在制作游戏时,可以遇到要对字体添加描边的需求,unity 的UGUI自带的OutLine组件,描边效果不好,宽度过大会出现穿帮,顶点数量也会增加,性能不好,如果对于有几百字,顶点数量会很多,而且无法扩展功能
shader属性这里不声明其它的属性,在C#脚本中不使用material.SetColor(“_描边颜色”, _描边颜色);
[PerRendererData]_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
"Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="true" "RenderType"="Transparent"
Lighting Off
ZWrite Off
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
return o;
fixed SampleTex(v2f i,fixed ii,fixed color_a)
const fixed OffsetX[12] = {1, 0.866, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -0.866, -1, -0.866, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.866};
const fixed OffsetY[12] = {0, 0.5, 0.866, 1, 0.866, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -0.866, -1, -0.866, -0.5};
fixed2 offset_uv = i.uv + fixed2(OffsetX[ii], OffsetY[ii])* _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * _OutLineWidth;
fixed sample_a = tex2D(_MainTex, offset_uv).a;
fixed a = sample_a;//-color.a;不减去color.a,因为在文字边缘a=0-1的部分,会为0
return a;
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
fixed sum_a = 0;//叠加各个方向采样a的结果
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 0, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 1, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 2, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 3, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 4, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 5, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 6, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 7, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 8, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 9, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 10, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 11, col.a);
fixed4 outLineColor=fixed4(_OutLineColor.rgb,sum_a);
fixed4 finalCol=lerp(outLineColor,col,col.a);//没有文字的地方a为0,由描边决定,文字边界a为0-1由文字颜色和描边共同决定
return finalCol;
- 可以发现文字边缘有其它的文本,只是因为文本对于的纹理被打包到一个大的图集中,uv偏移后,会采样到临近的文本像素
- 观察N的左侧可以看出,描边的区域有一部分超出范围为裁剪了
- 要在C#里面得到偏移之前原来的uv范围,根据uv范围,将不在范围的片元a设置为即可
- 要对顶点进行扩展,让三角形范围变大,同时要等比例扩展uv,只扩展顶点,仅仅只是图片被放大了,还是会被裁剪,
- 在Canvas中要开启uv1和uv2
protected override void Start()
private void UseUVChannels()
var shader = Shader.Find("DSShader/TextOutline");
base.graphic.material = new Material(shader);
AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels v1 = base.graphic.canvas.additionalShaderChannels;
var v2 = AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.TexCoord1;
if ((v1 & v2) != v2)
base.graphic.canvas.additionalShaderChannels |= v2;
v2 = AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.TexCoord2;
if ((v1 & v2) != v2)
base.graphic.canvas.additionalShaderChannels |= v2;
上面的 |=操作不明白可以学习一下|=位或操作
int a = 5; // 二进制表示: 0000 0101
int b = 3; // 二进制表示: 0000 0011
a |= b; // 执行位或运算,并赋值给 a,有1则1
Console.WriteLine(a); // 输出: 7 (二进制表示: 0000 0111)
public enum AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels
None = 0,
TexCoord1 = 1,
TexCoord2 = 2,
TexCoord3 = 4,
Normal = 8,
Tangent = 16, // 0x00000010
public abstract class BaseMeshEffect : UIBehaviour, IMeshModifier
private Graphic m_Graphic;
/// <summary>
/// The graphic component that the Mesh Effect will aplly to.
/// </summary>
protected Graphic graphic
if (m_Graphic == null)
m_Graphic = GetComponent<Graphic>();
return m_Graphic;
已经BaseMeshEffect 带有[ExecuteAlways],子类会在编辑器模式运行
我们要使用BaseMeshEffect , BaseMeshEffect 是一个抽象类,用于实现自定义的 Mesh 效果.用于扩展和修改 UI 元素的网格Mesh数据.通过继承 BaseMeshEffect 类并实现其中的方法,可以对 UI 元素的网格进行自定义的修改和效果应用.
2. 重载ModifyMesh,更改UIVertex数据
public class TextOutline : BaseMeshEffect
List<UIVertex> _uiVertices = new List<UIVertex>();
[Range(0, 6)]
public float outLineWidth = 1;
public Color EdgeColor = Color.red;
public Color TextColor = Color.red;
public override void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper vh)
void ModifyUIVertexs(List<UIVertex> uiVertices)
for (int i = 0; i <= uiVertices.Count - 3; i += 3)
UIVertex uiVertex1 = uiVertices[i];
UIVertex uiVertex2 = uiVertices[i + 1];
UIVertex uiVertex3 = uiVertices[i + 2];
Vector3 pos1 = uiVertex1.position;
Vector3 pos2 = uiVertex2.position;
Vector3 pos3 = uiVertex3.position;
Vector2 uv1 = uiVertex1.uv0;
Vector2 uv2 = uiVertex2.uv0;
Vector2 uv3 = uiVertex3.uv0;
Vector3 pos_center = (pos1 + pos2 + pos3) / 3;
Vector2 uv_min = new Vector2(Mathf.Min(uv1.x, uv2.x, uv3.x), Mathf.Min(uv1.y, uv2.y, uv3.y));
Vector2 uv_max = new Vector2(Mathf.Max(uv1.x, uv2.x, uv3.x), Mathf.Max(uv1.y, uv2.y, uv3.y));
Vector4 uv_border = new Vector4(uv_min.x, uv_min.y, uv_max.x, uv_max.y);
Vector2 pos_base1 = pos1 - pos2;
Vector2 pos_base2 = pos3 - pos2;
Vector2 uv_base1 = uv1 - uv2;
Vector2 uv_base2 = uv3 - uv2;
uiVertices[i] = ModifyPosUV(uiVertex1, pos_center, pos_base1, pos_base2, uv_base1, uv_base2, uv_border);
uiVertices[i + 1] = ModifyPosUV(uiVertex2, pos_center, pos_base1, pos_base2, uv_base1, uv_base2, uv_border);
uiVertices[i + 2] = ModifyPosUV(uiVertex3, pos_center, pos_base1, pos_base2, uv_base1, uv_base2, uv_border);
UIVertex ModifyPosUV(UIVertex uiVertex, Vector3 pos_centor,
Vector2 pos_base1, Vector2 pos_base2,
Vector2 uv_base1, Vector2 uv_base2, Vector4 uv_border)
Vector3 pos = uiVertex.position;
float offsetX = pos.x > pos_centor.x ? outLineWidth : -outLineWidth;
float offsetY = pos.y > pos_centor.y ? outLineWidth : -outLineWidth;
pos.x += offsetX;
pos.y += offsetY;
uiVertex.position = pos;
Vector2 offset = new Vector2(offsetX, offsetY);
Vector2 uv = uiVertex.uv0;
Matrix2x2 pos_m = new Matrix2x2(pos_base1.x,pos_base2.x,pos_base1.y,pos_base2.y);
Matrix2x2 uv_m = new Matrix2x2(uv_base1.x, uv_base2.x, uv_base1.y, uv_base2.y);
Vector2 uv_offset = uv_m * pos_m * offset;
uv += uv_offset;
uiVertex.uv0 = new Vector4(uv.x, uv.y, outLineWidth, 0);
uiVertex.uv1 = uv_border;
uiVertex.uv2 = new Vector4(EdgeColor.r,EdgeColor.g,EdgeColor.b,EdgeColor.a);
Color32 color32 = (Color32)TextColor;
uiVertex.color =color32;
return uiVertex;
Vector2 uv = uiVertex.uv0;
Matrix2x2 pos_m = new Matrix2x2(pos_base1.x,pos_base2.x,pos_base1.y,pos_base2.y);
Matrix2x2 uv_m = new Matrix2x2(uv_base1.x, uv_base2.x, uv_base1.y, uv_base2.y);
Vector2 uv_offset = uv_m * pos_m * offset;
uv += uv_offset;
public class Matrix2x2
private float[,] matrix = new float[2, 2];
public Matrix2x2(float a, float b, float c, float d)
matrix[0, 0] = a;
matrix[0, 1] = b;
matrix[1, 0] = c;
matrix[1, 1] = d;
public float Determinant()
return matrix[0, 0] * matrix[1, 1] - matrix[0, 1] * matrix[1, 0];
public Matrix2x2 Inverse()
float det = Determinant();
float invDet = 1 / det;
float a = matrix[1, 1] * invDet;
float b = -matrix[0, 1] * invDet;
float c = -matrix[1, 0] * invDet;
float d = matrix[0, 0] * invDet;
return new Matrix2x2(a, b, c, d);
public static Matrix2x2 operator *(Matrix2x2 m1, Matrix2x2 m2)
float a = m1.matrix[0, 0] * m2.matrix[0, 0] + m1.matrix[0, 1] * m2.matrix[1, 0];
float b = m1.matrix[0, 0] * m2.matrix[0, 1] + m1.matrix[0, 1] * m2.matrix[1, 1];
float c = m1.matrix[1, 0] * m2.matrix[0, 0] + m1.matrix[1, 1] * m2.matrix[1, 0];
float d = m1.matrix[1, 0] * m2.matrix[0, 1] + m1.matrix[1, 1] * m2.matrix[1, 1];
return new Matrix2x2(a, b, c, d);
public static Vector2 operator *(Matrix2x2 m, Vector2 v)
float x = m.matrix[0, 0] * v.x + m.matrix[0, 1] * v.y;
float y = m.matrix[1, 0] * v.x + m.matrix[1, 1] * v.y;
return new Vector2(x, y);
在Properties只说明_MainTex ,其它参数由C#传入
[PerRendererData]_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
"Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="true" "RenderType"="Transparent"
Cull Off
Lighting Off
ZWrite Off
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 uv1 : TEXCOORD1;
float4 uv2 : TEXCOORD2;
float4 color:COLOR;
struct v2f {
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
float4 border : TEXCOORD1;
float4 color:COLOR;
float width: TEXCOORD2;
float4 edgeColor: TEXCOORD3;
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
o.width = v.uv.z;//得到描边宽度
o.color = v.color;//得到文本颜色
o.border = v.uv1;//得到原始uv范围
return o;
fixed SampleTex(v2f i,fixed ii,fixed color_a)
const fixed OffsetX[12] = {1, 0.866, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -0.866, -1, -0.866, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.866};
const fixed OffsetY[12] = {0, 0.5, 0.866, 1, 0.866, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -0.866, -1, -0.866, -0.5};
float2 offset_uv = i.uv + float2(OffsetX[ii], OffsetY[ii]) * _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * i.width;
fixed sample_a = (tex2D(_MainTex, offset_uv)).a;
fixed a = sample_a;
a *= isInRange(i.border.xy, i.border.zw, offset_uv);
return a;
fixed isInRange(fixed2 uv_min,fixed2 uv_max,fixed2 uv)
fixed2 rs = step(uv_min, uv) * step(uv, uv_max);
return rs.x * rs.y;
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv).a*i.color;
col.a *= isInRange(i.border.xy, i.border.zw, i.uv);
fixed sum_a = 0;
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 0, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 1, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 2, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 3, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 4, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 5, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 6, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 7, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 8, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 9, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 10, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 11, col.a);
sum_a = saturate(sum_a);
fixed4 outLineColor = fixed4(i.edgeColor.rgb,sum_a);
fixed a=step(i.width,0.001);//宽度为0时,a为1,颜色由原来颜色决定
fixed4 finalCol = lerp(outLineColor, col, saturate(a+col.a));
return finalCol;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class TextOutline : BaseMeshEffect
List<UIVertex> _uiVertices = new List<UIVertex>();
[Range(0, 6)]
public float outLineWidth = 1;
public Color EdgeColor = Color.red;
public Color TextColor = Color.white;
public override void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper vh)
protected override void Start()
private void UseUVChannels()
var shader = Shader.Find("DSShader/TextOutline");
base.graphic.material = new Material(shader);
AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels v1 = base.graphic.canvas.additionalShaderChannels;
var v2 = AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.TexCoord1;
if ((v1 & v2) != v2)
base.graphic.canvas.additionalShaderChannels |= v2;
v2 = AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.TexCoord2;
if ((v1 & v2) != v2)
base.graphic.canvas.additionalShaderChannels |= v2;
void ModifyUIVertexs(List<UIVertex> uiVertices)
for (int i = 0; i <= uiVertices.Count - 3; i += 3)
UIVertex uiVertex1 = uiVertices[i];
UIVertex uiVertex2 = uiVertices[i + 1];
UIVertex uiVertex3 = uiVertices[i + 2];
Vector3 pos1 = uiVertex1.position;
Vector3 pos2 = uiVertex2.position;
Vector3 pos3 = uiVertex3.position;
Vector2 uv1 = uiVertex1.uv0;
Vector2 uv2 = uiVertex2.uv0;
Vector2 uv3 = uiVertex3.uv0;
Vector3 pos_center = (pos1 + pos2 + pos3) / 3;
Vector2 uv_min = new Vector2(Mathf.Min(uv1.x, uv2.x, uv3.x), Mathf.Min(uv1.y, uv2.y, uv3.y));
Vector2 uv_max = new Vector2(Mathf.Max(uv1.x, uv2.x, uv3.x), Mathf.Max(uv1.y, uv2.y, uv3.y));
Vector4 uv_border = new Vector4(uv_min.x, uv_min.y, uv_max.x, uv_max.y);
Vector2 pos_base1 = pos1 - pos2;
Vector2 pos_base2 = pos3 - pos2;
Vector2 uv_base1 = uv1 - uv2;
Vector2 uv_base2 = uv3 - uv2;
uiVertices[i] = ModifyPosUV(uiVertex1, pos_center, pos_base1, pos_base2, uv_base1, uv_base2, uv_border);
uiVertices[i + 1] = ModifyPosUV(uiVertex2, pos_center, pos_base1, pos_base2, uv_base1, uv_base2, uv_border);
uiVertices[i + 2] = ModifyPosUV(uiVertex3, pos_center, pos_base1, pos_base2, uv_base1, uv_base2, uv_border);
UIVertex ModifyPosUV(UIVertex uiVertex, Vector3 pos_centor,
Vector2 pos_base1, Vector2 pos_base2,
Vector2 uv_base1, Vector2 uv_base2, Vector4 uv_border)
Vector3 pos = uiVertex.position;
float offsetX = pos.x > pos_centor.x ? outLineWidth : -outLineWidth;
float offsetY = pos.y > pos_centor.y ? outLineWidth : -outLineWidth;
pos.x += offsetX;
pos.y += offsetY;
uiVertex.position = pos;
Vector2 offset = new Vector2(offsetX, offsetY);
Vector2 uv = uiVertex.uv0;
Matrix2x2 pos_m = new Matrix2x2(pos_base1.x,pos_base2.x,pos_base1.y,pos_base2.y);
Matrix2x2 uv_m = new Matrix2x2(uv_base1.x, uv_base2.x, uv_base1.y, uv_base2.y);
Vector2 uv_offset = uv_m * pos_m * offset;
uv += uv_offset;
uiVertex.uv0 = new Vector4(uv.x, uv.y, outLineWidth, 0);
uiVertex.uv1 = uv_border;
uiVertex.uv2 = new Vector4(EdgeColor.r,EdgeColor.g,EdgeColor.b,EdgeColor.a);
Color32 color32 = (Color32)TextColor;
uiVertex.color =color32;
return uiVertex;
public class Matrix2x2
private float[,] matrix = new float[2, 2];
public Matrix2x2(float a, float b, float c, float d)
matrix[0, 0] = a;
matrix[0, 1] = b;
matrix[1, 0] = c;
matrix[1, 1] = d;
public float Determinant()
return matrix[0, 0] * matrix[1, 1] - matrix[0, 1] * matrix[1, 0];
public Matrix2x2 Inverse()
float det = Determinant();
float invDet = 1 / det;
float a = matrix[1, 1] * invDet;
float b = -matrix[0, 1] * invDet;
float c = -matrix[1, 0] * invDet;
float d = matrix[0, 0] * invDet;
return new Matrix2x2(a, b, c, d);
public static Matrix2x2 operator *(Matrix2x2 m1, Matrix2x2 m2)
float a = m1.matrix[0, 0] * m2.matrix[0, 0] + m1.matrix[0, 1] * m2.matrix[1, 0];
float b = m1.matrix[0, 0] * m2.matrix[0, 1] + m1.matrix[0, 1] * m2.matrix[1, 1];
float c = m1.matrix[1, 0] * m2.matrix[0, 0] + m1.matrix[1, 1] * m2.matrix[1, 0];
float d = m1.matrix[1, 0] * m2.matrix[0, 1] + m1.matrix[1, 1] * m2.matrix[1, 1];
return new Matrix2x2(a, b, c, d);
public static Vector2 operator *(Matrix2x2 m, Vector2 v)
float x = m.matrix[0, 0] * v.x + m.matrix[0, 1] * v.y;
float y = m.matrix[1, 0] * v.x + m.matrix[1, 1] * v.y;
return new Vector2(x, y);
Shader "DSShader/TextOutline"
[PerRendererData]_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
"Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="true" "RenderType"="Transparent"
Cull Off
Lighting Off
ZWrite Off
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 uv1 : TEXCOORD1;
float4 uv2 : TEXCOORD2;
float4 color:COLOR;
struct v2f {
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
float4 border : TEXCOORD1;
float4 color:COLOR;
float width: TEXCOORD2;
float4 edgeColor: TEXCOORD3;
sampler2D _MainTex;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
o.width = v.uv.z;
o.color = v.color;
o.border = v.uv1;
return o;
fixed isInRange(fixed2 uv_min,fixed2 uv_max,fixed2 uv)
fixed2 rs = step(uv_min, uv) * step(uv, uv_max);
return rs.x * rs.y;
fixed SampleTex(v2f i,fixed ii,fixed color_a)
const fixed OffsetX[12] = {1, 0.866, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -0.866, -1, -0.866, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.866};
const fixed OffsetY[12] = {0, 0.5, 0.866, 1, 0.866, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -0.866, -1, -0.866, -0.5};
float2 offset_uv = i.uv + float2(OffsetX[ii], OffsetY[ii]) * _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * i.width;
fixed sample_a = (tex2D(_MainTex, offset_uv)).a;
fixed a = sample_a ;
a *= isInRange(i.border.xy, i.border.zw, offset_uv);
return a;
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv).a*i.color;
col.a *= isInRange(i.border.xy, i.border.zw, i.uv);
fixed sum_a = 0;
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 0, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 1, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 2, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 3, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 4, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 5, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 6, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 7, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 8, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 9, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 10, col.a);
sum_a += SampleTex(i, 11, col.a);
sum_a = saturate(sum_a);
fixed4 outLineColor = fixed4(i.edgeColor.rgb,sum_a);
fixed a=step(i.width,0.001);
fixed4 finalCol = lerp(outLineColor, col, saturate(a+col.a));
return finalCol;
到了这里,关于unity shader 实现通用描边shader -文字描边-字体描边的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!