Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Loops

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Loops。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

   1.Coding question 1 Divisible By Ten

Create a function named divisible_by_ten() that takes a list of numbers named nums as a parameter.
Return the count of how many numbers in the list are divisible by 10.

def divisible_by_ten(nums):
  count = 0
  for number in nums:
    if (number % 10 == 0):
      count += 1
  return count

print(divisible_by_ten([20, 25, 30, 35, 40]))

 2.Coding question 2 Greetings

Create a function named add_greetings() which takes a list of strings named names as a parameter.In the function, create an empty list that will contain each greeting. Add the string 'Hello, ' in front of each name in names and append the greeting to the list.Return the new list containing the greetings.

def add_greetings(names):
  new_list = []
  for name in names:
    new_list.append("Hello, " + name)
  return new_list

print(add_greetings(["Owen", "Max", "Sophie"]))

 3.Coding question 3

Write a function called delete_starting_evens() that has a parameter named my_list.
The function should remove elements from the front of my_list until the front of the list is not even. The function should then return my_list.
For example if my_list started as [4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15], then delete_starting_evens(my_list) should return [11, 12, 15].
Make sure your function works even if every element in the list is even!

#Write your function here  (Can you find the problem?)
def delete_starting_evens(my_list):
  for num in my_list:
    if num % 2 == 0:
  return my_list

print(delete_starting_evens([4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15]))
# =>[8, 11, 15]
print(delete_starting_evens([4, 8, 10]))
# =>[8]

#This is the way we solved it:
def delete_starting_evens(my_list):
  while (len(my_list) > 0 and my_list[0] % 2 == 0):
    my_list = my_list[1:]
  return my_list

print(delete_starting_evens([4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15]))
# =>[11, 12,15]
print(delete_starting_evens([4, 8, 10]))
# =>[]

4.Coding question 4 Odd Indices

Create a function named odd_indices() that has one parameter named my_list.
The function should create a new empty list and add every element from my_list that has an odd index. The function should then return this new list.
For example, odd_indices([4, 3, 7, 10, 11, -2]) should return the list [3, 10, -2].

def odd_indices(my_list):
  new_my_list = []
  for i in range(len(my_list)):
    if i % 2 == 1:
  return  new_my_list

print(odd_indices([4, 3, 7, 10, 11, -2]))
# =>[3, 10, -2]

#Here is this solution:
def odd_indices(my_list):
  new_list = []
  for index in range(1, len(my_list), 2):
  return new_list

print(odd_indices([4, 3, 7, 10, 11, -2]))
# =>[3, 10, -2]

 5.Coding question 5 Exponents

Create a function named exponents() that takes two lists as parameters named bases and powers. Return a new list containing every number in bases raised to every number in powers.
For example, consider the following code.exponents([2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3])

def exponents(bases, powers):
  my_list = []
  for num1 in bases:
    for num2 in powers:
  return my_list

print(exponents([2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]))
# =>[2, 4, 8, 3, 9, 27, 4, 16, 64]

#Here is how we solved this one:
def exponents(bases, powers):
  new_list = []
  for base in bases:
    for power in powers:
      new_list.append(base ** power)
  return new_list

print(exponents([2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]))
# =>[2, 4, 8, 3, 9, 27, 4, 16, 64]

Learn the basics of Python 3-Chapter 4:Loops

Learn the basics of Python 3-Code Challenges:Loops(Advanced)文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-824078.html

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