两万字,MySQL压力测试工具sysbench详解(sysbench mysql和mariadb性能测试)

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了两万字,MySQL压力测试工具sysbench详解(sysbench mysql和mariadb性能测试)。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

sysbench mysql和mariadb性能测试


cpu性能 磁盘io性能 调度程序性能 内存分配及传输速度 POSIX线程性能 数据库性能(OLTP基准测试)
找范围内最大素数{时间越短越好} 不同场景下IOPS{越大越好} 线程并发执行,循环响应信号量花费的时间{越少越好} 以不同块大小传输一定数量的数据吞吐量大小{越大越好} 并发线程同时申请互斥锁循环一定次数花费的时间{越少越好} qps、tps越高越好

目前sysbench主要支持 MySQL,pgsql,oracle 这3种数据库。

安装测试环境为:RHEL7.2 MariaDB5.5.44



[root@localhost ~]# unzip sysbench-master.zip
[root@localhost ~]# cd sysbench-master/
[root@localhost sysbench-master]# ls
autogen.sh  configure.ac  doc         Makefile.am    README.md         sysbench     TODO
ChangeLog   COPYING       install-sh  missing        README-Oracle.md  tests
config      debian        m4          mkinstalldirs  README-WIN.txt    third_party
[root@localhost sysbench-master]# yum install -y automake libtool

[root@localhost sysbench-master]# ./autogen.sh 
./autogen.sh: running `libtoolize --copy --force' 
libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR, `config'.
libtoolize: copying file `config/ltmain.sh'
libtoolize: putting macros in AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR, `m4'.
此处省略... ...

[root@localhost sysbench-master]# ./configure
此处省略... ...
sysbench version   : 1.0
CC                 : gcc
CFLAGS             : -O2 -ggdb3  -march=core2 -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast   -Wstrict-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Wno-inline -Wno-format-zero-length   -funroll-loops  -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wcast-align        -pthread
CPPFLAGS           : -D_GNU_SOURCE   -I$(top_srcdir)/sysbench -I$(abs_top_builddir)/third_party/luajit/inc -I$(abs_top_builddir)/third_party/concurrency_kit/include
LDFLAGS            :  
LIBS               : -lm 

prefix             : /usr/local/sysbench
bindir             : ${prefix}/bin
libexecdir         : ${prefix}/libexec
mandir             : ${prefix}/share/man

MySQL support      : yes
Drizzle support    : no
AttachSQL support  : no
Oracle support     : no
PostgreSQL support : no

LuaJIT             : bundled
LUAJIT_CFLAGS      : -I$(abs_top_builddir)/third_party/luajit/inc
LUAJIT_LIBS        : $(abs_top_builddir)/third_party/luajit/lib/libluajit-5.1.a -ldl
LUAJIT_LDFLAGS     : -rdynamic

Concurrency Kit    : bundled
CK_CFLAGS          : -I$(abs_top_builddir)/third_party/concurrency_kit/include
CK_LIBS            : $(abs_top_builddir)/third_party/concurrency_kit/lib/libck.a
configure flags    : 
[root@localhost sysbench-master]# make
[root@localhost sysbench-master]# make install
[root@localhost sysbench-master]# cd /usr/local/sysbench
[root@localhost sysbench]# pwd
[root@localhost sysbench]# ls
bin  share
[root@localhost sysbench]# echo export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sysbench/bin >> /etc/bashrc
[root@localhost sysbench]# source /etc/bashrc
[root@localhost sysbench]# which sysbench
# 测试的lua脚本存放位置
[root@localhost sysbench]# ls /root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/
CMakeLists.txt  db      Makefile     Makefile.in  mutex     sb_fileio.h  sb_mutex.h    threads
cpu             fileio  Makefile.am  memory       sb_cpu.h  sb_memory.h  sb_threads.h
[root@localhost sysbench]# ls /root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/db
bulk_insert.lua  insert.lua   Makefile.in      parallel_prepare.lua      select_random_ranges.lua
common.lua       Makefile     oltp.lua         select.lua                update_index.lua
delete.lua       Makefile.am  oltp_simple.lua  select_random_points.lua  update_non_index.lua



sysbench 0.5通过一系列LUA脚本来替换之前的oltp,来模拟更接近真实的基准测试环境。这些测试脚本包含:insert.lua、oltp.lua、parallel_prepare.lua、select_random_points.lua、update_index.lua、delete.luaoltp_simple.lua、select.lua、select_random_ranges.lua、update_non_index.lua,脚本使用方式基本类似。

sysbench 0.5默认使用sbtest库,但是需要自己手工先创建好,也可以使用–mysql-db指定,其他非默认项指定选项:










-–db-driver 服务器类型 mysql | drizzle,默认为mysql

-–mysql-table-engine 表存数引擎

-–myisam-max-rows MyISAM表MAX_ROWS选项(用于大表)

–-oltp-table-count 生成表数量[sbtest1、sbtest2…]

-–oltp-table-size 生成表的行数

-–oltp-secondary ID列生成二级索引而不是主键

–-oltp-auto-inc设置ID列是否自增 on | off,默认为on --oltp-read-only=on


sysbench \ 
--test=/root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua  \ 
--mysql-host=localhost  \ 
--mysql-port=3306  \ 
--mysql-user=root  \ 
--mysql-password=uplooking \ 
--oltp-table-size=100000 \ 
--num-threads=8 \ 
--max-time=10 \ 
--mysql-db=sbtest \ 
--max-requests=0 \ 
--oltp-test-mode=complex \ 
--report-interval=1 \ 
--mysql-table-engine=innodb  \ 
[root@localhost sysbench]# sysbench --test=/root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --oltp-table-size=10000 --num-threads=8 --max-time=10 --mysql-db=sbtest --max-requests=0 --oltp-test-mode=complex --report-interval=1 --mysql-table-engine=innodb prepare
sysbench 1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)

Creating table 'sbtest1'...
Inserting 10000 records into 'sbtest1'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest1'...

[root@localhost sysbench]# sysbench --test=/root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --oltp-table-size=10000 --num-threads=8 --max-time=10 --mysql-db=sbtest --max-requests=0 --oltp-test-mode=complex --report-interval=1 --mysql-table-engine=innodb run
sysbench 1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 8
Report intermediate results every 1 second(s)
Initializing random number generator from current time

Initializing worker threads...

Threads started!

[   1s] threads: 8, tps: 39.71, reads: 639.17, writes: 162.63, response time: 363.18ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   2s] threads: 8, tps: 45.45, reads: 626.37, writes: 185.74, response time: 376.49ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   3s] threads: 8, tps: 53.32, reads: 733.18, writes: 214.31, response time: 272.27ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   4s] threads: 8, tps: 43.35, reads: 641.97, writes: 176.17, response time: 356.70ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   5s] threads: 8, tps: 36.87, reads: 501.05, writes: 160.51, response time: 458.96ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   6s] threads: 8, tps: 35.18, reads: 513.58, writes: 141.71, response time: 397.39ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   7s] threads: 8, tps: 40.06, reads: 545.80, writes: 147.22, response time: 520.62ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   8s] threads: 8, tps: 54.99, reads: 763.82, writes: 216.95, response time: 240.02ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   9s] threads: 8, tps: 41.37, reads: 577.26, writes: 176.06, response time: 331.91ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  10s] threads: 7, tps: 57.49, reads: 807.87, writes: 217.62, response time: 240.02ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
OLTP test statistics:
    queries performed:
        read:                            6398
        write:                           1828
        other:                           914
        total:                           9140
    transactions:                        457    (44.97 per sec.)
    read/write requests:                 8226   (809.37 per sec.)
    other operations:                    914    (89.93 per sec.)
    ignored errors:                      0      (0.00 per sec.)
    reconnects:                          0      (0.00 per sec.)

General statistics:
    total time:                          10.1917s
    total number of events:              457
    total time taken by event execution: 80.3041s

Latency statistics:
         min:                                 22.82ms
         avg:                                175.72ms
         max:                                563.77ms
         approx.  95th percentile:           376.49ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           57.1250/2.93
    execution time (avg/stddev):   10.0380/0.07

# 我的机器是6G内存,2个cpu,单核,超多线程碾压的时候试一试64和128个线程

[root@localhost sysbench]# sysbench --test=/root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --oltp-table-size=10000 --num-threads=64 --max-time=30 --mysql-db=sbtest --max-requests=0 --oltp-test-mode=complex --report-interval=1 --mysql-table-engine=innodb run
sysbench 1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)

OLTP test statistics:
    queries performed:
        read:                            21210
        write:                           6007
        other:                           3008
        total:                           30225
    transactions:                        1493   (49.07 per sec.)
    read/write requests:                 27217  (894.57 per sec.)
    other operations:                    3008   (98.87 per sec.)
    ignored errors:                      22     (0.72 per sec.)
    reconnects:                          0      (0.00 per sec.)

General statistics:
    total time:                          30.6492s
    total number of events:              1493
    total time taken by event execution: 1445.1459s

Latency statistics:
         min:                                 35.38ms
         avg:                                967.95ms
         max:                               4147.00ms
         approx.  95th percentile:          2238.47ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           23.3281/12.34
    execution time (avg/stddev):   22.5804/11.02

[root@localhost sysbench]# sysbench --test=/root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --oltp-table-size=10000 --num-threads=128 --max-time=60 --mysql-db=sbtest --max-requests=0 --oltp-test-mode=complex --report-interval=1 --mysql-table-engine=innodb run
OLTP test statistics:
    queries performed:
        read:                            58086
        write:                           16337
        other:                           8198
        total:                           82621
    transactions:                        4049   (67.05 per sec.)
    read/write requests:                 74423  (1232.47 per sec.)
    other operations:                    8198   (135.76 per sec.)
    ignored errors:                      100    (1.66 per sec.)
    reconnects:                          0      (0.00 per sec.)

General statistics:
    total time:                          60.7499s
    total number of events:              4049
    total time taken by event execution: 2685.2741s

Latency statistics:
         min:                                 15.82ms
         avg:                                663.19ms
         max:                               8312.00ms
         approx.  95th percentile:          1973.38ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           31.6328/45.46
    execution time (avg/stddev):   20.9787/22.98
[root@localhost sysbench]# sysbench --test=/root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --oltp-table-size=10000 --num-threads=128 --max-time=60 --mysql-db=sbtest --max-requests=0 --oltp-test-mode=complex --report-interval=1 --mysql-table-engine=innodb cleanup
sysbench 1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)

Dropping table 'sbtest1'...


[root@localhost sysbench]# sysbench --test=/root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --oltp-tables-count=10 --oltp-table-size=100000 --num-threads=128 --max-time=60 --mysql-db=sbtest --max-requests=0 --oltp-test-mode=complex --report-interval=1 --mysql-table-engine=innodb prepare
sysbench 1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)

Creating table 'sbtest1'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest1'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest1'...
Creating table 'sbtest2'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest2'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest2'...
Creating table 'sbtest3'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest3'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest3'...
Creating table 'sbtest4'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest4'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest4'...
Creating table 'sbtest5'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest5'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest5'...
Creating table 'sbtest6'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest6'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest6'...
Creating table 'sbtest7'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest7'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest7'...
Creating table 'sbtest8'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest8'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest8'...
Creating table 'sbtest9'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest9'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest9'...
Creating table 'sbtest10'...
Inserting 100000 records into 'sbtest10'
Creating secondary indexes on 'sbtest10'...
[root@localhost sysbench]# sysbench --test=/root/sysbench-master/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --oltp-tables-count=10 --oltp-table-size=100000 --num-threads=130 --max-time=20 --mysql-db=sbtest --max-requests=0 --oltp-test-mode=complex --report-interval=1 --mysql-table-engine=innodb run 
sysbench 1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 130
Report intermediate results every 1 second(s)
Initializing random number generator from current time

Initializing worker threads...

Threads started!

[   1s] threads: 130, tps: 0.99, reads: 1259.55, writes: 11.93, response time: 87.56ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   2s] threads: 130, tps: 14.04, reads: 619.78, writes: 242.70, response time: 1903.57ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   3s] threads: 130, tps: 66.22, reads: 547.33, writes: 261.00, response time: 2880.27ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   4s] threads: 130, tps: 19.21, reads: 366.95, writes: 62.68, response time: 3911.79ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   5s] threads: 130, tps: 45.63, reads: 876.69, writes: 120.39, response time: 4517.90ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   6s] threads: 130, tps: 38.79, reads: 653.12, writes: 183.46, response time: 5312.73ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   7s] threads: 130, tps: 109.66, reads: 833.38, writes: 366.85, response time: 3982.86ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   8s] threads: 130, tps: 9.94, reads: 611.61, writes: 17.90, response time: 4683.57ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[   9s] threads: 130, tps: 4.04, reads: 227.04, writes: 74.67, response time: 4358.09ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  10s] threads: 130, tps: 108.98, reads: 813.88, writes: 425.94, response time: 3574.99ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  11s] threads: 130, tps: 21.48, reads: 660.03, writes: 24.41, response time: 3773.42ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  12s] threads: 130, tps: 41.65, reads: 512.63, writes: 221.12, response time: 3982.86ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  13s] threads: 130, tps: 40.33, reads: 623.56, writes: 256.46, response time: 3267.19ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  14s] threads: 130, tps: 39.68, reads: 460.24, writes: 76.38, response time: 3841.98ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  15s] threads: 130, tps: 37.63, reads: 691.16, writes: 215.86, response time: 4517.90ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  16s] threads: 130, tps: 53.97, reads: 704.44, writes: 166.64, response time: 4055.23ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  17s] threads: 130, tps: 22.56, reads: 305.12, writes: 166.53, response time: 4855.31ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  18s] threads: 130, tps: 1.00, reads: 320.21, writes: 36.14, response time: 4943.53ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  19s] threads: 130, tps: 82.52, reads: 854.02, writes: 259.49, response time: 6026.41ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  20s] threads: 130, tps: 11.85, reads: 332.75, writes: 12.84, response time: 4517.90ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
[  21s] threads: 130, tps: 52.01, reads: 332.47, writes: 383.46, response time: 5124.81ms (95%), errors: 0.00, reconnects:  0.00
OLTP test statistics:
    queries performed:
        read:                            12656
        write:                           3616
        other:                           1808
        total:                           18080
    transactions:                        904    (42.53 per sec.)
    read/write requests:                 16272  (765.60 per sec.)
    other operations:                    1808   (85.07 per sec.)
    ignored errors:                      0      (0.00 per sec.)
    reconnects:                          0      (0.00 per sec.)

General statistics:
    total time:                          21.5991s
    total number of events:              904
    total time taken by event execution: 2713.1958s

Latency statistics:
         min:                                 87.55ms
         avg:                               3001.32ms
         max:                               6827.14ms
         approx.  95th percentile:          4855.31ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           6.9538/0.78
    execution time (avg/stddev):   20.8707/0.35



sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000 run


grep "physical id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l 查看核心数量

grep "core id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l 查看线程数量

grep "processor" /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l




sysbench --test=threads --num-threads=64 --thread-yields=100 --thread-locks=2 run



sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=5G prepare


  • seqwr顺序写入
  • seqrewr顺序重写
  • seqrd顺序读取
  • rndrd随机读取
  • rndwr随机写入
  • rndrw混合随机读/写

sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --init-rng=on --file-total-size=5G --file-test-mode=rndrw run


sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=5G cleanup



sysbench --test=memory --num-threads=16 --memory-block-size=8192 --memory-total-size=1G run



sysbench --test=mutex --num-threads=16 --mutex-num=1024 --mutex-locks=10000 --mutex-loops=5000 run







  • tar zxf sysbench-0.4.8.tar.gz
  • cd sysbench-0.4.8
  • ./configure && make && make install
  • strip /usr/local/bin/sysbench


数据目录 /usr/local/mysql

includes目录 /usr/local/mysql/include

libs目录 /usr/local/mysql/lib


  • tar zxf sysbench-0.4.8.tar.gz
  • cd sysbench-0.4.8
  • ./configure --with-mysql-includes=/usr/local/mysql/include --with-mysql-libs=/usr/local/mysql/lib && make && make install
  • strip /usr/local/bin/sysbench




postgresql-libs.x86_64 0:9.2.13-1.el7_1

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q mariadb-devel
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@localhost ~]# rpm -ivh sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64.rpm 
warning: sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 764429e6: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
	libpq.so.5()(64bit) is needed by sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64
[root@localhost ~]# yum localinstall -y sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64.rpm 
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
Examining sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64.rpm: sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64
Marking sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64.rpm to be installed
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package sysbench.x86_64 0:0.4.12-12.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libpq.so.5()(64bit) for package: sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package postgresql-libs.x86_64 0:9.2.13-1.el7_1 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                       Arch                 Version                       Repository                                    Size
 sysbench                      x86_64               0.4.12-12.el7                 /sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64               172 k
Installing for dependencies:
 postgresql-libs               x86_64               9.2.13-1.el7_1                _mnt                                         230 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package (+1 Dependent package)

Total size: 402 k
Total download size: 230 k
Installed size: 836 k
Downloading packages:
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Installing : postgresql-libs-9.2.13-1.el7_1.x86_64                                                                             1/2 
  Installing : sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64                                                                                     2/2 
  Verifying  : sysbench-0.4.12-12.el7.x86_64                                                                                     1/2 
  Verifying  : postgresql-libs-9.2.13-1.el7_1.x86_64                                                                             2/2 

  sysbench.x86_64 0:0.4.12-12.el7                                                                                                    

Dependency Installed:
  postgresql-libs.x86_64 0:9.2.13-1.el7_1                                                                                            

cpu性能 磁盘io性能 调度程序性能 内存分配及传输速度 POSIX线程性能 数据库性能(OLTP基准测试)
找范围内最大素数{时间越短越好} 不同场景下IOPS{越大越好} 线程并发执行,循环响应信号量花费的时间{越少越好} 以不同块大小传输一定数量的数据吞吐量大小{越大越好} 并发线程同时申请互斥锁循环一定次数花费的时间{越少越好} qps、tps越高越好


编译成功之后,就要开始测试各种性能了,测试的方法官网网站上也提到一些,但涉及到 OLTP 测试的部分却不够准确。在这里我大致提一下:


进行素数的加法运算:指定最大的素数为 20000,记录测试结果(可以根据机器cpu的性能来适当调整数值)

sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run

[root@localhost ~]# sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1

Doing CPU performance benchmark

Threads started!

Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 20000

Test execution summary:
    total time:                          30.7005s
    total number of events:              10000
    total time taken by event execution: 30.6870
    per-request statistics:
         min:                                  2.47ms
         avg:                                  3.07ms
         max:                                106.81ms
         approx.  95 percentile:               3.74ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           10000.0000/0.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   30.6870/0.00

sysbench --test=threads --num-threads=64 --thread-yields=100 --thread-locks=2 run

sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 64

Doing thread subsystem performance test
Thread yields per test: 100 Locks used: 2
Threads started!

Test execution summary:
    total time:                          1.3949s
    total number of events:              10000
    total time taken by event execution: 66.0646
    per-request statistics:
         min:                                  0.03ms
         avg:                                  6.61ms
         max:                               1265.23ms
         approx.  95 percentile:               9.50ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           156.2500/302.22
    execution time (avg/stddev):   1.0323/0.33



sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=3G --file-test-mode=rndrw prepare #创建测试文件

sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=3G --file-test-mode=rndrw run #执行测试文件

sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=3G --file-test-mode=rndrw cleanup #删除测试文件

[root@localhost ~]# sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=3G --file-test-mode=rndrw prepare
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

128 files, 24576Kb each, 3072Mb total
Creating files for the test...
[root@localhost ~]# sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=3G --file-test-mode=rndrw run
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 16

Extra file open flags: 0
128 files, 24Mb each
3Gb total file size
Block size 16Kb
Number of random requests for random IO: 10000
Read/Write ratio for combined random IO test: 1.50
Periodic FSYNC enabled, calling fsync() each 100 requests.
Calling fsync() at the end of test, Enabled.
Using synchronous I/O mode
Doing random r/w test
Threads started!

Operations performed:  6008 Read, 3997 Write, 12800 Other = 22805 Total
Read 93.875Mb  Written 62.453Mb  Total transferred 156.33Mb  (2.9644Mb/sec)
  189.72 Requests/sec executed

Test execution summary:
    total time:                          52.7348s
    total number of events:              10005
    total time taken by event execution: 434.9929
    per-request statistics:
         min:                                  0.01ms
         avg:                                 43.48ms
         max:                               1105.16ms
         approx.  95 percentile:             180.46ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           625.3125/46.52
    execution time (avg/stddev):   27.1871/1.19
[root@localhost ~]# sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=3G --file-test-mode=rndrw cleanup
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Removing test files...

测试过程是在内存中传输 4G 的数据量,每个 block 大小为 8K。

sysbench --test=memory --memory-block-size=8k --memory-total-size=4G run


测试的表存储引擎类型为innodb,表最大记录数为 1000000,

测试 OLTP 时,先创建数据库 sbtest,或者自己用参数 --mysql-db 来指定其他数据库。

–test=oltp 制定测试类型为OLTP

–db-driver=mysql 测试的数据库类型为mysql

–mysql-table-engine 指定创建的测试表sbtest为 innodb 储引擎类型

–mysql-host=localhost --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking 分别为服务器ip,用户名和密码

–oltp-table-size=10000 创建的测试表的大小为1万行

–num-threads=128 线程数量为128

[root@localhost ~]# sysbench --test=oltp --db-driver=mysql --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --mysql-db=sbtest --mysql-table-engine=innodb --oltp-table-size=10000 --num-threads=128 prepare
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Creating table 'sbtest'...
Creating 10000 records in table 'sbtest'...
[root@localhost ~]# sysbench --test=oltp --db-driver=mysql --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --mysql-db=sbtest --mysql-table-engine=innodb --oltp-table-size=10000 --num-threads=128 run
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 128

Doing OLTP test.
Running mixed OLTP test
Using Special distribution (12 iterations,  1 pct of values are returned in 75 pct cases)
Using "BEGIN" for starting transactions
Using auto_inc on the id column
Maximum number of requests for OLTP test is limited to 10000
Threads started!

OLTP test statistics:
    queries performed:
        read:                            181986
        write:                           57056
        other:                           22999
        total:                           262041
    transactions:                        10000  (50.00 per sec.)
    deadlocks:                           2999   (14.99 per sec.)
    read/write requests:                 239042 (1195.09 per sec.)
    other operations:                    22999  (114.98 per sec.)

Test execution summary:
    total time:                          200.0198s
    total number of events:              10000
    total time taken by event execution: 25451.6909
    per-request statistics:
         min:                                  9.47ms
         avg:                               2545.17ms
         max:                              26148.89ms
         approx.  95 percentile:            6902.69ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           78.1250/7.68
    execution time (avg/stddev):   198.8413/0.48

[root@localhost ~]# sysbench --test=oltp --db-driver=mysql --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=uplooking --mysql-db=sbtest --mysql-table-engine=innodb --oltp-table-size=10000 --num-threads=128 cleanup
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Dropping table 'sbtest'...

50.00 per sec 为每秒事务量,1195.09 per sec 每秒的读写请求数,total time: 200.0198s 总的用时文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-797036.html

到了这里,关于两万字,MySQL压力测试工具sysbench详解(sysbench mysql和mariadb性能测试)的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!

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  • 什么是软件压力测试?软件压力测试工具和流程有哪些?

    软件压力测试 一、含义: 软件压力测试是一种测试应用程序性能的方法,通过模拟大量用户并发访问,测试应用程序在压力情况下的表现和响应能力。软件压力测试的目的是发现系统潜在的问题,如内存泄漏、线程锁、资源泄漏等,以及在高峰期或高负载情况下系统的响应

  • 压力测试+接口测试(工具jmeter)

    jmeter是apache公司基于java开发的一款开源压力测试工具,体积小,功能全,使用方便,是一个比较轻量级的测试工具,使用起来非常简单。因 为jmeter是java开发的,所以运行的时候必须先要安装jdk才可以。jmeter是免安装的,拿到安装包之后直接解压就可以使用,同时它在 linux

  • 开发工具-压力测试工具 ab

    在学习ab工具之前,我们需了解几个关于压力测试的概念 吞吐率(Requests per second) 概念:服务器并发处理能力的量化描述,单位是reqs/s,指的是某个并发用户数下单位时间内处理的请求数。某个并发用户数下单位时间内能处理的最大请求数,称之为最大吞吐率。 计算公式:

  • Jmeter-压力测试工具

    1s内发送大量请求,模拟高QPS,用以测试网站能承受的压力有多大 Jmeter依赖于JDK,所以必须确保当前计算机上已经安装了JDK,并且配置了环境变量。 可以Apache Jmeter官网下载,地址:http://jmeter.apache.org/download_jmeter.cgi 或者直接用这个提供好的旧版本: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com

  • 压力测试(QPS)及测试工具Locust

    通常指的是确定接口或服务能够处理的最大请求量(吞吐量)和并发用户数,同时保持合理的响应时间和稳定性。 最大吞吐量:系统每秒可以处理的请求数。 最大并发用户数:系统可以同时支持的用户数。 响应时间:系统响应请求的时间。 稳定性和可靠性:在高负载下系统

  • 压力测试与测试工具jmeter的介绍

    目录 一、性能指标 二、jmeter (一)JMeter 安装 (二)JMeter 压测示例 1、添加线程组 2、添加 HTTP 请求  3、添加监听器 4、启动压测查看分析结果 (三)JMeter Address Already in use 错误解决   压力测试考察当前软硬件环境下系统所能承受的最大负荷并帮助找出系统瓶颈所在。压测

  • iometer - 性能压力测试工具

            《存储工具系列文章》主要介绍存储相关的测试和调试工具,包括不限于dd、fio、vdbench、iozone、iometer、cosbench等性能负载工具,及strace等调试工具。         Iometer 是一个免费的开源的测试磁盘性能的工具。和其他磁盘工具相比,可以测试 I/O 的传输率和平均的

  • 5款软件压力测试工具分享

    一、什么是软件压力测试? 软件压力测试是一种基本的质量保证行为,它是每个重要软件测试工作的一部分。软件压力测试的基本思路很简单:不是在常规条件下运行手动或自动测试,而是在计算机数量较少或系统资源匮乏的条件下运行测试。通常要进行软件压力测试的资源

  • Apache自带压力测试工具—ab

    ab全称为:apache bench 我们先来了解一下压力测试的概念: 吞吐率(Requests per second) 概念:服务器并发处理能力的量化描述,单位是reqs/s,指的是某个并发用户数下单位时间内处理的请求数。某个并发用户数下单位时间内能处理的最大请求数,称之为最大吞吐率。 计算公式:

  • 压力测试工具Jmeter安装及使用

    Jmeter 依赖于 JDK ,所以必须确保当前计算机上已经安装了 JDK ,并且配置了环境变量。 1.1.下载 可以 Apache Jmeter 官网下载,地址:http://jmeter.apache.org/download_jmeter.cgi 1.2.解压 因为下载的是 zip 包,解压缩即可使用,目录结构如下: 其中的 bin 目录就是执行的脚本,其中包含启动










