a reserved substring"),
  OFFLINE_TABLE_OR_PARTITION(10113, "Query against an offline table or partition"),
  NEED_PARTITION_SPECIFICATION(10115, "Table is partitioned and partition specification is needed"),
  INVALID_METADATA(10116, "The metadata file could not be parsed "),
  NEED_TABLE_SPECIFICATION(10117, "Table name could be determined; It should be specified "),
  PARTITION_EXISTS(10118, "Partition already exists"),
  TABLE_DATA_EXISTS(10119, "Table exists and contains data files"),
  INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMA(10120, "The existing table is not compatible with the import spec. "),
  EXIM_FOR_NON_NATIVE(10121, "Export/Import cannot be done for a non-native table. "),
  INSERT_INTO_BUCKETIZED_TABLE(10122, "Bucketized tables do not support INSERT INTO:"),
  PARTSPEC_DIFFER_FROM_SCHEMA(10125, "Partition columns in partition specification are "
      + "not the same as that defined in the table schema. "
      + "The names and orders have to be exactly the same."),
  PARTITION_COLUMN_NON_PRIMITIVE(10126, "Partition column must be of primitive type."),
      "Dynamic partitions do not support IF NOT EXISTS. Specified partitions with value :"),
  UDAF_INVALID_LOCATION(10128, "Not yet supported place for UDAF"),
    "Drop partitions for a non-string partition column is only allowed using equality"),
  ALTER_COMMAND_FOR_VIEWS(10131, "To alter a view you need to use the ALTER VIEW command."),
  ALTER_COMMAND_FOR_TABLES(10132, "To alter a base table you need to use the ALTER TABLE command."),
  ALTER_VIEW_DISALLOWED_OP(10133, "Cannot use this form of ALTER on a view"),
  ALTER_TABLE_NON_NATIVE(10134, "ALTER TABLE can only be used for " + AlterTableTypes.nonNativeTableAllowedTypes + " to a non-native table "),
      "Sort merge bucketed join could not be performed. " +
      "If you really want to perform the operation, either set " +
      "hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge=false, or set " +
    "Bucketed mapjoin cannot be performed. " +
    "This can be due to multiple reasons: " +
    " . Join columns dont match bucketed columns. " +
    " . Number of buckets are not a multiple of each other. " +
    "If you really want to perform the operation, either remove the " +
    "mapjoin hint from your query or set hive.enforce.bucketmapjoin to false."),

   "Bucketed table metadata is not correct. " +
    "Fix the metadata or don't use bucketed mapjoin, by setting " +
    "hive.enforce.bucketmapjoin to false."),

  JOINNODE_OUTERJOIN_MORETHAN_16(10142, "Single join node containing outer join(s) " +
      "cannot have more than 16 aliases"),

  INVALID_JDO_FILTER_EXPRESSION(10143, "Invalid expression for JDO filter"),

  ALTER_BUCKETNUM_NONBUCKETIZED_TBL(10145, "Table is not bucketized."),

  TRUNCATE_FOR_NON_MANAGED_TABLE(10146, "Cannot truncate non-managed table {0}.", true),
  TRUNCATE_FOR_NON_NATIVE_TABLE(10147, "Cannot truncate non-native table {0}.", true),
  PARTSPEC_FOR_NON_PARTITIONED_TABLE(10148, "Partition spec for non partitioned table {0}.", true),
  INVALID_TABLE_IN_ON_CLAUSE_OF_MERGE(10149, "No columns from target table ''{0}'' found in ON " +
    "clause ''{1}'' of MERGE statement.", true),

  LOAD_INTO_STORED_AS_DIR(10195, "A stored-as-directories table cannot be used as target for LOAD"),
  ALTER_TBL_STOREDASDIR_NOT_SKEWED(10196, "This operation is only valid on skewed table."),
  ALTER_TBL_SKEWED_LOC_NO_LOC(10197, "Alter table skewed location doesn't have locations."),
  ALTER_TBL_SKEWED_LOC_NO_MAP(10198, "Alter table skewed location doesn't have location map."),
  SKEWED_TABLE_NO_COLUMN_NAME(10200, "No skewed column name."),
  SKEWED_TABLE_NO_COLUMN_VALUE(10201, "No skewed values."),
      "Duplicate skewed column name:"),
      "Invalid skewed column name:"),
      "Skewed column name is empty but skewed value is not."),
      "Skewed column value is empty but skewed name is not."),
      "The number of skewed column names and the number of " +
      "skewed column values are different: "),
      " is a skewed column. It's not allowed to rename skewed column"
          + " or change skewed column type."),
    "Grouping sets aggregations (with rollups or cubes) are not allowed if map-side " +
    " aggregation is turned off. Set if you want to use grouping sets"),
    "Grouping sets aggregations (with rollups or cubes) are not allowed if aggregation function " +
    "parameters overlap with the aggregation functions columns"),

    "Empty grouping sets not allowed"),

    "In order to use hive.optimize.union.remove, the hadoop version that you are using " +
    "should support sub-directories for tables/partitions. If that is true, set " +
    "hive.hadoop.supports.subdirectories to true. Otherwise, set hive.optimize.union.remove " +
    "to false"),

    "Grouping sets expression is not in GROUP BY key"),
  INVALID_PARTITION_SPEC(10214, "Invalid partition spec specified"),
    "Please use the following syntax if not sure " +
    "whether the property existed or not:\n" +
    "ALTER TABLE tableName UNSET TBLPROPERTIES IF EXISTS (key1, key2, ...)\n"),
    "Cannot ALTER VIEW AS SELECT if view currently does not exist\n"),
    "Cannot replace a view with CREATE VIEW or REPLACE VIEW or " +
    "ALTER VIEW AS SELECT if the view has partitions\n"),
    "Existing table is not a view\n"),
    "Position in ORDER BY is not supported when using SELECT *"),
    "Invalid position alias in Group By\n"),
    "Invalid position alias in Order By\n"),

    "An additional MR job is introduced since the number of rows created per input row " +
    "due to grouping sets is more than There is no need " +
    "to handle skew separately. set hive.groupby.skewindata to false."),
    "An additional MR job is introduced since the cardinality of grouping sets " +
    "is more than This functionality is not supported " +
    "with distincts. Either set to a high number " +
    "(higher than the number of rows per input row due to grouping sets in the query), or " +
    "rewrite the query to not use distincts."),

    "Not all clauses are supported with mapjoin hint. Please remove mapjoin hint."),

  ANALYZE_TABLE_NOSCAN_NON_NATIVE(10228, "ANALYZE TABLE NOSCAN cannot be used for " + "a non-native table"),

  PARTITION_VALUE_NOT_CONTINUOUS(10234, "Partition values specified are not continuous." +
            " A subpartition value is specified without specifying the parent partition's value"),
  TABLES_INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMAS(10235, "Tables have incompatible schemas and their partitions " +
            " cannot be exchanged."),
  EXCHANGE_PARTITION_NOT_ALLOWED_WITH_TRANSACTIONAL_TABLES(10236, "Exchange partition is not allowed with "
          + "transactional tables. Alternatively, shall use load data or insert overwrite to move partitions."),

  TRUNCATE_COLUMN_NOT_RC(10237, "Only RCFileFormat supports column truncation."),
  TRUNCATE_COLUMN_ARCHIVED(10238, "Column truncation cannot be performed on archived partitions."),
      "A column on which a partition/table is bucketed cannot be truncated."),
      "A column on which a partition/table is list bucketed cannot be truncated."),

  TABLE_NOT_PARTITIONED(10241, "Table {0} is not a partitioned table", true),
  DATABSAE_ALREADY_EXISTS(10242, "Database {0} already exists", true),
  CANNOT_REPLACE_COLUMNS(10243, "Replace columns is not supported for table {0}. SerDe may be incompatible.", true),
  BAD_LOCATION_VALUE(10244, "{0}  is not absolute.  Please specify a complete absolute uri."),
  UNSUPPORTED_ALTER_TBL_OP(10245, "{0} alter table options is not supported"),
  INVALID_BIGTABLE_MAPJOIN(10246, "{0} table chosen for streaming is not valid", true),
  MISSING_OVER_CLAUSE(10247, "Missing over clause for function : "),
  PARTITION_SPEC_TYPE_MISMATCH(10248, "Cannot add partition column {0} of type {1} as it cannot be converted to type {2}", true),
  UNSUPPORTED_SUBQUERY_EXPRESSION(10249, "Unsupported SubQuery Expression"),
  INVALID_SUBQUERY_EXPRESSION(10250, "Invalid SubQuery expression"),

  INVALID_HDFS_URI(10251, "{0} is not a hdfs uri", true),
  INVALID_DIR(10252, "{0} is not a directory", true),
  NO_VALID_LOCATIONS(10253, "Could not find any valid location to place the jars. " +
      "Please update or with a valid location", false),
      "Principal type GROUP is not supported in this authorization setting", "28000"),
  INVALID_TABLE_NAME(10255, "Invalid table name {0}", true),
  INSERT_INTO_IMMUTABLE_TABLE(10256, "Inserting into a non-empty immutable table is not allowed"),
      "Resource type GLOBAL is not supported in this authorization setting", "28000"),
      "Resource type COLUMN is not supported in this authorization setting", "28000"),

  TXNMGR_NOT_SPECIFIED(10260, "Transaction manager not specified correctly, " +
      "set hive.txn.manager"),
  TXNMGR_NOT_INSTANTIATED(10261, "Transaction manager could not be " +
      "instantiated, check hive.txn.manager"),
  TXN_NO_SUCH_TRANSACTION(10262, "No record of transaction {0} could be found, " +
      "may have timed out", true),
  TXN_ABORTED(10263, "Transaction manager has aborted the transaction {0}.  Reason: {1}", true),
      "To use DbTxnManager you must set"),
  TXNMGR_NOT_ACID(10265, "This command is not allowed on an ACID table {0}.{1} with a non-ACID transaction manager", true),
  LOCK_NO_SUCH_LOCK(10270, "No record of lock {0} could be found, " +
      "may have timed out", true),
  LOCK_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED(10271, "Current transaction manager does not " +
      "support explicit lock requests.  Transaction manager:  "),

  METASTORE_COMMUNICATION_FAILED(10280, "Error communicating with the " +
  METASTORE_COULD_NOT_INITIATE(10281, "Unable to initiate connection to the " +
  INVALID_COMPACTION_TYPE(10282, "Invalid compaction type, supported values are 'major' and " +
  NO_COMPACTION_PARTITION(10283, "You must specify a partition to compact for partitioned tables"),
  TOO_MANY_COMPACTION_PARTITIONS(10284, "Compaction can only be requested on one partition at a " +
  DISTINCT_NOT_SUPPORTED(10285, "Distinct keyword is not support in current context"),
  NONACID_COMPACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED(10286, "Compaction is not allowed on non-ACID table {0}.{1}", true),
      "Detected {0}.{1} has row masking/column filtering enabled, " +
      "which is not supported for query involving ACID operations", true),

  UPDATEDELETE_PARSE_ERROR(10290, "Encountered parse error while parsing rewritten merge/update or " +
      "delete query"),
  UPDATEDELETE_IO_ERROR(10291, "Encountered I/O error while parsing rewritten update or " +
      "delete query"),
  UPDATE_CANNOT_UPDATE_PART_VALUE(10292, "Updating values of partition columns is not supported"),
  INSERT_CANNOT_CREATE_TEMP_FILE(10293, "Unable to create temp file for insert values "),
  ACID_OP_ON_NONACID_TXNMGR(10294, "Attempt to do update or delete using transaction manager that" +
      " does not support these operations."),
      "Values clause with table constructor not yet supported"),
  ACID_OP_ON_NONACID_TABLE(10297, "Attempt to do update or delete on table {0} that is " +
    "not transactional", true),
  ACID_NO_SORTED_BUCKETS(10298, "ACID insert, update, delete not supported on tables that are " +
      "sorted, table {0}", true),
      "Alter table partition type {0} does not allow partial partition spec", true),
      "Alter table partition type {0} does not support cascade", true),

  DROP_NATIVE_FUNCTION(10301, "Cannot drop native function"),
  UPDATE_CANNOT_UPDATE_BUCKET_VALUE(10302, "Updating values of bucketing columns is not supported.  Column {0}.", true),
  IMPORT_INTO_STRICT_REPL_TABLE(10303,"Non-repl import disallowed against table that is a destination of replication."),
  CTAS_LOCATION_NONEMPTY(10304, "CREATE-TABLE-AS-SELECT cannot create table with location to a non-empty directory."),
  CTAS_CREATES_VOID_TYPE(10305, "CREATE-TABLE-AS-SELECT creates a VOID type, please use CAST to specify the type, near field: "),
  TBL_SORTED_NOT_BUCKETED(10306, "Destination table {0} found to be sorted but not bucketed.", true),
  //{2} should be lockid
  LOCK_ACQUIRE_TIMEDOUT(10307, "Lock acquisition for {0} timed out after {1}ms.  {2}", true),
  COMPILE_LOCK_TIMED_OUT(10308, "Attempt to acquire compile lock timed out.", true),
  CANNOT_CHANGE_SERDE(10309, "Changing SerDe (from {0}) is not supported for table {1}. File format may be incompatible", true),
  CANNOT_CHANGE_FILEFORMAT(10310, "Changing file format (from {0}) is not supported for table {1}", true),
  CANNOT_REORDER_COLUMNS(10311, "Reordering columns is not supported for table {0}. SerDe may be incompatible", true),
  CANNOT_CHANGE_COLUMN_TYPE(10312, "Changing from type {0} to {1} is not supported for column {2}. SerDe may be incompatible", true),
  REPLACE_CANNOT_DROP_COLUMNS(10313, "Replacing columns cannot drop columns for table {0}. SerDe may be incompatible", true),
  REPLACE_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_CONVERSION(10314, "Replacing columns with unsupported type conversion (from {0} to {1}) for column {2}. SerDe may be incompatible", true),
      "Grouping sets aggregations (with rollups or cubes) are not allowed when " +
      "HIVEMULTIGROUPBYSINGLEREDUCER is turned on. Set hive.multigroupby.singlereducer=false if you want to use grouping sets"),
  CANNOT_RETRIEVE_TABLE_METADATA(10316, "Error while retrieving table metadata"),
  INVALID_AST_TREE(10318, "Internal error : Invalid AST"),
  ERROR_SERIALIZE_METASTORE(10319, "Error while serializing the metastore objects"),
  IO_ERROR(10320, "Error while performing IO operation "),
  ERROR_SERIALIZE_METADATA(10321, "Error while serializing the metadata"),
  INVALID_LOAD_TABLE_FILE_WORK(10322, "Invalid Load Table Work or Load File Work"),
  CLASSPATH_ERROR(10323, "Classpath error"),
  IMPORT_SEMANTIC_ERROR(10324, "Import Semantic Analyzer Error"),
  INVALID_FK_SYNTAX(10325, "Invalid Foreign Key syntax"),
  INVALID_CSTR_SYNTAX(10326, "Invalid Constraint syntax"),
  ACID_NOT_ENOUGH_HISTORY(10327, "Not enough history available for ({0},{1}).  " +
    "Oldest available base: {2}", true),
  INVALID_COLUMN_NAME(10328, "Invalid column name"),
  UNSUPPORTED_SET_OPERATOR(10329, "Unsupported set operator"),
  LOCK_ACQUIRE_CANCELLED(10330, "Query was cancelled while acquiring locks on the underlying objects. "),
  NOT_RECOGNIZED_CONSTRAINT(10331, "Constraint not recognized"),
  INVALID_CONSTRAINT(10332, "Invalid constraint definition"),
  REPLACE_VIEW_WITH_MATERIALIZED(10400, "Attempt to replace view {0} with materialized view", true),
  REPLACE_MATERIALIZED_WITH_VIEW(10401, "Attempt to replace materialized view {0} with view", true),
  UPDATE_DELETE_VIEW(10402, "You cannot update or delete records in a view"),
  MATERIALIZED_VIEW_DEF_EMPTY(10403, "Query for the materialized view rebuild could not be retrieved"),
  MERGE_PREDIACTE_REQUIRED(10404, "MERGE statement with both UPDATE and DELETE clauses " +
    "requires \"AND <boolean>\" on the 1st WHEN MATCHED clause of <{0}>", true),
  MERGE_TOO_MANY_DELETE(10405, "MERGE statment can have at most 1 WHEN MATCHED ... DELETE clause: <{0}>", true),
  MERGE_TOO_MANY_UPDATE(10406, "MERGE statment can have at most 1 WHEN MATCHED ... UPDATE clause: <{0}>", true),
  INVALID_JOIN_CONDITION(10407, "Error parsing condition in join"),
  INVALID_TARGET_COLUMN_IN_SET_CLAUSE(10408, "Target column \"{0}\" of set clause is not found in table \"{1}\".", true),
  HIVE_GROUPING_FUNCTION_EXPR_NOT_IN_GROUPBY(10409, "Expression in GROUPING function not present in GROUP BY"),
      "Alter table with non-partitioned table does not support cascade"),
    "Grouping sets size cannot be greater than 64"),
  REBUILD_NO_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(10412, "Rebuild command only valid for materialized views"),
      "\"{0}\" was created created by Acid write - it cannot be loaded into anther Acid table",
  ACID_OP_ON_INSERTONLYTRAN_TABLE(10414, "Attempt to do update or delete on table {0} that is " +
    "insert-only transactional", true),
  LOAD_DATA_LAUNCH_JOB_IO_ERROR(10415, "Encountered I/O error while parsing rewritten load data into insert query"),
  LOAD_DATA_LAUNCH_JOB_PARSE_ERROR(10416, "Encountered parse error while parsing rewritten load data into insert query"),

  //========================== 20000 range starts here ========================//

  SCRIPT_INIT_ERROR(20000, "Unable to initialize custom script."),
  SCRIPT_IO_ERROR(20001, "An error occurred while reading or writing to your custom script. "
      + "It may have crashed with an error."),
  SCRIPT_GENERIC_ERROR(20002, "Hive encountered some unknown error while "
      + "running your custom script."),
  SCRIPT_CLOSING_ERROR(20003, "An error occurred when trying to close the Operator " +
      "running your custom script."),
  DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS_TOO_MANY_PER_NODE_ERROR(20004, "Fatal error occurred when node " +
      "tried to create too many dynamic partitions. The maximum number of dynamic partitions " +
      "is controlled by hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions and hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode. "),
   * {1} is the transaction id;
   * use {@link org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.JavaUtils#txnIdToString(long)} to format
  OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_IMPLICIT_TXN(20006, "Operation {0} is not allowed in an implicit transaction ({1}).", true),
   * {1} is the transaction id;
   * use {@link org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.JavaUtils#txnIdToString(long)} to format
  OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TXN(20007, "Operation {0} is not allowed in a transaction ({1},queryId={2}).", true),
  OP_NOT_ALLOWED_WITHOUT_TXN(20008, "Operation {0} is not allowed without an active transaction", true),
  ACCESS_DENIED(20009, "Access denied: {0}", "42000", true),
  QUOTA_EXCEEDED(20010, "Quota exceeded: {0}", "64000", true),
  UNRESOLVED_PATH(20011, "Unresolved path: {0}", "64000", true),
  FILE_NOT_FOUND(20012, "File not found: {0}", "64000", true),
  WRONG_FILE_FORMAT(20013, "Wrong file format. Please check the file's format.", "64000", true),

  SPARK_CREATE_CLIENT_INVALID_QUEUE(20014, "Spark job is submitted to an invalid queue: {0}."
      + " Please fix and try again.", true),
  SPARK_RUNTIME_OOM(20015, "Spark job failed because of out of memory."),

  //if the error message is changed for REPL_EVENTS_MISSING_IN_METASTORE, then need modification in getNextNotification
  //method in HiveMetaStoreClient
  REPL_EVENTS_MISSING_IN_METASTORE(20016, "Notification events are missing in the meta store."),
  REPL_BOOTSTRAP_LOAD_PATH_NOT_VALID(20017, "Target database is bootstrapped from some other path."),
  REPL_FILE_MISSING_FROM_SRC_AND_CM_PATH(20018, "File is missing from both source and cm path."),
  REPL_LOAD_PATH_NOT_FOUND(20019, "Load path does not exist."),
          "Source of replication (repl.source.for) is not set in the database properties."),

  // An exception from runtime that will show the full stack to client
  UNRESOLVED_RT_EXCEPTION(29999, "Runtime Error: {0}", "58004", true),

  //========================== 30000 range starts here ========================//

  STATSPUBLISHER_NOT_OBTAINED(30000, "StatsPublisher cannot be obtained. " +
    "There was a error to retrieve the StatsPublisher, and retrying " +
    "might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +
    "could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),
  STATSPUBLISHER_INITIALIZATION_ERROR(30001, "StatsPublisher cannot be initialized. " +
    "There was a error in the initialization of StatsPublisher, and retrying " +
    "might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +
    "could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),
  STATSPUBLISHER_CONNECTION_ERROR(30002, "StatsPublisher cannot be connected to." +
    "There was a error while connecting to the StatsPublisher, and retrying " +
    "might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +
    "could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),
  STATSPUBLISHER_PUBLISHING_ERROR(30003, "Error in publishing stats. There was an " +
    "error in publishing stats via StatsPublisher, and retrying " +
    "might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +
    "could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),
  STATSPUBLISHER_CLOSING_ERROR(30004, "StatsPublisher cannot be closed." +
    "There was a error while closing the StatsPublisher, and retrying " +
    "might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +
    "could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),

  COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_INVALID_PART_KEY(30005, "Invalid partitioning key specified in ANALYZE " +
  COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_INVALID_PARTITION(30007, "Invalid partitioning key/value specified in " +
    "ANALYZE statement"),
  COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_PARSE_ERROR(30009, "Encountered parse error while parsing rewritten query"),
  COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_IO_ERROR(30010, "Encountered I/O exception while parsing rewritten query"),
  DROP_COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PARTITION(30011, "Partition protected from being dropped"),
  COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_INVALID_COLUMN(30012, "Column statistics are not supported "
      + "for partition columns"),

  STATSAGGREGATOR_SOURCETASK_NULL(30014, "SourceTask of StatsTask should not be null"),
      "Stats aggregator of type {0} cannot be connected to", true),
  STATS_SKIPPING_BY_ERROR(30017, "Skipping stats aggregation by error {0}", true),

  INVALID_FILE_FORMAT_IN_LOAD(30019, "The file that you are trying to load does not match the" +
      " file format of the destination table."),

  SCHEMA_REQUIRED_TO_READ_ACID_TABLES(30020, "Neither the configuration variables " +
          "schema.evolution.columns / schema.evolution.columns.types " +
          "nor the " +
          "columns / columns.types " +
          "are set.  Table schema information is required to read ACID tables"),
  ACID_TABLES_MUST_BE_READ_WITH_ACID_READER(30021, "An ORC ACID reader required to read ACID tables"),
  ACID_TABLES_MUST_BE_READ_WITH_HIVEINPUTFORMAT(30022, "Must use HiveInputFormat to read ACID tables " +
  ACID_LOAD_DATA_INVALID_FILE_NAME(30023, "{0} file name is not valid in Load Data into Acid " +
    "table {1}.  Examples of valid names are: 00000_0, 00000_0_copy_1", true),

  CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT(30030, "Concatenate/Merge only supported for RCFile and ORCFile formats"),
  CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_BUCKETED(30031, "Concatenate/Merge can not be performed on bucketed tables"),
  CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_PARTITION_ARCHIVED(30032, "Concatenate/Merge can not be performed on archived partitions"),
  CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_NON_NATIVE(30033, "Concatenate/Merge can not be performed on non-native tables"),
  CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_NOT_MANAGED(30034, "Concatenate/Merge can only be performed on managed tables"),
      "Concatenate/Merge can not be performed on transactional tables"),

      "Spark job timed out after {0} seconds while getting job info", true),
  SPARK_JOB_MONITOR_TIMEOUT(30037, "Job hasn''t been submitted after {0}s." +
      " Aborting it.\nPossible reasons include network issues, " +
      "errors in remote driver or the cluster has no available resources, etc.\n" +
      "Please check YARN or Spark driver''s logs for further information.\n" +
      "The timeout is controlled by " + HiveConf.ConfVars.SPARK_JOB_MONITOR_TIMEOUT + ".", true),

  // Various errors when creating Spark client
      "Timed out while creating Spark client for session {0}.", true),
      "Failed to create Spark client because job queue is full: {0}.", true),
      "Interrupted while creating Spark client for session {0}", true),
      "Failed to create Spark client for Spark session {0}", true),
      "Failed to create Spark client due to invalid resource request: {0}", true),
      "Cannot create Spark client on a closed session {0}", true),

  SPARK_JOB_INTERRUPTED(30044, "Spark job was interrupted while executing"),

  REPL_FILE_SYSTEM_OPERATION_RETRY(30045, "Replication file system operation retry expired."),

  //========================== 40000 range starts here ========================//

      "Spark job failed during runtime. Please check stacktrace for the root cause.")

到了这里,关于hive 报错return code 40000 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask解决思路的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!

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