Unix Network Programming Episode 84

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了Unix Network Programming Episode 84。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

#include "unp.h"
#include <time.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int sockfd;
    ssize_t n;
    char buff[MAXLINE];
    time_t ticks;
    socklen_t len;
    struct sockaddr_storage clientaddr;

        sockfd=Udp_server(NULL, argv[1],NULL);
    else if(argc==3)
        sockfd=Udp_server(argv[1], argv[2],NULL);
        err_quit("usage: daytimeudpserv [ <host> ] <service or port>");
        n=Recvfrom(sockfd, buff, MAXLINE, 0, (SA *)&clientaddr, &len);
        printf("datagram from %s\n", Sock_ntop((SA *)&clientaddr, len));

        snprintf(buff, sizeoff(buff), "%0.24s\r\n", ctime(&ticks));
        Sendto(sockfd, buff, strlen(buff),0, (SA *)&clientaddr, len);

Protocol-independent UDP daytime server

‘getnameinfo’ Function
This function is the complement of getaddrinfo: It takes a socket address and returns a character string describing the host and another character string describing the service. This function provides this information in a protocol-independent fashion; that is, the caller does not care what type of protocol address is contained in the socket address structure, as that detail is handled by the function.

#include <netdb.h>
int getnameinfo (const struct sockaddr *sockaddr, socklen_t addrlen, char *host, socklen_t hostlen, char *serv, socklen_t servlen, int flags) ;
Re-entrant Functions

The gethostbyname function from Section 11.3(See 8.9.3) presents an interesting problem that we have not yet examined in the text: It is not re-entrant. We will encounter this problem in general when we deal with threads in Chapter 26(See 9.15), but it is interesting to examine the problem now (without having to deal with the concept of threads) and to see how to fix it.

If we look at the name and address conversion functions presented in this chapter, along with the inet_XXX functions from Chapter 4(See 8.2), we note the following:

  • Historically, gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, getservbyname, and get servbyport are not re-entrant because all return a pointer to a static structure.
    Some implementations that support threads (Solaris 2.x) provide re-entrant versions of these four functions with names ending with the_r suffix, which we will describe in the next section.
    Alternately, some implementations that support threads (HP-UX 10.30 and later) provide re-entrant versions of these functions using thread-specific data (Section 26.5(See 9.15.5)).
  • inet_pton and inet_ntop are always re-entrant.
  • Historically, inet_ntoa is not re-entrant, but some implementations that support threads provide a re-entrant version that uses thread-specific data.
  • getaddrinfo is re-entrant only if it calls re-entrant functions itself; that is, if it calls re-entrant versions of gethostbyname for the hostname and getservbyname for the service name. One reason that all the memory for the results is dynamically allocated is to allow it to be re-entrant.
  • getnameinfo is re-entrant only if it calls re-entrant functions itself; that is, if it calls re-entrant versions of gethostbyaddr to obtain the hostname and getservbyport to obtain the service name. Notice that both result strings (for the hostname and the service name) are allocated by the caller to allow this reentrancy.

A similar problem occurs with the variable errno. Historically, there has been a single copy of this integer variable per process. If a process makes a system call that returns an error, an integer error code is stored in this variable. For example, when the function named close in the standard C library is called, it might execute something like the following pseudocode:

  • Put the argument to the system call (an integer descriptor) into a register
  • Put a value in another register indicating the close system call is being called
  • Invoke the system call (switch to the kernel with a special instruction)
  • Test the value of a register to see if an error occurred
  • If no error, return (0)
  • Store the value of some other register into errno
  • return (-1)
‘gethostbyname_r’ and ‘gethostbyaddr_r’ Functions

There are two ways to make a nonre-entrant function such as gethostbyname re-entrant.

1.Instead of filling in and returning a static structure, the caller allocates the structure and the re-entrant function fills in the caller’s structure.
2.The re-entrant function calls malloc and dynamically allocates the memory. This is the technique used by getaddrinfo.

#include <netdb.h>
struct hostent *gethostbyname_r (const char *hostname, struct hostent *result, char *buf, int buflen, int *h_errnop) ;
struct hostent *gethostbyaddr_r (const char *addr, int len, int type, struct hostent *result, char *buf, int buflen, int *h_errnop) ;
Obsolete IPv6 Address Lookup Functions

While IPv6 was being developed, the API to request the lookup of an IPv6 address went through several iterations. The resulting API was complicated and not sufficiently flexible, so it was deprecated in RFC 2553 [Gilligan et al. 1999].

The gethostbyname2 Function

The gethostbyname2 function adds an address family argument to gethostbyname.

#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
struct hostent *gethostbyname2 (const char *name, int af) ;
The getipnodebyname Function

RFC 2553 [Gilligan et al. 1999] deprecated RES_USE_INET6 and gethostbyname2 because of the global nature of the RES_USE_INET6 flag and the wish to provide more control over the returned information. It introduced the getipnodebyname function to solve some of these problems.

#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
struct hostent *getipnodebyname (const char *name, int af, int flags, int *error_num) ;

This function returns a pointer to the same hostent structure that we described with gethostbyname. The af and flags arguments map directly to getaddrinfo’s hints.ai_family and hints.ai_flags arguments. For thread safety, the return value is dynamically allocated, so it must be freed with the freehostent function.

#include <netdb.h>
void freehostent (struct hostent *ptr) ;
Other Networking Information

Our focus in this chapter has been on hostnames and IP addresses and service names and their port numbers. But looking at the bigger picture, there are four types of information (related to networking) that an application might want to look up: hosts, networks, protocols, and services. Most lookups are for hosts (gethostbyname and gethòstbyaddr), with a smaller number for services (getservbyname and getservbyaddr), and an even smaller number for networks and protocols.

All four types of information can be stored in a file and three functions are defined for each of the four types:

1.A getXXXent function that reads the next entry in the file, opening the file if necessary.
2.A setXXXent function that opens (if not already open) and rewinds the file.
3.An endXXXent function that closes the file.文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-814903.html

到了这里,关于Unix Network Programming Episode 84的文章就介绍完了。如果您还想了解更多内容,请在右上角搜索TOY模板网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章,希望大家以后多多支持TOY模板网!

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