1. 资料
2. 论文
2.1 摘要
2.2 Method
The proposed animatable 3D Gaussian consists of a set of skinned 3D Gaussians and a corresponding canonical skeleton. Each skinned 3D Gaussian contains center x0, rotation R, scale S, opacity α0, and skinning weights w. First, we sample spherical harmonic coefficients SH, vertex displacement δx, and ambient occlusion ao from the hash-encoded parameter field according to the center x0, where the multilayer perceptron for ao requires an additional frequency encoded time γ(t) as input. Next, we concatenate the sampled parameters, the original parameters, and a shifted center x0’ in canonical space. Finally, we deform 3D Gaussians to the posed space according to the input pose St,Tt and render them to the image using 3D Gaussian rasterization.
3 Result (Training)
3.2 Multi-Human Scene
4. 小结
5. 参考文献
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