Build Word Processing Apps with ASP.NET Core 8

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TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET supports .NET 8 in ASP.NET Core applications.

Build Word Processing Apps with ASP.NET Core 8,TX Text Control,TX Text Control

TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET is a comprehensive server-side document processing library for ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core. Features include PDF processing, electronic signatures, file conversion, and reporting / mail merge. It supports client-side frameworks such as JavaScript, Angular, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET WebForms.

The latest release of TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET supports .NET 8, allowing developers to build word processing applications with the new version of Microsoft's popular framework. In testing performed by Text Control, .NET 8 significantly outperformed .NET 6 in both memory usage and document generation performance.

About TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET

Add powerful document processing to your ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET and Angular applications.

TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET is a server side component for Web applications, or services. It is a fully programmable ASP.NET word processor engine that offers an extensive palette of word processing features. Using TX Text Control .NET Server, programmers can develop server side, end user applications that generate documents on-the-fly, using data from databases, binary files (Microsoft Word DOC and DOCX), ASCII files (XML, RTF, HTML) and image data (JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF, GIF, WMF). Documents can be created, modified and edited in a browser or printed in batch processes. All documents can be exported to print-ready Adobe PDF documents without any third-party software.

TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET Features文章来源地址

  • Document Editor - Integrate fully-featured document editing into your web applications. Integrate the most powerful, MS Word compatible document editor that runs in all browsers. Based on modern browser technology, TX Text Control provides professional, out-of-the-box document editing functionality for your business applications.
    • Consistent, pixel-perfect rendering.
    • MS Word-inspired UI and UX.
    • Fully-featured JavaScript API.
    • Based on HTML Canvas 2D rendering context.
    • Supported by the TX Text Control .NET Server backend, the document editor is available for a variety of client-side frameworks including Angular, ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core.
  • Document Viewer - Integrate document viewing, annotation and form filling features into your applications. Use the lightweight document viewer to view any supported document types in any browser on any device.
    • Deploy and share annotations on any document.
    • Collaborate on documents.
    • Complete form fields.
    • Electronically sign documents.
  • Server-Side Processing - Create, merge, convert and modify documents server-side without any UI. A server-side component is used to generate, merge or modify documents programmatically in your controller code. Merge templates with data and generate a variety of document formats including Adobe PDF, Office Open XML and RTF.
    • Merge JSON and other data into MS Word templates.
    • Create pixel-perfect PDF documents.
    • Generate PDF/A-3b electronic invoices.
  • Reporting and Mail Merge - Integrate powerful flow type layout reporting. Combine the power of a reporting tool and an easy-to-use WYSIWYG word processor - fully programmable and embeddable in your ASP.NET application.
    • MS Word compatible templates.
    • Use JSON or any IEnumerable object as data sources.
    • Create nested repeating blocks.
    • Integrate master-detail, side-by-side and sub-reports.
  • Adobe PDF Document Processing - Integrate PDF workflows into your business applications. TX Text Control helps create PDF and PDF/A documents by merging data into MS Word compatible templates. It is used to cover the complete PDF document workflow from creating the document to processing incoming documents in business applications.
    • Create PDF and PDF/A documents from MS Word templates.
    • Process PDF/A-3 with embedded files.
    • Digitally sign PDFs.
    • Create fillable forms.
  • Electronic Signatures - Create and request signatures, sign documents and validate executed PDF documents. The integration of digital document processing solutions including collaboration, document sharing and electronic signature processes help successful companies to serve their customers and support business continuity.
    • Use MS Word documents to request signatures.
    • On premise: Store documents on your servers.
    • Digitally sign PDF documents with X.509 certificates.

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